UDC 618.174-02:618.11-616.839
Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty
Examined the state of health, activity and mood before and after classes, before and after the boundary control and influence performance on the emotional state of the second year students of the Faculty of "General Medicine" Medical University. Studies show decrease in health and activity among students with high and good academic performance, and among the weaker students . The largest decrease in HAM found among students with high academic performance , indicating that they expressed excitement about the incorrect subjective assessment of their capabilities . The increase in stress conditions. Keywords: activity, mood, degree of fatigue
Modern human's life consists of a sequence of successive emotional states - positive and negative. The interest of researchers to study the problem of negative emotional states caused, on the one hand, an important role in the mechanism of negative emotions of many human diseases [1, 2, 3, 4], and the other side is the relative simplicity of modeling such conditions as compared with the reproduction of positive emotions [5, 6].
The emotional state is a psychosomatic unity of physiological, biochemical, behavioral changes, subjective psychological experiences, changes in speech, its tone, tempo, etc., aimed on the motivation and regulation of activity.
Emotions and feelings - is the experience of man's relationship to what he does or learns, to others, to himself, related with satisfaction or dissatisfaction of its needs.
Mood - an emotional state, coloring all human behavior. It is not directly related to a specific situation, is not caused by a single event, and the global state, ie, mood is not substantively and personally belongs to a particular subject, reflecting its particular impact on the perception of the situation himself, other people. Emotional states can improve or worsen human activity. To assess the emotional state, the mood has developed various programs, questionnaires, surveys, allowing to assess the emotional state of the individual. In particular, it is widely used questionnaire SAN (N.F.Greben Minsk "Modern School" in 2007) allows to determine the state of health, activity, mood. H - health reflects the strength, health and the degree of fatigue. A - activity - the mobility, speed and tempo shifting neural processes.
M - the mood - the characteristic emotional state. These indicators allow.
As is well known, studying at the Medical University is very difficult, stressful, requires a lot of effort and mobilization of the body. The emotional state of students: health, activity and mood may affect their academic performance and vice versa. Very long-running and complex in structure workshops, a large number of boundary control and exams - the main reason that causes emotional stress for students of medical universities. Most students feel the excitement that prevents the successful completion of the tests and
examinations [4], because of usual for such a state fear blocks the intelligence, paralyzing the will , impairs memory and reduces the ability to concentrate. Practical classes and passing exams are accompanied by intense mental activity, a significant limitation of physical activity, change, and often disorganizing of sleep time, severe emotional distress associated with possible changes in the social status of the student, with the public evaluation of others - all of which can lead to overstress in regulation mechanisms of physiological systems.
Of course, it is necessary to take into account the complex social and psycho-physiological process called adaptation, accompanied by considerable stress compensatory and adaptive mechanisms of the body [8].
Based on the above, we set a goal: To investigate the state of health, activity and mood of the students before and after school, before and after the boundary control and influence performance on the emotional state of students.
Materials and Methods: We used a questionnaire HAM. (H - health, A - Active, M - the mood). During the study, the subjects were asked to relate their condition with a number of features for multi- point scale. This scale consists with indexes (3210123), disposed between 30 pairs of words with the opposite value reflecting meaning of health, activity and mood. The subject must select and mark a figure that most accurately reflects its condition at the time of the survey. Second year students were surveyed faculty "General Medicine" Medical University. The survey involved 184 students. These students we have divided into three groups according with their educational progress. Group I (percentage score performance - 85100 %) - with a high, II
(70-85 %) - with average, III (0-70 %) - with a weak knowledge. On the day of boundary control students were presurveyed about the expected mark, and possible reasons are not enough good preparation for the upcoming inspection.
Students of all three groups were basically healthy. Therefore, observed after a 4-hour practice session at the class of "normal physiology" drop-being and activity shows mainly of fatigue, reduced mobility and the speed of nerve processes (Fig. 1,2,3).
75 70 65 60 55
Health Activity Mood
□ Before Classes □ After classes
Figure 1 - HAM Indicators in I group examined the "before" and "after" training
75 70 65 60 55
Health Activity
□ Before classes
Mood □ после занятия
Figure 2 - HAM Indicators in II group examined the "before" and "after" training
75 70 65 60 55
□ Before classes
after classes
Figure 3 - HAM Indicators in III group examined the "before" and "after" training
processes, especially pronounced in the I group of
It is notable that trainees II and III are characterized by lower activity both before and after the training compared with that index in the I group. At the same time, two other indicators HAM appear equally in all three groups of respondents with a slight predominance of mood level in group 1.
Landmark control (LC) leads to an even more hard reduction in HAM (Fig. 4) as well as developing a more severe fatigue, reduced activity
of nerve students.
It is interesting that the largest decline in the HAM is observed among students with high academic performance . Moreover, in this group of pre- poll on the expected assessment indicates the presence of a large number of students, subjectively underestimates its capabilities.
80 60 40 20 0
Health before Health after LC Activity before Activity after Mood before LC LC LC LC
Mood after LC
□ I group □!! group
□ III group
Figure 4 - Mean levels of HAM performance in the examined "before" and "after" boundary control
It should be noted that studying the cause of constant tension, the severity of which increases during the passing of boundary control , consider the long-term studies, loaded schedule, lack of time to prepare. The increase in stress conditions (SC) is a mobilizing factor increasing the reserves of the body.
