Научная статья на тему 'The role of the Omdusmann of the Republic of Kosovo'

The role of the Omdusmann of the Republic of Kosovo Текст научной статьи по специальности «Право»

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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Msc. Shala Mervete, Mr. Sc. Xhavit Shala

The rights and fundamental freedoms are guaranteed by the Constitution and international act. Article 21, paragraph one of the Constitution of Kosovo, states explicitly: “Rights and fundamental freedoms are indivisible, inalienable indefeasible and are the basis of the legal order of the Republic, referring to the same article, paragraph two Republic of Kosovo protects and guarantees the rights and fundamental freedoms foreseeable by Constitution’’. This article examines the role of the Ombudsman to determine the constitution and the law on Ombudsman as a legal mechanism for protection, supervision and promotion of fundamental rights and freedoms of natural and legal persons from illegal actions or failures to act and improper actions of public authorities, other bodies and organizations exercising public authorizations for their account, and his role in the restoration of the right of citizens. The purpose of this paper firstly: intends to determine the principles of a functioning public administration. is to see how much human rights and fundamental freedoms in Kosovo are respected, how is affecting the Ombudsman in the prevention of abuse of power of public administration, arbitrary decisions, which violate human rights and fundamental freedoms, the restoration of the right of citizens and the last the second goal is observance of fundamental human rights, restoring the right violated by state or public administration in Kosovo.The practical realization of the Ombudsman’s recommendations from public administration makes administration more functional, responsive, professional, efficient, transparent and accountable in fulfilling its duties in service to the citizens of Kosovo. The methodology of the paper is mixed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role of the Omdusmann of the Republic of Kosovo»

кандидатов одно из самых высоких. В то же время, Таким образом, существующее избиратель-именно на этой стадии поступает значительное ное законодательство содержит значительные количество жалоб от граждан и избирательных правовые проблемы в реализации гражданами объединений, которым было отказано в завере- пассивного избирательного права и, следовании списков или регистрации на предвзятость тельно, требует дальнейшего правового совер-со стороны членов избирательных комиссий. шенствования.

Список литературы:

1. О стандартах демократических выборов, избирательных прав и свобод в государствах-участниках Содружества Независимых Государств: Конвенция государств-участников СНГ заключена в г. Кишиневе 07.10.2002//Бюллетень международных договоров. - 2006. - № 2.

2. Об общих принципах организации законодательных (представительных) и исполнительных органов государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации: Федеральный закон от 06.10.1999 № 184-ФЗ (ред. от 03.11.2015)//СЗРФ. 1999. № 42. Ст. 5005.

3. О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон «Об общих принципах организации законодательных (представительных) и исполнительных органов государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации» и Федеральный закон «Об основных гарантиях избирательных прав и права на участие в референдуме граждан Российской Федерации»: Федеральный закон от 02 мая 2012 года № 40-ФЗ//СЗРФ. 2012. № 19. Ст. 2274.

4. Закон Орловской области от 04.06.2012 № 1364-О3 (ред. от 26.05.2014) «О выборах Губернатора Орловской области» (принят ООСНД 24.05.2012)//Орловская правда. № 80. 06.06.2012.

5. Макарцев А. А. Институт поддержки выдвижения кандидатов на должность высшего должностного лица субъекта Российской Федерации: практика реализации//Юридическая наука и образование в России и Азии. Методика преподавания права: материалы 1 Рос.-Азиат. правового конгр. -Барнаул: Си-пресс. - 2014. - С. 117-118.

6. По делу о проверке конституционности отдельных положений статьи 64 Федерального закона «Об основных гарантиях избирательных прав и права на участие в референдуме граждан Российской Федерации» и статьи 92 Федерального закона «О выборах депутатов Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации» в связи с жалобой гражданина А. М. Траспова: Постановление Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации от 15 января 2002 № 1-П//С3РФ. 11.02.2002.№ 6.Ст. 626.

7. Информация, о поступивших в ЦИК России обращениях о заявленных нарушениях избирательного законодательства в ходе избирательных кампаний в субъектах Российской Федерации по выборам 14 сентября 2014 года. http://www.cikrf.ru/news/relevant/2014/12/17/01.html

Msc. Shala Mervete, Phd (c) University European Tirana E-mail: merveteshala@yahoo.com Mr. sc. Xhavit Shala Phd (c) University European Tirana E-mail: xhavitshala@gmail.com

The Role of the Omdusmann of the Republic of Kosovo

Abstract: The rights and fundamental freedoms are guaranteed by the Constitution and international act. Article 21, paragraph one of the Constitution of Kosovo, states explicitly: "Rights and

fundamental freedoms are indivisible, inalienable indefeasible and are the basis of the legal order of the Republic, referring to the same article, paragraph two Republic of Kosovo protects and guarantees the rights and fundamental freedoms foreseeable by Constitution''.

This article examines the role of the Ombudsman to determine the constitution and the law on Ombudsman as a legal mechanism for protection, supervision and promotion of fundamental rights and freedoms of natural and legal persons from illegal actions or failures to act and improper actions of public authorities, other bodies and organizations exercising public authorizations for their account, and his role in the restoration of the right of citizens. The purpose of this paper firstly: intends to determine the principles of a functioning public administration. is to see how much human rights and fundamental freedoms in Kosovo are respected, how is affecting the Ombudsman in the prevention of abuse of power of public administration, arbitrary decisions, which violate human rights and fundamental freedoms, the restoration of the right of citizens and the last the second goal is observance of fundamental human rights, restoring the right violated by state or public administration in Kosovo.The practical realization of the Ombudsman's recommendations from public administration makes administration more functional, responsive, professional, efficient, transparent and accountable in fulfilling its duties in service to the citizens of Kosovo.

