Shadmanova Nigora Irgashevna
a senior teacher of the department of "Uzbek language and literature» of Karshi institute of engineering and economics, Uzbekistan
The following article is about the intensive technology of the educational process, advanced ideas of teaching and upbringing are being put into the form of technologies. One of the generally recognized is the technology of developmental learning.
Keywords: intensive technology, problemativeness, the principle of individualization, the personal-activity principle
Следующая статья посвящена интенсивной технологии образовательного процесса, в которой передовые идеи обучения и воспитания воплощаются в виде технологий. Одной из общепризнанных является технология развивающего обучения.
Ключевые слова: интенсивная технология, проблемность, принцип индивидуализации, личностно-деятельностный принцип.
Keyingi maqola o'quv jarayonining intensiv texnologiyasiga bag'ishlangan bo'lib, unda ilg'or ta'lim va tarbiya g'oyalari texnologiya shaklida amalga oshiriladi. Umume'tirof etilgan texnologiyalardan biri bu ta'limni rivojlantirish texnologiyasidir. Kalit so'zlar: intensiv texnologiya, muammo, individuallashtirish printsipi, shaxs-faoliyat printsipi.
The technology of developmental education and upbringing is one of the most effective technologies that have proven it as really working in schools and universities. Taking into account the integrated approach, the technology of developmental education and upbringing is implemented in all spheres of pedagogical activity: educational, extracurricular, and educational. It is especially effective in working with gifted students. In practice, the ideas of L.V.Zankov and D.B.Elkonin-
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V.V.Davydov have become the most widespread in the technology of developmental learning.
Today, technology is becoming the dominant characteristic of human activity, which means a transition to a qualitatively new stage of efficiency, optimality, and knowledge intensity of the educational process. The potential of technologization has accumulated in numerous works by scientists from different countries: P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, N.F. Talyzina, I.P. Kaloshina, Z.A. Reshetova, I.I. Ilyasov, N.A. Mechinskaya, M.Ya. Mikulinskaya, L.F. Obukhova etc.
The technology of developing education in vocational training at a university should be based on the following principles:
- problemativeness, when the study of a discipline is conducted on the basis of a problematic approach to the assimilation of humanitarian knowledge, as a result of which the creative attitude of students to culture, to their future profession is ensured, creative imagination is developed, the ability to discover new knowledge and find new ways of action is formed by hypotheses and their justification are put forward, the mechanisms of personality development based on imitation of a future profession are more fully included;
- the principle of individualization, which provides the possibility of adapting the content of learning and ways of assimilation to the individual needs of students, allows them to keep pedagogical records of their differential psychological characteristics, helps each student to realize himself as a person, identify and unleash his creative potential;
- the personal-activity principle, which allows you to realize a comprehensive didactic goal that determines the structure and content of the discipline's work program. It provides not only the assimilation of knowledge, but also the ways of this assimilation, as well as activities for the development of cognitive powers and creative potential of the personality of future specialists and the student is placed at the center of the educational process [10, p. 211].
The considered principles of developmental learning, which orient future specialists to master the experience of self-development, include a system of humanistic values associated with the progress of science and morality and used in the practical ability of self-assessment, self-programming, self-designing of their future professional activities.
The technology of developmental learning reveals the goals, objectives, content; methods, forms of interaction of participants in the pedagogical
process and the results achieved at the same time, and can be
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characterized by the following structural components: targeted, meaningful, operational, activity, effective.
The target component is associated with a clear definition of the goals of the technology of developmental learning, with the awareness and acceptance of these goals by students. Target settings have a significant impact on students, creating motivational orientations; activate educational and cognitive activities, ensuring effective mastering of program material.
The operational component includes, on the one hand, methods and forms of education that contribute to the development of students' cognitive powers and abilities, form their worldview and provide the necessary training for future professional activity, and on the other hand, the instrumental component of the technology of developing learning: educational and methodological literature, videos, computer programs with test tasks, etc. that is, the resources necessary for its implementation.
The activity component takes into account the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management, based on the principle of individualization and a personal-activity approach, contributes to the creation of comfortable conditions for students by eliminating the overload of educational material and the possibility of free choice of the level of complexity of tasks, the time of study and delivery of the studied educational material, and also provides comfortable conditions for the teacher to the implementation of his educational activities.
Developing learning technologies in the bachelor's professional training system consider the student as an equal, conscious participant in the learning process, developing in accordance with their capabilities. The introduction of learning technologies into the bachelor's education process (first of all, developing learning technologies) makes it possible to form an optimal learning system - the procedural embodiment of the components of the learning process in the form of a system of actions that ensure a guaranteed positive result, and provides an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of the educational process due to the internal reserves of the methodological system of vocational training. Based on the results of a systematic analysis and practical experience, we can talk about the adequacy of the effectiveness of developmental learning technologies selected as dominant for bachelor's professional training.
In the preparation of bachelors, developmental education involves professional development, which is understood as a didactic category that reveals the essence of the didactic system of
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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
knowledge, skills, norms and values that reflect the personal and activity foundations of professionalism and contribute to the formation of professional thinking among students. All of the above conditions the use of adaptive learning technology. In accordance with the specifics of the technology, the teacher works in two modes: teaches everyone (informs new things, explains, demonstrates, etc.) and works individually with individual students (manages independent work, exercises control, works with individual students).
In modern pedagogical practice, there are many different options for organizing a group discussion, as it is actively being developed not only in terms of developing learning technology, but also as a way of organizing extracurricular collective creative activity of students. The variety of types of discussion is determined by its diverse target orientation, the content of the activities organized with its help, and the number of participants. So, in addition to discussions held in the form of a discussion of the problem by a small group, there are those that ensure effective discussion in a fairly large student group by dividing it into small groups and organizing discussions in them, and then coordinating the results of the activities of small groups.
Thus, all the technologies of developmental learning presented above combine the following fundamental characteristics: communicative orientation of learning, cognitive independent activity, interactivity of the entire educational process, integration of creative and professional thinking, formation of stable motivation for educational and cognitive activities, cooperation and joint creativity in the development of projects, solving creative tasks.
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