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Ключевые слова
management of innovation development / innovation infrastructure / innovation policy / venture capital / transfer of technologies

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tanana S., Sergiichuk J.

The sources of innovations, tendencies of development the innovation sphere in world, indicators of investment and innovational modernization in Ukraine, instruments of state support of innovation development (support of venture capital, tax stimulation, state help of individuals of innovation activity), peculiarities of technological transfer and protection of rights to intellectual property in the USA, ways of realization the modern innovation politics in countries of the US are determined in the article. Practical experience of institutional development of innovation system of the USA, countries of the Western Europe and on it base described by ways of development the innovation activity in Ukraine is considered in it.

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объединений, руководство которыми полностью осуществляется студентами. Среди прочих, наиболее успешны - школа спикера, дискуссионный клуб «Точка зрения», «Вектор», «Кавказский формат» и др. Формирование этой компетенции осуществляется также посредством работы в студенческих объединениях. Так, например, принцип командной работы активно используется в студенческом пресс-центре. Корреспонденты объединены в инициативные группы, за каждой из которых закреплены свои направления и сфера ответственности в подготовке материалов (спорт, волонтерство, культура и т.д.). Участники взаимодействуют с молодежным активом всех институтов университета и структурными подразделениями вуза для получения и обработки информации.

Развитию такой компетенции, как способность логично, аргументированно и ясно строить устную и письменную речь способствует предоставление студентам возможности публичных выступлений: защита проектов на различных конкурсах, презентация на мероприятиях, работа ведущими мероприятий. Наиболее активно это проявляется в следующих мероприятиях: конкурс социальных проектов «Проект +», День знаний и День студенчества, турниры дебатов дискуссионного клуба «Точка зрения» и др. Это способствует развитию умений выступать на публике, готовить логически выстроенные и аргументированные презентации, красиво и грамотно говорить. Большое внимание развитию данной компетенции уделяется в работе студенческого пресс-центра. Для студентов проводятся тематические мастер-классы по созданию собственных информационных материалов, студенты могут постоянно совершенствовать свои навыки на практике.

В условиях современного мира актуальным является формирование компетенции владения основными методами, способами и средствами получения, хранения, переработки информации, навыками работы с цифровой техникой как средством управления информацией и способность работать с информацией в глобальных компьютерных сетях. Студенты ежедневно сталкиваются с большим информационным потоком, и одной из задач является научить их правильно ориентироваться в средствах массовой информации и использовать различные информационные ресурсы. Молодежный актив и специалисты университета помогают студентам в этом направлении.

Внеучебная деятельность студентов позволяет формировать различные компетенции, навыки коммуникации, работы в команде, внутренней организованности, готовности к принятию решений и многое другое. Данные компетенции являются необходимым дополнением к профессиональным знаниям и умениям студентов как будущим конкурентоспособным специалистам, отвечающим современным требованиям работодателей.


1. Кормильцева М.В. Социально-личностные компетенции студентов как фактор развития их профессиональной мобильности // Автореф. канд. псих. наук. - Екатеринбург, 2009. - 24 с.

2. Магин В. А. Применение современных подходов к формированию культуры здоровья педагога // Мир науки, культуры, образования. - 2019. -№ 2 (75). - С. 227-228.

3. Магин В.А. Теоретический анализ понятия «культура здоровья педагога» // Проблемы современного педагогического образования. - 2019. - № 63 (4). - С. 163-166.


Tanana S.,

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of the Department of Professional Education orcid. org/0000-0002-6088-0738 Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav,

Sergiichuk J. Ph.D. in History, Assistant Professor of the Department of General Pedagogic and Pedagogic of Higher School orcid. org/0000-0002-2003-1122 Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav,


30, Sykhomlynskyi Street, Pereiaslav, 08401


The sources of innovations, tendencies of development the innovation sphere in world, indicators of investment and innovational modernization in Ukraine, instruments of state support of innovation development (support of venture capital, tax stimulation, state help of individuals of innovation activity), peculiarities of technological transfer and protection of rights to intellectual property in the USA, ways of realization the modern innovation politics in countries of the US are determined in the article. Practical experience of institutional development of

innovation system of the USA, countries of the Western Europe and on it base described by ways of development the innovation activity in Ukraine is considered in it.

