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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Libin Ni, Lazareva Elena I.

The relevance of the study is determined by the increasing importance in the global environmental deterioration conditions of the ecological efficiency of modern regional economy subjects’ management decisions, the priorities of which are increasingly shifting in the direction of people and their quality of life. Strategic policy in the field of environmental protection plays an important role in achieving the goals of sustainable development of Chinese regions. The aim of the study is to analyze the current situation and to propose priority directions for the formation of environmental protection strategy, ensuring the increase of sustainability of regional systems of the People's Republic of China. A comparative analysis of the level of air pollution in the cities of Chinese regions, as well as of strategic measures to reduce it was conducted. The results of the analysis are confirmed by relevant statistical data. A number of key problems in the formation of strategic policy in the field of environmental protection have been identified. The principles of formation of the strategy to overcome the identified problems in the context of new global challenges are proposed. The necessity of forming ESG - oriented environmental protection strategies of Chinese regions are substantiated.

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Original article

UDC 33S.23

doi: 10.18522/2687-0770-2022-2-112-119


Ni L ibin1 f Elena I. Lazarevaja

l'2 Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

1 871688596i@qq.com, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-S329-5S9X

2 elazareva@sfedu.ru31, ORCID: 0000-0001-5S29-5372

Abstract. Hie relevance of tbe study is determined by die increasing importance in the global environmental deterioration conditions of tbe ecological efficiency of modern regional economy subjects' management decisions, die priorities of which are increasingly shifting in the direction of people and their quality of life Strategic policy in the field of environmental protection plays an important role in achieving the goals of sustainable development of Chinese regions. The aim of the study is to analyze the current situation and to propose priority directions for the formation of environmental protection strategy, ensuring the increase of sustainabihty of regional systems of the People's Republic of China. A comparative analysis of the level of air pollution in the cities of C hinese regions, as well as of strategic measures to reduce it was conducted The results of the analysis are confirmed by relevant statistical data. A number of key problems in the formation of strategic policy in the field of environmental protection have been identified. The principles of formation of the strategy to overcome the identified problems in the context of new global challenges are proposed. The necessity of forming ESG - oriented environmental protection strategies of Chinese regions are substantiated.

Keywords: environmental protection strategy, sustainable development, regional management, environmental management, regions of China

Fot citation'. Libm N., Lazareva E.I. The Strategy of Environmental Protection of Chinese Regions in the Context of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions. North Caucasus Region. Social Science. 2022;(2): 112-119.

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY4.0).

Научная статья УДК 33S.23


Ни Лпбпнь1, Елена Иосифовна Лазарева2^ : Южный федеральный университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия

1 871688596@qq.com, ORCID: 0000-0002-Е 329-5S9X

2 elazareva@sfedu.ru:', ORCID: 0000-0001-5829-5372

Аннотация Актуальность исследования определяется возрастающей шачнмостью в условиях глобального ухудшения экологической ситуации эколого-экономнческой эффективности управленческих решений субъектов современной региональной .экономика приоритеты которой все в большей мере смешаются в направлении человека и обеспечения его качества жнзнн. Стратегическая политика в сфере охраны окружающей среды играет важную роль в достижении целей устойчивого развития китайских регионов. Цель исследования - проанализировать современную ситуацию и предложить

© Libia N.. Lazareva E.I., 2022


приоритетные направления формирования стратегии охраны окружающей среды, обеспечивающей повышение устойчивости развития региональных систем Китайской Народной Республики. Проведен сравнительный аналш уровня загрязнения атмосферы в городах китайских регионов., а также стратегических мер по его снижению. Результаты анализа подтверждены актуальными статистическими данными. Выявлен ряд ключевых проблем формирования стратегической политики в сфере охраны окружающей среды. Предложены принципы формирования стратегии преодоления выявленных проблем в условиях новых глобальных вызовов. Обоснована необходимость формирования ESG - ориентированных стратегий охраны окружающей среды китайских регионов.

Ключевые слова: стратегия охраны окружающей среды, устойчивое развитие, региональный менеджмент, экологический менеджмент, регионы Китая

Для иипифобания: LibinN., Lazareva ЕЛ. The Strategy of Environmental Protection of Chinese Regions ш the C ontext of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals II Известия вузов. Северо-Кавказский регион. Общественные науки. 2022. № 2. С. 112-119.

