y^K 338.45:746.3
Arkhangelskaya O.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Research Department, Institute of traditional applied arts - Moscow branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)», 115573, Moscow, Musa Dzhalilya St., 14, bldg. 2, e-mail: [email protected].
The use of practice-oriented approach to the formation of research skills in teaching the discipline «Economics and Management in Folk Arts and Crafts»
Abstract. The article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of practice-oriented approach to the formation of research skills in the process of conducting student research in the field of marketing and management. The tasks of possible research of professional orientation from a theoretical point of view are defined, possible technologies and methods of marketing research are presented, the selection of questions for questionnaires is carried out. The results of the questionnaire are analyzed, the «portrait of the consumer of traditional arts and crafts products» is compiled in comparison with the available "portrait" prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2016.
Keywords: research skills, practice-oriented approach, economics, management, traditional crafts, artistic embroidery, marketing research, individual entrepreneur, consumer portrait, online survey platforms.
The practice-oriented approach was considered in the theory of pedagogy as an opportunity to prepare students for professional activity. The practice-oriented approach is studied by I.M. Buslaeva in socio-economic training [2 p. 25]. Employers are interested in specialists familiar with production who have mastered professional skills and formed competencies during the training period. The current Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education - bachelor's degree in the field of training 03/04/02 Decorative and Applied Arts and Crafts (2020) notes that as part of the development of the bachelor's degree program graduates are preparing to solve professional tasks. One of these tasks is research in the field of one of the types of traditional arts and crafts [6]. At the same time the student will be "able to search critically, analyze and synthesize information, apply a systematic approach to solving tasks" [6, p. 8].
The practice-oriented approach assumes the development of an educational program in conditions close to real production, promotes the development of research skills in specific professional areas.
The specifics of traditional artistic crafts determine the specifics of activities in which the need to preserve, analyze and reinterpret the use of historical materials and technologies that meet modern challenges is an important component of professionalism.
S.Y. Kamnev and E.V. Saifullina developed issues related to the implementation of a practice-oriented approach to teaching in the field of artistic embroidery at the Higher school of folk arts. So S.Y. Kamneva considered project activity as a form of organizing practice-oriented training in graduate groups of
students of higher education [3]. E. V. Saifulina investigated the concept of readiness for innovative professional activity which reflects the level of projects being created, "provides intellectual professional self-realization; it helps not only to adapt to changes in the content of professional activity in the field of artistic embroidery with the advent of new technologies and materials" [5 p. 28]. It was possible to reveal the tasks set only in the process of a practice-oriented approach in the organization of student education.
For professional education the organization of practice-oriented work of students in the discipline "Economics and management in folk arts and crafts" logically ends with research: marketing research, promising work with the assortment and selection of artistic products for graduate qualified work.
The transition in the process of studying the discipline "Economics and Management in folk arts and crafts" from theoretical knowledge to applied aspects of the discipline allows a motivated attitude to research tasks. Terms and concepts familiar to students are production, economic sector, profit etc. They "acquire specific outlines", get connected with the student's professional activity. Students are invited to conduct marketing research on the market of traditional handicrafts identifying the main groups of consumers, clarifying their tastes and preferences; determining the pricing policy of manufacturers in the market and the possible price range of purchases. As a result, students should conclude if there is a demand for the products of traditional crafts and how often the products are purchased.
The solution of the tasks set allows us to clarify the demand for products of traditional artistic crafts. This requires students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice work with literature, a large amount of data, the ability to analyze information, draw conclusions and make managerial decisions.
The visual scheme (Maslow's pyramid) was updated when preparing students for marketing research on the market of traditional arts and crafts. The students determined that the products that will be created as a result of their work are not essential goods. Consequently, there is no demand and need for the daily purchase of traditional handicrafts. At the same time, the products of traditional crafts are able to meet higher human needs.
Students are introduced to such research methods as polling interviewing questionnaires and observation as part of the study of marketing theory and preparation for marketing research starting in 2019. Samples of questionnaires for interviewing customers by organizations selling light industry products, food, juices etc. on the market were studied. Students trained in the preparation of questionnaires adhering to the general rules for the use of direct, concise and unambiguous formulations, the absence of complex terminology. The students clearly formulated the answer, provided for the option "their own answer option", left room for "comments and suggestions" when preparing the answer options.
The survey was conducted outside of school hoursS the respondents were fellow students and people from the immediate environment, i.e. relatives and acquaintances. The students identified trends and patterns that affect the preferences of consumers of traditional handicrafts. Discussion, brainstorming and project activities were used to solve the tasks set such as choosing the research topic, the
target audience, the method of conducting and the method of processing and presenting marketing research data. The results of the completed tasks were necessarily discussed with the teacher after which the presentations were adjusted, conclusions and conclusions were substantiated.
