Научная статья на тему 'The social pillar of sustainable development'

The social pillar of sustainable development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Dolhaleva Olena Viacheslavivna, Yeshchenko Maryna Heorhiievna

The relevance of studying the social pillar of sustainable development is defined. The long-term economic and social trends are revealed. The concept “sustainable development” is characterized. The scheme description of sustainable development and its pillars are analysed. The importance of the conception of sustainable development and its general characteristics are determined. The key principles of sustainable development are considered in the article. The integrated role of the social pillar of sustainable development according to its economic and environmental pillars is shown. The authors substantiate the necessity of implementing the sustainable development strategy in Ukraine that is caused by both internal and external factors. The modern approach to sustainable development is the process of changing most people’s value priorities. The following international core values of development are declared freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature, and joint responsibility. The national goals of sustainable development are based on political, economic, social, environmental, moral, and cultural values that are characteristic for Ukrainian society. They define the focus of the strategy on the concern for the common good and protection of Ukrainian national interests. The list of vectors, revealed in Strategy on Sustainable Development “Ukraine 2020”, is presented. It is emphasized that strategic goal of sustainable development of Ukraine is based on dealing with national interests and fulfilling international obligations of Ukraine regarding the transition to sustainable development. The necessity of pre-university education in the context of sustainable development is proved. It is emphasized that the key goal of the education in the 21st century is to develop thinking that is aimed at sustainable future and appropriate life values and priorities. The importance of cutting-edge education of sustainable development is characterized. Moreover, sustainable development is centered around a person, improving the quality of his/her life in favourable social and economic environment, as well as in clean environment.

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Определена актуальность исследования социальной составляющей устойчивого развития. Приведены долгосрочные экономические и социальные тенденции. Охарактеризовано понятие “устойчивое развитие”. Предложен схематический вид устойчивого развития и его составляющих. Определены важность концепции устойчивого развития и его общие проблемы. Рассмотрены ключевые принципы устойчивого развития. Очерчены главные цели устойчивого развития. Показана интегрирующая роль социальной составляющей устойчивого развития с экономической и экологической составляющих. Обоснована необходимость внедрения в Украине стратегии устойчивого развития, обусловленная факторами как внутреннего, так и внешнего характера. Современный переход к устойчивому развитию это процесс изменения ценностных ориентаций многих людей. Признанными международными фундаментальными ценностями развития есть свобода, равенство, солидарность, терпимость, уважение к природе, общая ответственность. Национальные цели устойчивого развития базируются на политических, экономических, социальных, экологических, нравственных и культурных ценностях, присущих украинскому обществу. Они определяют направленность стратегии на заботу об общем благе и защите национальных интересов Украины. Изложен перечень векторов, определенных в Стратегии устойчивого развития “Украина 2020”. Подчеркнуто, что стратегическое видение устойчивого развития Украины основывается на обеспечении национальных интересов и выполнении международных обязательств Украины относительно перехода к устойчивому развитию. Указана необходимость довузовского образования в контексте устойчивого развития. Подчеркнуто, что ключевая задача образования в XXI веке развитие мышления, ориентированного на устойчивое будущее и соответствующие жизненные ценности и приоритеты, и охарактеризована важность опережающего образования устойчивого развития. Кроме того, устойчивое развитие ориентировано прежде всего на человека и улучшение качества его жизни в благоприятной социально-экономической среде и экологически чистой природной среде.

Текст научной работы на тему «The social pillar of sustainable development»

UDC: 33O.3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-4(19)-105-116

Dolhaleva Olena Viacheslavivna,

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Management Department, Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 84300, Kra-matorsk, Str. Heroiv Nebesnoi Sotni, 14, tel.: 095-533-54-72, e-mail: elena.dolgaleva21@ gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-7281-2046

Долгальова Олена Bячеславiвна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, про-фесор, зaвiдувaч кафедри менеджменту, Донбаська нацональна aкaдемiя будiвниц-тва i арХтектури, 84300, м. Краматорськ, вул. Герою Небесноï Сотт, 14, тел.: 095533-54-72, e-mail: elena.dolgaleva21@gmail. com