Статья апубаштаана на условиях тщании Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY4.0).


As an important direction of economic transition, sustainable development has been the basic national strategy in China since 1994. Up to now, the investigations on the aspects of social, ecological and economic development were independent, which makes it difficult to explore a mode that can cooperate with the three aspects. Many scholars in C hina were making efforts to investigate the sphere of technology and law. Few people paid attention to the relationship between the smog problem and the sustainable development.

The balance of social, ecological and economic sustainable development is the central idea of the sustainable development concept [1-3]. In the process of the economic development in China, the ecological degradation and environmental protection came ш alternation. From 2013, the smog which hanged the skyline has been a headache to the Chinese government. Figure 1 reflects the air quality of the big cities of China m 2018. The smog threatened the health of people and hindered the local economy to some extent. Influenced by the smog problem, many factories and construction sites were suspended immediately by the local government.

An environmentally sustainable economy - an eco-economy — requires that the principles of ecology establish the framework for the formulation of economic policy and that economists and ecologists work together to fashion the new economy [4]. It is noteworthy that China's president Xi Jmping coined the phrase "Clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" to show the importance of sustainable development.

The C hinese government issued the "Action Plan for Air Pollution Prevention and Control" to control the fog in order to balance the relationship between smog control and economic development. The policies include: adjustment of economic structure, vehicles restrictions, support of environmental industry, the control of dust emission, the closure of pollutant factories, the suspension of construction sites, reform of energy policy, etc.

After five years' effort, the China Center for International Economic Exchanges and Social Sciences Academic Press issued Blue Book on Sustainable Development: Evaluation Report on the Sustainable Development of China in 2019. According to the blue book, China's sustainable development has steadily improved, which means that the policies adopted by the government have taken effect.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the new economic situation have made adjustments to the strategic plans for implementing a sustainable development strategy for Chinese regions.

The purpose of this article is to determine whether the continuation of the chosen environmental protection strategy ш conditions of instability is effective, based on the analysis of problems of formation of strategic policy in this area and the justification of the principles of formation of the strategy to overcome the identified problems in the context of new global challenges.

Materials and Methods

The main objective in this study is C hina's environmental protection strategy. C hina's environmental development policies can be traced back to 1973. The relevant strategies and policies have moved


from environmental protection to the construction of an eco-civilization. China's development history of environmental protection strategies makes itself representative.

This article analyzes the relationship between environmental protection strategies and sustainable development goals by using the methods of literature research and quantitative analysis.



^ 40.00% £

21! 00% i s.oo% о 00%

Excellent С ood Mildly polluted Moderated у I [easily pollute d Seriously

polluted pollute; L

Air qualLtv

Fig. 1. Air quality levels in 338 cities of China. 20IS [5] i Ric. 1. Качество воздуха в 33 S городах КНР, 20IS г. [5]

Materials a ad Methods

The main objective in this study is C hina 's environmental protection strategy. China's environmental development policies can be traced back to 1973. The relevant strategies and policies have moved from environmental protection to the construction of an eco-civilization. C hina's development history of environmental protection strategies makes itself representative.

This article analyzes the relationship between environmental protection strategies and sustainable development goals by using the methods of literature research and quantitative analysis.

Results and Discussion

Smog is a brand-new concept in China. Smog is a type of intense air pollution. The word "smog" was coined in the early 20th century, and is a contraction of smoke and fog to refer to smoky fog. This kind of visible air pollution is composed of nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, ozone, smoke and other particulates. It consists of PM 2.5 particles and PM 10 particles. These particles will cause cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and lung cancer.

The World Health Organization recommended a PM 2.5 standard of no more than 10 micrograms per cubic meter. However, some northern cities in C hina averaged 700 micrograms and could spike up to 1000 micrograms per cubic meter. Smog covered one seventh of China's land, hi this situation, the pursuit of economic development without curbing ecological degradation would lead to the tragedy of London smog crisis in China.

Many economic scholars held that the essence of smog belongs to the sphere of economics due to the next two reasons. Firstly, economic development results in the smog pollution, which is illustrated m Figure 2. Secondly, the smog pollution has a negative influence on the economic development. Therefore, the cause of the smog problem has to be analyzed from the sphere of economics.

