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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Natkho Olga I., Shiryaeva Tatyana A.

The article examines basic concepts of the paremiological picture of the world of native English speakers, the main characteristics of their verbalization, as well as cognitive-discursive features of English paremiological units within the framework of popular science business discourse. The main purpose of the article is to highlight basic concepts and their percentage, as well as the most frequently used (related to overall indicators) in context of the English-language popular scientific business discourse, paremias implementing these concepts. The authors believe that the data obtained help represent the cognitive and linguistic potential of the paremiological fund more accurately. The work presents the most significant and priority constants having a fundamental character both with respect to the lexical and semantic classification of the units under consideration, and their conceptual structuring. The authors have identified six main lexical-semantic groups and nine basic concepts structuring the entire range of the analyzed paremiological units, which frequency is shown in diagrams; the examples of the representation of the identified basic concepts in the pieces of the English-language popular scientific business discourse are given. The article presents arguments from cognitive-discursive, psychological and cultural positions that paremias represent culture using only the most basic and firmly rooted in the individual’s consciousness cognitive and linguistic units. The authors conclude that in various examples from literary works where popular science business discourse is used, paremias describe essentially the same concepts as in the framework of the conceptual categorization of the English language paremiological picture of the world.

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http://philjournal.ru 2022 No 1 42-50



Original Paper

DOI: 10.29025/2079-6021-2022-1-42-50

The Verbalization Issue of the Key Concepts of the English Paremiological Picture of the World in the Popular Science Business Discourse

Olga I. Natkho1, *Tatyana A. Shiryaeva2

Pyatigorsk State University, 9 Kalinin Av., Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation, 357532;

'ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9638-7507; 2ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5508-8407; 2Scopus Author ID: 57200450177; *e-mail: shiryaevat@list.ru

Abstract: The article examines basic concepts of the paremiological picture of the world of native English speakers, the main characteristics of their verbalization, as well as cognitive-discursive features of English paremiological units within the framework of popular science business discourse. The main purpose of the article is to highlight basic concepts and their percentage, as well as the most frequently used (related to overall indicators) in context of the English-language popular scientific business discourse, paremias implementing these concepts. The authors believe that the data obtained help represent the cognitive and linguistic potential of the paremiological fund more accurately. The work presents the most significant and priority constants having a fundamental character both with respect to the lexical and semantic classification of the units under consideration, and their conceptual structuring. The authors have identified six main lexical-semantic groups and nine basic concepts structuring the entire range of the analyzed paremiological units, which frequency is shown in diagrams; the examples of the representation of the identified basic concepts in the pieces of the English-language popular scientific business discourse are given. The article presents arguments from cognitive-discursive, psychological and cultural positions that paremias represent culture using only the most basic and firmly rooted in the individual's consciousness cognitive and linguistic units. The authors conclude that in various examples from literary works where popular science business discourse is used, paremias describe essentially the same concepts as in the framework of the conceptual categorization of the English language paremiological picture of the world.

Keywords: paremia, concept, popular science business discourse, English paremiological picture, lexical-semantic group, linguistic culture.

* © Натхо О.И., Ширяева Т.A., 2022.

[gv Q I This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/

For citation: Natkho O.I., Shiryaeva T.A. The Verbalization Issue of the Key Concepts of the English Pare-miological Picture of the World in the Popular Science Business Discourse. Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics. 2022, no 1, pp. 42-50 (In Engl.).

The article is prepared on the basis of the report at IV International Conference "Innovative Technologies and Creativity in Foreign Languages Research and Teaching".

Оригинальная статья УДК: 81'42:811.11

DOI: 10.29025/2079-6021-2022-1-42-50

К вопросу об актуализации ключевых концептов англоязычной паремиологической картины мира в научно-популярном деловом дискурсе

Натхо О.И.1, *Ширяева Т.А.2

Пятигорский государственный университет, 357532, Пятигорск, пр. Калинина, 9; Российская Федерация, 'ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9638-7507; 2ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5508-8407; 2Scopus Author ID: 57200450177; *e-mail: shiryaevat@list.ru