The smaller the difference between the indices HAM before and after exercise (training, mid-term control), the lower the intensity of the stress conditions (SV). The increase in HAM indicators increases the tension. According to Simonov 's information theory, emotions arise only if the organism stand in front of any problem, and possibilities to solve it is not enough. The funds to achieve the goal
of our research is the information, skills , experience, energy and time, the lack of which more often observed among students of II and III groups. Conclusions:
1 ) Characterization of the state of HAM at the starting of class: in groups with medium and low achievers revealed lower levels of HAM performance, especially the power, the mobility of nervous processes in comparison with the I group decreased by 6.5 %; 2) After the class and after the boundary control indicators of health and activity decreased in all three groups;
3) The mood of students with moderate and low achievers, while initially low, left unchanged after the date of boundary control;
4) The decrease in sentiment in the I group related to the internal dissatisfaction with the estimates obtained. According to some
researchers significant mood swings observed in students with high academic performance [7].
5 ) The largest decrease in the HAM in a group of students with high academic performance shows that they expressed excitement about the incorrect subjective assessment of their capabilities.
1 Yumatov EA, Kuzmenko VA, VI Badikov Examination and other emotional stress for students / / Human Physiology . - 2001 . - V.27 . - № 2 . -P.104.
2 Nozdrachyov AD, Scherbatykh Y. Current methods for evaluating the functional status of the autonomous ( vegetative ) nervous system / / Human Physiology . - 2001 . - V.27 . - № 6. - P.95.
3 Vein AM Diseases of the autonomic nervous system. - Moscow: Nauka, 1991 . - 624 p.
4 Scherbatykh Y. The influence of parameters of the higher nervous activity of students on the nature of the course exam stress / / WypH.Bbicw.HepB.fleflTe.nbHOc™ . - 2000 . - № 6. - R.436.
5 Kuzemkin VA About a multifunctional analysis of adaptive responses in the modeling of mental stress / / Human Physiology . - 1982 . - T.8 . - № 1. - P.100.
6 EI Sokolov , Podachin VP, Belova EV Emotional stress and the reaction of the cardiovascular system. - Moscow: Nauka, 1980 . - 242 p.
7 Dmitriev DA, AD Dmitriev , Karpenko JD, Saperova EV Influence of exam stress and psycho-emotional characteristics on blood pressure and heart rate regulation at the students / / Human Physiology . - 2008 . - T. 34. - № 5 . - S. 89-96.
8 Buslovskaya LK, Ryzhkov UP Adaptive response of students with exam stress / / Scientific Statement , Belgorod State University , 2011, v.17 , issue number 21
Туйш: Медицина университетшщ II курс «Жалпы медицина» факультет студенттерЫщ сабана дешнп жэне кешнп, аралы^ ба^ылауга дешнп жэне кешнп eзiн-eзi сезшу^ белсендтИ мен кецт-куйтщ жэне олардыц улгерЫшц эмоциялы^ жагдайларыныц ^алыптасуына эсерi зерттелдк Зерттеу 1фрытындысынан eзiн-eзi сезшу, белсендтт кeрсеткiштерi Yлrерiмi жогары, орташа, темен топ студенп^ арасында тeмендедi. САН ^рсет^^^ тeмен децгеш Yлrерiмi жогары топ студенп^ арасында бай^алды, бул ^рсеткш олардыц eздерiнiц мYмкiншiлiктерiн субъективт тYPде дурыс багалай алмауларымен ^атты ^обалжуларына байланысты. ТYйшдi свздер: белсендтт, юцм-^й, ^ажу децгеш
Резюме: Исследованы самочувствие, активность и настроение до и после занятий, до и после рубежного контроля и влияние успеваемости на эмоциональное состояние студентов II курса факультета «Общая медицина» медицинского университета. Исследования показывают снижение показателей самочувствия и активности как среди студентов с высокой и хорошей успеваемостью, так и среди слабых студентов. Наибольшее снижение показателей САН выявлены среди студентов с высокой успеваемостью, что говорит об их выраженном волнении, связанном с неправильной субъективной оценкой своих возможностей. Увеличение состояния напряжения Ключевые слова: активность, настроение, степень утомления
УДК 316.35:39
Казахский Национальный медицинский университет имени С. Д. Асфендиярова Национальный центр проблем формирования здорового образа жизни Министерства здравоохранения Республики Казахстан, г. Алматы
По г. Алматы наблюдается увеличение общего числа абортов, тогда как в республике идет тенденция к их сокращению. Особенно тревожат показатели роста самопроизвольных абортов, что является показателем низкого уровня здоровья женщин страны и требует принятия комплексных мер по охране и укреплению их здоровья.
Несмотря на общую положительную динамику в отношении количества абортов, в целом, по Республике Казахстан, остается высоким рост абортов в г. Алматы, что свидетельствует об низкой эффективности управления профилактикой абортов в городе, что требует принятия целенаправленных и действенных мер по корректировке сложившейся ситуации.
В Казахстане аборт (прерывание беременности) продолжает оставаться средством регулирования рождаемости в обществе. Каждая семья вправе самостоятельно решать, прерывать беременность или пролонгировать ее. Зачастую аборт происходит не только по медицинским показаниям, а по социальным и медицинским факторам.
Особую тревожность вызывает тот факт, что искусственные аборты в подавляющем большинстве случаев являются причиной вторичного бесплодия у женщин, а также часть женщин после искусственного прерывания беременности и вследствие послеабортных осложнений страдают различными нарушениями репродуктивной функций, таких как