THE ROLE OF THE LINGUISTIC PRAGMATIC ACCORDING TO LEARNING THE LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
pragmatic competence / intercommunication / illocution / speech act.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Juldiz Kurbanbaevna Zarimova, Firuza Murodqobil Qizi Turopova

Pragmatics is the way we convey the meaning through the communication. The meaning includes verbal and non-Verbal elements and it varies according to the context, to the relationship between utterers, also to many other Social factors. Its dynamic growth makes English an international language that connects people all around the World. As a consequence, English can be regarded as the common focus of all English speakers who do not share a language or a culture. As a matter of fact, English is spoken in different settings and levels of intercommunication. As a result, speakers must know many pragmatic elements in order to avoid inaccuracies and misunderstandings during communication. Such a great usage of English language requires a pragmatic competence which will help all those who speak or learn English as a second language. Thomas defined pragmatic competence as “… the ability to analyze language in a conscious manner.” (as cited in Holmes & Brown, 2007, p 524). Pragmatic competence refers to the ability to comprehend, construct utterances which are accurate and appropriate to the social and cultural circumstances where the communication occurs. Pragmatic competence should be a leading goal for all those who teach English as a second language, which simultaneously represents a challenging task as well.

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Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik




Juldiz Kurbanbaevna Zarimova

Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical University juldizzarimova1@gmail.com

Scientific adviser: Firuza Murodqobil qizi Turopova

Senior teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical University turopovafiruza91@gmail.com


Pragmatics is the way we convey the meaning through the communication. The meaning includes verbal and non-Verbal elements and it varies according to the context, to the relationship between utterers, also to many other Social factors. Its dynamic growth makes English an international language that connects people all around the World. As a consequence, English can be regarded as the common focus of all English speakers who do not share a language or a culture. As a matter of fact, English is spoken in different settings and levels of intercommunication. As a result, speakers must know many pragmatic elements in order to avoid inaccuracies and misunderstandings during communication. Such a great usage of English language requires a pragmatic competence which will help all those who speak or learn English as a second language. Thomas defined pragmatic competence as "... the ability to analyze language in a conscious manner." (as cited in Holmes & Brown, 2007, p 524). Pragmatic competence refers to the ability to comprehend, construct utterances which are accurate and appropriate to the social and cultural circumstances where the communication occurs. Pragmatic competence should be a leading goal for all those who teach English as a second language, which simultaneously represents a challenging task as well.

Keywords: pragmatic competence, intercommunication, illocution, speech act.


Прагматика - это способ передачи смысла посредством общения. Значение включает вербальное и невербальное Вербальные элементы варьируются в зависимости от контекста, отношений между говорящими, а также многих других факторов. Социальные факторы. Динамичный рост делает английский язык международным языком, который объединяет людей со всего


April 23-24, 2024

мира. Мир. Как следствие, английский язык можно рассматривать как предмет общего внимания всех говорящих по-английски, которые не разделяют Язык или культура. На самом деле, на английском языке говорят в разных условиях и на разных уровнях. Интеркоммуникация. В результате говорящие должны знать множество прагматических элементов, чтобы избежать неточностей и Непонимание во время общения. Такое широкое использование английского языка требует прагматичного подхода. Компетенция, которая поможет всем, кто говорит или изучает английский как второй язык. Томас определил Прагматическая компетентность как «... способность сознательно анализировать язык». (цитируется по книге «Холмс и Браун», 2007, стр. 524). Прагматическая компетентность означает способность понимать и конструировать точные высказывания. И соответствует социальным и культурным обстоятельствам, в которых происходит общение. Прагматическая компетентность Это должно быть главной целью для всех, кто преподает английский как второй язык, который одновременно представляет собой тоже непростая задача.

Ключевые слова: прагматическая компетентность, интеркоммуникация, иллокуция, речевой акт.


Pragmatic is a branch of linguistics that studies about how language is used in communication, and how investigates meaning as context rather than as something abstract or ambiguous in communication. In studying pragmatics, a common problem is in speaking or communicating, the existence of pragmatics has not been known about its true meaning and purpose. Communication that is informative has a deep function of speaking activities. This is where pragmatics plays a role in knowing the meaning and intentions conveyed in the various communication processes that occur. Thus, as students who study linguistics as well as humans who communicate, it is important for us to know what pragmatics actually guides us in speaking or communicating well.

