N.Y. Buryak, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Academy of Marketing and Social and Information Technologies - IMSIT (Russia, Krasnodar)
Abstract. The principles of teaching are one of the most controversial areas of didactics, psychology, and methodology, since in their understanding there are opposing opinions, often contradicting each other. This article discusses the principles of communicative teaching of foreign language culture. An attempt is made to prove that all the principles considered are interrelated, mutually dependent and complement each other, presenting a system of provisions that determine the learning strategy. Therefore, following the methodology of communicative teaching and foreign language culture presupposes compliance with all these principles in the system of philological education.
Keywords: principle, competence approach, communicative method, foreign language, speech skills and abilities, motivation, foreign language culture.
If we consider that the cognitive, developing and teaching aspects of foreign language culture are aimed at educating the student's personality, taking into account the content of the concept «communicativeness", as well as the fact that the learning system is multifacet-ed and the initial provisions should cover the entire process of its implementation, we can formulate the following principles of communicative teaching of foreign language culture (LC) [3]:
1. The principle of mastering all aspects of foreign language culture through communication.
2. The principle of interrelated teaching aspects of foreign language culture.
3. The principle of modeling the content of aspects of foreign language culture.
4. The principle of educational process management based on its quantization and programming.
5. The principle of consistency in the organization of the process of teaching foreign language culture.
6. The principle of teaching foreign language culture based on the situation as a system of relationships.
7. The principle of individualization in mastering a foreign language culture.
8. The principle of the development of speech-thinking activity in mastering foreign language culture.
9. The principle of functionality in teaching foreign language culture.
10. The principle of novelty in teaching foreign language culture.
The principle of mastering all aspects of LC through communication
The communicative method for the first time put forward the position that communication should be taught only through communication. The introduction of the individual to the socio-historical experience of mankind occurs only in communication with the teacher, with each other. It is communication that is the most important condition for proper education [2].
The process of teaching foreign language communication (both in oral and written forms) is a model of the process of real communication according to the main parameters: motivation, purposefulness, informativeness of the communication process, novelty, situa-tiveness, functionality, the nature of the interaction of the communicants and the system of speech means. Thanks to this, learning conditions are created that are adequate to real ones, which ensures the successful acquisition of skills and their use by students in real communication.
The principle of interrelated learning aspects of foreign language culture
The complex nature of foreign language culture is manifested in the unity and
interrelation of its educational, cognitive, educational and developmental aspects. Each of these aspects has equal practical significance and contributes to the formation of students' personality by means of the subject "foreign language culture". But the true mastery of one or another aspect of LC is possible only if the other aspects are properly mastered, which is explained by their interdependence. In this regard, any type of work, any exercise in the educational process integrates all four aspects of foreign language culture and is evaluated depending on the presence of these aspects in it. Interconnectedness is present not only in each training session, but also in certain types of exercises specially developed within the framework of the communicative teaching methodology.
The principle of educational process management based on its quantization
Any learning system involves quantization of all components of the learning process (goals, means, educational material, conditions, etc.), i.e. their division into certain parts that allow you to program the learning process, and, consequently, manage it. Without this, systematic training will be impossible, and, consequently, its manageability and efficiency.
The principle of teaching foreign language culture based on the situation as a system of relationships
Communicative learning is carried out on the basis of situations understood (unlike other methodological schools) as a system of relationships. The situation exists as an integrative dynamic system of social status, role, activity and moral relationships of communication subjects. It is a universal form of functioning of the learning process and serves as a way of organizing speech means, a way of their presentation, a way of motivating speech activity, the main condition for the formation of skills and the development of speech skills, a prerequisite for learning communication strategies and tactics. The use of all these functions of the situation is a distinctive feature of the communicative methodology.
The principle of individualization in mastering a foreign language culture
It is not by chance that didactics put forward the principle of individualization and differentiation of learning. Methodists also consider the principle of an individual approach necessary. G.V. Rogova writes: "One of the most important problems of teaching technology is the search for ways to make greater use of the individual capabilities of students both in terms of collective work in the classroom and independent work during extracurricular time" [4].
