PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE IN THE FORMATION OF COMMUNICATION PROCESSES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
pragmatics / language / intercouse / content / form

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Maharramova Jamila Habil Gizi

The article provides information about pragmatics and philosophical indicators in the history of pragmatics. Pragmatics is the aspect that studies the relationship between language signs and those who use them to communicate. Pragmatics studies the rules of communication, taking into account one or other conditions, which ensures that the listener enters what is being said, understands and perceives it, and ensures successful communication. So, this field of linguistics studies the rules of language processing. In general, formal and pragmatic language skills develop rapidly, especially during primary school age, and this development is reflected in the ability to adapt to the social environment. Therefore, pragmatic skills depend on both age and cognitive skills, the content of social communication, and experiences. Rapin and Allen (1998) distinguish between verbal pragmatic abilities and non-verbal pragmatic abilities. Due to this difference, general attention, proper eye contact, gestures and facial expressions, postures, and non-verbal features such as on-the-spot use of facial expressions, but which can change the meaning of the discourse, are among the non-verbal pragmatic features. The use of these features and the interpretation of the information sent by the communication partner through these means also constitute the pragmatic side of communication.

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Master, Azerbaijan University of Languages


The article provides information about pragmatics and philosophical indicators in the history of pragmatics. Pragmatics is the aspect that studies the relationship between language signs and those who use them to communicate. Pragmatics studies the rules of communication, taking into account one or other conditions, which ensures that the listener enters what is being said, understands and perceives it, and ensures successful communication. So, this field of linguistics studies the rules of language processing. In general, formal and pragmatic language skills develop rapidly, especially during primary school age, and this development is reflected in the ability to adapt to the social environment. Therefore, pragmatic skills depend on both age and cognitive skills, the content of social communication, and experiences. Rapin and Allen (1998) distinguish between verbal pragmatic abilities and non-verbal pragmatic abilities. Due to this difference, general attention, proper eye contact, gestures and facial expressions, postures, and non-verbal features such as on-the-spot use of facial expressions, but which can change the meaning of the discourse, are among the non-verbal pragmatic features. The use of these features and the interpretation of the information sent by the communication partner through these means also constitute the pragmatic side of communication.

Key words: pragmatics, language, intercouse, content, form




Magistr, Azarbaycan Dillar Universiteti


Mdqalddd praqmatika, praqmatika tarixindd fdlsdfi gostaricilar haqqinda malumat verilmiçdir. Praqmatika dil i^aralarila onlardan unsiyyat maqsadila istifada edanlar arasindaki munasibatlari oyranan aspektdir. Daniçilana dinlayanin neca varid olmasini, onu ba§a du§ub qavramasini va unsiyyatin ugurlu olmasini tamin edan, bu va ya digar çartlari nazara alan praqmatika unsiyyatin ba§ tutmasi qaydalarini oyranir. Demali, dilçiliyin bu sahasi dilin içlanmasi qaydalarini oyranir. Umumiyyatla, formal va praqmatik dil bacariqlari xususila ibtidai maktab çaginda suratla inkiçaf edir va bu inkiçaf sosial muhita uygunlaçma qabiliyyatinda ozunu gostarir. Buna gora praqmatik bacariqlar ham ya§a, ham da idrak bacariqlarina, sosial unsiyyatin mazmununa va tacrubalara baglidir. Rapin va Allen (1998) §ifahi praqmatik qabiliyyatlari va çifahi olmayan praqmatik qabiliyyatlari farqlandirirlar. Bu farqliliya gora umumi diqqat, duzgun gozla alaqa, jestlar va uz ifadalari, duru§lar, uz ifadalarinin yerindaca istifadasi kimi, lakin diskursun manasini dayiçdira bilacak qeyri-§ifahi xususiyyatlar §ifahi olmayan praqmatik xususiyyatlar arasindadir. Bu xususiyyatlarin istifadasi va bu vasitalar vasitasi ila rabita tarafdaçi tarafindan gondarilan malumatlarin tafsiri da unsiyyatin praqmatik tarafini taçkil edir.

