THE USE OF ICT OF THE FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN ENGLISH LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mamadayupova S.

In this article highlights of the use of ICT for the formation of communicative competence in English lessons.

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"Overtake me", game project, etc. And, for example, under the topic "Profession and quality required for its mastery of' better reception than a business game to find. The teacher can distribute the roles of the interviewer and the interviewee, learn to write resumes and job ads. The basis of interactive teaching methods is the motivation for practical and mental activity, without which there is no progress in the mastery of knowledge and development of the student as a whole. The game develops the ability of the child. The game requires mental effort. Positive is the fact that the student also speaks a foreign language. Emotionality is easily combined with artistry. Theatrical, musical, literary or other activities of children in learning a foreign language not only causes their genuine interest and desire to learn, but also has a positive impact on the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

The motivated use of stylistic devices in the true work of emotional literature is not so easily discernible, although they are used in some relation to the facts, events or ideas dealt with in artistic communications. Most stylistic display devices are applied in two meanings: usually one, in other words, meaning (lexical or structural), which is already set in the language - a - system. And the special meaning that is superimposed on the machine by text, that is, the meaning that appears in the language in action. But sometimes two-fold use of a lexical unit is carried out not by the interaction of two meanings, but by two words (usually synonyms), one of which is perceived against the background of the other.


1.Morokhovsky, A. N. et al. Stylistics of English - High school, - 1984. 2.Style in language. Edited by Scbak - U. Higher School, - 1984.

3.Комарова Э. П., Трегубова Е. Н. Эмоциональный фактор: понятие, роль и формы интеграции в целостном обучении иностранному языку // Иностранный язык в школе.- 2000.- № 6.- С.11-15.

4. https: //moluch.ru/archive/113/28913

UDK 81-13

Mamadayupova S.


Tashkent Institute of Finance Uzbekistan, Tashkent city THE USE OF ICT OF THE FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE

COMPETENCE IN ENGLISH LESSONS Annotation: In this article highlights of the use of ICT for the formation of communicative competence in English lessons.

Key words: ICT, English language, communicative competence, lesson The use of information and communication technologies in teaching English plays a very important role. They help to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning based on the abilities of children, their level of learning, aptitudes.

The world of the latest information technologies occupies an increasing place in our lives. Using them in the classroom increases motivation and cognitive activity of students of all ages, expands their horizons.

Modern pedagogical technologies such as training in cooperation, project methodology, the use of new information and communication technologies, Internet resources help to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning based on the abilities of children, their level of learning, aptitudes.

The modern computer is an effective means of optimizing the conditions of mental work in General, in any of its manifestations.Forms of work with computer training programs in foreign language lessons include:

> vocabulary learning;

> practicing pronunciation;

> teaching Dialogic and monologic speech;

> writing training;

> development of grammatical phenomena.

The modern period of development of civilized society characterizes the process of Informatization. One of the priorities of the process of Informatization of modern society is the Informatization of education-the introduction of new information technologies in the education system.

The process of Informatization of education leads not only to changes in organizational forms and methods of education, but also to the emergence of new ones. In parallel to these processes, there is an introduction of innovative approaches to the problem of the level of knowledge of students, based on the development and use of a complex of computer testers, diagnosing methods of control and assessment of the level of assimilation.We live in the age of information and computer revolution, which began in the mid-80s and still continues to increase the pace.

In modern conditions, the most urgent task of education is the formation of communicative competence of students. The use of ICT is becoming the most effective means of promoting the expansion of the educational space of modern education, as well as the ability and willingness to carry out interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers. What is "information technology"? In modern science, there are many different approaches to the definition of the term "information technology".

According to "Dictionary of methodical terms Information technology is a system of methods and methods of collection, accumulation, storage, search, transmission, processing and delivery of information using computers and computer communication lines. Information technologies are usually called technologies that use such technical means as audio, video, computer, Internet. Currently, it is necessary to be able to obtain information from different sources, use it and create it yourself.

The widespread use of ICT opens up new opportunities for teachers to teach a foreign language. Teachers note that the use of ICT contributes to the

acceleration of the learning process, the growth of students ' interest in the subject, improve the quality of learning, allow to individualize the learning process and make it possible to avoid the subjectivity of evaluation. The use of ICT allows you to move: - from learning as a function of memorization to learning as a process of mental development; - from a static model of knowledge to a dynamic system of mental actions; - from focusing on the average student to differentiated and individual training programs; - from external motivation of training to internal morally strong-willed regulation. As a teacher of English in a vocational school, the aim of my work is the formation of students ' abilities to use a foreign language as a tool of communication in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world.

