THE SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
innovation / innovation process / innovative solution / concept / integration / economy

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Qodirov A.A.

This article describes the successful management of innovative activity. The creators of innovations are guided by criteria such as the life cycle of the product and economic efficiency. Their strategy aims to outperform the competition by creating innovation that is found to be unique in a certain area.

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Qodirov A.A. senior lecturer Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara THE SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY Annotation: This article describes the successful management of innovative activity. The creators of innovations are guided by criteria such as the life cycle of the product and economic efficiency. Their strategy aims to outperform the competition by creating innovation that is found to be unique in a certain area. Keywords: innovation, innovation process, innovative solution, concept, integration, economy

The world's economic literature, the concept of "innovation" is interpreted as the transformation of the potential scientific and technological progress in the real, incarnate in new products and technologies. The issue of innovation in our country for many years, was developed within the framework of Economic Studies of scientific and technical progress.

The term "innovation" has been actively used in a transition economy, both independently, and to refer to a number of related concepts: "innovation", "innovation process", "innovative solution", etc. To clarify the concept of "innovation" acquainted with different views on its nature.

The methodology of the system to describe innovation in a market economy is based on international standards. In accordance with these standards, innovation -this is the final outcome of innovation, were embodied in the form of new or improved products, introduction on the market of a new or improved technological process used in practice or a new approach to social services. Innovation is the result of innovation.

Thus, the scientific and technical developments and innovations serve as an intermediate result of research and production cycle and as practical applications are transformed into scientific and technical innovation. Scientific and technological developments and inventions are the application of new knowledge with a view to their practical application, scientific and technical as innovation is the materialization of new ideas and knowledge, discoveries, inventions and scientific and technological developments in the production process with a view to commercial sale to meet specific customer needs.

Commercial aspect defines innovation as an economic necessity, conscious through the needs of the market. Thus it is necessary to pay attention to two things: on the "materialization" of innovation, inventions and developments in new technologically advanced industrial products; tools and objects of labor, technology and organization of production and on the "commercialization" and turn them into a source of income.

Scientific and technological innovation must be new, to meet the market demand and bring profit to the manufacturer.

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The spread of innovations, as well as their creation, is an integral part of the innovation process.

There are three logical forms of the innovation process: •Intraorganizational (natural process) •interorganizational (trade process) •extended.

Intraorganizational form the innovation process involves the creation and use of innovations within the same organization, innovation in this case is not directly marketable form. When product innovation process innovation serves as an object of sale. This form of the innovation process is the separation of Creator and producer of the innovation function of its consumers. Finally, advanced innovation process manifested in the creation of more and more manufacturers of innovations, as well as in violation of the monopoly manufacturer pioneer, which contributes, in turn, through mutual competition to improve the consumer properties of manufactured goods.

In terms of commodity innovation process operates at least two business entities: the manufacturer (the creator) and the consumer (user) innovations. If innovation is a process, its producer and consumer can be combined in the same economic entities.

As the transformation of the innovation process in the trade, highlighted his two organic phases are:

1) Create and distribute;

2) Diffusion of innovations.

The first phase mainly includes the successive stages of research, development work, the organization of pilot production and marketing, organization of commercial production. In the first phase has not yet implemented the useful effect of innovation, but only creates the preconditions of such an implementation. In the second phase of the public benefit effect redistributed innovation between producers and between producers and consumers.

Diffusion of Innovations - is the process by which the innovation is transmitted over communication channels in time and is distributed among the members of a social system. Innovations may be ideas, objects, technologies that are new to an economic entity. Diffusion - is spread once already mastered and used innovation in a new environment or field of application.

Distribution innovation - is an information process, the shape and speed of which depends on the power of communication channels, peculiarities of information perception by business entities, etc. This is due to the fact that economic agents operating in the real economic environment, show different treatment to different search innovations and the ability to assimilate them.

The innovation process is cyclical, that shows the chronological order of appearance of innovations in various fields of technology. Innovation - this is a technical and economic cycle, in which the use of the results of research and

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №5(26) 2019 science-j.com


development itself is technical and economic changes, which have an inverse effect on the activity of this sector.

With the development of activities, representing an innovative process that splits into separate, differing sites and materialized in the form of a functional organizational units and segregated as a result of the division of labor. Economic and technological impacts of innovation process is only partially translated into new products or technologies. Much more it is manifested in the increase of economic and scientific-technical potential as a prerequisite for the emergence of new technology, if the level is increased technological innovation system and its components, is thus increased susceptibility to innovations.

Creating innovations happening in the course of activities that can be called innovative. Conventionally, a set of processes of innovation activities in different sectors can be called innovation.

Innovation is not a single sphere of organizational system, its components are present in both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors of the economy. The composition of the innovative sphere include units that develop and implement innovations in enterprises, organizations and institutions, independent scientific and technical organizations, universities, the education system, individual scientists and inventors.

For the successful management of innovative activity requires careful study of innovation. First of all, you must be able to distinguish innovation from insignificant modifications in products and processes (aesthetic changes - color, shape, etc...); minor technical or external changes in the products that leave the same design concept and do not have enough significant effect on the parameters, properties, price of the product, and its constituent materials and components; by expanding the range of products through the development of production has not been produced before in the enterprise, but already well-known products on the market, in order to meet current demand and increase enterprise revenues. The novelty of the innovations estimated by technological parameters, as well as the market position.

From this it can be said that the innovation fulfills the following three functions:

1) Reproduction;

2) investment;

3) stimulating.

Thus, the profit from the innovation and use it as a source of funding is the content of reproductive function innovation.

Organization of innovative activity aimed at streamlining the process of generating new ideas, research and development of technical solutions, the creation of innovations, as well as their implementation. The mechanism of the organization is focused on the formation and reorganization of institutions engaged in innovation processes. Such work can take place in various forms, the main ones are the creation, acquisition, market innovative integration, separation. The problem of increasing the efficiency of enterprises of all forms of ownership, ensuring high rates of economic development becomes very relevant in the current

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №5(26) 2019 science-j.com

conditions of the economy. At the same time, it is well known that innovation can ensure a quick exit of the economy from the crisis. However, innovation requires significant costs to the same high-risk. In this connection there is need to identify and justify the methodology for assessing the cost-effectiveness of innovation.


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