THE STUDENT BODY HAS A SINGLE, COMMON GOAL FOR ALL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
student / school / teacher / goal / self-government / formal / informal / professional activity. / ученик / школа / педагог / цель / самоуправление / формальная / неформальная / профессиональная деятельность.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Doniyorov Shokirjon Khudоyberdievich

in this article we will talk about the educational process carried out with a team of students, about the social activities of teachers and their special significance for a team of students, about demonstrating to students the valuable value of communication in the process of collective activity. The teacher simultaneously acts as a teacher of natural sciences, a class teacher, and a club leader. In the process of fulfilling their duties, the educator leaves the school and enters the microsocial environment. Working with parents, improving the pedagogical knowledge of community members is one of the important tasks of the teaching staff.

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в данной статье речь пойдет об образовательном процессе, осуществляемом с коллективом учащихся, о социальной деятельности педагогов и их особой значимости для коллектива учащихся, о демонстрации учащимся ценного значения общения в процессе коллективной деятельности. Воспитатель одновременно выступает учителем естественных наук, классным руководителем, руководителем клуба. В процессе выполнения своих обязанностей воспитатель покидает школу и попадает в микросоциальную среду. Работа с родителями, повышение педагогических знаний членов сообщества – одна из важных задач педагогического коллектива.


THE STUDENT BODY HAS A SINGLE, COMMON GOAL FOR ALL Doniyorov Sh.Kh. (Republic of Uzbekistan)



Abstract: in this article we will talk about the educational process carried out with a team of students, about the social activities of teachers and their special significance for a team of students, about demonstrating to students the valuable value of communication in the process of collective activity. The teacher simultaneously acts as a teacher of natural sciences, a class teacher, and a club leader. In the process of fulfilling their duties, the educator leaves the school and enters the microsocial environment. Working with parents, improving the pedagogical knowledge of community members is one of the important tasks of the teaching staff.

Keywords: student, school, teacher, goal, self-government, formal, informal, professional activity.


Дониеров Ш.Х. (Республика Узбекистан)

Дониёров Шокиржон Худойбердиевич - независимый исследователь, Узбекский научно-исследовательский институт педагогических наук им. Кори Ниязи, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье речь пойдет об образовательном процессе, осуществляемом с коллективом учащихся, о социальной деятельности педагогов и их особой значимости для коллектива учащихся, о демонстрации учащимся ценного значения общения в процессе коллективной деятельности. Воспитатель одновременно выступает учителем естественных наук, классным руководителем, руководителем клуба. В процессе выполнения своих обязанностей воспитатель покидает школу и попадает в микросоциальную среду. Работа с родителями, повышение педагогических знаний членов сообщества - одна из важных задач педагогического коллектива.

Ключевые слова: ученик, школа, педагог, цель, самоуправление, формальная, неформальная, профессиональная деятельность.

The student body is staffed by teachers with a variety of professional competencies. The purpose of education is determined by social order. That is why the society is in a sense a customer in the organization of the educational process in the school. The educational process carried out with a team of students will have its own clear purpose, tasks and content, based on the same social order.

Existence of activities of a general nature to achieve the set goal. One of the important features of the pedagogical team is that its professional activity occupies a leading position. Specialists pay special attention to the fact that the pedagogical team strives for a single goal. The best educator is the educator who can work effectively with the student body. Such educators have a common understanding with students, are able to convince them, provide assistance in necessary situations, are tolerant. The social activities of educators are also of special importance to the student body. This activity inspires them, encourages them to take an example and mobilize. Because the personality of the student is formed in the process of activity. The diversity of these activities allows each student to realize their individual potential [1].

Activities of self-governing bodies. The pedagogical team has the potential for self-management. All issues specific to school life are discussed and resolved at general meetings. This is manifested in the form of meetings with the pedagogical council, methodical council, advisory boards, director or deputy director. At such meetings, specific aspects of working with the student team are also discussed. The activities of enterprising teachers encourage other members of the pedagogical team to communicate successfully with students. Participating in school activities is a valuable activity for a group of students. Students have a positive approach to managing their activities [2]. Self-management activities inspire students to understand that they are important to the teaching team. Participating in team activities helps active students develop management skills. This, in turn, provides an important, promising foundation for students 'future endeavors.

Relationships that require a separate responsible approach. The work towards the realization of the set goal creates conditions for the formation of a special relationship in the team. The integrity of the learning process allows for the harmonization of the efforts of school leaders, educators and parents. This requires a responsible approach to each member of the pedagogical team, not only for the activities of students, but for the whole educational process. This attitude is very important for the student community. This, in turn, helps students develop qualities such as responsibility, discipline, initiative, and mutual support. Interacting prepares students for community life. Realizes their individual abilities.