Keywords: management of innovation development, innovation infrastructure, innovation policy, venture capital, transfer of technologies.


The main factor of growth is the development of high-technological sector of economy. The need for accelerated commercialization of new innovation developments is due to increased competition in world markets, rapid speed of development of science and technology. Don't elaborate mechanisms of legal regulation of high-technological sector of economy, tax incentives of innovative enterprises, transfer of technologies, a system of venture financing, low export indices of high-technological products, patenting and licensing inventions, innovative activity of native enterprises imports of new technologies, poor innovation infrastructure deepen of the technological gap between Ukraine and economic developed countries of the world.

Improving of level to the competitiveness of the national economy may be provided by upgrading its technological development through development institutes of venture business, extensiving of innovation infrastructure, technological sector of economy, eliminate of factors, its hamper the development of innovative economy. It is therefore necessary to radically reorient of state vector in the direction of development of the national economy of innovation type. Changes have be methodological and methodical character.

The purpose: to analyze the current Ukrainian legislation in the field of innovations and on base of the practical experience of organization innovation activities of foreign countries, outline the ways of improving this activity in Ukraine.

Brief Literature Review

Distribution of the world of open innovation investigate by H. Chesbrough (2003) [18]; management of intellectual property investigated by E. Hippel (2005) [23]; implementation instruments of state support of innovation development of economy in the EU were subject to investigation are Y. Katsoulacos, L. Tsipouri, K. Guy (2005) [24]. Experience of venture funding studied Yu. Amosov (2006) [1], A. Kashyryn, A. Semenov (2007) [5]. Place of innovation in policy of Japan determined by Yu. Harayama (2007) [21]; indicators of monitoring in the innovation system studied R. Hawkins (2007) [22]; the role of ICT infrastructure for knowledge exchange between scientists identified C. Wagner (2008) [27]. Scientific principles of money-credit budget and fiscal management innovation studied A. Belinskyi, A. Baranov (2008) [3].

The essence of innovation policy and the types of higher education institutions considered by T. Boholib (2008) [8]; trends in the development of high-technological sector of economy of Ukraine defined by L. Fedulova (2009) [14]; changes in laws innovative regional economy formulated by E. Lazareva (2009) [6]; mechanisms of technology transfer at national and international levels determined V. Khaustov (2009) [13]. Scientific principles of state regulation of innovative activity in Ukraine developed by Yu. Bazhal (2015) [2],

V. Geyets (2015) [4], I. Lukina (2016) [7]; development of innovation infrastructure studied C. Alcaraz, S. Zeadelly (2015) [15]; development of innovative universities are R. Arocena, B. Goransson, J. Sutz (2015) [16]; providing of innovative infrastructure are J. Blyde, D. Molina (2015) [17]; legal requirements for innovation product in China are Z. Ma, M. Yu, S. Gao (2015) [25]; transfer of open innovation in organizations by R. Schillo, J. Kinder (2017) [26] .

On the based of analysis of current legislation of Ukraine, scientific works of scientists to determine of the source of innovation, trends of development in innovative areas in the world; to analyze of the USA legislation in the field of technology transfer, particularly of technology transfer and intellectual property protection in the country, the ways of realization of modern innovation policy in the EU; on based of the comparison of the level of development innovation systems of the USA and Ukraine determined of indicators of investment and innovation modernization, ways of improving innovative activity in Ukraine.


In the law of Ukraine «About innovation activity» are not such concepts and their legal content, «innovation potential of state», «competitiveness of innovative technologies», «investment and innovation moderniza-tion», «innovation results», «autonomous innovation system», «institutions of innovation activities»[12].

On the based of analysis of current legislation of Ukraine, scientific works of scientists define the following sources of innovation: research projects, scientific -research, research and development of scientific-research works; modern forms of organization innovations, including clusters, technological platforms; introduction of new forms of partnership between the state and the business sector; globalization participants of innovative products and services; using of organizational competitive advantages, information technologies.

In 6 th article of the law of Ukraine «About State Budget of Ukraine for 2017 year» indicate: «The state guarantees can be provided on the basis of international agreements of Ukraine for finance of economic devel-opment»[11].