ORCID: 0000-0002-7281-2046 Долгалева Елена Вячеславовна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, заведующий кафедрой менеджмента, Донбасская национальная академия строительства и архитектуры, 84300, г. Краматорск, ул. Героев Небесной Сотни, 14, тел.: 095-533-54-72, e-mail: elena.dolgaleva21@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-7281-2046

Yeshchenko Maryna Heorhiievna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Management Department, Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 84300, Krama-torsk, Str. Heroiv Nebesnoi Sotni, 14, tel.: 050-58-91-447. e-mail: marinsv@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-7467-7899

€щенко Марина ГеоргИвна,

кандидат педагоггчних наук, старший викладач кафедри менеджменту, Донбаська нацональна академ1я будюництва i арХтектури, 84300, м. Краматорськ, вул. Герою Небесног Сотт, 14, тел.: 050-58-91-447, e-mail: marinsv@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-7467-7899

Ещенко Марина Георгиевна,

кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры менеджмента, Донбасская национальная академия строительства и архитектуры, 84300,

г. Краматорск, ул. Героев Небесной Сотни, 14, тел.: 050-58-91-447, e-mail: marinsv@ ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-7467-7899


Abstract. The relevance of studying the social pillar of sustainable development is defined. The long-term economic and social trends are revealed. The concept "sustainable development" is characterized. The scheme description of sustainable development and its pillars are analysed. The importance of the conception of sustainable development and its general characteristics are determined. The key principles of sustainable development are considered in the article. The integrated role of the social pillar of sustainable development according to its economic and environmental pillars is shown. The authors substantiate the necessity of implementing the sustainable development strategy in Ukraine that is caused by both internal and external factors.

The modern approach to sustainable development is the process of changing most people's value priorities. The following international core values of development are declared — freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature, and joint responsibility. The national goals of sustainable development are based on political, economic, social, environmental, moral, and cultural values that are characteristic for Ukrainian society. They define the focus of the strategy on the concern for the common good and protection of Ukrainian national interests.

The list of vectors, revealed in Strategy on Sustainable Development "Ukraine -2020", is presented. It is emphasized that strategic goal of sustainable development of Ukraine is based on dealing with national interests and fulfilling international obligations of Ukraine regarding the transition to sustainable development.

The necessity of pre-university education in the context of sustainable development is proved. It is emphasized that the key goal of the education in the 21st century is to develop thinking that is aimed at sustainable future and appropriate life values and priorities. The importance of cutting-edge education of sustainable development is characterized. Moreover, sustainable development is centered around a person, improving the quality of his/her life in favourable social and economic environment, as well as in clean environment.

Keywords: sustainable development, strategy, social pillar, economic pillar, environmental pillar, national goals, national interests, social capital.


Анотащя. Визначено актуальшсть дослщження сощально! складово! ста-лого розвитку. Наведено довгостроковi економiчнi та сощальш тенденци. Схарактеризовано поняття "сталого розвитку". Запропоновано схематичний

вигляд сталого розвитку та його складових. Визначено важливють концеп-ци сталого розвитку та його загальш проблеми. Розглянуто ключовi прин-ципи сталого розвитку. Визначено головш цiлi сталого розвитку. Окреслено штегруючу роль сощально! складово! сталого розвитку щодо економiчноl та еколопчно1 складових. Обгрунтовано необхщшсть впровадження в Укра-1ш стратеги сталого розвитку, зумовлеш чинниками як внутршнього, так i зовнiшнього характеру.

Сучасний перехщ до сталого розвитку — це процес змши цшшсних ор^ eнтацiй багатьох людей. Визнаними мiжнародними фундаментальними цiнностями розвитку е свобода, рiвнiсть, солiдарнiсть, толерантнiсть, пова-га до природи, спiльна вщповщальшсть. Нацiональнi цiлi сталого розвитку базуються на полiтичних, економiчних, соцiальних, еколопчних, моральних i культурних цiнностях, властивих украшському суспiльству. Вони визна-чають спрямованiсть стратеги на турботу про сшльне благо та захист нацю-нальних iнтересiв Украши.

Викладено перелш векторiв, визначених у Стратеги сталого розвитку "Украша-2020". Пiдкреслено, що стратегiчне бачення сталого розвитку Украши грунтуеться на забезпеченнi нацiональних штереав та виконаннi мiжнародних зобов'язань Украши щодо переходу до сталого розвитку.