The "educational demonstration" method was used to reveal the content of economic terms and concepts ("labor productivity", "cost price", "product calculation" etc.); to explain the planning system, production management; visual demonstration of models, diagrams, tables, computer simulation games, video materials.
In 2023 students engaged in artistic embroidery conducted marketing research on the market of embroidery products (customer surveys) using free services (Google Forms, Yandex Forms) which offer various formats of questions: from choosing options or answering yes/no to detailed answers using photo and video answers displaying The results are shown in charts and tables.
A questionnaire was developed containing no more than 25 questions which were answered by 99 respondents (92% women 8% men) in the process of preparing and conducting research. Here are some questions from the questionnaire: What is important to you when choosing clothes? What does buying clothes mean to you?
Below are the following:
- a histogram of the answer to the questions "Where do you most often buy clothes" with the overwhelming superiority of customer responses about purchases in large shopping malls (fig. 1);
- diagram of the customer's response to the question "Does the decision to buy clothes depend on the degree of brand awareness?" with overwhelming customer responses about indifference to brands (fig. 2).
Where do you buy clothes most often?* Choose one or more answers 9U answers
tn large shopping mall 44 («0.8 *)
In shops in the area of residence 30 (31 6*4,
In well-known chain stores 12 <12.3 *)
Via the Internet 141 5
Other on the market, in different stores Atelier WB 1 Sew and knit. 1 wear clothes that were thrown away by somebody Mix of all responses ■—1 ■—1 K—1 i— i 1 i- 1 MB-7<7.4%) 1.1 %> 1.1 *> 1.1 *> 1.1 %> 1.1 %) 1.1 %) 10 20 30 40 90
Fig. 1. A histogram of the results of the consumer survey
Does the decision to buy clothes depend on the degree of brand awareness?* Choose one answer 94 answers
38.3* A
I f
# Yes, I buy only well-known brands
# I buy branded items in different ways
Unknown manufacturers 0 I don't pay attention to brands
# Other
0 unknown manufacturers
# I chose clothes from 2-3 companies the styles of which most often suit me and I go first of all to these stores
Fig. 2. Diagram of the results of the consumer survey
Processing the responses makes it possible to assume with some caution that customers can purchase embroidery products in large stores (46% of respondents); more than 55% of respondents do not pay attention to the brand of the product.
To the question "Is price an important factor in making a purchase decision?" more than 64% of respondents stated that they try to purchase clothes based on a justified combination of "price - quality" where price is the decisive factor.
To the question "What style of clothing do you prefer?" 51% of respondents replied that classic style is more familiar although sporty style is also in demand -26% and casual - 38% (fig. 3).
To the question "Would you like to buy clothes with hand embroidery?" 80% of respondents answered positively (fig. 4).
What style of clothing do you prefer?* Select one or more answers 93 Answers
Sporty Classic
Avant-garde |— 0(9.7%)
Casual Romantic
20 (28 %)
-51 (54.8 %)
-2© (31.2 %)
Fig. 3. The histogram of the results of the consumer survey
Would you like to buy hand-embroidered clothes? 95 answers
Fig. 4. Diagram of the results of the consumer survey
The answers of the target audience to the questionnaire questions after their analysis make it possible to create a portrait of a typical buyer of traditional crafts in 2023. As a rule four groups of questions are used to create a portrait: demographic (age, gender),
geographical (region of residence), socio-economic (social status, profession, level of education) and psychographic (values, habits, problems).
Students used the "Portrait of a buyer of folk arts and crafts" presented on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2016 to compare and analyze the results of the survey in 2023 (fig. 525).
The information was provided by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2016 about a typical buyer of handicrafts is a 32-year-old woman with a family budget of 19 thousand rubles (according to the price level of 2016). Purchases of traditional handicrafts are made once a year. The estimated purchase amount is about 700 rubles (at 2016 prices).
This generalized information does not assume that all buyers are women but allows you to study the average buyer in more detail. For the manufacturer of the product this information is valuable when choosing an assortment and pricing policy.
Portrait of a typical buyer of folk art crafts*
- Gender Female
- Age: 32 years old
- Education: higher
- Budget 19,000 rubles/month
- Marital status: married
• Survey of more than 1000 respondents, citizens of the Russian Federation
Have you ever purchased folk art crafts products?
If you did, how often did you make purchases?
