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O.I. Mishurova, Senior Lecturer Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Russia, Moscow)
Abstract. Art-pedagogical technologies offer innovative ways to teach English to law students. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using art-based pedagogical technologies in teaching English to law students. By using literature, music, drama, and other creative tools, instructors can engage students in a dynamic and interactive language learning process. These methods not only improve language skills but also promote critical thinking, creativity, and cultural awareness.
Keywords: art-pedagogical technologies, law students, formation of personality, legal English.
In the modern educational landscape, the integration of art-pedagogical technologies is increasingly recognised as a powerful tool for improving learning outcomes across a range of disciplines. By combining artistic methods with pedagogical techniques, educators are able to engage students in a more dynamic and interactive way, fostering deeper understanding and retention of complex academic concepts. Teaching English to law students is a particular area where this innovative approach can be applied.
In order to successfully teach foreign languages to law students, it is necessary to create stimulating conditions that promote the formation of professional skills, intellectual development and self-development. It is important to inspire the young generation for independent learning and cultural development. We believe that the integration of a foreign language with various arts - literature, music, cinema and others - in the process of teaching law students allows us to create a promising direction in pedagogy. This approach has a direct impact on the formation of a professional.
The use of art-pedagogical techniques in the process of teaching foreign languages to law students provides for the implementation of an individual approach, since the forms, methods and means of art, in the process of teaching create conditions for the development of personality, expression of the inner world, development of creative abilities of future lawyers [4].
It is important to note that law students feel the need to immerse themselves in the world of foreign fiction, which allows them to open up new horizons and understand the essence of the
true language, culture and values of other nations. Reading the literature of other countries stimulates reflection on good, evil, justice, morality and ethics, and raises deep inner questions that have occupied the minds of people for centuries. Literature, as an art of speech and an arena of acute spiritual struggle, is directly linked to artistic consciousness and conscience [1, p. 394], making it one of the most important tools for exploring the depths of the human soul.
Reading authentic fiction in a foreign language contributes to the development of communicative competence, increases vocabulary and stimulates analytical skills. Readers' cognitive activity increases when they become familiar with the living language presented in works of fiction. Acquisition of communicative patterns and overcoming psychological barriers are also observed in the process of language learning through reading literary works [3].
In order to achieve the goals of active acquisition of the foreign legal language by students, the use of classic works of authors such as A. Christie, W. Collins, E. Poe, T.M. Reed, A.K. Doyle, taking into account the appropriateness of the texts to the language level, their relevance and socio-cultural value, is of great importance. In the course of teaching, special attention is paid to the professional orientation and the connection with the legal aspect of the works.
The use of musical compositions in foreign language teaching stimulates law students to develop professional language skills, as specific legal vocabulary is often found in songs, providing an excellent example for learning. For instance, examples of legal English vocabulary re-
- Педагогические науки -
lated to criminal law can be found in Joe Cocker's song 'Now that the magic has gone': ...I've been tried and convicted of things I'm not guilty of. I was locked in a prison till you came and set me free...
To try a person means to examine a person who is accused of a crime in a court of law, by asking them questions and taking into account known facts, and then decide whether the person is guilty of the crime. To convict a person is to make an official decision in a court of law that a person is guilty of a criminal offence. To be guilty of smth - to be responsible for the violation of a law. To be locked in prison - to be in prison. To set sb free - to release a person from prison.
When teaching law students, it is recommended not only to use music, but also to show detective films and TV series in a foreign language. This will help to expand vocabulary and activate communicative patterns at a subconscious level. Students will improve their ability to understand, recognise and analyse professionally relevant information, as well as learn speech patterns appropriate to specific communication situations. It is also important to consider the interests of the audience and to prepare appropriate material at this stage. For instance, after watching the movie "The Escape Artist", students are invited to stage a trial from the film to immerse themselves in the world of legal terminology and develop their lan-
guage proficiency but also improved students' understanding of legal procedures and communication within a legal context. After all, the staging of a trial is a unique space for dialogue, for the realisation of the intellectual and creative potential of the students [2, p. 149]. This approach shapes the professional competence of future lawyers and helps them to better understand the ethical aspects of their profession.
Art-pedagogical technologies have shown great promise in enhancing the process of teaching English to law students. Looking ahead, it is essential to consider future perspectives and recommendations for their continued use in this context. Firstly, educators should strive to incorporate more interactive and engaging art-based activities into their lessons to stimulate students' interest and creativity. Additionally, exploring virtual and augmented reality tools can provide immersive language learning experiences tailored to the specific needs of law students. Collaboration with art and language experts can also offer valuable insights into effective integration strategies. Furthermore, continuous research and evaluation of the effectiveness of these technologies are crucial to ensure optimal outcomes. By embracing these future perspectives and recommendations, educators can further enhance the quality of English language instruction for law students through the innovative use of art-pedagogical technologies.
guage skills. This method not only enhanced lan-
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- Педагогические науки -
О.И. Мишурова, старший преподаватель
Московский государственный юридический университет имени О.Е. Кутафина (Россия, г. Москва)
Аннотация. Артпедагогические технологии предлагают инновационные способы преподавания профессионально ориентированного иностранного языка студентам-юристам. В этой статье мы рассмотрим преимущества использования арт-педагогических технологий в преподавании английского языка студентам-юристам. Литература, музыка, кино и другие творческие инструменты, помогают вовлечь студентов в динамичный и интерактивный процесс изучения языка. Эти методы не только улучшают языковые навыки, но и способствуют развитию критического мышления, творческих способностей и культурного самосознания.
Ключевые слова: артпедагогические технологии, студенты-юристы, формирование личности, юридический английский язык.