Before 2013, the economic development was featured by its extensive mode. Relying excessively on resources, the extensive development mode was not based on the social-ecological-economic sustainable development structure. In essence, as an inherited problem of the planned economy, it is char-



acterized by anti-ecology. This has created a distorted economy that is out of sync wit the earth's ecosystem - au economy that is destroying its natural support systems [6,7].

22,20% 15,70%

■ Coal burning ■ Dust ■ Industry Vehicle ■ Surrounding areas

Fig. 2. Sources of smog in 33S cities of China, 20 IS [5] / Рис. 2. Источники смога в 338 городах КНР, 2018 г. [5]

Early ш 1995, the Chinese government put forward the proposal that the extensive economic development mode had to be transformed to intensive economic development mode. Twenty years later, China still did not get rid of the extensive economic development mode marked by high pollutant and low efficiency. Just as Lester Brown said, the market economy would be destined to collapse if it did not obey to the ecological principal. With the development of the economy, many environmental problems appeared, such as the sandstorm, acid ram, smog, etc. If the Chinese government ignores the environmental pollution, then the market economy does not last long.

C hina's energy structure used to be featured by the smgle structure of energy and low energy utilization. The lopsided energy structure was not only the mam cause of China's smog problem, but also the impeding force of the control of smog.

On one hand, China's backward processmg technology and low utilization of coal made the situation even worse. On the other hand, China did not have abundant petroleum and gas, and the technology of extracting oil and gas needed to be improved. This is why the coal was widely used as the mam energy in China.

Figure 3 shows that China was rich in coal mine which had an absolute advantage in China's energy structure for a long time, accounting for more than 66%. C ompared to other energy such as gas and petroleum, the emission quantity of carbon dioxide caused by burning the coal was higher. Relevant research showed that 90% of sulfur dioxide and 67% of nitrogen oxides m China are from coal-burning emission. And sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the important components of smog.

■ Coal ■ Petroleum ■ Gas Renewable energy

Fig. 3. The structure of the PRC's energy supply, 20IS [8] i Рнс. 3. Структура энергообеспечения КНР, 20IS г. [8]

ISSN2687-0770 BUII^^C^m(^RmUCAnaNALINSmmK^HnKmCAIJCASasm^DK.SCXJiLSaEiiCE. 2022. No. 2

In 2013, the number of private cars in China was 137,000,000, with an increase of 11,000,000 cars per year. With the improvement of people's living standard, their demand for cars was increasing. According to a survey made by the government in 2016, the source of PM 2.5 in the cities was mainly the exhausted gas of the vehicle. More cars meant that there would be more traffic jams, which could make the situation even worse. The smog in the center of the city was more serious than that of the suburbs, which was called the urban heated island effect. The urban heated island effect added the smog.

Consequently, many people who lived in the crowded and polluted northern cities chose to move to the southern China. Then the local real estate economy in southern China was stimulated. However, the emergence of massive construction site increased the density of PM 10, which threatened the local environment. Afterwards, many southern cities in C hina implemented the policy that non-local people were not allowed to buy an apartment there.

Influenced by the smog that kept shrouding a high rise, the transition from traditional economy to eco-economy was high on C hina's agenda. Building a new economy involves phasing out old industries, restructuring existing ones, and creating new ones is necessary to change the traditional economy [9]. In nature, China has been always developing eco-economy in the recent years because eco-economy is the inevitable choice of sustainable development. But the relevant law and regulation had not been enforced completely because some local governments were unwilling to give up the economic benefit they had got from the traditional economic mode. Not until the thick layer of smog hit the cities and endangers both the health of human being and economy, did the government determine to solve the problem of environmental pollution ш order to achieve sustainable development. If the economy is a subset of the earth's ecosystem, as this book contends, the only formulation of economic policy that will succeed is one that respects the principles of ecology [10, 11].

In 2013, the State Council published the ' Action Plan for Air Pollution Prevention and Control". Directed by this policy, the government abolished the traditional coal burning industry, shut down the heavy pollutant enterprises and carried out the upgrading project of pollution control facilities ш key industries such as steel, cement, etc.