Açar sôzlar: praqmatika, dil, unsiyyat, mazmun, forma



Магистр, Азербайджанский Университет Языков

ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science" PF "International Research Center "Endless Light in Science"



В статье представлена информация о прагматике и философских показателях в истории прагматики. Прагматика — это аспект, изучающий отношения между языковыми знаками и теми, кто их использует для общения. Прагматика изучает правила общения с учетом тех или иных условий, что обеспечивает проникновение слушающего в сказанное, его понимание и восприятие, обеспечивает успешное общение. Итак, эта область языкознания изучает правила языковой обработки. В целом формальные и прагматические языковые навыки развиваются быстро, особенно в младшем школьном возрасте, и это развитие находит отражение в способности адаптироваться к социальной среде. Поэтому прагматические навыки зависят как от возраста, так и от когнитивных способностей, содержания социального общения и опыта. Рапин и Аллен (1998) различают вербальные прагматические способности и невербальные прагматические способности. Из-за этой разницы общее внимание, правильный зрительный контакт, жесты и мимика, позы и невербальные особенности, такие как мгновенное использование мимики, но которые могут изменить смысл дискурса, относятся к числу не -вербально-прагматические функции. Использование этих признаков и интерпретация информации, посылаемой партнером по общению с помощью этих средств, также составляют прагматическую сторону общения.

Ключевые слова: прагматика, язык, общение, тема, форма

Pragmatics is one of the less studied fields. "But we must not forget that the management of the world is directly dependent on this aspect of signs; war, conflict, friendship, love, etc." (1, p. 160). So, pragmatics studies the relationship between linguistic forms and those who use them. "Pragmatics studies ways to extract more meaning from the so-called expression. Pragmatics studies relative distance" (2, p. 433).

Communication requires at least one sender and one receiver. "The sender is the person who has the goal of communication, who decides what message to send and how to act. Transmitting a prepared message requires a path for the message to travel, an environment where communication can take place, and a means of conveying the message. is a person who has the ability and uses the same way and means "(12, p. 58).

But transmitting a message is not enough to create a conversation or interaction, which is a form of communication. First of all, for the conversation to take place, there is a need for a common issue between the sender and the receiver to create mutual attention. In addition, the main features of the chat are adding new topics to the conversation, maintaining the natural flow of the conversation, and smoothly transitioning from topic to topic. These features are also investigated under the pragmatic name. "Bloom and Hague say that language consists of three components: content, form, and use. The content or semantic component is the representation of ideas, abstractions, and concepts acquired through experience in various forms. Therefore, the content determines the semantics of the language" (10, p. 49). Semantics is the understanding of words and phrases and the use of appropriate words in speech. The form component of language includes phonological, morphological and syntactic structures. The user component includes the pragmatic functions of language for the purpose of communication, that is, the area of social use.

A similar definition applies to the three-part distinction within semiotics. "Accordingly, these divisions are syntax, semantics and pragmatics. According to this typology, syntax refers to the relationship between one indicator and the semantic features and signs of another. Pragmatic, on the other hand, contains the meanings of signs for the message transmitter and decoder. In this framework, syntax provides input for semantics, semantics provides input for pragmatics" (9, p. 47).

Here it would be appropriate to recall the philosophy of individual and society, individual and communication of V. von Humboldt. "V. Von Humboldt's philosophy takes language before the universal. It required, on the one hand, a separate interpretation of the individual, and on the other, a


study of the endless diversity between the individual and the general. Among the language-oriented aspects of V. von Humboldt's thoughts was his own specific power of perception" (5, p. 260). Pragmatic abilities are necessary for the communication process to take place. "Pragmatists explain how they create and understand meaning beyond semantic knowledge in a transmitted message. The human mind uses the predictive mechanism underlying most human behavior to create meaning. There is meaning in the speech of the person who conveys the listener's message through evaluation. For example, "Can you open the window?" In traditional requests such as What makes it clear is the common pragmatic usage" (10, p. 97). The semantic and pragmatic components intersect mainly in the interpretation and use of implicit expressions such as imagination or humor. Interpreting words with dictionary meanings in humorous situations causes the meaning of the expression to be ignored. Therefore, it is important to be able to assess the relationship of the expression to the context in which it will be interpreted correctly. In other words, it is possible to make conclusions and assumptions, to understand what it means. Hypotheses also arise from the complex interplay between semantics and pragmatics. Successful communication also requires proper use of signs. "The science of linguistics does not study both sides of signs, but only the regularities of their material, substantial side. At this time, he cannot ignore the meanings expressed by the signified. Linguistics are optional. That is, there is no direct connection between the signifier and the signified" (3, p. 157).