The methodology of the paper is mixed.

Keywords: The Constitution, the Ombudsman, fundamental freedoms, human rights, democracy, rule of law.


Article 7 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo foresees the principles of freedom, peace, democracy, equality, respect for human rights and freedoms and the rule of law, non-discrimination, the right to property, the protection of environment, social justice, pluralism, separation of state powers, and a market economy.

Any person, group or organization can of exercise appeal, request or notification to the Ombud-sperson if believes that his/her rights and freedoms are violated. The Ombudsperson and Constitutional Court are two Institutions has competence of examine with appeal of citizens for violation of human rights by Institutions central and local.

According to article 113 paragraph 7 the Constitutional Court decides for Individuals are authorized to refer violations by public authorities of their individual rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, but only after exhaustion of all legal remedies provided by law. Also, the Ombudsperson protects the rights and freedoms of individuals from unlawful or improper acts or failures to act of public authorities.Independence of duty and does not accept any instructions or intrusions from the organs, institutions or other authorities exercis-

ing state authority in the Republic of Kosovo is article 132 guaranteed by the Constitution. These are two institutions to prove ther has been a violation of human rights and freedoms. The Ombudsperson submits an annual report to the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo for situation the rights and freedoms of individuals.

In this paper was treated the organization and functioning of the Ombudsperson Institution, basic Principles of Ombudsperson's activity and the competences, the transfer of the competences by international to the local government, legal infrastructure for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo

Today, the values of democracy, open society, respect for human rights, and equality are becoming recognized all over the world as universal values. Where there is democracy there is a greater possibility for the citizens of the country to express their basic human qualities, and where these basic human qualities prevail, there is also a greater scope for strengthening democracy. Peace and freedom cannot be ensured as long as fundamental human rights are violated. Similarly, there cannot be peace and stability as long as there is oppression and suppression. It is unfair to

seek one's own interests at the cost of other people's rights. Truth cannot shine if we fail to accept truth or consider it illegal to tell the truth [1].

Human rights protection is a strong and developing theme worldwide. There is a higher expectation of governments that they will respect and promote human rights. That requires a multifaceted response involving the parliament, courts, tribunals, executive agencies, oversight bodies, the media and non-government organisations [1, 9]. According to Omari L and Anastasia, in constitutional guaranties for defending of essential human rights and freedom, besides for basic guaranties (terms and basic instruments for the existence of the rights) and procedure guaranties (offered by common constitutional law), there is a third category, special right, which completes the meaning of the first two categories. According to them this special guarantee for defending of the essential human rights and freedom is the Attorney of the People [2,105]. Content of the Constitution clearly expresses of this new authority for resolving of the conflicts for protection of human rights and human dignity toward the abuse of public administration [3, 116].

Regulation No. 2000/38 on the establishment of the Ombudsperson institution in Kosovo, which provided the institution with a mandate to investigate to receive and investigate complaints from any person or entity in Kosovo concerning human rights violations and actions constituting an abuse of authority by the interim civil administration or any emerging central or local institution. The Ombudsperson shall give particular priority to allegations of especially severe or systematic violations and those founded on discrimination. In this section, 'actions' include acts, omissions and decisions. The jurisdiction of the Ombudsperson shall extend to the territory of Kosovo. The Ombudsperson may also offer his or her good offices with regard to cases involving Kosovars outside the territory of Kosovo. The Ombudsperson shall not have jurisdiction to deal with disputes between the international administration and its staff [4; 3].The Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo was established in June 2000 with the mandate to 'promote and protect the rights of individuals and legal entities, as well as ensure that all persons in Kosovo are able to exercise effectively human rights

and fundamental freedoms' in accordance with international human rights standards.The first Ombudsperson to lead the institution was Mr. Marek Nowicki appointed in July 2000, who served for five years until the end of2005 [5; 6].

According to Article 1 paragraph two Regulation No. 2006/6 on the Ombudsperson institution in Kosovo provide that the Ombudsperson Institution shall provide accessible and timely mechanisms for the review of actions constituting an abuse of authority by the Kosovo Institutions and provide recommendations for redress [6, 1].

Regulation No. 2007/15 Amending UNMIK Regulation No. 2006/6 on the Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo, relieve the process of appointment of the Ombudsperson and the Deputy Ombudsper-sons, and define the term of office of the four (4) Deputy Ombudspersons [7, 5; 8, 6]. In 2006, the responsibility for enabling the work of the Ombudsperson Institution was transferred to the local government, with the mandate to select and appoint the Ombudsperson being given to the Kosovo Assem-bly.Until a local Ombudsperson was selected by the Kosovo Assembly, Mr. Jashari was appointed as Acting Ombudsperson in January 2006. With the declaration of Kosovo s independence in 2008, the Kosovo Constitution specifies that the Ombudsperson Institution is an independent institution with the mandate to monitor, defend and protect the rights and freedoms of individuals from unlawful or improper acts or failures to actof publicauthorities [9; 6].