The emergence of smog kept increasing the positive entropy which is an important concept to the second law of thermodynamics. In a closed system, the use of matter-energy causes a one-way flow from low entropy resources to high entropy resources; from order to disorder. As an energy resource, for example, is used, the amount of work that energy can do is diminished [12, 13]. Positive entropy represents the factors that aggravate the smog in environment, such as the chemical plant, power plant, construction site, etc. Negative entropy represents the human being's force to normalize the state of disorder. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the smog could be seen as the state of disorder. The purpose of smog control was to transform the state of disorder into the state of order. In other words, the policies made by the government should decrease the positive entropy and increase the negative entropy.

In 2005, with the approval of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China issued the Guiding Catalogue of Industrial Restructuring (2005 Edition). In the year of 2011 and 2019, the 2011 edition and 2019 edition were published respectively. The 2019 edition has 1477 items, including S21 encouraging items, 215 restricted items and 441 eliminated items. The key points of revision are as follows: promoting high quality development of manufacturing industry, promoting the formation of a strong domestic market, eliminating ineffective supply, enhancing the scientific and standardized level.

In this background, the government strengthened scientific and technological research and development so as to change the present situation of the industrial structure. Meanwhile, the government accelerated the elimination of outdated production capacity ш fields such as electricity, coal, calcium carbide, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, construction materials and light industry [14].

The adjustment of industrial structure is a process that develops from the low stage to the high stage. In the initial phase of economic upswing, the adjustment of industrial structure and sustainable development have not formed the basic contradiction. With the high-speed development of economy, the contradiction shows itself. The optimal industrial structure based on the continuous adjustment of industrial structure is an important vehicle to achieve sustainable development.

From the perspective of industrial structure, China was still in the primary stage of industrialization. The secondary industry had made outstanding contribution to the national economy, but the ener-


gy consumption of the secondary industry also accounted for about 71% of the total energy consumption. The industrial structure lias to be adjusted in order to achieve sustainable development.

As China steps into a "new era" of development, the next chapter is beginning for the country's supply-side structural reform with a stronger focus on supply quality and economic rebalancing, hi 2018, according to the Global Innovation Index, China ranked 17th among the top 20 most innovative countries. In addition to the traditional industries, the new industries created by the smog control were environmentally friendly. For the sake of emission reduction, the government encouraged the pubhc transportation and implemented the same odd-even number plate rule, in which condition the shared bike and shared car appeared. The sharing economy is an economic model defined as a peer-to-peer activity of acquiring, providing, or sharing access to goods and services that is often facilitated by a community-based on-line platform. Nowadays, people can find shared parking lot, shared umbrella and shared portable battery.

The government also encouraged the enterprises to improve their ability to innovate and create. Thus, the high-tech industries presented themselves in China and formed the backbone of environmental industry. It is apparent that the high-tech industries can be a win-win opportunity for both the economy and the ecology.

According to the "China Air Quality Improvement Report" released by the Ministry of Ecology and the Environment, the average density of PM 2.5 dropped by 42 percent across 74 cities compared with that in 2013. Though C hina's success in smog control is praiseworthy many problems have arisen in the process.

In 2013, the Chinese government introduced a 5 year (2013-2017) plan for Clean Air Action. The plan targeted PM 2.5 as the most urgent threat to pubhc health, and it principally focused emission controls on primary particles and sulfur dioxide fiom coal combustion. As a result, PM 2.5 concentrations across urban areas of C hina decreased by 30-40% during 2013-2017. At the same time, however, surface ozone concentrations increased. Annual mortality attributable to surface ozone pollution m China is at present over 50,000 deaths [5]

Some scholars hold that the decrease of PM 2.5 density will aggravate the pollution of surface ozone. The purpose of smog control is to achieve sustainable development, but the result is opposite of what is expected. Surface ozone is an air pollutant that will harm people's health and the production of crop. The problem of how to realize the "win-win" of PM 2.5 and ozone pollution control is a new challenge for air pollution control m C hina.

China's policies have made a success m controlling the smog, but there are also many problems that appear in the process of smog control. Chinese government has to solve these problems in order to be more effective in smog control.

More and more cities implement the same odd-even number plate rule to restrict the vehicle and control the smog, which relieves the traffic pressure and makes contribution to the smog control [15]. However, except for some big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai where pubhc transportation is well-developed, many cities still need to expand the pubhc transportation network due to the ill-developed subway system.