Like any team, the team of educators and students will have 2: formal and informal structure.

Formal content is the open, formal composition of the team. The teacher's impact on educators and the student community must be open, clear, and understandable. The formal content is explained by the equal distribution of

labor, rights, duties and responsibilities among the members of the pedagogical team. The work of each teacher is directly related to the subject in a particular direction. Formal structures are characterized by the presence of multifaceted connections and interactions. All teachers in the school are distinguished by their formal, business relationships. The existence of formal structures is explained by a number of conditions. This means that a formal relationship is formed between its members in relation to the size of the team. In smaller communities, however, the relationships between its members are strong and stable. The number of members of the pedagogical team determines the attitude of each teacher to it. In small communities, teachers know each other well, and the relationship between them is stable. However, in such communities the opportunity to enrich each other with bright examples of pedagogical activity is limited. In large communities, a complex structure of relationships is formed. These teams are active, rich in contradictions, and in such teams there are more bright talents, masters of their craft. They, in turn, share experiences with each other in working with the student body. One of the important issues is to coordinate the teacher's activities aimed at working with the student body. School leaders are able to develop the ability of teachers to work with the student body on the basis of various schemes, professional development programs, training plans, clearly established procedures for internal control of the educational process. One of the important issues is the equal distribution of responsibilities among its members to ensure the sustainable functioning of the pedagogical team. This is to some extent related to the social pedagogical activities of teachers. The school principal, in turn, should have a clear understanding of the specifics of the teaching staff. Because the views of some educators play an important role in organizing activities to work with the student body.

An informal structure is an invisible, hidden, subject-selected phenomenon of communication in the student community, as well as in the pedagogical community. This structure is based on a clear interaction between teachers and the student body. This relationship is based on mutual respect, sympathy and antipathy, trust and distrust. Such an attitude represents the invisible inner state of the team.

The main condition for the formation of positive interpersonal friendly relations is mutual closeness, uniformity in the team. It is equality by age, equal education, qualifications, professional values, and a common view of social and other phenomena. In practice, there is a diversity of members of the teaching staff. This is the basis for the formation of informal groups in different directions, which affects the quality of work with the student team. There are also different districts in the student community. This requires that the pedagogical approach be implemented taking into account the capabilities of the student body. The emergence of informal, reference groups is a sign of the informal nature of the team.

Interpersonal relationships in informal groups are important to the community. Such relationships are of a stable nature, determine the emotional, moral qualities of the teacher, and protect him or her from the influence and demands of school leaders. In informal groups, the teacher finds self-protection and takes a positive approach to leadership requirements. Thus, interpersonal relationships between educators and the student body are important for the functioning of a complex school community.

The direction of the interaction between educators and the student community emerges as the foundation that strengthens this community. There are a variety of differences between educators and the student body. The difference between them is natural. This is primarily reflected in the age-related characteristics between them. Because students have less life experience than a teacher. From the students 'point of view, a teacher's life experience has a character that develops them. The teacher also does not pay enough attention to self-improvement because he has more life experience than the student community. Students, on the other hand, strive to develop themselves to master new life experiences.

Regardless of the age characteristics of the teacher and students, the goal of education is to harmonize the capabilities of the subjects. The teacher teaches, the students learn. This is an objective process for the education system. Undoubtedly, the professional knowledge, experience, skills, communicative competencies of a teacher motivate every member of the student community to act as a subject of their life activities.

In addition to the differences noted above, there are also differences between educators and the student body. This, in turn, requires coordination of teacher, student, and parent interactions.

The main feature of the pedagogical team is the uniqueness of its professional activity. The professional activity of educators is closely related to the activities of the student body. Its main essence is the subject-subject relationship between educators and students. Emotionally, this is a unique creative activity. Therefore, educators need to have a professional culture, cooperation and support competence. At all times, members of the pedagogical team should serve as role models for the student body. They should be able to show students that communication is valuable in the process of teamwork.

It is also important to acknowledge the diversity of the teaching profession for the teaching staff. The educator simultaneously acts as a science teacher, class teacher, club leader. In the process of performing their duties, the educator leaves the school and enters the microsocial environment. Working with parents, increasing the pedagogical knowledge of community members is one of the important tasks of the pedagogical team.

Another important task of the educator is to ensure the integration of collegiality with his individual activities.

References / Список литературы

1. Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PF-6097 of October 29, 2020 "On approval of the Concept of development of science until 2030". [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://lex.uz/ (date of access: 04.05.2022).

2. Safarova R. and other. Principles and parameters of the organization of the process of formation of skills of cooperation in students based on friendly relations // Monograph. - Tashkent: Science and Technology, 2013. 13 p.

3. Maxmudova D.B. Didactic system of socialization of general secondary school students through work and professional skills: written dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Nukus, 2020. 133 p.

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