Ombudsperson Institution is composed of: Ombudsperson, five (5) Deputy Ombudspersons and Staff of the Ombudsperson Institution [10; 5]. In year 2009 elected the first Ombudsman of Kosovo citizen with 5-year term.The Ombudsperson is elected by the Assembly of Kosovo by a majority of all its deputies for a non-renewable five (5) year term. Any citizen of the Republic of Kosovo, who has a university degree, high moral and honest character, distinguished experience and knowledge in the area of human rights and freedoms, is eligible to be elected as Ombudsperson.The Ombudsperson and Deputy Ombudspersons shall not be members of any political party, exercise any political, state or professional private activity, or participate in the management of civil, economic

or trade organizations. The Ombudsperson shall be immune from prosecution, civil lawsuit and dismissal for actions or decisions that are within the scope of responsibilities of the Ombudsperson.The Ombudsperson may be dismissed only upon the request of more than one third (1/3) of all deputies of the Assembly and upon a vote of two thirds (2/3) majority of all its deputies [11; 134]. Relying on the analysis of the Law Framework on the Law No.03/L-195 on Ombudsperson and interviewing of the management and the Institution of the Attorney of the People, there are law vacuums which are of material and procedure nature [12].

The Law on the Ombudsperson, by being a legal mechanism which sanctions protection, monitoring and promotion of human rights and freedoms when they are not respected by the public institutions, has succeeded to strengthen the voice of the Ombudsperson, as well as to create a new spirit in the interconnecting triangle of the human rights and freedoms: The Ombudsperson Institution-public institutions-citizens [13; 12].

The activity of the Ombudsperson

A European Ombudsman, elected by the European Parliament, shall be empowered to receive complaints from any citizen of the Union or any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State concerning instances of maladministration in the activities of the Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, with the exception of the Court ofJustice of the European Union acting in its judicial role. He or she shall examine such complaints and report on them. In accordance with his duties, the Ombudsman shall conduct inquiries for which he finds grounds, either on his own initiative or on the basis of complaints submitted to him direct or through a Member of the European Parliament, except where the alleged facts are or have been the subject of legal proceedings. Where the Ombudsman establishes an instance of maladministration, he shall refer the matter to the institution, body, office or agency concerned, which shall have a period of three months in which to inform him of its views. The Ombudsman shall then forward a report to the European Parliament and the institution, body, office or agency concerned. The person lodging the complaint shall be informed of the outcome of

such inquiries.The Ombudsman shall be completely independent in the performance of his duties. In the performance of those duties he shall neither seek nor take instructions from any Government, institution, body, office or entity. The Ombudsman may not, during his term of office, engage in any other occupation, whether gainful or not. The Ombudsman shall submit an annual report to the European Parliament on the outcome of his inquiries. The Ombudsman elected after each election of the European Parliament for the duration of its term of office. The Ombudsman shall be eligible for reappointment. The Ombudsman may be dismissed by the Court of Justice at the request of the European Parliament if he no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his duties or if he is guilty of serious misconduct [13, 228].The Ombudsman may find maladministration if an institution fails to respect fundamental rights, legal rules or principles, or the principles of good administration [2].

The Ombudsperson of Kosovo monitors, defends and protects the rights and freedoms of individuals from unlawful or improper acts or failures to act of public authorities.The Ombudsperson independently exercises her/his duty and does not accept any instructions or intrusions from the organs, institutions or other authorities exercising state authority in the Republic of Kosovo. Every organ, institution or other authority exercising legitimate power of the Republic of Kosovo is bound to respond to the requests of the Ombudsperson and shall submit all requested documentation and information in conformity with the law [14, 132].

Also, Law on Ombudsperson outlines his activity of legal mechanism for protection, supervision and promotion of fundamental rights and freedoms of natural and legal persons from illegal actions or failures to act and improper actions of public authorities, other bodies and organizations exercising public authorizations for their account [15, 1]. Article 3 of Law No. 03/L — 195 on Ombudsperson provides that Ombudsperson is an independent institution that is governed by the principles of impartiality, confidentiality and professionalism. Based on the provisions of this Law apply to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of all persons in the Republic of Kosovo and abroad from illegal actions or failure

to act of the bodies of public authorities of the Republic of Kosovo. [16, 3]. Also, the Code of ethics of the Ombudsperson Institution No. 01/2011 Article 9 provides that in cases that staff members of the Ombudsperson Institution handle complaints and make decisions, they shall do so based on the principles of equal treatment of individuals and groups [17, 9].

During their work and handling of complaints, the staff members of the Ombudsperson Institution shall not give up before difficulties or fear of pressure or difficulties they may encounter, whether these pressures or difficulties arising from administration officials or public or private persons [18, 11].

With regard to increase of the number of conducted cases the Attorney of the People contributes in improvement of respect for the human rights and freedom from public administration in Kosovo cases.

Competencies of the Ombudsperson

Article 135 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo it provide Competencies of the Ombudsperson in connection with legislation to submit an annual report to the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.Upon request of the Assembly, the Ombudsperson is required to submit interim or other reports to the Assembly. Upon the request of the Ombudsperson, the Assembly shall permit the Ombudsperson to be heard [19, 135]. The Ombudsperson presents to the Assembly of Kosovo the report for the previous year till 31 March of following year. The Ombudsperson presents the report in plenary session, in which it is discussed [20, 27] to recommend to the Assembly the harmonization of legislation with International Standards for Human Rights and Freedoms and their effective implementation [21, 16].