Резюме: В статье исследуются базовые концепты паремиологической картины мира носителей английского языка, основные особенности их выражения и когнитивно-дискурсивные характеристики паремиологических единиц английского языка в аспекте их функционирования в научно-популярном деловом дискурсе. Основная цель статьи - выделить базовые концепты и показать их процентную репрезентацию, кроме того самые часто употребляемые (связанные с общими показателями) в контексте научно-популярного делового дискурса паремии, которые реализуют данные концепты. Авторы полагают, что с данными, полученными с помощью определения базовых концептов и паремиологических единиц, выражающих их, когнитивный и языковой потенциалы паремиологического фонда английского языка представляются более точно. В работе представлены основные и значимые конструкции, важные с точки зрения и лексико-семантического группирования паремий и их концептуальной структуры. Авторы описывают шесть базовых лексико-семантических групп и соотносящихся с ними девять ключевых концептов, которые включают и организовывают всю гамму изученных паремиологических примеров, частота использования которых наглядно представлена в диаграммах; приведены образцы представления данных ключевых концептов при помощи паремиологических единиц в произведениях англоязычного научно-популярного делового дискурса. В статье приводятся аргументы с когнитивно-дискурсивной, психологической и лингвокультурологической позиций о том, что культура может быть лучше всего представлена такими паремиями, в которых применяются ключевые и самые традиционные для человека или личности (общества) единицы языка и познания. Авторами сделан вывод, что в различных примерах из работ, где используется научно-популярный деловой дискурс, паремиями описываются, по существу, такие же концепты, что и в рамках концептуальной категоризации пареми-ологической картины мира английского языка.

Ключевые слова: паремия, концепт, научно-популярный деловой дискурс, англоязычная паремиоло-гическая картина мира, лексико-семантическая группа, лингвокультура.

Для цитирования: Натхо О.И., Ширяева Т.А. К вопросу об актуализации ключевых концептов англоязычной паремиологической картины мира в научно-популярном деловом дискурсе. Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики. 2022. №1. С. 42-50.

Статья подготовлена по результатам обсуждения доклада на IV Международной научно-практической конференции «Инновационные технологии и креативность в исследовании и преподавании иностранных языков и культур»


Modern linguistic science is characterized by two basic directions predetermining the entire course of research activities: firstly, the anthropocentric approach to the analysis of linguistic and speech phenomena, which has gained considerable popularity; secondly, the cognitive paradigm that emerged in the 20th century, which allows to take a fresh look at the stages of understanding the issues of language and thinking. So, modern linguistic tools, the application of which is dictated by the indicated basic directions, make it possible to study the language in the immediate cohesion of the reciprocation of a person and his/ her cognitive activity. As you know, the components of cognitive activity are the processes of conceptualization and categorization, which are verbalized in the language.

The research is of the cognitive-discursive character, the main units of this analysis are paremiological units in popular scientific business discourse that encompasses the conceptualization process, within its framework all types of knowledge are recorded, as well as a concept representing a discrete mental entity resulting from the cognitive activity of the individual and including the totality of the experience, knowledge, and results of the individual's activity, as well as the results of his/ her knowledge of the surrounding reality.

The aim of the article

The importance of a comprehensive consideration of conceptual and discursive characteristics within the framework of this article is evidenced by the fact that the concept, representing the result of cognition or a quantum of ordered knowledge totality within the limits of a specific area of activity, possesses both mental and verbal modes of representation and, most importantly, is formed directly in the discourse.

We believe it expedient to study the cognitive-discursive features of English paremiological units, identify and examine the basic concepts of the paremiological world picture of the English language, and the key features of their expression within the limits of the popular science business discourse.

A review of the literature

It is known that human consciousness represents and assimilates the surrounding reality in two ways: conceptually (through non-objectified forms) and verbally (through objectified forms) [1: 46]. The results of this cognitive activity are reflected and fixed in the consciousness of the individual in the form of a complex of knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as of the types of communication and behavior [2; 3: 95]. The formation of cognitive processes is dictated by the initial individual's need for a holistic and visual representation of the world, which means that in order to perceive the reality adequately, a person needs the results of the categorization and conceptualization processes which are impossible without linguistic assistance [4: 4].

According to K.V. Yartseva, the language is not so much a tool for broadcasting a message as an organizing principle. In accordance with this, the language picture of the world, all the information about the universe which is fast in linguistic elements, does not create some kind of individual image of the world which does not correspond to reality, but simply colors the surrounding world in a special way, perceived by native speakers [5: 89]. Thus, the language becomes a repository of both universal human and national socio-historical experience [6: 111].

The conceptual picture of the world is a more complex and richer phenomenon, as well as a more dynamic one. The operational units of the conceptual picture of the world include ideal entities, figurative concepts and gestalts, often not amenable to designation in the language [7: 84]. They form the so-called mental lexicon (lingua mentalis) containing verbalized knowledge reflected in signs.