The pragmatic dimension is knowledge about the use of language for a specific purpose in a social context and the use of language in accordance with the purpose of communication. The function of language includes the reasons and needs of the speaker, people, according to the purpose of communication, while the social content determines how people choose formal language options to achieve the same or different goals. "Mcarthy describes the pragmatic dimension as the study of meaning in context, but does not explain much about the nature of context. For Thomas, the context includes the sender, the hearer, the potential meaning, and the linguistic forms that provide the physical, social, and linguistic environment of the discourse. Therefore, meaning is a dynamic process formed by the interaction between the listener and the sender. Other elements of content and language forms also have an effect. In this definition, the presence of the listener as an element that constitutes meaning reveals the influence of parties using language in the production of meaning. Communicators use words to create a unified message, and use flexible grammatical skills to create meaningful semantic relationships" (6, p. 18).

In other words, the pragmatic dimension is a field of study concerned with the meaning the speaker wants to convey and the listener's interpretation of the message being conveyed. It is a branch that includes analyzing what the speaker wants to express with this speech, excluding the meaning of the words and sentences that make up the speech.

Therefore, the pragmatic dimension involves learning the meaning that the speaker wants to convey. Therefore, it can be concluded that listening reflects the intersection between semantics and pragmatics. Listening is not a passive process like hearing, but an active process that involves understanding and interpreting spoken input. This is possible by understanding what is heard in working memory. In other words, listening is a summation sign of the meaning that the person delivering the message wants to convey with this message.

This approach also examines how the listener makes inferences about the speaker's meaning through discourse. Such research examines the importance of conveying not only the verbal message being conveyed, but also other accompanying and non-verbal information. This can also be called the examination of the invisible meaning. Thus, the pragmatic dimension involves studying how information is conveyed rather than what is expressed during discourse.

It is a process that creates interaction in communication and thus has a social content. This process requires consideration of speakers and situations in a linguistic or non-linguistic context. In addition, in the pragmatic context, the attitude of the sender towards the content of the message and the person to whom the message is transmitted is investigated. In other words, the pragmatic context takes into account identity meanings and relationships, as well as intellectual and propositional


meanings. At the same time, the pragmatic dimension affects the culture of the people. For this, it is necessary to examine what people mean in a certain context and situation, as well as the influence of this context and situation on the discourse. Thus, a pragmatic analysis includes the analysis of the discourse, taking into account what the speaker wants to say, what he wants to say, where, when and under what conditions the conversation should take place. In this context, the pragmatic dimension involves the study of contextual meaning.

In other words, the pragmatic dimension is the dimension that examines our language in everyday life. It is influenced by the selection of socially and cognitively defined behaviors according to the speaker's purpose and the context of the environment. Rules for taking orders, starting and continuing the interview, opening the topic and correcting the discussion are pragmatic dimensions. Language use is guided by where, when, with whom and verbal and non-verbal feedback from the listener. This perspective raises the issue of deciding what to say and what not to say. The simplest answer has to do with the concept of proximity. Physical, social, or conceptual closeness refers to shared experiences in common. How close or far the listener is from the speaker determines how much information is included in the discourse. Thus, the pragmatic dimension involves studying the impact of interpersonal physical and social distance and concept proximity on discourse.

Acoustic and articulatory images are one of the main indicators of speech and communication. "It is possible to search for similar or different acoustic images through our observations of the individual's speech" (8, p. 108). "There are a set of basic pragmatic rules in speech and communication known as Grice's Maxims." According to these principles, Grice (1975) mentions various principles in the categories of quality, quantity, attitude and attitude. The quantitative category evaluates the given data and has two principles. The first is that the participation should be informed as much as necessary, and the second is the absence of more information than necessary"(11, p. 189). The quality category includes two principles. The first is that something believed to be false is not said to be true, and the second is that statements without sufficient evidence are said to be true. The relationship category includes the principle of being related to the subject. Finally, in the attitude category, there are rules about how to say, not what to say. In this category, which defines openness, there are rules such as avoiding ambiguity, not using unnecessary speakers, and being organized. These rules led to the idea that pragmatic language skills are an intersection of cognitive, social, and linguistic development. For example, explaining a phenomenon to an inexperienced person requires highly complex cognitive functions. First of all, the event must be recreated as if it were taken out of context. This should take into account the organization of information, compliance with basic grammar rules, framing of information, appropriateness of connecting devices used to connect discourses, and audience's information needs related to the topic. Thus, conveyed content is one of the main pragmatic abilities.

