THE WAR IN WHICH THE YOUTH SHOWED THEIR MILITANCY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Bolat Sailan, Balzhan Raushanbek

In the war between fascist Germany and the Soviet Union 1941-1945, participated in three-quarters of the population of Kazakhstan. For the sake winning the war youth of Kazakhstan showed selflessness. The young people of Kazakhstan is desperate heroism in all sectors of the front.The youth expressed their desire to send to the front swell the ranks of troops from all over Kazakhstan. A significant share of military units formed in Kazakhstan was young. Love for the Motherland is always called them to the front.Young people of our country in the war against the fascist invaders, participated in in the liberation of many cities and regions. In the same row with the male part of the population were sent to the front line and more Kazakh girls.The heroism of young people on the battlefield was an example for others. For the heroism shown by young people in the fierce battles, they were presented with awards. The names of these heroes in the country were in special honor. The contribution of young people to victory, who took up arms under the slogan "Everything for the front" from a historical point of view has been extensively analyzed.

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4. ГАРМЭ. Ф.Р-250. ОП.1.Д.ЗО. Л.41

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8. Мухин, В.А. Наш музыкальный фольклор, его гармонизаторы, и певцы-исполнители/ В.А. Мухин// МАО. - 1935.-3-4. - С. 35

9. Николаев, С.Н. Годы творческих поисков/ И.С. Ключников-Палантай. Статьи, воспоминания, документы. - Йошкар-Ола, 1986. -С. 103

10. Хор Палантая. /Йошкар кече. -1923 г. - 22 декабря.

11. Янтемир, МН. Марийская автономная область / МН. Янтемир. - Йошкар-Ола, 2006. - С. 176

12. Яшмолкина, И.В. Жизнь и творчество/И.В. Яшмолкина// И.С. Ключников-Палантай. Статьи, воспоминания, документы. - Йошкар-Ола, 1986. - С.14



1Bolat Sailan 2Balzhan Raushanbek

Kazakhstan, Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 1Professor at History of Kazakhstan Department 2a 2nd year master student at history of Kazakhstan Department

Abstract. In the war between fascist Germany and the Soviet Union 1941-1945, participated in three-quarters of the population of Kazakhstan. For the sake winning the war youth of Kazakhstan showed selflessness. The young people of Kazakhstan is desperate heroism in all sectors of the front.The youth expressed their desire to send to the front swell the ranks of troops from all over Kazakhstan. A significant share of military units formed in Kazakhstan was young. Love for the Motherland is always called them to the front.Young people of our country in the war against the fascist invaders, participated in in the liberation of many cities and regions. In the same row with the male part of the population were sent to the front line and more Kazakh girls.The heroism of young people on the battlefield was an example for others. For the heroism shown by young people in the fierce battles, they were presented with awards. The names of these heroes in the country were in special honor. The contribution of young people to victory, who took up arms under the slogan "Everything for the front" from a historical point of view has been extensively analyzed.

Keywords: war, commander, officer, soldier, youth, award, hero, Kazakh.

In a few months most of the republics which were administrated in the former Soviet Union are celebrating a 70-years anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War. Our country is in the list as well. Therefore, thousands of people participated in the war from Kazakhstan. Consequently, the long history of the war is still written and shaped in history, which is full of fierce battles.

The loss of the fascist was officially announced on May 8 th, 1945, and the 9th of May became the Day of the Victory over the fascist. The war instantly continued for about 4 years ended with the victory of the Soviet Union. For the people of the former Soviet Union it was the Great patriotic War, because there went not only the army forces but also people for the defense of the native shore. Every Kazaks family saw the damages affected by the war. There had been 6, 200 000 people in Kazakhstan before the war started, and quarter of the population went to the war. This means that the number of people went to the war is 1, 700 000 people. It is the Kazakhstani youth which refers to one of the contributors to the victory of the war.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War republican youth organizations showed active patriotism when there began military subpoena. The youth understood their patriotic duty, so they volunteered and asked to be sent to battle fields from its initial moments when it began. Thousands of young people made statements of volunteering to the participation into the war to local administrations and military commissariats. The members of Almaty city youth organizations such as Nurbai Salamatov, Taken Azembaev, Baykutnay Mirzaqulov, Omirgali Orinbekov made statements about the acceptance

to the army of the war to the military commissariat of the Frunze district. On the second day of the war. the military commissariat received statements from 112 women as well who asked to be sent to the battle field. [1, p.73.]. Their desire was to go to the battle field and take revenge from fascists.