In the context of the given research, the concept is one of the key provisions in the model of the cognitive discourse. This is Oleg Alimuradov's view we stick to: the concept is a single element in the consciousness, it has its own systems and structures; it is a part of the conceptual area which designates the key features of it. On the other hand, the conceptual area represents a group of concepts evolving actively and integrated with multidirectional system connections [8].

We attach special importance to the conceptual organization of paremias, its analysis and study, since all the intellective capabilities of the paremiological pool are aimed at isolating the abstract meaning of the paremias which is based on well-known, familiar concepts understood by people belonging to a particular linguistic culture. Thus, paremias can be viewed as some kind of micro stories that describe, unite, conclude, etc. numerous

life circumstances in a concise way. Consequently, the polysemanticity, polyfunctionality and intentionality which are firstly an integral part of paremiological elements, give paremias a considerable capacity of concepts.

The very phenomenon of conceptual verbalization cannot, in our opinion, be studied outside the phenomenon of a linguistic personality, that is an individual who has a specific linguistic consciousness and, as a result, the ability to carry out communicative actions of various kinds [9: 81]. In this case, we completely agree with the point of view of O.A. Alimuradov and M.A. Karatyshova who emphasize that if we analyze the mental processes of a linguistic personality based on the research on the patterns of conceptual units verbalization, thereat we shall be given an opportunity to try to understand the issue of the human worldview, comprehend the ways and means of knowledge representation, understand by means of natural languages the algorithms for categorization, stereotyping and conceptualization of reality [8: 3].

Research methods

To solve the assigned tasks, we have used the following methods: the definitional analysis to examine at full extent the meanings and definitions of paroemia components; the component analysis to scrutinize the words constituent paroemia via the organized complexes of their meanings features; the pragma-communicative and cognitive-discursive analyses in order to study the informational elaboration in the language needed to transmit information or knowledge within the limitation of a specific area of the intercourse; and we have also applied the methods of functional, contextual and quantitative analysis.

Results and discussion

Taking into account the complex of English-language paremias we have analyzed as part of their implementation in the popular science business discourse, their lexical and semantic characteristics, as well as the frequency of their use in the modern English popular science business discourse, we have identified the most significant and priority constants possessing a fundamental character of both the lexical and semantic classification of the units under consideration, and their conceptual structuring.

The lexical, semantic and conceptual analyses of the paremias in the English language in the context of the popular science business discourse (the analysis of numerous articles from business English periodicals: Foreign Affairs, Financial Times, Economist, Entrepreneur, Forbes, etc.) have allowed us to single out six main lexical-semantic groups and nine basic concepts correlating with them covering and structuring the entire range of paremiological units identified by us. The frequency of their use is clearly demonstrated in Diagram 1 (the data are presented as a percentage).

Lexical-semantic group Basic concepts

The depiction of life situations and human behavior in these situations «A life situation», «A person»

everyday life episodes «Everyday life»

The structure of the society and social hierarchy «A society», «A social status»

Observations of natural phenomena «Nature», «Weather»

Professional facts «A profession»

Attempts to comprehend the unknown and mysterious in the surrounding world «Mystic»

The Statistical Analysis of Concept Paremiological Verbalization within the Framework of Popular Science Discourse

«profession» 7,6% «mystic» 4,4% «nature», «weather»» 10,1% «society», «social status» 6.1% «everyday life» 31,9%


Diagram 1

The importance of identifying and examining the designated basic concepts lies in the fact that they form a specific type of conceptual organization in the individual's consciousness and, as a result, in the whole nation's language picture of the world. To put it another way, the development of the cognitive space of paremias which is unique for the popular science business discourse, takes place. The data obtained regarding the basic concepts and the paremiological units verbalizing them help to represent the cognitive and linguistic capacities of the paremias stock more accurately.

The comparative analysis carried out by us, where we have studied the concepts with paremias used, let us make a conclusion that in the context of the examples of the popular science business discourse we are examining, there are no paremias representing the concepts of "custom", "tradition", "leisure", "history", "personality". The number of paremias verbalizing the concepts of "society" and "social status" in the popular science business discourse is almost three times less than the indicator of general verbalization of concepts (6.1%: 17%). All other concepts ("life situation", "person", "everyday life", "nature", "weathef', "profession", "mystic") surpass the general indicators by the number of representative paremiological units (see: Histogram 1).

Histogram 1

Based on the statement of V.I. Karasik regarding the idea that it is the estimation constituent that is one of the primary elements of the concept, since it suggests the importance and significance of a certain concept for both a specific individual and a team (society) [10; 11], we can assume that the picture presented in the framework of statistical and comparative analysis is quite reasonable. Besides, the amount of the data processed makes us sure of this.

