Научная статья на тему ' THE STYLE OF ARTISTIC SPEECH'

THE STYLE OF ARTISTIC SPEECH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
artistic speech / phraseological units / functional stylistics / language units / practical stylistics / художественная речь / фразеологизмы / функциональная стилистика / языковые единицы / практическая стилистика

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Valiyeva Elmira Musa, Mukhtarova Vafa Ziyad, Abdullayeva Vusala Chingiz

Style-forming factors have a significant impact on the general principle and individual aspects of the or-ganization of language material, the distinctive features of a particular functional style. So, the spontaneous nature of colloquial speech and its situationality, on the one hand, and the direct personal contact of the par-ticipants in the act of speech communication (interpersonal communication), which determines the oral form of speech communication, on the other hand, largely determine the originality of colloquial syntax. In conclusion of the commentary on the definition of functional style, it is important to emphasize the fun-damental importance in this definition of understanding style (functional style) as a complex of typical fea-tures; the internal structure of a style is determined by its main style-forming factor or its main orientation, the speech function of communication.

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Стилеобразующие факторы оказывают существенное влияние на общий принцип и отдельные сто-роны организации языкового материала, отличительные особенности конкретного функционального стиля. Так, спонтанный характер разговорной речи и ее ситуативность, с одной стороны, и непосредс-твенный личный контакт участников акта речевого общения (межличностная коммуникация), обуслов-ливающий устную форму речевого общения, – с другой, во многом определяют своеобразие разговорного синтаксиса. В заключение комментария к дефиниции функционального стиля важно подчеркнуть принципиаль-ную значимость в этом определении понимания стиля (функционального стиля) как комплекса типиче-ских признаков; внутренняя структура стиля определяется главным для него стилеобразующим факто-ром или его основной направленностью, речевой функцией коммуникации.

Текст научной работы на тему « THE STYLE OF ARTISTIC SPEECH»


UOT: 811.111

Valiyeva Elmira Musa,

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Senior lecturer, department of "Languages" Mukhtarova Vafa Ziyad, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Lecturer, department of "Languages" Abdullayeva Vusala Chingiz Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Lecturer, department of "Languages" DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-10169-33-35 THE STYLE OF ARTISTIC SPEECH

Валиева Эльмира Муса,

Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет Старший преподаватель, кафедра "Языков" Мухтарова Вафа Зияд, Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет

Преподаватель, кафедра "Языков" Абдуллаева Вусала Чингиз Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет

Преподаватель, кафедра "Языков"



Style-forming factors have a significant impact on the general principle and individual aspects of the organization of language material, the distinctive features of a particular functional style. So, the spontaneous nature of colloquial speech and its situationality, on the one hand, and the direct personal contact of the participants in the act of speech communication (interpersonal communication), which determines the oral form of speech communication, on the other hand, largely determine the originality of colloquial syntax.

In conclusion of the commentary on the definition offunctional style, it is important to emphasize the fundamental importance in this definition of understanding style (functional style) as a complex of typical features; the internal structure of a style is determined by its main style-forming factor or its main orientation, the speech function of communication.


Стилеобразующие факторы оказывают существенное влияние на общий принцип и отдельные стороны организации языкового материала, отличительные особенности конкретного функционального стиля. Так, спонтанный характер разговорной речи и ее ситуативность, с одной стороны, и непосредственный личный контакт участников акта речевого общения (межличностная коммуникация), обусловливающий устную форму речевого общения, - с другой, во многом определяют своеобразие разговорного синтаксиса.

В заключение комментария к дефиниции функционального стиля важно подчеркнуть принципиальную значимость в этом определении понимания стиля (функционального стиля) как комплекса типических признаков; внутренняя структура стиля определяется главным для него стилеобразующим фактором или его основной направленностью, речевой функцией коммуникации.

Keywords: artistic speech, phraseological units, functional stylistics, language units, practical stylistics

Ключевые слова: художественная речь, фразеологизмы, функциональная стилистика, языковые единицы, практическая стилистика

The study of the stylistic stratification of the English language is carried out by a special science - stylis-tics, which studies various issues related to the rules and features of the purposeful use of various words and forms of the national language in various kinds of statements, in speech. Its appearance is quite natural, since the definition of the boundaries of a particular functional style, its features has always seemed very important for linguistic science, since the definition of the

rules and laws of the language has always gone along with the definition of the norms for the use of certain elements of the language in specific speech contexts. According to linguists, normative grammar and stylis-tics, lexicology, lexicography and stylistics are long and firmly connected.

The stylistics of artistic speech deals with issues related mainly to the elucidation of the patterns of such


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an organization of linguistic material within the framework of the text, as a result of which figurative speech is created.

In this section of stylistics, ideological and aesthetic categories and concepts play an exceptional role. This is due to the fact that, while remaining a linguistic discipline, operating with the corresponding linguistic categories and concepts, the stylistics of artistic speech, in order to identify the aesthetic function of language, refers to the categorical apparatus of art criticism, literary criticism, and also develops its own categories, for example, "image of the author", "artistic figurative speech concretization".

In the style of artistic speech, much attention is paid to the influence of the context (the macro context of the entire work of art and the micro context of the immediate verbal, within one or two paragraphs, environment) on the emergence of various connotations (additional meanings, often emotionally, expressively colored) in individual words, phrases, phraseological units. In the book "The problem of authorship and the theory of styles" V.V. Vinogradov specifically notes: "The semantic composition of a literary work includes the principle or technique of saturating the word and expressions with various semantic radiations, which, in accordance with the situation, acquire the function of unexpected milestones or paths for the development of the plot".