Competencies of the Ombudsperson in connection with administrative bodies has the power to investigate complaints received from any natural or legal person related to assertions for violation of human rights envisaged by the Constitution, Laws and other acts, as well as international instruments ofhuman rights, particularly the European Convention on Human Rights, including actions or failure to act which present abuse of authority. The competences of the Ombudsperson extend to the entire

territory of the Republic of Kosovo. In exercising his/her functions, the Ombudsperson can provide good services to the residents of the Republic of Kosovo and other persons who are outside the territory of the Republic of Kosovo The Ombudsperson has the power to investigate, either to respond to complaint filed or on its own initiative (ex officio), if from findings, testimonies and evidence presented by submission or by knowledge gained in any other

way, there is a base resulting that the authorities

have violated human rights and freedoms as determined by the Constitution, laws and other acts, as well as international instruments on human rights If the Ombudsperson during the investigation conducted observes the presence of criminal offence, than he/she informs competent body for initiation of investigation. If the Ombudsperson starts procedure on his/her own initiative or if any other person on behalf of the damaged person with the submission addresses to the Ombudsperson for initiating of the procedure, the consent from the person whose rights and freedoms have been violated is necessary. Exceptionally, in case the damaged party has died or cannot provide his/her consent due to any other reason, it should be required from the cosest relatives to him/her and in case none of them exists or contact is impossible, consent is not needed. When the Ombudsperson initiates procedure on his own initiative regarding the violation of rights and freedoms to a greater number of citizens, children or persons with lost abilities for action, consent required by the person and due to any other reason [22, 16].All authorities are obliged to respond to the Ombudsperson on his requests on conducting investigations, as well as provide adequate support according to his/her request. Refusal to cooperate with the Ombudsperson by a civil officer, a functionary or public authority is a reason that the Ombudsperson requires from the competent body initiation of administrative proceedings, including disciplinary measures, up to dismiss from work or from civil service [23, 23]. In case when the institution refuses to cooperate or interferes in the investigation process, the Ombudsperson shall have the right to require from the competent prosecution office to initiate the legal procedure, on obstruction of performance of official duty [24, 25]. If during the investigation,

the Ombudsperson determines that the execution of an administrative decision may have irreversible consequences for the natural or legal person, he/she can recommend to competent authority to suspend execution of the decision until completion of investigations relating to this issue.The Ombudsperson has access to files and documents of every institution of the Republic of Kosovo and can review them on cases that are under review and under this Law, may require any institution ofthe Republic of Kosovo and their staff to cooperate with the Ombudsperson, providing relevant information, including a copy of full or partial file and other documents upon request of the Ombudsperson. Officials of the Ombudsperson Institution may, at any time and without notice, enter and inspect any place where persons are deprived of their freedom and other institutions of limited freedom of movement and can be present at meetings or hearing sessions where such persons are included. Officials of the Ombudsperson Institution may hold meetings with such persons without the presence of officials of respective institution. Any kind of correspondence of these persons with the Ombudsperson Institution is not prevented or controlled. [25, 16,].Ombudsperson may also publish special reports through media relating to violation made by the body, if the latter, after repeated requests did not respond appropriately to his proposals and recommendations [26; 28]. Law No. 03/L — 19Article 16 provides that Ombudsperson has the responsibilitie to recommend promulgation of new Laws in the Assembly, modification of the Laws in force and promulgation or amendment of administrative and sub-legal acts by the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo [27, 16].

Competencies of the Ombudsperson in connection with judiciary may provide general recommendations on the functioning of the judicial system. The Ombudsperson will not intervene in the cases and other legal procedures that are taking place before the courts, except in case of delays of procedures. The Ombudsperson may appear in the capacity of the friend of the court (amicus curiae) in judicial processes dealing with human rights, equality and protection from discrimination. The Ombudsperson shall also exercise his/her competences through mediation and conciliation [28, 16]. The Ombudsper-

son may refer matters to the Constitutional Court how:

a) the question of the compatibility with the Constitution of laws, of decrees of the President or Prime Minister, and Regulations of the Government;

b) the compatibility with the Constitution of municipal statutes [29, 113].

A referral that a contested act by virtue ofArticle 113, paragraph 2 of the Constitution shall indicate, inter alia, whether the full content of the challenged act or certain parts of the said act are deemed to be incompatible with the Constitution.A referral shall specify the objections put forward against the constitutionality of the contested act [30, 29]. Relying on the legal provisions, the Ombudsperson may file a complaint with the Constitutional Court regarding a case which he/she handles. The complaint with the Constitutional Court may be filed only when:

a. Upon a prior approval of the complainant; and

b. A prior investigation has been carried out, whose result is a recommendation to address the Constitutional Court [31, 49].

Ombudsperson refuses the request when procedures for a case are being held in judicial or other competent bodies, except in cases specified by this Law [32, 20]. Ombudsperson Institution were addressed to the Constitutional Court related to several cases, where some of them were accepted some not. For example, Case No. KO 119/10 Applicant Ombudsperson of the Republic ofKosovo for Constitutional Review of Article 14, paragraph 1.6, Article 22, Article 24, Article 25 and Article 27 of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, No. 03/L-111, of 4 June 2010. The Applicant requests the annulment of Article 14, paragraph 1.6, and Articles 22, 24, 25 and 27 of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, No. 03/L-111, of 4 June 2010. The Court Unanimously Holds the Referral admissible; Concludes that Article 14, paragraph 1.6, Article 22, Article 24, Article 25 and Article 27 of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, No. 03/L-111, of 4 June 2010, is not compatible with Articles 3.2, 7 and 74 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. Holds that Ar-