Practical mindfulness is the cognizant, intelligent, express information around pragmatics. It hence includes information of those rules and traditions basic suitable dialect utilize in specific communicative circumstances and on the portion of individuals of particular discourse communities. Taking after an instructive viewpoint, we bargain with practical mindfulness in connection to the build of communicative competence, and we consider inquire about on the part of mindfulness in down to business learning. To begin with, down to earth competence is presented as portion of the

April 23-24, 2024


generally system of communication. Moment, we raise the have to be center on pragmatics counting pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic mindfulness. Third, a survey on investigate managing with learners' practical mindfulness is given. At last, a few future bearings inferring from the past subsections are briefly specified.

Result and discussion

Cross-cultural variation in the perception of impoliteness and Politeness and impoliteness in ethnic varieties.

An examination of cross-cultural variety within the discernment of lack of consideration was conducted based on 500 lack of consideration occasions detailed by understudies in Britain, China, Finland, Germany, and Turkey ( Culpeper, Marti, Mei, Nevala, & Schauer, 2010 ). The expository system looked at affinity administration, covering various sorts of confront as well as sociality rights. An examination of contrasts between the geologically isolated information sets uncovered that the England-based information had a dominance of lack of consideration occasions in which quality confront was abused, while the China-based information had a dominance of occurrences where value rights were a bused - where gather values were prized more profoundly than individualistic ones. Building on prior investigate portraying down to earth highlights of Modern Zealand (NZ) English, and distinguishing ways in which neighborliness was communicated in NZ work environment conversation, Holmes, Marra, and Vine (2012 ) expanded the sociopragmatic examination of Modern Zealand English (NZE) in a few ways. Utilizing the hypothetical show that the analysts had created to analyze work environment interaction, they centered on intercultural intuitive between Ma ori and Pa keha (i.e., Kiwis of European plummet), and information from both Ma ori and Pa keha working environments to toss light on particular highlights of neighborliness in NZE working environment talk. For illustration, they inspected the esteem of libertarianism in NZ society, and investigated its inescapable influence on the ways in which respectfulness was interactionally accomplished totally different NZ communities of hone.

They at that point talked about how this related to the dimension of custom, embodying a few unmistakably NZ ways in which convention and familiarity were ordered in work environment interaction. The investigation outlined how these influences were show in little conversation, humor, assembly conventions, and expansion of the particular down to earth molecule eh to unused spaces. So the findings from the ponder recommended how Ma ori ways of doing things were unpretentiously influencing Pa keha standards and in this way contributing to the advancement of a particularly NZ set of values and down to business standards.


April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti


Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari


This article discusses practical mindfulness, which refers to the knowledge and understanding of appropriate language use in different communication situations. It is related to communicative competence and plays a role in practical learning. The article explores the importance of pragmatics, including both linguistic and socio-cultural aspects, and provides an overview of research on learners' practical mindful-ness. The article concludes by mentioning future directions for further study. The study examined how different cultures perceive lack of consideration, using data from students in Britain, China, Finland, Germany, and Turkey. The analysis focused on how different cultures handle confrontations and social rights. Comparing the data from each country, it was found that in Britain, lack of consideration often involved disrespecting someone's dignity, while in China, it often involved violating collective values over individualistic ones. Holmes, Marra, and Vine (2012) conducted a study on the expression of hospitality in New Zealand workplace conversations, specifically focusing on the interactions between Maori and Pakeha (people of European descent). They found that the value of libertarianism in New Zealand society influenced the ways in which politeness and tradition were expressed in workplace interactions. The study revealed that Maori customs subtly influenced Pakeha norms, leading to the development of a unique set of values and practical standards in New Zealand.


1. Alcón Soler, E. (2012). Teach ability and bilingualism effects on third language learners' pragmatic knowledge. Intercultural Pragmatics.

2. Bardovi-Harlig, K., & Mahan-Taylor, R. (Eds.). (2003). Teaching pragmatics . Washington, DC: Offi ce of English Programs, US Department of State. Retrieved from http://americanenglish.state.gov/fi les/ae/resource_fi les/intro.pdf . (Note: Some of the individual chapters are still available at the same website)

3. Bardovi-Harlig, K., & Shin, S. (2014). Expanding traditional testing measures with tasks from L2 pragmatics research. Iranian Journal of Language Testing.

4. Béal, C. (2010). Les Interactions quotidiennes en français et en anglais . Berne: Peter Lang.

5. Bell, N. D. (2013). Responses to incomprehensible humor. Journal of Pragmatics.

6. Bell, N. D., & Attardo, S. (2010). Failed humor: Issues in non-native speakers' appreciation and understanding of humor. Intercultural Pragmatics.


April 23-24, 2024

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