■ 30%
13% 6% 5*
Less often 1 time per year 2-3 times a year More often Other
If you did, what is the average price of one product? Buys folk art crafts! time a year 3a%
- Spends 700 rubles a year on folk art crafts
i**- 12% e%
< 500rub S00-1000rub lOOO-ISOOrub 1500-2500rub >2500 rub
Fig. 5. "Portrait of a buyer of folk art crafts" 2016
25 Рис. 3. - URL: https://www.yarregion.ш/depts/der/Documents/Kapaвaeв0/o20Hикoлaй0/o20Ba сильевич/ТТрезентации/Отрасль%20народных%20художественных%20промыслов%20(пре зентация%20Минпромторга%20РФ-2018).рёГ(дата обращения: 03.05.2024).
The conducted research allowed the students to present a "Portrait of a buyer of traditional handicrafts (artistic embroidery) in 2023" (fig. 6). This is a woman aged 25-30 years with a clothing size of 40-48. This age group of customers chooses comfortable clothes; 64.5% make purchases commensurate with their budget; 80% would like to purchase clothes using hand embroidery. Comparing with the data of 2016 it can be concluded that the potential "buyer" has become younger. Moreover, income allows to purchase goods in large shopping malls. The "buyer" has an idea about the possibility of purchasing embroidery products, prefers not only classic clothes but also casual (38%), sporty style (26% of respondents). During these seven years the income level has increased and the range of products in the market of traditional arts and crafts has expanded.
Practical work on "Management decision-making" in the "Management" section of the course of the di scipline "Economics and Management in folk arts and crafts" provided assistance in determining the current range of clothes with embroidery. In the theoretical lesson the technologies of "decision-making" and "choice" were considered.
The simplest way to make a decision involved the use of restrictions and criteria with a list of proposed solutions to the issue. Students made a managerial decision regarding the demand for products with artistic embroidery. It was necessary to choose those embroidery products that are in demand among modern consumers which students are able to design and embroider when completing their final qualification work. The students chose as restrictions: "time limit related to the duration of the final qualifying work", "financial costs", "demand, popularity with customers" "technical and technological capabilities".
Product range: tablecloth with napkins, collar, blouse, jumpsuit, dress, hoodie. The practical work allowed the students to make the assumption that in the 2023-2024 academic year the choice was made in favor of hoodies. This type of product received a positive assessment: It takes less time to manufacture resources. Resources are used quite economically during production which makes the product more profitable for the manufacturer. Hoodies with embroidery are relevant for the modern buyer that ensures stable demand. According to the results of the research, the students came to the conclusion that the hoodie is a sought-after assortment and they presented sketches for their projects (fig. 7-10).
Age: 25-30 years old . _ ... ,
Clothing size: 40-48 62M °f customers
choose comfortable and practical clothes
64.5 % of the surveyed people buy clothes based on their
80% of potential bud9et buyers would like to purchase clothes using hand embroidery
84% would wear clothes with embroidery
Рис. 6. «Портрет» покупателя изделий традиционных художественных промыслов 2023 г. (художественная вышивка)»
As noted by economists of the L.I. Abalkin school "the individualization of consumer demand contributes to the déconcentration of production, causes a change in the size of enterprises and there is something like a renaissance of small and medium-sized businesses especially in the service sector" [1, p. 64]. Consequently, the extreme dynamism of the external environment in the market forces university graduates to adapt to the consequences of the introduction of scientific and technological progress and the growth of competition in the market of traditional arts and crafts. It is a tendency for specialists who are able to independently conduct their business.
Fig. 7. Perfilova H. Fore-hoodie sketch Fig. 8. Perfilova H., the embroidered
element of the product
Fig. 9. Selyutina Yu. Fore-hoodie sketch
Fig. 10. Selyutina Yu. The embroidered element of the product
A practice-oriented approach to the study of the discipline "Economics and Management in folk arts and crafts" was enhanced by research of skills. It promotes students' entry into independent professional activity making rational decisions that serve as the basis for improving professional qualities. According to V.F. Maximovich, "this is ensured by the revision of the content of vocational education in each specific type of traditional arts and crafts including training in the development of socioeconomic business plans for the creation of artistic and creative workshops for a specific type of traditional arts and crafts" [4, p. 15].
It should be noted that the importance of managerial decision-making skills in the field of marketing activities in traditional artistic crafts increases for graduates of the university who thoroughly master the technology of artistic embroidery.
The professional behavior of students - future specialists in the field of artistic embroidery should change. It is based on the results of using a practice-oriented approach and the formation of research skills in the field of economics in the future strategic. Also further strategic planning and further strategic management of the process of creating works of traditional crafts should be developed.
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