ticle 14, paragraph 1.6, Article 22, Article 24, Article 25 and Article 27 of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, No. 03/L-111, of 4 June 2010, is null and void. Holds that the provisions of the Court's interim order of18 October 2011 suspending the implementation ofArticle 14, paragraph 1.6, Article 22, Article 24, Article 25 and Article 27 of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, No. 03/L-111, of 4 June 2010, and most recently extended on 20 October 2011, becomes a permanent order of the Court [Judgment in Case No. KO 119/10 Applicant Ombudsperson of the Republic of Kosovo Constitutional Review ofArticle 14, paragraph 1.6, Article 22, Article 24, Article 25 and Article 27 of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, No. 03/L-111, of 4 June 2010. Pristine, 8 December 2011 Ref. No.: AGJ165/11 Constitutional Court it came to the Conclusion that by determining the right to supplementary pension for the deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo in the amount of 50%, 60% or 70% of the actual basic salary of the deputy, depending on the number of mandates of the deputy spent in the Assembly and by determining the age of 55 as the other essential condition to gain the right to supplementary pension, it appears that the Assembly unreasonably deviated from the general rules of gaining the right to a pension set forth with UNMIK Regulation No. 2005/20 and the Law No. 03/L-084 of the Assembly of Kosovo. In this Referral it appears that the pensions to be paid to the retired Deputies are distinctly disproportional with the average pensions in the country. The constitutional order is based on the principles of democracy, equality, non-discrimination and social justice. The Court should also note that the Law on the Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, by determining pensions to the scale of 50%, 60%, and 70% of the current salary of the deputy has set pensions that will be 8-10 times higher than basic pensions that are also paid by Kosovo Budget. Therefore, it must be concluded that Article 14, paragraph 1.6, Article 22, Article 24, Article 25 and Article 27 of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, No. 03/L-111, of 4 June 2010, are not compatible with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. The Court's decision does not prevent the Assembly from enacting pension legislation for members of

the Assembly nor does it prevent the Assembly from enacting legislation compensating families of members of the Assembly from being compensated in an appropriate amount if the deputy dies or is injured while serving as long as the Assembly considers the requirements of the Constitution in enacting such legislation].

Principles of Functioning of the Ombudsperson

Human rights principles provide a set of values to guide the work of governments and other political and social actors. They also provide a set of performance standards against which these actors can be held accountable. Moreover, human rights principles inform the content of good governance efforts: they may inform the development of legislative frameworks, policies, programmes, budgetary allocations and other measures.On the other hand, without good governance, human rights cannot be respected and protected in a sustainable manner. The implementation of human rights relies on a conducive and enabling environment. This includes appropriate legal frameworks and institutions as well as political, managerial and administrative processes responsible for responding to the rights and needs of the population [2].

Ombudsperson is an independent institution that is governed by the principles of impartiality, independence, pre-eminence of human rights, confidentiality and professionalism [32, 3]. Independece of the Ombudsperson of safeguarded by constitution in Chapter XIIof the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo how Independent Institution.

The Ombudsperson Institution is financed from the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo. Regardless of the provisions of other Laws, the Ombudsperson Institution prepares its annual budget proposal and submits it for approval to the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, which cannot be shorter than previous year approved budget. Budget may be shortened only by the approval of the Ombudsper-son. The Ombudsperson Institution independently manages with its own budget and is subject to internal and external audit by the Auditor General of the Republic Kosovo [34, 35]. Also, the Code of ethics of the Ombudsperson Institution provides that Impartiality and independence this principle provides that during their work, staff members of

the Ombudsperson Institution shall perform their duties impartially, independently, objectively and professionally, they shall not be influenced by outside interferences.Also, they must take into account and impartially shall asses every kind of information on the issues they handle in order to achieve the right conclusions [35, 3].The code promotes moral values and professional ethics, as well as the quality of the work performed by the staff members of the Ombudsperson Institution to serve the citizens.The following are some principles: Staff members of the Ombudsperson Institution should have high standards of integrity, including, honesty, verity and justice. They should faithfully follow the truth without fear and without being influenced by political, social, religious or economic views of the persons they meet while performing their duty. They shall keep their moral image clean and should avoid behaviour and actions which affect authority and image of the Ombudsperson Institution on the front of public opinion. Transparenca this principle provide that Staff members of the Ombudsperson Institution must perform their duties in a transparent manner. They must maintain the confidentiality of the information they posses without affecting the rights deriving from the Law on Access to Official Documents. Effectiveness and quality this principle provide that the staff members of the Ombudsperson Institution shall accomplish their duties in the best possible manner and work in order to achieve qualitative and quantitative results considering the public interest, as well as the principles of the Institution's mission. Also, the Code provide that Staff members of the Institution should be professional and accountable for their decisions and actions. The staff members during their work should demonstrate modesty, seriousness, integrity and must do the right assessment based on their knowledge and experience.They should not become a prey of prejudices and premeditation and shall not allow that their own private interests to conflict with the duty they perform. Staff members of the Institution shall perform their duties with social sensitivity and act or make decisions taking into account the peculiarities of individuals or groups and demonstrate due respect for liberties and civil rights. In cases

that staff members of the Ombudsperson Institution handle complaints and make decisions, they shall do so based on the principles of equal treatment of individuals and groups. A staff member of the Ombudsperson Institution has a duty to host any person who addresses this Institution politely, with courtesy, patience and if need be to explain to him/her the Law on the Ombudsperson Institution and the rules of procedure of the Institution. Ombudsperson staff members should respond to complaints of the parties with professional ethics in order to protect and respect the dignity and personality of the complainant.