Formation and improvement of foreign language communicative competence occurs in the formation of the following components:

- speech competence (improvement of communication skills in the four main types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading and writing; ability to plan your speech and non-speech behavior);

- discursive competence (ability to build your statement in accordance with the given situation of communication);

- language competence (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, development of skills of operating language units for communicative purposes);

- socio-cultural competence (knowledge of the socio-cultural specifics of English-speaking countries, the formation of skills to distinguish the General and specific in the culture of the native country and the country of the studied language);

- compensatory competence (the ability to get out of the situation in the face of a shortage of linguistic resources in the receipt and transmission of foreign language information);

- educational and cognitive competence (the development of General and special educational skills that allow to improve educational activities for the mastery, to satisfy with its help cognitive interests in other areas of knowledge). In the age of the web it is impossible to teach English using only the class-lesson system and learning resources in print basis.

Otherwise, we will fall behind the pace of development of modern society and will not be able to keep up with the times. The Internet gives us and our students great opportunities for self-improvement. My goal as a teacher is to teach students to navigate in this limitless information space. Directions of use of ICT for the formation of communicative competence:

- the Use of information and communication technologies in foreign language lessons reveals the great potential of the computer as an effective means of learning. Computer training programs allow you to train different types of speech activity and combine them in different combinations, to understand language phenomena, contribute to the formation of linguistic abilities, create communicative situations, automate language and speech actions, as well as

provide the implementation of an individual approach and the intensification of independent work of students.

- Use the Power Point program to create presentations for the introduction of lexical, grammatical, country material, which makes the learning process attractive and easy to understand. Also, my students create computer presentations to present the results of project activities. In the organization of this activity, I pursue a practical goal - to teach students to use the knowledge and skills gained in English lessons. I offer students a variety of topics for projects, but proceed from the practical significance of this topic for the students themselves. Here are just some of the topics: "the City in which I live and its problems", "How to make my city Osinniki attractive", etc.

- Extensive use of Internet Resources for the development of communicative competence, which allow access to the richest sources of English-language information. I use this resource to immerse students in the English-speaking environment in extracurricular activities when working independently. I use the following resources: ■ Online versions of foreign Newspapers. Naturally, for students reading and discussing the latest world news is more interesting and useful than working with old printed publications.

Multimedia materials presented on the Internet (in the original language, you can listen to the concert of the artist of interest to students, and interviews with a famous person, and broadcast a popular radio channel and even watch new movies. On-line versions of works by famous English and American writers. Dictionaries, reference books, topics on different topics, on-line tests, etc. Here are some examples of the organization of work with Internet materials.

- At each lesson, I organize an information five-minute "Hot News", where students present information about current events in the world, after introducing students to the new vocabulary. (Internet materials are used for information five minutes).

- If you can record audio text from the Internet, then organize the work with the record. The introduction of new information technologies in the educational process has revealed the following factors of their effectiveness: - Intensification of the educational process - Creation of favorable opportunities for mastering the educational material on the basis of the principle of visibility, realized thanks to the wide possibilities of ICT- color, video, music, graphics, drawings, etc.

- Increased motivation - Individualization of the educational process - in-Depth in the assimilation of specific material - Replenishment of vocabulary, both active and passive, vocabulary of modern foreign language, reflecting a certain stage of development of the culture of the people, social and political structure of society, using authentic texts from the country of the studied language; In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the introduction of information technologies in the educational process does not exclude traditional methods of training, but is harmoniously combined with them at all stages of training: acquaintance, training, application, control. And the use of information technology

can not only greatly improve the efficiency of training, but also to encourage students to further independent study of English.


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2. Vladimirova L. P. Internet at foreign language lessons. IYASH, № 3, 2002. with 33-41.

3. Dontsov D. English on the computer. Study, translate, speak. M., 2007.

4. Karamysheva T. V. Learning foreign languages using a computer. (in questions and answers). SPb., 2001. 5. Lebedev O. E. Competence approach in education // School technologies. - 2004. - № 5. - P. 3-21

5. 3. Фарходжонова Н. Ф. ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ В ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНОМ УРОВНЕ //Инновационные тенденции, социально-экономические и правовые проблемы взаимодействия в международном пространстве. - 2016. - С. 58-61.

UDK 81-13

Tursunova F. T. Teacher of Tashkent Institute of Finance Uzbekistan, Tashkent city ENGLISH GRAMMAR AS A FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE IN TERMS OF ITS HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT Annotation: In this article highlights of English grammar as a field of knowledge in terms of its historical development.

Key words: grammar, knowledge, historical development, English, education, terms.

One of the areas of the English language with the richest history, as well as an abundance of rules, phenomena, grammatical structures and forms, undoubtedly, is grammar. In this subsection, we decided to dwell on its various forms and interpretations in the course of history. The term "grammar" itself appeared from the Greek word "grammatike", where the "gram" component denoted "written", and part of the word tike translated as "art". Accordingly, the term was originally understood by the Greeks as "the art of writing." The ancient Greeks, like the ancient Romans, considered this word as a common name for all means of language. In the Middle Ages, under the "grammar" understood the study of the Latin language, because he then occupied the role of the language of international communication and everything that in one form or another was associated with the letter, belonged to Latin. Such an understanding of grammar existed in England until the end of the 16th century. The grammar of the Latin language was the only one that was taught in schools. Accordingly, up to this point, English grammars did not exist in our usual form. For the first time, the

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