It is a pity, the law of Ukraine on venture capital funds and venture innovative companies is now on development, and a system of venture financing of innovative projects functioning at a low level.

On the base of the scientific works of scientists define these trends of development innovation sector in the world: in condition of market economy of main tract of innovation processes realized by private companies; decreased of state and increased commercial spending in the share of allocations on scientific researches; combined direct and indirect tools of stimulate to innovation; subject of program-targeted approaches in the management of scientific-research works (it is about

creating software funds for scientific projects) its contribute to the development of different forms of cooperative members and integration of resources, new technologies, and in the leading countries are increasing the pace of high-technological sphere of the economy; increase inter-state competition for generating of innovation and technology transfer, the value of virtual communities (it is about the creation and operation of found network organizations); are changing framework implementation of innovation strategies; introducing of mechanisms of state-private partnerships.

In the USA became spreading of venture capital funds, systems of grants and contracts under research projects; state promotion of venture capital of small innovative companies of scientific researches, technology transfer in different branches industries, part of universities in interagency programs in cooperation with the ministries of the country; direct state investment in basic research; public support of innovation activity in the private sector (it is the functioning of private companies that support specific innovative and evaluate the effectiveness of their operation); a combination of direct and indirect instruments (tax reductions). Venture Fund - a legal entity, that provides financing for innovation activity; the investment in sphere of activity consists least 50% of its own funds [9].

Define the following peculiarities of venture financing: financing of project is accompanied by risk; type of venture financing of innovative projects involves constant change of perspective industries of economy, leads of accelerated commercialization of new innovative products for neutrality of risks; selectivity requirements of the innovative projects.

In the USA, the cost of business and state on research and innovation works is 1.4: 1 [4, 125]; in the country are more than 400 industrial parks [4, p. 200]; the volume of venture capital, directing on finance of innovation activity amounted 0,041% of GIP [19].

From foreign customers of innovative products of the USA are 15.3 billion dollars, or 4% of total spending on research and development (2010) [4, 213]. In the USA commercialization of new knowledge created in university laboratories is as a way to get increased state funding (this contributes of the law of that country) [2, p. 80]. Transfer of technology - a systematic transfer of knowledge for production, provision of services; procedure for concluding of commercial agreements on transfer of technology means, patents, licenses, innovations, projects, designs, giving of technical help with transfer of research results.

On the international level technology transfer agreements of settled within WIPO, WTO, OECD. At the national level of technology transfer regulates by the law of Ukraine «About state regulation of activities in sphere of technology transfer» [10].

The law of Bayh-Dole (1980) gave of right property by recipients of federal funds (universities) in research and development to patent inventions and licenses the intellectual property to companies (firms); the law Stivenson-Vidler (1980) intensified of collaboration research laboratories, universities and industry, contributed to the widening of the authors received re-

search results. The law «Small Business Innovation Research Act» (1982) provided of the implementation of the program funding federal agencies with high incomes establishments of small business on realization of scientific researches and developments.

In the law «Cooperative research» (1984) was provided of founding research consortiums on based collaboration of industrial companies and universities and in the law «Federal Technology Transfer Act» (1986) determined for concluding licensing agreements to conduct cooperative research universities and industrial companies with federal laboratories and providing royalty recent law on the practical using of their inventions.

The law «National Competitiveness Act» (1989) regulates the conclusion of license agreements for doing of common projects between state laboratories, managed and performed realization of universities, industrial companies and the distribution of royalties between them. In the law «Small Business Technology Transfer Act» (1992) has developed mechanisms for technology transfer to small businesses [13, 40].

In the USA experts of annually, analyze the law of foreign countries, which regulates the protection of right of intellectual ownership of and practice his using [13].

Define the following peculiarities of technology transfer and intellectual property protection in the USA: encouragement of state commercialization of university of research results by ways of providing intellectual property rights, simplification of procedures using the results of government-funded of researches through transfer of ownership state universities, by industrial companies, creating «service of transmission technology» in universities for licensing of encourage companies, developed the system of university patenting and a large part of the size of patent portfolios, collaboration of universities with patent offices; synergistic interaction of technology and the market; high level of commercialization to technologies as a result of the creation of new companies; researchers exemption from customs duties on patenting inventions, increased of government spending on preparation in universities of leaders-managers in the field of intellectual property; encouraging by state non-exclusive licensing of inventions; state support of high-tech sector of the national economy (it is the federal program of the development of advanced technologies, which provides incentives to invest of private capital in high technology by investment risk).