Зазначено необхщшсть довишiвськоl освiти у контексп сталого розвитку. Пiдкреслено, що ключове завдання освiти у ХХ1 столiттi — розвиток мислен-ня, орieнтованого на стале майбутне та вщповщш життeвi цiнностi i прюрите-ти, та схарактеризовано важливiсть випереджаючо1 освiти сталого розвитку. Сталий розвиток орieнтований насамперед на людину та полшшення якостi И життя у сприятливому соцiально-економiчному середовищi та еколопчно чистому природному довкiллi.

Ключовi слова: еколопчна складова, економiчна складова, нацюнальш цiлi, нацiональний iнтерес, соцiальна складова, сощальний капiтал, сталий розвиток, стратепя.


Аннотация. Определена актуальность исследования социальной составляющей устойчивого развития. Приведены долгосрочные экономические и социальные тенденции. Охарактеризовано понятие "устойчивое развитие". Предложен схематический вид устойчивого развития и его составляющих. Определены важность концепции устойчивого развития и его общие проблемы. Рассмотрены ключевые принципы устойчивого развития. Очерчены главные цели устойчивого развития. Показана интегрирующая роль социальной составляющей устойчивого развития с экономической и экологической составляющих. Обоснована необходимость внедрения в Украине стратегии устойчивого развития, обусловленная факторами как внутреннего, так и внешнего характера.

Современный переход к устойчивому развитию — это процесс изменения ценностных ориентаций многих людей. Признанными международными

фундаментальными ценностями развития есть свобода, равенство, солидарность, терпимость, уважение к природе, общая ответственность. Национальные цели устойчивого развития базируются на политических, экономических, социальных, экологических, нравственных и культурных ценностях, присущих украинскому обществу. Они определяют направленность стратегии на заботу об общем благе и защите национальных интересов Украины.

Изложен перечень векторов, определенных в Стратегии устойчивого развития "Украина - 2020". Подчеркнуто, что стратегическое видение устойчивого развития Украины основывается на обеспечении национальных интересов и выполнении международных обязательств Украины относительно перехода к устойчивому развитию.

Указана необходимость довузовского образования в контексте устойчивого развития. Подчеркнуто, что ключевая задача образования в XXI веке — развитие мышления, ориентированного на устойчивое будущее и соответствующие жизненные ценности и приоритеты, и охарактеризована важность опережающего образования устойчивого развития. Кроме того, устойчивое развитие ориентировано прежде всего на человека и улучшение качества его жизни в благоприятной социально-экономической среде и экологически чистой природной среде.

Ключевые слова: экологическая составляющая, экономическая составляющая, национальные цели, национальный интерес, социальная составляющая, социальный капитал, устойчивое развитие, стратегия.

Problem statement. The implementation of the social pillar of sustainable development takes place while fulfilling the tasks and functions of combining economic and environmental pillars if the conditions for enhancing every citizen's role and the whole society as a subject of this process are present.

Analysis of recent studies and publications on reserch issues. The issues of the social pillar of sustainable development are studied by the authors, such as T. Dillick, M. Keimer, D. Meadows, M. Porter, K. Hockerts et al.

The research is relevant as nowadays the ideas of creating the values accepted by everyone, corporative sustaina-bility, and sustainable development are getting greater support. These ideas are

considered to be the possible guidelines for both the development of the society and activities of business organizations.

Purpose of the article is to substantiate the implementation of the sustainable development strategy in Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material of reserch. In recent years, the concept of sustainable development is getting more and more popular. As American researchers T. Dillick and K. Hockerts, who are engaged in the research of this subject area, have pointed out "sustain-ability has changed into a mantra of the 21st century" [1]. The growing interest in the phenomenon of sustainable development is confirmed by creating international initiatives, establishing

international and national research centers, discussing the problem of sustainable development at sites of leading world forums, increasing the number of publications on the issues of sustainable development, sustainable economic growth, and corporative sustainability. To prove these statements, we can give the materials of International Forum "RIO + 20", which was held in 2012. One of the main issues of the forum was the corporative sustainability.