Complaints review and requests

Any person who believes that his/her rights and freedoms are violated by any Law, action or inaction, maladministration of authorities, may request from the Ombudsperson Institution initiation of procedure [36,19]. Any complaint submitted to the Ombudsperson should be signed and must contain personal records of the submitter of the complaint as well as all circumstances, facts and evidences on which the appeal is grounded. Submitter of the complaint must declare whether legal remedies are exercised or not, and if so which of these remedies are applied. Any appeal for initiation of the procedure, as a rule, is submitted in writing. The request for initiation of the procedure may be submitted electronically, even verbally, in case it can not be made in writing. [37,20]. Complaints shall be submitted at any office of the Ombudsperson and shall be registered at the main office in Prishtina. Complaints may be filed in person, by mail, e-mail or in urgent cases by telephone. After that, the Admission Office shall assign the case to one of units. Upon the request of the complainant, a complaint may be lodged orally and registered in written by the legal advisor of the institution and shall be signed by the complainant [38, 23; 39, 24]. The same proceedings apply in the cases of meeting with citizens during the "Open Days", as well as when receiving a complaint, request or notification out of Ombud-sperson's offices.If the complaint is inadmissible, the legal advisor of the Ombudsperson advices the complainant not to submit it and instead to address it to the competent body or institution. In case the complainant insists to register the com-

plaint with Ombudsperson Institution, the legal advisor shall register the complaint despite the advice to waive it. [40, 27; 41, 28]. After receiving the complaint, the Ombudsperson within ten (10) working days decides for the admissibility of the case as follows to review the case under accelerated procedure, to start full investigation; to reject the complaint because: it is not in the jurisdiction of the Ombudsperson according to this Law the complaint is submitted after the term foreseen with this Law, the complaint is anonymous and undocumented, the complaint represents misuse of the right for filing the complaint, the complainant has failed to ensure information requested by the Ombudsperson, to reject the complaint as groundless to terminate investigation when he/she ascertains that the case was resolved in another way in accordance with the request of the complainant. In all cases above, the Ombudsperson shall notify the party in writing within thirty (30) days from receiving the complaint. The Ombudsman's decision to reject or to refuse the appeal is of a final form [42, 19].The Ombudsperson may at any stage during the processing of a complaint request the assistance of any person, such as the complainant, the respondent party/parties or their representatives, interpreters, legal, forensic, financial or other experts [43, 39]. After accomplishment

of investigation, the Ombudsperson in accordance with its powers and responsibilities, issues a decision in which his/her findings and recommendations are unveiled. His/her decision is delivered to the complainant and responsible public authorities. Authorities to which the Ombudsperson has addressed recommendation, request or proposal for undertaking concrete actions, including disciplinary measures, must respond within thirty (30) days. The answer should contain written reasoning regarding actions undertaken about the issue in question [44, 27; 45, 28].The Ombudsperson offers a series of advantages toward the development of legal administration. It is more confidential and independent. Offers services free of charge, is informal in following the procedure.Offers a series of instruments for correction of violated rights, although without imposing of force, but through the force of arguments. Investigation process, conducted by Ombudsperson is considered more and more accurate and effective comparing to the courts, in fact, reviewing of the cases from Ombudsperson is hold without the hearing sessions, but has a set of actions within the case investigation, which result to be successful such as one authentic court process [46, 43]. In the following lines we shall reflect the review of the cases by the Ombudsperson in Kosovo from1 January 2011 to 31 December 2014.

Table 1. - Signify complaints filed by the citizens, Ongoing cases for investigation, Total number of cases closed by the OI in 2011 to 2014

Statistical presentation of cases for 2011-2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

Total number of filed complaints to OI 1453 1670 2047 2224 7394

Number of complaints found inadmissible 1113 1452 1637 4202

Ongoing cases for investigation from complaints filed by the citizens 546 557 595 587 2285

Ongoing ex officio cases 13 33 21 15 82

Total number of closed cases 269 538 1309 534 2650

Solved positively in compliance with the claimant's request 162 276 587 296 1321

Cases declared inadmissible 86 86

Closed due to lack of interest shown by the claimant, failure of the party 89 195 22 306

Inadmissible, using legal remedies 51 178 81 310

Inadmissible, no violation, misadministration 82 131 81 294

Closed by a report 7 118 12 137

Inadmissible, failure to use legal remedies 25 80 40 145

Inadmissible, outside of jurisdiction 4 10 1 15

Other 21 7 10 38

Table 1 : Signify complaints filed by the citizens, Ongoing cases for investigation, Total number of cases closed by the OI in 2011 to 2014 [47, 137, 138, 40; 48, 151, 152, 154; 49, 185, 186, 188]. In chart no: 1 the records from 2011-2014 were compared and published relying on the reports of the Institution of the Attorney of the People, whereas, in the records for the year 2015 are missing, because they are published in 2016 from the same institution. From 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013, OI received 2047 cases or 23% more in comparison to 2012, for submitting complaints or seeking advices and as-sistance.Out of them, in 377 cases, Ombudsman or his Deputies met personally with claimants, during the"Open Days"in this reporting period [50, 12].

This chart explains in the best way the role of the Institution of the Attorney of the People, rising of awareness of the citizens about this institution relying on the fact that for four years that is from 1 January 2011 to 31 December this institution had admitted 7.394 complaints from the citizens of Kosovo and 2650 case were closed. The Institution of the Attorney of the People has settled the right for 1.321 citizens whose rights were violated from public institutions. However, the rise of the number of complaints from the citizens is concerning who claim that they rights have been violated from illegal and irregular actions on no actions of public authorities, and other authorities and organizations that exercise public authorities.

The chart explains in the best way the reflection for attempt for violating of the rights and the respecting of essential human rights and freedom in Kosovo.

Recommendations of the Ombudsperson

Within the promotion of the human rights and freedom, the Attorney of the People was always active by giving the recommendations, applying measures and drafting of and completion of the legislative infrastructure. According to Article 135 pragraph 3 of constitution determine that the Ombudsperson is eligible to make recommendations and propose actions when violations of human rights and freedoms by the public administration and other state authorities are observed [51, 135]. The Ombudsperson Institution besides giving its contribution to a number of normative acts from various public institutions at the central level.In 2013, the Ombudsperson has

sent comments for the following draft laws: Draft Law on Protection from Discrimination, Draft law on salaries of public officials, Draft law on Final exam and state graduation exam, Draft law on interception of telecommunications, Draft law on the status of Albanian education workers of the Republic of Kosovo from academic year 1990/91 until academic year 1998/99; Draft law on amending and supplementing the Law no. 03/L-195 on Ombudsperson, Draft law on amending and supplementing the Law no. 04/L-033 on Special Chamber of the Supreme Court on issues concerning the Privatization Agency of Kosovo, Draft law on amending and supplementing the Law no. 03/L-19 on Civil Service of the Republic of Kosovo. [52].