The list of women's statements about going to the war outnumbered. The number of women made statements to the military commissariat of the Karaganda oblast was about 10 thousand. From North Kazakhstan oblast there were 755 women making statements and 597 women were sent to the west. [2, p.13]. "I ask you to send me to the battle field as I want to fight with enemies till the end", F. Mustaqimova said in her statement who was representative of the young communist league from Shymkent [3]. When she wrote it she was so young. There are a lot of letters written during the war are still kept in the state museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We can name brave girls who went to the war such as Aliya Moldagulova, Manshuk Mametova etc.

Shagila Kusanova, the participant of the Great Patriotic War, remembering her adult years she said: "when the war began I just finished my 1 year at Kazakh State University. Then, a group of Kazakh girls organized to the commissariat to apply for the membership. First, I finished a 2-months signal support course in Tashkent, then, in January, 1941, participated in the war in Kerch, Crimea. I saw the war for the first time all my life there. Afterwards, I transferred into the battle field called Don, fought in 14-shooters division. It was a special division. Those moments and wartime still bring the scene back to me, I'll never forget"- [4].

Kazakhtan youth were involved in more than 20 military divisions and contributed significantly to create national divisions. In December, 1941, there was a decree by Kazakhstan Communist Central Committee in Aktobe to create a brigade of 101-shooters and prepare the reserve. The brigade contained the young people who had passed the military examinations in Aktobe, Uralsk, Atyrau and Kyzylorda. Kazakhstani youth carried out a mobilization in order to fill out a famous "Kirov" cruiser, Baltic fleet and other ships, military academies and landing forces. According to the republican youth organization initiatives 158 selected members were sent to the Baltic fleet and "Kirov" cruiser and 58 people among them were Kazakhs. [5]. In addition, 100 thousand people and with special subpoena 250 workers from the youth league were sent into landing forces. Among them, more than 10 thousand young people who were the members of the youth league were selected in Kazakhstan and sent to landing forces, bushwhacker parts and operational reconnaissance [6, p.41].

In 1941-1942, government bodies and youth organizations with local military commissariat of Kazakhstan prepared 239335 shooters, 40 thousand fighter with special military education. Among them, there were 84 thousand people who had been military education from the youth league. There were 10973 tank conquerors, 10738 stutters, 13101 soldiers, 9958 hand gunner, 8201 automatic gunners, 7813 mortar gunner, 4830 tank fighters, 1358 combat engineers, 6123 commanders. [7, p.15].

In the first period of the war, 11503 gunners were educated specialized in shooting in the mountains in Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Jambil and North Kazakhstan. 242 thousand boys and girls educated in the youth league and organizations left for Kazakhstan to the war, which contained 60 percentage of the republican youth membership. [8, p.92.].

The Soviet Union soldiers won the Hittler soldiers who had conquered Western Europe easily. There were a lot of Kazakh young people among those who defended Brest. More presicely, there were more than 2 thousand commanders and soldiers in the military post in Brest. [9, p.87]. Most of them were bravely died. Our compatriots such as Sh. Suleymenov, G. Jumatov, T. Satybaldin, K. Imankulov, M. Niyazov, I. Kamalov, K. Turdiev, A. Supiev, V. Fursov, Sh. Shultyrov participated into this battle.

The fighting way of Kazakhstan military divisions began in winter, 1941, in Moscow and ended in spring, 1945, in Berlin. They defended Leningrad, under Stalin, fought in Kursk, released Ukraine, Belorussia, and Stalingrad from the threat of the war, besides, ridded European nation from fascist charging [10, p. 5].