Thus, the sections of stylistics are closely interconnected and mutually correlative; in addition, the connections and correlation of functional stylistics with other structural sections of stylistics are obvious. [1. p. 167]

The artistic style as a whole differs from other functional styles in that if they, as a rule, are characterized by a common stylistic coloring, then in the artistic style there is a diverse range of stylistic colors of the language means used. However, this is "not a "mixture of styles", since each word in a work of art is motivated by content and stylistically, all together they are united by one common aesthetic function inherent in them." [1. p. 112]

The difference between artistic speech is also that it refers to the use of not only literary, but also extra-literary means of language - vernacular, jargon, dialects, etc. however, these means are used not in their primary function, but in aesthetic. All linguo-stylistic resources described by linguists are known to artistic speech. Thus, from a linguistic point of view, the artistic style is characterized by the use of all the stylistic resources of the Russian language.

In artistic speech, there is a wide and deep metaphor, figurativeness of units of different language levels; here the rich possibilities of synonymy, polysemy, and various stylistic layers of vocabulary are used. All means, including neutral ones, are called upon to serve here as an expression of the system of images, the poetic thought of the artist. In each specific case, out of the entire arsenal of linguistic and stylistic means, only one chosen means is appropriate, the only one necessary in this context. Moreover, the concept of high qualities of artistic speech and its indispensable properties includes the uniqueness and freshness of expression

when creating images, images-symbols (especially frequent in poetry), their bright individuality. In addition, artistic speech is distinguished not only by figurativeness, but also by obvious emotionality, in general, by aesthetically directed expressiveness. [2. p. 53]

Thus, functional stylistics interacts with practical stylistics when characterizing the speech structure of a certain functional variety of the literary language (i.e., when clarifying the features of the use of language units within its framework). The results of observations on the use of words, set phrases, grammatical forms and constructions, speech sounds in various conditions of speech communication are necessarily taken into account. [2. p. 55]

The study of the question of how specific language units (and their well-known groupings) "behave" in texts of a particular style (especially in relation to other language units) is extremely important for a deep, comprehensive study of the stylistic characteristics of lex-ico-semantic groups, parts speech, grammatical categories used in the functional varieties of the literary language.

If functional stylistics comes from large, masslike, internally organized groupings of linguistic means, linguistic elements, then practical stylistics comes from form (or rather, from word form), syntactic construction, from words, from words with certain semantic and expressive properties, from lexico-semantic or grammatical category, tracing the features and patterns of their functioning (use) in various situations of speech communication, including functional variants of the literary language.[3. p. 49]

So, the results of the study of language means from the standpoint of practical stylistics are fully used in functional stylistics when characterizing the speech structure of styles. At the same time, a consistent functional approach to the analysis of specific language units within a particular style, in relation to and interaction with other linguistic means, opens up opportunities for an in-depth analysis of the patterns of use of language units in typical contexts and speech situations, i.e. to solve the main problems of practical stylistics. For example, the study of verbal nouns in terms of practical stylistics, the question of their expedient and effective use is most productively solved if the specifics of official business and scientific styles are taken into account as much as possible.

Text stylistics, which studies the patterns of constructing texts as integral speech works and, accordingly, patterns in the organization of language units within a text, correlates with functional stylistics in a different way than practical stylistics. Since speech communication (including within the framework of a certain style) is carried out in texts, then, naturally, for functional stylistics, those types, types of texts that are relevant in each of the functional varieties of the literary language are important, the features of use, methods of organization language units in texts are not indifferent to it.

Functional stylistics is also correlated with the stylistics of artistic speech. This correlation is determined by the fact that the study of the patterns and features of the use of language in the aesthetic function (the central

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task of the stylistics of artistic speech) involves the analysis of the language of artistic texts, which together constitute a special functional variety of the literary language - the language of fiction. [3. p. 69]

The close relationship and interaction of all these sections of stylistics is due to the fundamental circumstance that all of them study the same literary language, but in different aspects.

Artistic speech, in many respects fundamentally different from scientific and official business, at the same time approaches journalistic speech in a number of ways (emotionality, and in the proper linguistic sense, the use of a variety of language units, the possibility of collision of different styles of means for various stylistic purposes). In addition, artistic speech, usually carried out in writing, at the same time is close in some of its features to oral conversational everyday speech and makes extensive use of its means. The proximity of these last functional styles is manifested in a

high degree of emotionality, a variety of modal shades in language units and in relation to the literary norm, namely, in the possibility of using non-literary means (although in each of these styles - in a different volume and composition of these means and with different goals). ). Artistic speech widely absorbs not only vocabulary and phraseology, but also the syntax of colloquial speech, reflecting the latter and to a certain extent literaryizing it. Oral live speech enters a work of art, undergoing a certain selection and processing, and most importantly, submitting to an aesthetic function.


1. Gorshkov A.I. Russian stylistics. M., "Astrel",


2. Stylistics and literary editing / ed. IN AND. Maksimova. - M., "Gardarika", 2004

3. Tyu V.I. Analytics of art. Introduction to a literary analysis. M., 2001.

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