The Ombudsman has given and continues to give recommendations to improve the shortcomings and errors noted. Unfortunately though the absence of the influence of the Ombudsman's recommendation to the state institutions is evident, as a large part of though regrettably do not make even the slightest attempt to improve this situation. Failure to apply and ignoring these recommendations by the same institutions that are entitled to apply the laws and create opportunities for the citizens to resolve their problems is extremely concern-ing.The tendency of different state institutions to minimize the role of independent national institutions in general, either by disregarding their findings or failing to apply their recommendations or even by making unlawful attempts to impair their constitutional independence is very concerning [53, 10]. The Ombudsperson, in order to improve the situation of human rights and freedoms, on all special cases, if violations of rights were found, has made recommendations to all public authorities — ministries, municipalities and other responsible public agencies, through its annual and special reports. In 2013 year, The Ombudsperson for the first time received information or notifications, from several institutions, on implementation of its systemic recommendations. I want to explicitly stress the fact that in this regard there is a positive move, although this is not sufficient. Since law enforcement is the main premise for the functioning of the rule of law in Kosovo, except some modest efforts, lack of law enforcement is the most serious institutional problem

[54, 18]. This is the main indicator for the loss of citizen's trust in the state institutions, for which the application of the law is both a legal and constitutional obligation. Meanwhile, this loss of trust places the Ombudsman in a position that the institution is the receiving end of requests for justice to be delivered. This is happening exactly due to the failure to apply the law in most cases and due to violation of the law in special cases by the maj ority of state institutions. The Ombudsman will continue to identify and highlight actions or lack thereof, that are either undue or unlawful, by public authorities in order to strengthen the role it has in building a society that is based on the principle that all are equal before the law. However, regardless of all these actions and attempts to improve the situation of human rights and freedoms it must me emphasized that the Ombudsman does not deliver justice. It is the state institutions — the courts — the ones that deliver and apply justice. The state institutions are the ones that should not violate the principles of justice because if they do so then they have damaged the necessary essence for the functioning of a free and democratic society [55, 12].

The legal infrastructure in protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Kosovo

Tore Lindholm'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in the spirit of brotherhood'' [56, 41]. Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo article 7 outlines values such as: the principles of freedom, peace, democracy, equality, respect for human rights and freedoms and the rule of law, non-discrimination, the right to property, the protection of environment, social justice, pluralism, separation of state powers, and a market economy. Also, referring to the constitution article 21 has determined that human rights and fundamental freedoms are indivisible, inalienable and inviolable and are the basis of the legal order of the Republic of Kosovo. The Republic of Kosovo protects and guarantees human rights and fundamental freedoms as provided by this Constitution. Everyone must respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.Fundamental rights and freedoms set forth in the Constitution are also valid for legal persons

to the extent applicable. According to Article 22 of constitution human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the following international agreements and instruments are guaranteed by this Constitution, are directly applicable in the Republic ofKosovo and, in the case of conflict, have priority over provisions of laws and other acts of public institutions: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Protocols, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its Protocols, Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [57, 7; 58, 21; 59, 22]. In Preamble Universal Declaration of Human Rights expressly stated that: "the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world" [60]. However, the Executive Director of the Council for Protection Human of Rights and Freedom, Bexhet Shala, considers that Kosovo in the theory aspect has managed to protect the human rights by approving laws, but in practice the violence of human rights are many. The human rights are mainly violated from the institutions.Kosovo with separated policy, policy uncertainty, with an internal fragility, deficient sovereignty, g, grievous economic-social situation.Their as a large number of the unemployed in Kosovo [3]. Their as a large number of the unemployed in Kosovo, however Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 23 has provide everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. So, everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection [61, 23] Also, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights article 6 has provide that the States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right to work,

which includes the right of everyone to the opportunity to gain his living by work which he freely chooses or accepts, and will take appropriate steps to safeguard this right.The steps to be taken by a State Party to the present Covenant to achieve the full realization of this right shall include technical and vocational guidance and training programmes, policies and techniques to achieve steady economic, social and cultural development and full and productive employment under conditions safeguarding fundamental political and economic freedoms to the individual [62, 6].

Human rights problems in Kosovo are of various dimensions and may not be easily and rapidly resolved. The full observance and implementation of human rights and freedoms, according to international standards and conventions, is hindered, in particular, by social, economical, political and cultural problems. Incomes of the vast majority of citizens of Republic of Kosovo are low and for this reason many citizens see it difficult to face prices of goods, services and minimal expenses of consumer basket. Pensions, grants and social assistance are very low and have a negative impact in the opportunities of accomplishing the right to education, health, permanent housing and food as well as to the realisation of other social, economical and cultural rights. As with any other society in transition, in Kosovo, occurrences such as corruption, organized crime and other negative occurrences impact severely the state of human rightsand the democratization of the society in general [63, 12]. Human rights problems in Kosovo deal with civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and affect both, majority community as well as minority communities.These problems have an impact on human rights and are of complex nature and related to various aspects such as the lack of proper implementation of legislation or lack of appropriate mechanism and budgetary constraints [64, 17] Although there is a solid normative base, as well as mechanisms for protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the public authorities of the Republic of Kosovo at the central and local level are still negligent and ineffective and not rarely indifferent towards respect and implementation of citizens' human rights and freedoms, which is a consequence of inadequate implementation of laws [65, 12].

