THE USE OF THE PHONETIC EXERCISES TO DEVELOP OF SPEECH SKILLS IN ENGLISH LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Matkarimova G.

Phonetic exercises contribute not only to the development of auditory-pronunciation skills, but also to the memorization and training of lexical units and grammatical structures.

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UDC 378

Matkarimova G.


department of languages faculty of agrology and business Andijan Branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University

Uzbekistan, Andijan



Annotation: Phonetic exercises contribute not only to the development of auditory-pronunciation skills, but also to the memorization and training of lexical units and grammatical structures.

Key words: phonetic exercises, sounds, rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, puzzles.

Most often, especially at the initial stage of learning English, counters, rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, puzzles, etc. are used.

Depending on what they are aimed at, there are several types of phonetic exercises: phonemic, lexico-phonetic, grammar-phonetic, aimed at rhythm, melody and stress.

Several types of phonetic exercises were presented, which are aimed at the formation and development of the pronunciation and intonation skills of students, as well as facilitating the repetition and consolidation of lexical and grammatical material not only at the initial, but also at the subsequent stages of training. The use of phonetic exercises has several advantages:

> regular phonetic exercises improves students' articulation skills;

> students can hear by hearing long and short English sounds, Russian and

English sounds;

> students get acquainted with different models of intonation, types of stress and

with the English rhythm;

Below, the material for phonetic exercises is selected in accordance with the objectives of communication.

1. Phonemic phono - charging is the training of pronouncing a specific sound in different environments. First, the sound is presented in isolation, the teacher using gestures explains or resembles his articulation, and then the sound begins to be worked out in a different environment in the following sequence: in isolation - in a word - in a phrase - in a phrase. For example, the sound.

right - That's right! Is it right? Is it wrong?

wrong - That's wrong! It is right! It is wrong!

2. Grammar-phonetic exercises. The next type of phonetic charging allows you to work out various grammatical structures and phenomena. As a rule, these phenomena are already familiar to students and additional explanations from the

teacher are not required. However, you need to make sure that students learn the structure they are working on and can correctly translate it into Russian. For example, the grammar-phonetic exercise: There is a sofa. Is there a sofa? There is a chair. Is there a chair?

There is a book on the desk. Is there a book on the desk?

Based on the model, you can ask students to come up with such rhymes themselves and check how well they have mastered the worked out grammatical structure.

3. You can use exercises with theatrical elements:

- Learners make a sound, pretending that they warm their hands.

- Learners practice sounds, sing them.

- The learners make a sound, imagining that they are in the forest. The number of exercises in the reproduction should be more. These exercises are a deliberate imitation of the standard of sound, they mobilize all the efforts of students and direct them to high-quality reproduction of a new sound. Regular exercises in conscious imitation help to overcome inter-lingual interference, in particular the substitution of a foreign language with the sound of the native language. A simple imitation without realizing the peculiarities of a foreign language sound is not effective enough, since students tend to perceive foreign sounds through the prism of the pronunciation base of their native language. For some sounds, this is safe, but due to idiomatic sounds, such a substitution is unacceptable, as this is fraught with a violation of communication.

To create a real atmosphere in the lesson, to introduce an element of the game into the process of mastering the sound side of foreign speech will help rhyming. In addition, they (rhymes) are firmly laid in memory. Their memorization is facilitated by different harmonies, rhymes and rhythms.

Rhymes can be used when introducing new phonetic material and when repeating it, as well as during phonetic exercises. They serve as a kind of rest for children. Rhymes help put the pronunciation of individual difficult consonants, especially those that are not in the Russian language. Instead of individual words and phrases containing one or another sound, you can offer the class specially selected rhymes. Then, during two or three lessons, the rhyme is repeated, the pronunciation of the sound is adjusted. This type of work can be included in the lesson at its various stages; it serves as a kind of discharge for students. Rhymes are selected depending on what kind of sound is being worked out.

You can offer, for example, such rhymes for sound processing [6]:

This is my mother, This is my sister,

This is my father, This is my brother.

For example, rhyme to work with sounds [w], [v]:

William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter, Victor however will never wear woolen underwear even in the wild west.

Rhymes are also used instead of individual words and phrases that contain the studied phonetic material:


My kite is white; My kite is light,

[f], [s]

And it can fly High in the sky

She sells seashells on the seashore.

The shells she sells are seashells, I am sure.

So, rhyming is one of the methodological techniques for better memorizing lexical units and grammatical structures. Rhymes help students learn a foreign language quickly and learn new material more deeply.

Work with audio recordings goes in several stages, namely:

1. Pupils 2 times listen to the audio file, do not look at the source text located on the interactive whiteboard, which is closed from the students.

2. Students should try to understand what is at stake. In strong classes, they must tell in English what they heard from the dialogue. In weak classes (or weak students) can provide information about what they heard in Russian.

3. Then the students choose the correct words hidden in the text with gaps (the text opens on an interactive whiteboard, which was hidden from the students).

4. There are as many tasks as there are hidden words in the text. Each task should have 4 answer options, where one is correct. Students using the remote control choose the right answer, in their opinion. Variants should be matched to the choice of lexical meaning and spelling.

5. Now the teacher opens the source text, and the students verify the correctness of their choice of answer. They carefully look at what words were hard to hear and whether they were spelled correctly.

6. Pupils listen to the audio recording again, but already rely on the proposed


7. Students read aloud a dialogue without sound recording. Perform this exercise no more than 2-3 times. Then they try to reproduce the pronunciation, rhythm and tone of the English language.

8. The teacher allows students to listen to the audio recording and read the dialogue at the same time, i.e. repeat after the speaker. Repeat 2-3 times to reproduce the tone and rhythm of the English speaker on the audio file. To do this, you need to pay great attention to pronunciation, rhythm, timbre and speed. With this operation, audio recording can be turned on in slow motion, if the technique allows it. Using such a record will allow you to link the words together more naturally. You can also record students' speech and then compare their voice with a native speaker on an audio file.

9. And the final stage is the recording of new words in a notebook with a translation.

1. Arakin V.D. Practical English course. - M., 1998.

2. Bocharova L.N. Games in English lessons at the primary and secondary levels of education // Foreign language at school / ed. O.V. Afanasyeva. - 1996.

3. Gurevich V. V. English Stylistics. Stylistics of English textbook. - M: Flint: science, 2007.

Sources used:

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