The government implemented the vehicle restriction and encouraged people to commute by public transportation. As a result, many people choose to go to work by bus and more buses are stuck m the traffic jam at the peak hours. Though this policy helps to combat the smog, it also brings inconvenience to the commuter. If the government continues to implement this policys then the pubhc transportation network has to be completed. The complete and well-developed pubhc transportation network will help to reduce the PM 2.5 density.

The closure of many pollutant factories and enterprises have led to the problem of unemployment. Taking the example of Hebei province in 2015, more than 200,000 people lost their job directly and 400,000 people lost their job indirectly because of the elimination of steel industry which is the backbone of Hebei province [16]. The unemployment will cause poverty, the rise of crime rate and social instability. If the government does not deal with the problem properly, the development of economy is impossible.


In today's world, the sustainability of multi-level economic trends is largely determined not only by financial results, but also by social, the ability to influence the solution of societal problems. This trend is reflected in the formation of ESG - oriented strategies of economic and business management.


Given the nature of die new economic conditions, investment in environmental protection must be considered a central element of long-term plans for the development of the economy in the "new reality.

The process of introducing ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles into development strategies, which determine the sustainabihty of multi-level decisions, is becoming increasingly important for the Chinese and global communities.

In 1994, China set down sustainable development as one of its national strategies. Up to 2013, China's sustainable development has lasted for several decades. However, in 2012, about 24.747,500 people in China were impoverished. China has no other solutions but to develop the economy. With large amount of pollutants discharging every day. the appearance of smog is inevitable.

C hina's toughest-ever measures to combat air pollution finally paid off. The rise of sulphur oxides discharges has been basically held in check. Smoke and dust discharges have been brought under effective control. Indicators of urban air quality routinely take a turn for the better. At the same time, though influenced by the unemployment caused by the closure of the factories and enterprises, the figure of impoverished people still dropped to 5,510,000 in 2018 after four years' effort. By the end of 2020, C hinese government will eradicate extreme poverty. Furthermore, China s economy is changing from "high-speed growth" to "high-quality development". China's sustainable development takes a step forward to defeat the smog.

Further modernization of Chinese environmental protection strategy should be carried out taking into account ESG factors, which will improve the environmental friendliness of the real sector and lay the investment potential of sustainable development projects being implemented.


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2. Lazareva F T Dong Y. Socio-ecological-economic evaluation of sustainabilily in managing regional development based on econometric modeling. Drukerovskii vestnik = Dracker's Bulletin. 2020;(5): 176-188.

3. Sun Q.P. The role of quality economic development in promoting environmental protection and ecological civilisation. Contemporary Economic Management. 2019;(41):9-14.

4. Joshua J. China's Economic Growth: Towards Sustainable. Economic Development and Social Justice. Springer Nature; 2017.

5. China's Ecological Environment Bulletin 201S. Ministry of Ecological Environment. Available from: http: .www' mee gov.cn ywdtipxw . 201305 ,t20190529_ 70484 l.shtml [Accessed 10th April 2022]

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

6. Zhang ELM. Re\iew of challenges and policies of environmental protection and sustainable development in China. Journal of Environmental Management. 201S;(88):249-261.

7. Jie Z.H. Historical changes in ecological protection in China in the 40 years of reform and opening up. China Environmental Management. 2019;(11):4-16.

8. National Statistics Bureau (2020). National dala. Available from https://dataslal5.gov.cn [Accessed 1 Olh April 20(22].

9. You J., Zhang B.S.. Zeng M.L. Study on the Countermeasures of Green Finance to Support the Construction of Ecological Civilization Chinese Market. 2021;(30):34-35.

10. Wu S.Z. Processes, characteristics and prospects of environmental strategy and policy development in China. China Environment News. 2019. Available fiom: https://theory.gmw.cn [Accessed 19th April 2022].

11. Zhang X.Y., Liu J.J. Retrospect arid prospect of China's industrial structure policy over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up. Reform. 201£;(12):42-54.