Grundy (2000) said that if words, sentences and arguments in speech are evaluated only in terms of dictionary meaning, the meaning will be largely confused. For the message to be functional and meaningful, it requires the person to draw conclusions from different situations using context, intonation, and the information being conveyed. An example. When the sentence "I am here" is taken literally, the listener is inferred to be informed about the sender's location. But if this sentence is said to a person in a difficult situation, it means "I will be with you in this difficult situation and I will support you, you are not alone." Therefore, in order to understand the meaning of the discourse, the context in which the speech occurs and the accompanying linguistic features of the message must be known for the correct interpretation of the message.

Pragmatic abilities are not inherent and immutable. It develops in parallel with the development of social interaction and the ability to use language. Therefore, culture also affects the child. At the same time, usage and preference increase with age. For example, a four-year-old child may give an explanation of an event without considering the listener's prior knowledge, and the listener must require different explanations to understand the situation. However, in accordance with the advancing


age, it begins to consider the intellectual perspectives of the child and provides the audience with the necessary basic information.

"When examining the development of pragmatic abilities in speech, there are three criteria that should be considered: (1) the variety of communicative functions or communicative intentions, (2) the ability of the child to adjust the communication style appropriately in different situations and environments; (3) Development of the child's ability to manage discourse such as taking turns, raising topics, and correcting communication errors. These skills gradually develop with age" (11, p. 76). The development of pragmatic skills begins before language acquisition. Therefore, language acquisition is not a prerequisite for the development of pragmatic skills, on the contrary, these skills are developed through language acquisition.

For example, 8-month-old children have pre-language turn-taking ability. At this stage, they repeat sound repetitions in sequence, like playing with adults. However, especially from the age of five onwards, pragmatic language skills develop rapidly with increasing experience and environment, but also with developing cognitive skills. For example, children between the ages of 4 and 6 begin to understand the indirect meanings of discourse. Again, between the ages of 5 and 7, developing a thematic narrative on a topic, in other words, develops the ability to tell a simple story from beginning to end using appropriate introduction, development, and conclusion. If the language is close to 9 years, the subtle use of the language ends. These are examples of the development of pragmatic language skills with age.

"One of the most important indicators of social communication skills is a child's ability to establish joint attention. General attention has four components. The first is to follow and lead a social communication partner. Be able to orient and relate objects and people in an appropriate manner. An example of this is when a child who wants an object first makes eye contact with the mother, then turns his gaze to the desired object and looks at the mother again. Sharing emotions and feelings of love with people to exchange experiences and drawing people's attention to objects or events is also a component of general attention" (7, p. 38).

Theory of Mind. Theory of mind roughly describes the ability to understand other people's thoughts, beliefs, desires, goals, that is, their mental states, analyze what they say in light of this information, make sense of their behavior, and make predictions about what they might do. This skill is observed in children aged 3-4 years. However, there is also evidence that children develop skills that are precursors to theory of mind at an earlier age. One of them can be called the ability to take a visual perspective. For example, a 3-year-old child knows that another needs to look in the box to find out what is in the box. Therefore, the child learns that information about the subject is collected and obtained. In addition, a child who knows that other people's feelings and thoughts are shaped by available information understands that they need to provide them with the necessary information in order to change or influence these thoughts and feelings.

The importance of developing theory of mind can be seen in many areas. First, it can be said that social behaviors give meaning. It is useful for understanding other people's situations, explaining their behavior and thinking about what their next actions are. In addition, it makes communication meaningful for people. Thanks to the development of the theory of mind, a person who begins to communicate becomes aware of the purpose of the sentence. It also helps to understand figurative discourses. It also allows you to discover false beliefs and understand how to deceive another person. The ability to empathize also depends on the development of theory of mind. Therefore, you can predict how a person will interpret an event and how he will react, how he can feel about it. At the same time, the child discovers that his feelings and thoughts may be different from others, and that there are times when he needs to express his thoughts.

Based on the conclusion we reached from the above-mentioned ideas, the relationship between what is said and what is not said, as well as the place of what is said and what is not said in communication, related to the context and moment, from what distance, within what social factors,


is pragmatics. So, pragmatics deals with the study of problems that are not opened at the upper layer, or whose opening is related to the lower layer.

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