THE ROLE OF THEATER IN SHAPING THE WORLDVIEW AND SPIRITUALITY OF MODERN YOUTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Inter education & global study
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Ключевые слова
theater / performance / youth spirituality / upbringing / spectacle / society / creator / play / plot / composition. / театр / перформанс / духовность молодежи / воспитание / зрелище / общество / творец / пьеса / сюжет / композиция.

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Sunbula B. Hamitova

the role of theatrical art in shaping the worldview and spirituality of modern youth is invaluable. The theatre says something to the audience through his performances in the theater. Through theatrical performances, a person prepares the ground for self-correction, re-education, realization of the potential of young people, leads to perfection. In general, theatrical art is one of the most important factors in creating a healthy environment in one’s life today.

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роль театрального искусства в формировании мировоззрения и духовности современной молодежи неоценима. Театр что-то говорит зрителям своими театральными выступлениями. Через театрализованные представления человек подготавливает почву для само коррекции, перевоспитания, реализации молодежного потенциала, ведет к созреванию. В целом театральное искусство сегодня является одним из важнейших факторов создания здоровой среды в жизни человека.



Original peper

© Sunbula B. Hamitova1^_

1Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


INTRODUCTION: the role of theatrical art in shaping the worldview and spirituality of modern youth is invaluable. The theatre says something to the audience through his performances in the theater. Through theatrical performances, a person prepares the ground for self-correction, re-education, realization of the potential of young people, leads to perfection. In general, theatrical art is one of the most important factors in creating a healthy environment in one's life today.

AIM: the role of theatrical art in shaping the worldview and spirituality of modern youth is invaluable. The theatre says something to the audience through his performances in the theater. Through theatrical performances, a person prepares the ground for self-correction, re-education, realization of the potential of young people, leads to perfection. In general, theatricala is one of the most important factors in creating a healthy environment in one's life today

MATERIALS AND METHODS: the theater educates the young audience spiritually and morally, offers a social ideal that young people look up to, although they do not always realize this when watching the stage action from the audience. Many more opportunities to "try on" the social roles of heroes of the past and present, to feel the moral issues and choose your own path to a bright ideal are provided by participation in theatrical productions, mastering the world through stage transformation.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: theater is a multifaceted kind of synthetic art. The theater is unthinkable without such components as drama, directing, acting, music, dancing, and artistic equipment. Theatrical art in general is also becoming one of the most important factors in creating a healthy environment in the life of a modern person. In the theater, the main task is to strengthen the viewer's connection with the theater.

CONCLUSION: through theatrical performances, a person prepares the ground for self-correction, re-education, realization of the possibilities of youth, leads to perfection. Thus, certain successes would have been achieved if the theater had followed certain rules, dividing the audience into groups when staging plays, showing performances.

Key words: theater, performance, youth spirituality, upbringing, spectacle, society, creator, play, plot, composition.

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №3(2)


For citation: Sunbula B. Hamitova, (2024) 'The role of theater in shaping the worldview and spirituality of modern youth', Inter education & global study, (3(2)), pp. 74-79. (In Inglish)



© С.Б.Хамитова1Н

1 Бухарский государственный университет, Бухара, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: роль театрального искусства в формировании мировоззрения и духовности современной молодежи неоценима. Театр что-то говорит зрителям своими театральными выступлениями. Через театрализованные представления человек подготавливает почву для само коррекции, перевоспитания, реализации молодежного потенциала, ведет к созреванию. В целом театральное искусство сегодня является одним из важнейших факторов создания здоровой среды в жизни человека.

ЦЕЛЬ: неоценима роль театрального искусства в формировании мировоззрения и духовности современной молодежи. В театре он что-то говорит публики через постановку пьес. Через театрализованные представления человек подготавливает почву для небольшой коррекции, перевоспитания, реализации потенциала молодежи, ведет к совершенствованию. В целом театральное искусство один из важнейших факторов создания здоровой среды в современной жизни

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: театр воспитывает молодого зрителя духовно и нравственно, предлагает общественный идеал, на который молодежь равняется, хотя не всегда осознает это, наблюдая сценическое действо из зала. Много больше возможностей «примерить» социальные роли героев прошлого и современности, прочувствовать нравственную проблематику и выбрать собственный путь к светлому идеалу дает участие в театральных постановках, освоение мира через сценическое перевоплощение.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: театр-многогранный вид синтетического искусства. Театр немыслим без таких составляющих, как драматургия, режиссура, актерское искусство, музыка, танцы, художественное оборудование. Театральное искусство в целом также становится одним из важнейших факторов создания здоровой среды в жизни современного человека. В театре главная задача-укрепление связи зрителя с театром.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: посредством театральных представлений человек готовит почву для самокоррекции, перевоспитания, реализации возможностей молодежи, ведет к совершенству. Таким образом, определенные успехи были бы достигнуты, если бы театр соблюдал определенные правила, разделяя зрителей на группы при постановке пьес, показе спектаклей.