The relevance of the research and wide discussion of the problems of sustainable development are connected to a great number of causes, which have cognitive, theoretical, and practical nature, and to building a number of long-term economic and social trends. First of all, it is about the search for economic model, which is alternative for the neoliberal model of capitalism that has been developed by the beginning of the 21st century in many economically developed countries. This model is based on postulates of neoclassical guideline of economic theory whose representatives study economical thinking, economic growth, competitiveness and orientation of economic activities to achieving short-term results that are materialized through incomes and qualities of main imperatives of economic development. At the same time, nowadays the ideas of creating "common values (accepted by everyone)", corporative sustainability, and sustainable development are getting more support. Also, these ideas are regarded as possible guidelines for developing both the society and business organisation activities.

At present time there is a wide range of approaches to defining the essence of this phenomenon and the content

of appropriate issue which prove the lack of generally accepted integrated concept of sustainable development. One of the most popular experts in this area D. Meadows admitted: "We don't know what the sustainable development is, but we understand what it isn't like. Pointless energy consumption is not sustainable development. Cutting down the forests and destruction of soil cover are not either. Most people regard sustainable development as a certain end point in the development of the society. As soon as we reach this end point, all the environmental problems will automatically disappear. I think the sustainable development is not the ultimate goal, but it is how we move toward this goal" [2].

Among the main problems of sustainable development there is an issue of exhaustion of resources that is caused by increasing the needs on the basis of limited resources and, as a result, the problem of limited model of economic growth, which economically developed world countries follow, has arisen. It is not accidental that the first report devoted to the issues of sustainable development was prepared by Roman Club in 1972 and was called "The Limits of Growth". The emergence of the concept of sustainable development is associated with the awareness of the fact that society is at the brink of the global crisis that can be caused by consuming the resources and growing pressure on the biosphere which is resulted from people's economic activities, as well as the awareness of the necessity to build another model of economic growth which is based on the principles of sustainable development and well-balanced development.

We consider the model of sustainable development (Figure).

The orientation to sustainable development sets the coordinate system and results in the behavioral rules of economic activity subjects and appropriate restrictions:

- balanced economic growth, improving its quality and effectiveness;

- transition to the green model of economic growth that implies applying the ecological safety aspects, optimizing the environmental burden, and rational consuming of the resources;

- providing the optimal amount of profits and expenses (taking into con-

sideration the transforming of the external effect into internal one and the transition to accounting complete and real production costs);

- fair competition;

- responsible consumption;

- focus on achieving the long-term goals and realization of long-term interests of the society (improving the life quality with simultaneous preservation of environmental viability);

- achieving more social justice;

- implementing socially responsible model of running business.

We should regard the principles of balance and involving interested parties

Sustainable development and its pillars

as the key principles of sustainable development. The realization of the principle of balance assumes the balance of economic, environmental and social aspects of development; the interests of present and future generations, different interested parties, society and corporations; balanced economic growth. For its part, balanced economic growth ensures the steady growth rate that is accompanied with the activities for preserving the environment, decreasing its burden, increasing the level and quality of life, and achieving more social justice. The involvement of interested parties can be described as the orientation of the development to meeting the needs, demands and expectations of the society which is represented by a broad circle of interested parties (the population of the country, various social groups and categories).

The social pillar of sustainable development implies the meaning of results framework, as it is centered around a person as a subject and the aim of this development. Implementing the processes of sustainable development supports the active role of a person as a participant of social and economic activities and it directly concerns its social pillar. The main goals of sustainable development, while studying its social pillar, is to achieve those life standards, including the environmental impacts accepted for human existence, that are claimed to be normal for this society. However, as the experience of practical activities proves, the appropriate implementation of the goals appears to be impossible without involving the citizens into making and accepting the certain decisions at the level of authorities. The forms of participation

are various, but the main of them are the elections according to established democratic procedure and activities in non-governmental social organizations for performing the social initiatives, as well as they can have the form of social control over authorities' actions.