According to researchers from analysis of the law

framework and the published reports from the Institution of the Attorney of the People and interviewing of the management of the Institution of the Attorney of the People, it is expressively stated: Disrespecting of the human rights/their violation comes as consequence of the law and public authority that are authorized by the law for its application, but in some cases it is a result of not determingg on time of the sub-laws for application of the law [66].


In conclusion of this paper according to research and analysis of the law infrastructure in Kosovo the human rights and freedom are protected by Constitution, International Acts and by the Law in force. Disrespecting of human rights, their violation comes as e result of non-application of the law by public authorities that are authorized by the law for its application, but in some cases it is also a result of not determinig on time of the sub-law for its application. The Attorney of the People as a mechanism is also qualified as an external control of administration that is focused in surveillance of the application of the law form public institutions.

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The role of the Attorney of the people is protection of human rights and freedom of legal individuals and persons from the illegal and irregular actions or non-actions of public administration. The Attorney of the People contributes in improving the respect toward the human rights and the increase of the number of the cases and investigations and reports on the violation of the individual and legal persons.

— All the public institutions should apply the laws and set out on time sub-law for application of the law.

— All recommendations given by the Attorney of the People to be applied by institutions, for non-applying of recommendations, the Assembly of Kosovo should require responsibility from the ministers of the appropriate units which violate the human rights and freedom.

— The filed cases, comments, and recommendations stated in the report of the Attorney of the People forwarded to the Assembly of Kosovo should be seriously taken into consideration and require responsibility form the institution for not meeting the same.

— The courts should offer priority to the cases nection with protection of human rights and free-

filed by the Attorney of the People that are in con- dom.


1. The Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo (adopted on 9 April 2008) with Amendments I - XXII (Official Gazette of Republic of Kosovo no.25, date 7 September 2012) end Amendment XXIII (Official Gazette of Republic of Kosovo no.7, date 26 march 2013).

2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 10 December 1948.

3. The Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Common Standard of Achievement, published by Gud-munder Alfredsson and Asbjorn Eide.

4. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Section 6 Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of16 December 1966 entered into force, more 3 January 1976.

5. Law No. 03/L - 195 on Ombudsperson Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosova/Pristina: Year V/No. 80/27 August 2010.

6. Law No. 05/L -019 on Ombudsperson article 5 Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosova/No. 16/26 June 2015, Pristina.

7. Law No. 03/L-121 on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo.

8. Regulation No. 2000/38 on the establishment of the Ombudsperson institution in Kosovo 30 June 2000.

9. Regulation No. 2006/6 on the Ombudsperson institution in Kosovo.

10. Regulation No. 2007/15 Amending UNMIK Regulation No. 2006/6 on the Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo, March 2007.

11. Internal Rules of procedure of the Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo March 2011.

12. The Code of ethics of the Ombudsperson Institution 2011.

13. Eleventh Annual Report 2011 addressing the Assembly of Kosovo published by: The Ombudsperson Institution, Pristina, 2012.

14. The Ombudsperson Institution Twelfth Annual Report 1 January - 31 December 2012 addressing the Assembly of Kosovo, 2013.

15. The Annual Report 2013 No. 13, addressing the Assembly of Kosovo, published Ombudsperson Institution, March 2014.

16. Annual Report 2014 No. 14 addressing the assembly of Kosovo published: Ombudsperson Institution, Prishtina, 2015.

17. An insight into the work of the Ombudsperson Institution, Prishtina, June 2013.

18. Strategy and Action Plan on Human Rights of Republic of Kosovo 2009-2011.

19. Judgment in Case No. KO 119/10 Applicant Ombudsperson of the Republic of Kosovo Constitutional Review ofArticle 14, paragraph 1.6, Article 22, Article 24, Article 25 and Article 27 of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of the Deputy, No. 03/L-111, of 4 June 2010. Pristine, 8 December 2011 Ref. No.: AGJ165/11.

20. Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union 2012/C 326/01, Article 228.

21. European Union, 2011, European Ombudsman, Problems with the EU? Who can help you, p.5 http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu, accessed January 2014.

22. Hasan Isa, Deputy Ombudsperson in an interview with the co-authors of this paper dated March 5, 2014.

23. Omari L.& Anastasi A., Constitutional law, publishing house ABC, Tirana, 2008.

24. Shala Behxhet in the interview given to Radio Free Europe in chronically Kosovo away countries that respect human rights prepared by Arton Konushevci 10.12.2013 http://www.evropaelire.org/content/ar-ticle/25195996.html accessed January 2014.

25. Toska Elsa, Ombudsman - constitutional institution, (the dissertation for his degree protection ''doktor''University of Tirana'' 2012) http://www.doktoratura.unitir.edu.al/wp-content/up-loads/2012/09 accessed January 2014.

26. ProfJohn McMillan, Commonwealth Ombudsman, The Ombudsman's role in human rights protection - an Australian Perspective, Australia Paper to the 11th Asian Ombudsman Association Conference 2-5 November 2009 Bangkok, Thailand, p.9.

27. United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, Good Governance and Human Rights, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Development/GoodGovernance/Pages/GoodGovernanceIndex. aspx

28. Tenzin Gyatso, H. H. the XIVth Dalai Lama, Human Rights, Democracy and Freedom, http://www. dalailama.com/messages/world-peace/human-rights-democracy-and-freedom.

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