Thus, countries with different level of development the innovation systems, overcoming the technological gap, choosing inherent technological and economic structure of organizational schemes and mechanisms of transfer of technology. Vector innovative development directing on the USA, its constant stabilize of infra structure and mechanisms the transfer of technologies. Venture Fund - a legal entity, that provides financing for innovation; The scope of the investment is at least 50% of its own funds [9]. Define the following peculiarities of venture financing, project financing is accompanied by risk; type of venture financing of innovative projects involves constant change of

perspective industries, leads to accelerated commercialization of new innovative products to neutrality risks; selectivity requirements of the innovative projects. In the USA, the cost of business and state for research and innovation is 1.4: 1 [4, 125]; in the country are more than 400 industrial parks [4, 200]; the volume of venture capital to finance innovation amounted to 0,041% of GIP [19].

In Ukraine became of current these forms of transfer by technologies: license of inventions, know-how (not patent scientific-technical knowledge); develop-

ment of agreement conditions of disposal by technologies; instructions of establishments from management of intellectual property. Special regulating of reproduce to technologies realization through system of stimulation of authors, inventors, determine of special regime of using the scientific results for state contracts; state support of innovation activity, favourable tax, giving credit, elaborate of infrastructure transfer of technologies [13, 39].

Compared index of level development of innovation systems of the USA and Ukraine.

Table 1

Correlation of index of level development of innovation systems of the USA and Ukraine

The USA Ukraine

The high proportion of venture capital for finance of innovation activity, it redistributed through venture capital funds and companies. A small part of state funding for innovation, it redistributed through the banking system.

The level of distribution GIP through the federal budget is 70%. The level of distribution GDP of the state budget is 30%.

The high level of development of private business venture project financing, market mechanisms, innovative economic development; increase of level in prices on innovative products; domination of the strategic priorities of innovation development of economy. The low level of development the private sector business, venture financing projects of innovation development of economy; increase in prices for innovative products.

Priority of export orientation of innovative technologies and products. The priority of imported direction of innovative technologies and products.

Accelerated dynamics of capital accumulation in the priority branches of the economy. Slow dynamics of capital accumulation in the priority branches of the economy

The tendency to increase of the size of the financing of innovation activity. The tendency of sustainability in financing innovation activity. The tendency of sustainability in financing innovation activity.

The wide range of methods of money and credit of tax incentives of innovation activity. Introduction of methods the tax regulation, forms of tax incentives for innovation activity.

Extensive system of current legislation that regulates the transfer of technologies and innovation activity. Don't developed of system is effective legislation that regulates the transfer of technologies and innovation activity.

The high level of development the national innovation system; formed an innovative infrastructure. The low level of development of the national innovation system; innovative infrastructure continues to develop.

State promotion of private capital investing in technologies with high investment risk. Promotion of state the author inventor.

Encouraging of state universities commercialize of research results by providing intellectual theirs property rights. By the legislation is not defined.

The developed system of university patenting; a large part of the size of patent portfolios. Imperfect system of university patenting.

Acquittal of researchers from customs duties for patenting inventions. Special taxation of subjects of innovation activity.

Increased by government of spending on preparation in universities of leaders- managers in the field of intellectual property. By the legislation doesn't provide.

Encouraging of state non-exclusive of licensing inventions. By the legislation is not defined.

State support of high-technological sector of the national economy (federal program of development of high technologies). State support of innovation activity (state program of development of high technologies don't developed).

Collaboration of university with patent offices. The patent office is not created.

Commercialization of new knowledge in universities inventors consider as a way of getting increased state funding. The system target increased public funding of universities with respect to innovation is not provided by law.

Institute for venture businesses. Institute of collective investment.