The influence of the society on authorities by elections for ensuring the social aspects of sustainable development is achieved if the issues of taxation and spending state budget funds are central for electors. The establishment of certain institutional frameworks for environmental protection events, including the compensation of damages caused in the process of environmental activities, are essential as well. So the understanding of sustainable development in the context of social pillar should definitely include the presence of the direct and indirect opportunity for every citizen to participate actively in the processes that directly concern his or her everyday life, involving the participation in making and accepting certain authority decisions and control over their fulfilling.

Thus, completing the missions of sustainable development, which are posed from the standpoints of both economic and environmental pillars, occurs through the complete implementation of all the aspects of realized social pillar of socio-economic and socio-political life. Due to this, the enhancement of human factor takes place. Everything mentioned above is the main point in implementing the processes of sustainable development. That is why there are strong arguments for finding the integrated role of social pillar of sustainable development regarding economic and environmental pillars. The social pillar

supports the interaction of economic and ecological aspects in appropriate processes.

Implementing the social pillar of sustainable development while completing the missions of combining economic and ecological aspects takes place under the condition of increasing the role of every citizen and the society in general as a subject of this process. These conditions support the developed civil society whose main sign is a high level of citizens' self-organization based on the mutual trust and tolerance. The self-organization causes the broad involvement in social and political activities, aimed at influencing the authorities and the content of the decisions.

The economic interpretation of civil society should be regarded as a category of social capital that is thought to exist in the society potential of mutual trust and assistance which is rationally developed in interpersonal area whose amount could be measured with the index of public trust and citizens' participation in public associations. Existed at present time in Ukraine, the public situation is characterized by the citizens' weak voluntary activities, low levels of the trust between them and tolerance in interpersonal relations. The above shows that there isn't strong social capital in the country, so the developed public society is lacking.

All above doesn't allow to support the solution of urgent problems to the fullest extent that should take place in the context of social pillar of sustainable development and doesn't contribute to achieving the appropriate realization of its missions. Encouraging these processes, which contribute to improving other components that integrate the

role of social pillar of sustainable development and serve for their optimum implementation, is prospective.

So the necessity of implementation of Sustainable Development Strategy in Ukraine is caused by factors of both internal and external nature:

- in Ukraine as a result of the long-term domination of resource- and energy-intensive areas and technologies, raw export orientation and excessive concentration of production in industrial regions, such a structure of managing development was built that is inefficient and ecologically dangerous;

- the level of economic development and population well-being doesn't meet the natural, scientific and technical, agricultural and industrial potential of Ukraine, qualification-educational level of population, socio-historic and cultural tradition of Ukrainian population;

- Ukraine has the sustainable development obligations that are defined by strategic documents of UN;

- the basis for implementing the innovative changes in Ukraine to promote sustainable development is EU-Ukraine Association Agreement;

- the goals and targets of sustainable development are not fully described in developed and adopted strategic nation-wide, sectoral, and regional documents;

Ukrainian scientists have prepared the scientific justification of transition of Ukraine to sustainable development, as well as the appropriate public support for this process has been developed.

The transition to sustainable development is a process of changing the value priorities of many people. Fundamental values of development,

which are accepted internationally, are freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature, and joint responsibility. The national goals of sustainable development are based on the political, economic, social, environmental, moral and cultural values, which are characteristic for Ukrainian society. They define the orientation of the strategy to the joint well-being and protection of national interest of Ukraine.

The vectors that are defined in Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine - 2020" are the following:

• the vector of development — providing the sustainable development of the country, implementing the structural reforms, enhancing the economic growth in environmentally sustainable way, and building the favorable conditions for conducting economic activity;

• the vector of safety — providing the safety of state, business and citizens, the investment securities and private property; providing peace and border protection, fair and impartial justice, urgent purges of authorities at all levels and ensuring the implementation of effective anti-corruption mechanisms. The priority is to support life safety and health of a person, which are impossible without effective system of public health protection, providing proper medical services, protecting socially vulnerable groups of the population, the safe environment, and ensuring an access to clean drinking water, sanitation, safe and qualitative foodstuff, and industrial goods;

• the vector of responsibility — providing the guarantees for every citizen, regardless of the race, skin colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex, ethnic and social origin, wealth, resi-

dence, language and other characteristics, having access to the quality education, health care system and other services in the state and private sector;

• the vector of pride — providing mutual respect and tolerance in the society, pride for one's own state, its history, culture, science, and sport.

