международный научный журнал «инновационная наука»
ISSN 2410-6070
□УДК 165 : 615.89 (470.9)
E.N. Pesotskaya
PhD, Assistant Professor FGBOU VPO Ogarev Mordovia State University
Saransk, Russia
This article discusses the methodological meaning and the role of some fundamental scientific methods in the formation theoretical foundations in modern medical science. The essence of substractive reflection, its instrumentals in research processes in living is connected with interpretation of substraction, as the object of theories and special model of surrounding at the same time. It determines the prospect of leveling of multidiscipline analysis, which moving from ideas about genesis of phenomenons. Analyses the place of combine-material theory of medicine as universal connecting conception of illnesses, methodology definite the effect of allopathical medicine. It is marked that the meaning of combine-material medicine as varieties substractive medicine. The formation, the completeness and matter of theoretical basis of medicine in future will determine the fullness of scientific methods.
Key words.
Substrat, substrat reflex, theoretical basis system, cognitional modal of practical medicine, medical cognition,
connective tissue.
The methodology of medical science initially was formed within the framework of philosophy and natural history simultaneously. Depending on the initial philosophical guideline the level of sound reasoning of the conception under development or theory and the completeness of its analysis were built upon. The philosophical grounds of the fundamental medical science make up principles, method of approaching and laws which have ideological, methodological and social historical content. The integral weaving of philosophical reasons into the content of medicine determines ideological and methodological structure, style of thinking in certain historical period. Two signs are important in analyzing philosophical reasons: generality - it contains ideological (value-humanitarian), mythological and social aspects. And the integrity - meaning unification of knowledge about man and his complicated nature obtained in different spheres of cognition. Actually the latter provides the very qualitative substrateness of the whole unity and diversity on which human activity is displayed on. And with which the endogeneity of all human values, communicative and creative processes interfaces with.
The inquiry of different methodological study levels is tied by Kravets [7, p. 12] with multilevelness and hierarchical pattern of methods and forms of scientific cognition. The levels of methodological studies represent by itself a complicated information system defining the character of scientific problems statement, decision means, standard scientific specifications, methods and forms of scientific research applied at a historical stage of science development [ibid. p. 32]. Being an hierarchy of related controlling systems it includes particular (specialized) general scientific and general (philosophical) levels. Revelation of fundamentals of general scientific and particular methods, forms of cognition, reflections, their possibilities and gnosiological restrictions is included into the mission of the philosophical methodology as general and is successfully applied in medical cognition.
Actuality of appealing to the notion of “substrate” in conceptual modeling of integral representation of man as a subject and object of social interaction in forming cognitive basis of anthropology and medicine is tied with the necessity of introducing in fundamental science a substrate characteristic common for heterogeneous material objects. As well as for elaborating an integrated descriptive metalanguage.
The necessity in this appealing as a general methodological issue in self-existing scientific paradigm has been obvious since the end of XX and beginning of XXI centuries. Summated substrate notion in historical and philosophical study of man as well as in common systems theory as a material and its reduction to the form (structure)
has affected on the formation of science methodology dealing in the first place with structural and functional complexes of homogeneous type in study of man’s nature and its activity. Today such understanding contradicts nonclassical science studying heterogeneous in its essence objects which demand their operational interpretation.
For example, substrate-substantive display of people’s spirit in language as a system, expression of selfconsciousness, reflectivity, etc. As well as the methodology of human study cannot be limited by this. G. Bashlyar, in particular, introduces operational notion of substance in chemistry and notion of form of ambiguity in individual subject matters. There are several successful examples of substrate approach usage in history and philosophy of science by different representatives of modern philosophy science: S.G. Kara-Murza, A.N. Kochergin, S.D. Petrov, etc. [5; 6; 10]. With respect to medicine basis as a synthetical science dealing with man this fact is of paramount importance.
In the second half of the last century a functionalism paradigm had been approved in compliance of which description and explanation of functional relations were accepted logically independent of description and explanation of physical characteristics and relations and therefore functional relations cannot be reduced to physical. Thus a relatively independent theoretical basis was formed for studying of wide range of self-organizing systems (biological, social, and technical in their interconnection). This basis opens perspectives of fundamental researches of new type which are necessary for convergent development of scientific technologies: cognitive, biological, information, etc.