The fact that within the confines of the pieces of the popular science business discourse by means of paremias, the same concepts are mostly worded as in the general conceptual structuring of the English picture of the paroemias world, confirms the previously indicated theoretical theses that paremiological units as exponents of the deep cognitive level of a linguistic personality [12] are, first of all, indicators of the ethnocognitive originality of a certain linguistic culture. In other words, paremias represent culture while using only the most basic and most firmly rooted cognitive and linguistic units in the consciousness of the individual(society)[13].

This statement is logical and justified at least from three positions:

1) cognitive-discursive: the very nature of the popular science business discourse, within the framework of which the paremias function, provides that communicants, first of all, have knowledge of a professional nature necessary for adequate perception of the transmitted information, supported by general background knowledge and basic erudition. Thus, when using paremias, the author of the pieces of the popular science business discourse selects the most frequent units from the entire English paremiological fund, as a result, representing the most basic concepts;

2) psychological: in this case, I.F. Herbart's law of apperception according to which it is the strongest and most firmly rooted ideas in the mind, that take part in the formation of new thoughts. We must emphasize that this law, namely, the phenomenon of apperception, can also serve as a psychological basis for the emergence of paremiological units: new information (knowledge) under the influence of the apperting mass (ideas previously accumulated) is combined with the already existing knowledge, thus giving rise to perception, understanding and further ordering of the apperceived (new) mass of ideas [14: 32-33];

3) linguistic and cultural: the concepts we are examining are basic complex mental formations, which reflects the self-consciousness and inner world of the English people. Yu.S. Stepanov defines this phenomenon as "culture constant" [15: 45-61] that is the concepts that exist constantly or for a long time. Some framework is at the basis of culture, it is internal, inherent in the latter; this framework is accountable for the continuity of the cultural composition, the set of continuous variables which are the constants of culture.

Let us turn directly to the examples of the identified basic concepts representation by paremiological units in the pieces of the popular science business discourse.

The concepts "life situation" and "person" are represented by such paremias as "to bring an old house on one S head", "when bees are old, they yield no honey", "fair words and foul play cheat both young and old", "like the old woman who burned one candle to St. Michael and another to the Dragon", "a careless parting between the old mare and the broken cart (spoken when a husband/ wife dies who did not love one another)", "the child hath a red tongue, like its father", "things are as all right as soot is white", "a hedge between keeps friendship green", "anything for a quiet life", "he who does not kill hogs, will not get black puddings", "if you carry a nutmeg in your pocket, you will be married to an old man", "he will not change his old Mumpsimus for the new Sumpsimus", and so on. The following examples demonstrate clearly the verbalization of these concepts in the pieces of the popular science business discourse (hereinafter, lexical units will be highlighted in bold in the examples directly indicating business discourse as the basic dominant in the popular science business discourse):

«Sydney Toledano (CEO of Dior) is acquainted with a few Chinese entrepreneurs, who work hard, but want to enjoy every minute of their lives. Undoubtedly, all work and no play make Jack a dull boy». [Financial Times, 2017]

«True blue will never stain for Diego Della Valle - the Chairman and Chief Executive of Tod's Group. "The Italian lifestyle, its image is particularly important in new markets, such as East Asia", he says... "The issue is to transfer this tradition into our products"». [Financial Times, 2010].

The concept "everyday life" is represented in the popular science business discourse by the following paremias: "whenfern grows red, then milk is good with bread", "present a boldfront", "great barkers are no biters", "good broth made be made in an old pot", "wink at small faults", "praise little, dispraise less", "new beer, new bread and green wood, will make a man's hair grow through his hood", "he that cannot abide a bad market, deserves not a good one", "great weights hang on small wires", "his bashful mind hinders his god intent", "barley straw is good fodder when the cow gives water", "the more haste, the worse speed, quoth the tailor to his long thread", "if he were as long as he is lither, he might thatch a house without a ladder", etc., for example:

«One thing is still the same for foreign business partners in China: to crack the guanxi code takes perseverance that performs greater works than strength». [Economist, 2019].

The concepts "social status" and "society" are most often verbalized in the popular science business discourse by such paremias as "a great ship asks deep waters", "the church is not so large but the priest may say service in it", "there is no royal road to learning", "a hedge between keeps friendship green", "the cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends", "it is the fairestflower in his crown", "he that falls into the dirt, the longer he stays there the fouler he is", "the higher the hill, the lower the grass", "like blood, like good, and like age, makes the happiest marriage" and so on, for instance:

«It was not until the Mexican downturn in 1982 that Slim began to make money, taking advantage of a nationwide fire sale of assets by investors: the great fish ate up the small». [Financial Times, 2014].