Ключевые слова: театр, перформанс, духовность молодежи, воспитание, зрелище, общество, творец, пьеса, сюжет, композиция.



© S.B. Hamitova1^

1Buxoro davlat universiteti, Buxoro, O'zbekiston_


KIRISH: zamonaviy yoshlarning dunyoqarashi va ma'naviyatini shakllantirishda teatr san'atining o'rni beqiyos. Teatr uning teatrdagi chiqishlari orqali tomoshabinlarga nimadir deydi. Teatrlashtirilgan tomoshalar orqali inson o'zini o'zi tuzatish, qayta tarbiyalash, yoshlar salohiyatini ro'yobga chiqarish uchun zamin tayyorlaydi, kamolotga olib keladi. Umuman olganda, teatr san'ati bugungi kunda inson hayotida sog'lom muhitni yaratishning eng muhim omillaridan biridir.

MAQSAD: zamonaviy yoshlar dunyoqarashini va ma'naviyatini shakllantirishda teatr san'atining o'rni beqiyos. Teatrda, spektakllar namoyishi orqalitomoshabinlarga nimanidir aytadi. Teatr tomoshalari orqali inson o'zini-o'zi tuzatish, qayta tarbiyalash, yoshlar imkoniyatini ro'yobga chiqarish uchun puxta zamin hozirlaydi, komillik sari yetaklaydi. Umuman olganda teatr san'ati, bugungi kun kishisini o'z hayotida sog'lom muhit tashkil etishida muhim omillardan biri hisoblanadi.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: teatr yosh tomoshabinni ma'naviy va axloqiy jihatdan tarbiyalaydi, yoshlar teng keladigan ijtimoiy idealni taklif qiladi, garchi u har doim ham zaldan sahna harakatini kuzatib, buni anglamasa ham. O'tmish va hozirgi zamon qahramonlarining ijtimoiy rollarini "sinab ko'rish", axloqiy muammolarni his qilish va yorqin idealga o'z yo'lingizni tanlash uchun ko'plab imkoniyatlar teatr tomoshalarida ishtirok etish, dunyoni sahna reenkarnatsiyasi orqali rivojlantirish imkonini beradi.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: teatr ko'p qirrali sintetik san'at turi hisoblanadi. Teatrni dramaturgiya, rejissura, aktyorlk san'ati, musiqa, raqs, badiiy jihoz kabi komponentlarsiz tasavvur etib bo'lmaydi. Umuman olganda teatr san'ati ham bugungi kun kishisini o'z hayotida sog'lom muhit tashkil etishida muhim omillardan biri bo'lib kelmoqda. Teatrda asosiy vazifa -tomoshabin bilan teatr o'rtasidagi aloqani mustahkamlash.

XULOSA: teatr tomoshalari orqali inson o'zini-o'zi tuzatish, qayta tarbiyalash, yoshlar imkoniyatini ro'yobga chiqarish uchun puxta zamin hozirlaydi, komillik sari yetaklaydi. Xullas, teatr asarlarni sahnalashtirishda, spektakllarni ko'rsatishda tomoshabinlarni guruhlarga ajratgan holda ba'zi bir qoidalarga rioya qilinsa, ma'lum yutuqlarga erishilardi.

Kalit so'zlar: teatr, spektakl, yoshlar ma'naviyati, tarbiyasi, tomosha, jamiyat, ijodkor, spektakl, syujet, kompozitsiya.

Для цитирования: Хамитова С.Б. Роль театра в формировании мировоззрения и духовности современной молодежи. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №3(2).



Iqtibos uchun: Hamitova S.B. Zamonaviy yoshlarning dunyoqarashi va ma'naviyatini shakllantirishda teatrning roli. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №3(2). B. 74-79.

When we say the spirituality of young people, their behavior, spirituality and manners are embodied in our imagination. These are formed by themselves through parental upbringing, neighborhood control, education received from educational institutions, and life observations, and are embodied as beacons throughout their lives. There is another place where the magical life full of interesting and wonderful wonders of life is manifested. The role of direct educational performances for the formation of the spirituality of modern youth is incomparable.