The analysis of fundamental approaches in history of science - functional, structural and of some others has showed certain methodological deficiency of each of them, as well as the underestimation of the possibilities of the substrate approach in creation of new scientific theories [3] including biomedical ones. The approaches enumerated above bring together the study of an object either to its pure empirical analysis or to the analysis of its functional connections. At the same time they are abstracting from the causal characteristics of processes and substrate specificity or absolutize the moment of relations of different substrates. Substrate is interpreting as an object of theories, “a special model of continual ideally- material environment different from substance and possessing certain parameters not coinciding with parameters of a substance modeled on substrate basis” [3, p. 10 cited after V.P. Dmitriev, Stochastic Mechanics. M., 1990].
An important role in understanding of human communication as a self-organizing system plays such an essential quality as a dissipative factor separated in constructive ontology [8] and represented in cognitive model of philosophical support of practical medicine [11], education and social science [4]. Ideology of human being serves as a substrate of psychological, physiological (pathological) and social activity possessing law forming potentials and presenting an instrument of self-organization and self-regulation of the highest levels of hierarchy organization of living matter. In its turn they present the basis of health, illness and medicine.
Substrate reflection as a methodological approach unlike of the rest of methods bearing instrumental character is perspective in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary analysis as long as it originates from problem assignment а genesis relations of its bearer and conceptual ontology fixing. It also originates from influence channel of heterogeneous essences upon an object in general which is considered as a totality ща heterogeneous interactions. Again it is not the least of the factors in consideration of practical functioning of substrate notion.
Substrate approach application in biological, social and psychological phenomena is reasonable in level hierarchy of scientific cognition as in a complicated dynamic system. The idea has got its development since 90-th of the XX century [1; 3; 4] and later it could be realized on private, common scientific and philosophic levels [9, p. 19-20]. This level conception is tied with the problem of elaboration of primary methodological (gnoseological) foundations of medical theory which in perspective will present and ideal construct based on the principle of unity of cognitive approaches to the object study.
There is an actual appeal in alternative medicine to substrate approach. Different variations effect on substrate organism basis is reflected here as conjunctive tissue having in an effort to eliminate illness. The notion of “conjunctive tissue” as one of the key notions is actually absent here. The elaboration of theoretical basis of conjunctive tissue medicine as a variety of substrate medicine from the methodological point of view presents the creation of platform for systematic integration of allopathic, alternative and integrative medical treatment [1] since 90-th of XX century. It becomes a step towards basic understanding of the essence of an illness which is directly tied
МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ НАУКА» №10/2015 ISSN 2410-6070 with the violation of unity of motivational- conjunctive tissue mechanism of human substrate determining the state of all functional organism’s complexes or functional environmental sphere in general.
A man in modern natural history is represented as an integral self-organizing system with a complicated substrate organization of information and material nature [9, p. 15]. At present system integrative medicine in modern illness nature understanding on this and other bases comes from disorganization of multilevel essence of human consciousness (structured from consciousness, subconsciousness and superconsciousnes as superbioligical and informational component), harmonization of which leads to recovery.
While studying metabolic systematic full-value of organism protective forces in biomedical sciences “conjunctive tissue” theory of biology and medicine which included the previous theories: liquid, cellular, evolution, nervism, stress-adaption and others serve as a common theoretical integrator of human health and illnesses views.
Conceptions unification about nature of illnesses origin on the basis of metabolic deficiency state of conjunctive tissue provides new systematical approach to aetiopathogenesis understanding as well as to treatment and selftreatment. The task of a doctor becomes a timely diagnosis and estimation of conjunctive tissue organism recourses and its adaptive characteristics, as well as adapting and damaging stress (distress) factors. It is worth noting that the primary condition of treatment effect realization becomes common biological and social awareness of a patient, his/her view of individual behavior and individual health model.
The above mentioned issues change not only essential definition of preference and significance of human values in terms of civilization preservation, but also concretize immediate and distant tasks of biology, medicine, physics, philosophy, geneticist and other sciences. The effectiveness of modern allopathic medicine in perspective would methodologically depend on the development and implementation of common binding conception of the existing illnesses as the main feature of the XXI century clinical thinking is systemacy and systematic appraisals of the general organism integrative resource, reasonable correlation of integration and disintegration processes.
Therefore, an enlarged interpretation of substrate in biomedical cognition determines it as an object of theories and a special model of environment simultaneously. The perspective of fundamental study of new type in medicine is interconnected with modeling of this theoretical basis completeness and content of which would determine integrity and profound understanding of the reflections essence - substrate and systematic ones. We suppose that these reflections are also methodologically perspective in study of human integrity and may form united basis and general metalanguage for convergence of modern scientific technologies.
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© Pesotskaya E.N.,2015