The strategic view of sustainable development of Ukraine is based on supporting the national interests and fulfilling the obligations of Ukraine that assume the transitions to sustainable development. This development implies:

- dealing with imbalance with economic, social and ecological spheres;

- transforming the economic activities and transitions based on "green economics";

- building peaceful, safe, and socially cohesive society with appropriate governing and inclusive institutions;

- supporting the partner interaction of government authorities, local self-government bodies, business, science, and civil society organizations;

- full employment of population;

- high level of science, education (modernization and development of education which should gain continuing character, flexibly react to all the processes which take place both in Ukraine and in the world) and health care;

- keeping the environment in an appropriate state which provides qualitative life and well-being for present and future generations;

- decentralizing and implementing regional policy which include harmonious combination of national and regional interests;

- preserving national culture values and traditions.

Innovative direction of development is determined in Strategy as it is based on an active use of knowledge and scientific achievements, stimulating the innovative activities, creating the favourable investment climate, upgrading the production funds, developing high-tech activities and branches of economics, increasing energy efficiency in production processes, based on attracting investment for using renewable energy sources and for providing environmentally safe production and "green" technologies.

The economic growth is connected not to exploiting the natural resources, but to the wide use of models of "green" economics. The waste accumulated in the past are gradually recycled and utilized. This results in reduction and elimination of a significant amount of landfills. The export causes the transition from raw materials and products of primary processing to the predominance of the products with the high level of added value.

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Due to the actions for energy saving and implementing energy efficient practices, the energy intensity of the gross domestic product decreases. The part of producing environmentally clean energy grows steadily, displacing primarily the traditional carbon technology. This gives an opportunity to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas and other pollutants into the atmosphere to the certain extend, as well as this contributes to counteracting the climate change. These things also contribute to improving the environmental quality and population health.

The strategic direction of the sustainable development of Ukraine is upgrading the education. The develop-

ment of thinking, which is aimed at the sustainable future and appropriate life values and priorities, is the key task of the education in the 21st century. The education for the sustainable development is based on the concept of the sustainable development which meets the present time needs and doesn't jeopardize the future generations' opportunities to meet their own needs. The development is necessary for meeting the people's needs and improving the quality of their life [6].

The education for the sustainable development lasts throughout life and includes all the levels and categories of the education and learning: pre-school education, secondary education, pre-university education, higher education, retraining, requalification and internship.

The main directions of the education development for the sustainable development are the reorientation of the present education at all the levels of solving problems of the sustainable development and training specialists. The main component of the education is future career choosing — pre-univer-sity training of the youth. In particular, the pre-university training is an important level for choosing the career by the youth as it is one of the most important choice in life [6].

What exactly does pre-university training imply? The grounded coverage of the category of pre-university education is presented in the scientific works of E. Fatieieva. The scientist thinks "pre-university education is both the process and the result of mastering the system of scientific knowledge and cognitive skills by trainees. Based on these things, the pre-university educa-

tion implies developing the outlook, moral and other individual and psychic qualities of a person, developing his or her creative abilities and skills in educational and information environment of pre-university training center" [9, p. 17]. The scientist N. Fedorova claims that "pre-university training is not only the step to gaining the higher education, but also the important stage in a young person's life on the way to gaining the profession and further development of a personality" [8, p. 73].

The components of the education content for the sustainable development, as K. Nikolaiev asserts, are: life standard, social justice and equality; preserving diversity — cultural, social, and biological; development in the networks of reproducing ecosystems; interconnection: in society, economics, and environment; awareness of the responsibility for future generations; civil position; citizens' rights and obligations; future generations' needs and rights for the environment [6].

Thus, improving the education quality should be focused on supporting the economic growth of the state and solving the social problems of the society, further learning and a personality's development. The education for the sustainable development is becoming the process of learning how to make decisions that are necessary for supporting long-term future of economics, environment, and social justice.

Conclusions and prospects of further research. Thus, the sustainable development is aimed at a person and improving the quality of his or her life in favourable social and economic environment and ecologically clear, healthy, and various environment. The continu-

ing education supports the creative attitude of a person to his or her work. The high level of human potential should support the country's competitiveness in the future.

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