12. Hanley N. Environmental Economics m theory and practice. London: Macmillan Press LTD; 1997:11-21.

13. Lazareva E., Gorbaneva O., Murzin A.: Roshchina E. Socio-Ecological Potential Increment in the System of Innovation Economy Sustainable Management. Proceedings — 2020 2nd International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency (SLMMA 2020). 2020:195-200.

14. Li Z.Q.. Zhou Q.Y. Does upgrading the industrial structure help to promote carbon reduction? Ecological Economy. 2021 ;(S):34^0.


15. Li K. [et ai] A two-pol hi taut strategy for improving ozone and particulate air quality in China. Natura Geoscience. 2019;(12):906-910.

16. Yang Y.J. [et ai] A study on the measures to promote the job transfer of employees under the background of smog control. Economic Forum. 2015;(3):135-137.

Список источников

1. Лазарева Е.И., Хосроева HJI. Инновационный менеджмент трендов развития человеческого потенциала российских регионов через призму глобальных цепей устойчивого развития Н Вести. Северо-Осетннского гос. ун-та им. К.Л. Хетагурова. 2020. № 3. С. 167-177.

2. Lazareva El., Dong Y. Socio-ecological-economic evaluation of sustainability in managing regional development based on econometric modeling И Друкеровскнй весшнк. 2020. № 5 (37). С. 176—18S.

3. Sun O.P. The role of quality economic development in promoting environmental protection and ecological civilisation H Contemporary Economic Management. 2019. № 41 (11). P. 9-14.

4. Joshua J. China's Economic Growth: Towards Sustainable Economic Development and Social Justice. Springer Nature, 2017.

5. China's Ecological Environment Bulletin 2018. Ministry of Ecological Environment. URL: http://www. шее gov. en1' ywdt/tpxw /201905 /t20190529_ 704841. shtml (дата обращения: 10.04 2022)

6. Zhang K.M. Review of challenges and policies of environmental protection and sustainable development in China ii Journal of Environmental Management. 2018 № 88. P. 249-261

7. Jie Z.H. Historical changes in ecological protection in China in the 40 years of reform and opening up .7 China Environmental Management. 2019. № 11 (04). P. 4-16

8. National data 2020. National Statistics Bureau. URL: https:.,,/data.stats.gov.cn (дата обращения: 10.04.20(22).

9. You J., Zhang B.S., Zeng M.L. Study on the Countermeasures of Green Finance to Support the Construction of Ecological Civilization ¡I Chinese Market 2021. № 30 (28) P 34-35.

10. Wu S.Z. Processes, characteristics and prospects of environmental strategy and policy development in China ft China Environment News. 2019. URL: https://theory.gmw.cn (дата обращения: 19.04.2022).

11. Zhang X. Y, Liu J.J. Retrospect and prospect of China" s industrial structure policy over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up И Reform. 2018. № 12 (09). P. 42-54.

12. HanleyN. Environmental Economics in theory and practice. London: Macmillan Press LTD, 1997. P. 11-21.

13. Lazareva E., Gorbaneva O., Murzm A., Roshchma E. Sodo-Ecological Potential Increment in the System of Innovation Economy Sustainable Management if Proceedings - 2020 2nd International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling. Automation and Energy Efficiency - SUMMA 2020. 2020. P. 195-200.

14. Li Z.Q., Zhou Q. Y. Does upgrading the industrial stmcture help to promote carbon reduction? // Ecological Economy. 2021. № 8 (37). P. 34-40.

15. Li K. [et aL]_ A two-pollutant strategy for improving ozone and particulate air quality in China .7 Nature Geoscience. 2019. 12 P 906-910.

16. Yang Y.J. [et al.]. A study on the measures to promote the job transfer of employees under the background of smog control // Economic Forum. 2015. № 3. P. 135-137.

Information about the authors

Ni Libin - Postgraduate, Department of Innovation and International Management.

E.I. Lazareva - Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Innovation and International Management.

Информация об авторах

Ни Либинъ - аспирант, кафедра инновационного и международного менеджмента.

ЕЛ. Лазарева - доктор экономических иаук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой инновационного и международного менеджмента.

Стагм поступила в редакцию 23.05.2022; одобрена после рецензирования 14.06.20(22: принята к пу&шкапии 22.06.2022. The article was submitted 23.05.2022; approved after reviewing; accepted for publication 22.06.2022._

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