When I say modern youth, my peers and contemporaries who know two or three languages perfectly, have clear and detailed plans in front of them and work towards this goal without deviation. "The theater is a place of education. We give priority to protecting our youth from various ideological threats and malicious forces and influences. It is not enough to guide young people on the right path. It is necessary to do practical things that serve to perfect virtue, patriotism, and human qualities. One of such factors of practical education is theater. It is not for nothing that they say that the Theater is a mirror of society. Students who are not interested in reading and cannot read at all can be made interested in reading through theater. The highest goal of theater art has been to convey to young people their understanding of the reality of life. Of course, life itself has a higher purpose. However, in order to bring it to a young audience, it is necessary to have a team of dedicated creators. Among them, theater is a multifaceted synthetic art form. Theater cannot be imagined without such components as dramaturgy, directing, acting, music, dance, artistic equipment. In general, theater art is one of the important factors in creating a healthy environment in the life of a person today. The main task in the theater is to strengthen the connection between the audience and the theater. Through the performance of plays in the theater, it tells something to the audience. Through this, the theater develops the sense of goodness in young people. A performance is a spectacle that allows people to interact with each other mentally, influence each other, and feel each other. It must be admitted that if most of the plays on the stage of theaters for young audiences take a serious, spiritually rich tone, young people will not immediately follow them, and it will be more difficult for a young audience to digest this show. For this reason, it is necessary to start promoting the theater of young audiences from kindergarten, to teach children real values and knowledge of stage culture. Today, we observe staged performances of theater groups in pre-school educational institutions. We witness their creative work mainly during the New Year and Navroz holidays.

It is worth mentioning that children should not be limited to the performances of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Bear Wolves, they need to show more educationally important and high-level small plays. In this regard, we also call the dramaturgy to be responsible. It's no secret that feelings in youth are formed later. The fact that goodness, justice and honesty will always prevail will cause the positive aspects of education to be discovered in them.


Whether we call them fairy-tale heroes or modern heroes, it is important to bring them out and show them as examples. At this point, we assign some responsibility to the theater of young audiences and puppet theaters.

Epics and legends, which are the highest examples of folk art, have an incomparable place in spirituality. Their expression of magnificence, tolerance, intelligence, creativity, high pride and appreciation characteristic of our nation instills a sense of pride in a person. In particular, the heroism of Shiroq, the shepherd of the Sak tribe, has become an epic and has an extremely important place in the enrichment of the spiritual world of the young generation. Through theater performances, a person prepares a thorough ground for self-correction, re-education, realizing the potential of young people, leads to perfection. So, if the theater staged works and staged performances, dividing the audience into groups and following certain rules, certain achievements were achieved. Including: let the young audience feel the identity of not only social events in the performances - in terms of external reality, but also in terms of the inner mental state and content of the work. This process occurs due to the integration of educational programs with theater creation, a two-way connection; if the creators of the theater are passionately engaged in actions, gestures, mime, pantomime, light smile, warm laughter, beautiful walk, etc., in order to reveal the world of the characters, they will get the relationship with the audience on the right track. they get the opportunity to eat. By following these rules, it is possible to leave a pleasant impression on the audience, to awaken a feeling of love and affection in them, and to choose a show. In addition, the art of theater helps young people to achieve spiritual and spiritual growth, to strengthen their sense of self-confidence. Although the history and specific features of the Republican Theater of Young Audiences have been expressed in the works of some experts, the modern problems, demands and needs of these theaters, specific aspects of the youth audience, and the interaction of youth and theater its secret is almost unexplored.

In particular, the fact that the needs and aspirations of young people are not taken into account in creative work is causing many serious consequences. Such a situation has a negative impact on the prospects of theaters. Therefore, in scientific research, it is necessary to consider the creative activity of theaters in a wide scope in connection with the requirements of the times and the needs of the audience. In conclusion, it should be said that it is appropriate to stage the works of the curriculum of kindergartens, schools, colleges, and academic lyceums, taking into account the audience of young viewers. On the one hand, seeing the stage version of the works in the textbook leads to the learning process of the student, that is, mastering the science materials, and on the other hand, it leads to the further strengthening of the student's knowledge. On the other hand, it makes the students closer to the theater. In addition, the plot and composition of the plays written on the basis of the works in the educational program indicate that they were written under the influence of the education of the younger generation and their similarity to their live



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Hamitova Sunbula Bahadyrovna, o'qituvchi [Хaмитoвa Сyнбyлa Бaхaдирoвннa,

преподаватель], [Sunbula B. Hamitova, teacher]; manzil: O'zbekiston, M.Iqbol, 11

[адрес: Узбекистан, М.Икбол, 11], [address: Uzbekistan, M. Ikbol, 11]


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