The principle of the development of speech-thinking activity in mastering a foreign language culture
This principle does not involve memorizing speech material with its subsequent reproduction, but the organization of intensive mental activity based on the intellectual needs of students. And this is possible if all tasks at all stages of training are speech-thinking tasks of different levels of problemativeness and complexity. Speech-thinking tasks are used in teaching all aspects of LC and are designed to develop thinking mechanisms: a mechanism for orientation in a situation, evaluation of feedback signals and decision-making, a mechanism for determining goals, a mechanism for forecasting (results, content), a mechanism for choosing (thoughts, facts, etc.), a mechanism for combining, a mechanism for constructing [1].
The principle of functionality in teaching foreign language culture
This principle of communicative learning presupposes, first of all, students' awareness of the functional purpose of all aspects of foreign language culture, i.e. each student must understand what can give him personally not only the actual educational aspect, i.e. the so-called practical knowledge of the language, but also the use of everything that will be offered in cognitive and developmental aspects.
According to the principle of functionality, the object of assimilation is non-speech means by themselves, and the functions performed by these means. The selection and organization of the material is carried out depending on the need for students to express certain speech functions: doubt, praise, confirmation of thought, refusal, confidence,
etc. Due to the fact that the model of the system of speech means is created not by selecting lexical and grammatical material separately, but on a functional basis: certain means of different levels are selected to express each of the speech functions (to inform, explain, convince, etc.).
The principle of novelty in teaching foreign language culture
Communicative learning is built in such a way that all its content and organization are permeated with novelty. Human speech is inherently productive, not reproductive. Of course, many speech units - words, phrases, sometimes phrases - are used by speakers as ready-made and reproduced (reproduced), but their forms and combinations are always new. It cannot be otherwise: after all, the situation with many of its components is always different, always new, and a person who does not take this into account will not only fail to achieve the goal, but will also look ridiculous.
Thus, novelty ensures the rejection of arbitrary memorization; develops speech production, heuristics and productivity of students' speech skills, arouses interest in educational, cognitive and any other activity. Novelty permeates other aspects of foreign language culture. In connection with the
principle of novelty, the teacher should remember that:
- with the development of speech skills, it is necessary to constantly vary speech situations associated with the speech-thinking activity of students;
- speech material should be memorized involuntarily, in the process of performing speech-thinking tasks;
- repetition of speech material is carried out due to its constant inclusion in the fabric of the training session;
- exercises should ensure constant combination, transformation and paraphrasing of speech material;
- the content of educational materials should be of interest to students primarily for its informative nature;
- constant novelty of all elements of the educational process is necessary.
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that all the principles considered are interrelated, mutually dependent and complement each other, representing a system of provisions that determine the learning strategy. Therefore, following the methodology of communicative teaching foreign language and foreign language culture presupposes compliance with all these principles in the system of
philological education. References
1. Kovalchuk M.A. Discussion as a means of teaching foreign language communication. Methodical manual for a teacher of foreign languages. - M., Higher School, 2008.
2. Solovova E.N. Methods of teaching foreign languages: Basic course of lectures: A manual for students of pedagogical colleges and teachers. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.
3. Passov E.I. Methodology of methodology: Theory and experience of application: Favorites. - Lipetsk, 2002.
4. Rogova G.V., Vereshchagina I.N. Methods of teaching English at the initial stage in general education institutions: A manual for teachers and students of pedagogical universities. -3rd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2000.
Академии маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий - ИМСИТ (Россия, г. Краснодар)
Аннотация. Принципы обучения - одна из наиболее спорных областей дидактики, психологии, методики, так как в их понимании существуют противоположные мнения, часто противоречащие друг другу. В данной статье рассматриваются принципы коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре. Делается попытка доказать, что все рассмотренные принципы взаимосвязаны, взаимообусловлены и дополняют друг друга, представляя систему положений, определяющих стратегию обучения. Поэтому следование методике коммуникативного обучения ИЯ и иноязычной культуре предполагает соблюдение всех указанных принципов в системе филологического образования.
Ключевые слова: принцип, компетентностный подход, коммуникативный метод, иностранный язык, речевые навыки и умения, мотивация, иноязычная культура.