State policy in countries-members of the EU directed at supporting of individual subjects of national innovation systems and taking theirs account their priorities because of the concentration of the different sources of financial resources and the implementation of innovative and investment projects; it covers of state regulation (assurance of quality of innovation management by developing enabling legislation, codes) and promotion (through tax privileges, credits).

In countries of the EU state aid provided of business research and innovation activities, which is regulated by the provisions of the Framework about state aid for research, development and innovation. Under the provisions of the Framework state aid intended for researches and developments, technical-economic grounds, the practical using of the results; development of new technologies and upgrade infrastructure. It must be grounded by the state (which should promote common European interests); substantiation of the need for promoting national development, research, innovation and demonstration that state aid is an effective way to support innovation [20].

In countries of the EU introduced tools of state support of innovative development: funding for sufficient level education and basic researches, support of venture capital, loan guarantees to finance innovative projects, building an effective patent system, financial incentives of innovation (it is the government funding, tax incentives) [24].

In countries of the EU has extended of tax incentives for innovation activities of subjects manage (tax credit, reducing of the tax base income, additional depreciation of fixed assets for informational projects), which leads to the corresponding reduction of income tax base through the using of tax credits for innovative companies; additional depreciation of fixed assets; exemptions from payment of value added tax, income tax for individuals; eliminate various forms of tariffs on high-technological innovative products.

In Spain, the state agency decides to grant state support projects and experimental researches in the form of soft credits (0% for up to 10 years) [7, 49].

Innovative infrastructure - totality of juridical personalities, that carry out logistical, financial, organizational, methodological, information, consulting and other support innovation activity [9].

Define the following indicators of investment and innovative modernization of Ukraine: renewal of the technological equipment institutions; the level of development of scientific infrastructure the country, formation of a network of innovation infrastructure, attract of foreign investments and technologies for increase of the absorption capacity of the country, development of national framework conditions for innovation, investment and innovative modernization of the national economy, technologies of transfer, sales and imports of patents and licenses; peculiarities of state policy and socio-cultural environment - the foundation of technological development of country; simplification of procedures imports of foreign technology; state incentives for export oriented industries; intellectual property rights of foreign authors; level of the involvement of venture capital in scientific developments, creating a

network of venture capital funds, development of innovative human resources, production with high added value based on native technological innovation.

Define the following ways to improve innovation activity in Ukraine: orient producers on the competitive needs of enterprises; formulate requirements to innovation product, given the market of competitive products; increase the demand of businesses structures for innovation researches through instruments of legal regulation, implementation of synergetic model of innovation activity, development of market infrastructure of science (business, corporate universities, clusters, technological platforms, incubators) projects of economic growth of the region, interdisciplinary programs, the level of budget funding of research activities, development of innovative potential of country, clusters in Ukraine, higher education in natural and engineering sciences; universities strengthen cooperation with large business companies; implement a system of grants for scientific researches, practice acquisition of small companies and universities of patents on results of scientific and technological activities, its are financed from the state budget and get the exclusive right to license inventions, design-oriented system of research funding, tax incentives for high-technological businesses, national programs DIP; encourage of the modernization of main fixed assets in the industry; a sector research institute focused on the development of strategic technologies, enabling economic environment (it is the attraction of foreign scientific potential, foreign investors in high-technological industries, strengthen of international cooperation in the sphere of innovation); fixed of tax breaks for investments in assets; provided of state guarantees of foreign loans; develop of system the private conglomerates, innovation centers; develop a system of innovation activity in the knowledge triangle «state-university-industry»; to increase of competitive advantages of Ukraine in innovation activity.


Among the sources of innovations - types of scientific-research works, modern forms of organization the innovation, new forms of partnership the state and the business sector, competitive advantage, information technologies. Vector of development to governments of world's countries determined on develop competitive strategies of management of innovation sphere.

Approved by the USA federal government laws stimulate of innovation activity of small businesses, helping to facilitate researches of consortiums, realization of common projects, transfer of technologies to small businesses. The process of technologies transfer in the USA has certain peculiarities, among them - the transfer of intellectual property rights state universities, encourage of state non-exclusive licensing , support for high-technological sector of the national economy.

Developed indicators of investment and innovative modernization of Ukraine, that allow consent to determine the rating of the country, to develop regional programs of development to system of innovation activity and ways it improve .


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