The rest of the victory in Moscow was linked with Stalingrad battle which was the central battle of the Great Patriotic War. There were 27, 387, 28, 29, 38- shooters divisions prepared in Kazakhstan, 81 soldiers divisions, 152 shooters brigades participated in the Stalingrad battle. On September 10, 1942, the number of Kazakh soldiers listed in Stalingrad battle was 8280 people. Among them there were a lot of young soldiers as well. It is known that N. Abdirov and K. Sypataev are the heroes from Kazakhstan who were died in the Stalingrad battle. The members of the Kazakh youth league who were bravely died in the battle were Mamai Alpysbaev, kajimukan Nargubekov, Shaxarov. It should be mentioned young female fighters such as Malika Toqtamysova, Roza Mominova, Asiya Bekerova. The Soviet Union authority awarded heroes who participated in the Stalingrad battle from august,1942 to February 10, 7656 members of the youth communist league with military medals. [11,p.26]. There were some people from Kazakhstan such as M. Asylgojaev, K.

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Sypataev, N. Abdirov, X. Dospanova, T. Mirzaev, A. Auganbaev, D. Alimbaev, D. Kalimbetov, M. Balmagambetov, R. Beysenov, K. Omarov, N. Axmetov, A. Kurbantaev, K. Kidiralin, M. Ergaliev, S. Tishebaev and other thousands of young people. N. Abdirov who got the order "Soviet Union Hero" was 24 years old. [12, p.43].

The alums from KazakhstanYouth League took an active part in the defense of Leningrad. The Kazakh young people such as Nig'met Syzdykov, Sag'inai Raxmetov, Adilxan Ibenov, Akishmak Kenesarin, Ismail Omarov, Omirxan Jumaxanov, Temirxan Saparov, Ixmat Koshkarov, Muqas Madiev, S. Irmanov showed their bravery and courage in Baltic battle. [6, p42.].

During the Great Patriotic War carried in Moscow and Leningrad, the army of Hittler denied their loss of the battle. Consequently, they began to take revenge. They regarded Kursk as a suitable battle field to conquer the Red Army. This event is known in history as Kursk battle field. There are plenty of works which present the bravery of young Kazakh soldiers. There were 73 guardian troop divisions which provide Kazakhstan with high reputation at the Kursk battle. 1040 guardians were rewarded with state orders for bravery and courage shown in the battle. The military medals so-called "the Soviet Union Hero" were given to our 4 compatriots, including Capitan Iliyasov who was 23 years old at that time. [11,p 26.].

Thus, such kind of bravery and courage was set in every part of battle fields. For instance, a sergeant Salim Autqulov from Kazakhstan participated in the battle for Dnepr, Abdola Usenov, 19 years old, participated in the battle for Ukraine, the members of the youth league such as Dosmuxambetov Abu, Eleuisov Janibek, Irisbekov Kurbanbai, Kaupinbaev Tolginbay, Tereshenko Nikolay, Shakirov Cadu ect. they all were awarded with the order "the Soviet Union Hero".

Our 10 thousand compatriots participated in the battle for Berlin, 27 people of them were awarded with the order "the Soviet Union Hero". The Berlin division so-called 150 divisions, which was prepared in Kazakhstan, 756 gunners divisions took the victory over Reichstag. Rakimjan Koshkarbaev was the first to put the Victory banner in it. [13].

In conclusion, during the years of the Great Patriotic War there were a lot of people from Kazakhstan who contributed to the victory. Most of the heroes of the war were died, those who survived were suffered from the damages of the war both physically and morally. In 1941-1945, 42 thousand young Kazakh people were sent to military academies. There were 27 military academies which educated 16 thousand military officers in Kazakhstan. [14].

During the Great patriotic war, more than 3,5 million communist party members were awarded with orders and medals. More than 7 thousand people were awarded with the order so-called "the Soviet Union Hero". [15]. Among them, there were 200 thousand people (men and women) from Kazakhstan awarded with military medals, including 94 communist party members who were awarded with the order "the Soviet Union Hero". [16, p.26.].


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