The concepts "nature" and "weather" are presented in the popular science business discourse by such paremias as "after black clouds, clear weather", "pale moon, doth rain, red moon doth blow: white moon doth neither rain nor snow", "every bean has its black", "a green winter makes a fat churchyard", "if red the sun begins his race, expect that rain will flow apace", "snow is white, and lieth in the dike, and every man lets it lie", "the best fish swim near the bottom", "the dog who hunts foulest, hits at most faults", "Luvy light, the shortest day and the longest night", etc., for example:

«Just as an early bird catches the worm, so, aged 11, did Slim invest in government saving bonds, keeping a ledger to follow all purchases». [Financial Times, 2014].

The concept "profession" is actualized in the English-language popular science business discourse by such paremias as "mock not a cobber for his black thumbs", "in a calm sea, every man is a pilot", "the smith and his penny always are black", "a gentle housewife mars the household", "a broken apothecary, a new doctor", "there is no wool so white, but a dyer can make it black", "millers take aye the best multar with their own hand", "none more bare than the shoemaker's wife and the smith's mare, "the best physicians are doctor Diet, doctor Quiet, and doctor Merryman" and so on. For instance:

«Anna Wintour is said to be the most powerful woman in the fashion industry - a diligent spinner who has a large shift - and she does nothing to dispel that belief». [Economist, 2016].

The concept "mysticism", though not so frequent, but functions in the popular science business discourse and is realized by the following paremias: "whom the gods love die young", "godgives black men what white men forget", "fortune is blind", " fortune favours the bold (brave)", "divine grace was never slow", "God knows well which are the best pilgrims", "providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions", "God oft hath a great share in a little house", "the devil will play small game before he will sit out", etc., for example:

«Ambitious entrepreneurs are ready to go a long way to get financial help for their bright ideas and God helps those who help themselves!» [http://www.entrepreneur. com, 2013].


So, to sum up the above, we must lay stress on the main findings in the the analysis carried out: the conceptual and statistical types of analysis of the paremiological verbalization of concepts based on the pieces of the English-language popular science business discourse have made it possible to identify the following basic concepts and their corresponding percentage - "mysticism" (4.4%); "society", "social status" (6.1%); "profession" (7.6%); "nature", "weather" (10.1%); "Everyday life" (31.9%); "life situation" (39.95%); the comparative analysis of the concepts' verbalization in English paroemias let us draw a conclusion that the most repeated in the sphere of the English-language popular science business discourse, are paremias implementing the concepts "life situation", "person" (39.9%: 28%) and "everyday life" (31.9%: 22%), while the actualization of the concepts "custom", "tradition" (0%: 8%), "leisure" (0%: 4%), "history", "personality" (0%: 3%) is absent in the discourse considered; the ways of representing each of the designated basic concepts are clearly demonstrated through the implementation of paremiological units in the pieces of the popular science business discourse.

We believe that the presented practical data on the conceptual structuring of the English-language paremias picture of the world within the scope of the popular science business discourse make it possible to analyze the functional range of English-language paremiological units in this type of discourse, as not a single phenomenon or property of a language can be adequately described without referring to its functional component.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


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История статьи:

Получена: 17.01.2022 Принята: 10.02.2022 Опубликована онлайн: 25.03.2022

Article history:

Received: 17.01.2022 Accepted: 10.02.2022 Published online: 25.03.2022


Olga I. Natkho, Associate Professor, PhD in Philology; Pyatigorsk State University; Pyatigorsk, the Russian Federation; e-mail: onatkho@mail.ru.

Tatyana A. Shiryaeva, Professor, Dr.habil.(Philology), Chair, Department of English Language and Professional Communication; Pyatigorsk State University; Pyatigorsk, the Russian Federation; e-mail: shiryae-vat@list.ru.

Сведения об авторах:

Натхо Ольга Игоревна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры профессионально-ориентированного английского языка, Пятигорский государственный университет; Пятигорск, Российская Федерация; e-mail: onatkho@mail.ru.

Ширяева Татьяна Александровна, доктор филологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой английского языка и профессиональной коммуникации, Пятигорский государственный университет; Пятигорск, Российская Федерация; e-mail: shiryaevat@list.ru.

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