THE ROLE OF TAX IN THE FORMATION OF A LOCAL BUDGET REVENUE BASE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Shamshod Raimov

The Republic of Uzbekistan is based on five principles adopted as a result of in-depth study of the experience of developed countries in the transition to the market economy, developed specifically based on the mentality of our nation, including the national values. One of the principles is a strong social protection of the low-income population in the transition to a market economy. Of course, in carrying out this task, the state relies on budgetary funds.

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Республика Узбекистан базируется на пяти принципах, принятых в результате углубленного изучения опыта развитых стран по переходу к рыночной экономике, разработанных специально с учетом менталитета нашего народа, в том числе национальных ценностей. Одним из принципов является сильная социальная защита малообеспеченного населения при переходе к рыночной экономике. Конечно, при выполнении этой задачи государство опирается на бюджетные средства.


Shamshod RAIMOV

Master's student at the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Uzbekistan



The Republic of Uzbekistan is based on five principles adopted as a result of in-depth study of the experience of developed countries in the transition to the market economy, developed specifically based on the mentality of our nation, including the national values. One of the principles is a strong social protection of the low-income population in the transition to a market economy. Of course, in carrying out this task, the state relies on budgetary funds.

Budgetary funds play an important role in the implementation of government programs aimed at achieving macroeconomic stability of the country in the near and long periods.

The republic is trying to establish economic and social relations in equal rights, mutual cooperation with developed countries of the world. To this end, in order to achieve economic stability in the country, reforms are being carried out in the economic, social and legal spheres.

Revenues of local budgets are formed mainly through deductions from local and general taxes.Further improvement of the relationship between the republican and local budgets, undoubtedly, the economic development of the regions consists in eliminating as much as possible the economic imbalance between them. Although several studies have been carried out in the field of searching for new sources of local budgets revenue, the introduction of a progressive system of tax levies and the improvement of the basis of existing tax receipts, the actual state of these works has not yet been fully studied. For that reason, it is necessary to examine and analyze the activities of the local budget as well as the base of local budget's revenues.[1]

The reforms carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan are deepening day by day. This is manifested in the economic entities' activities liberalization. The relationship between the state and economic entities and individuals is now becoming a situation that is carried out only through taxation. This requires in-depth study of this process, analysis.

The economic activities of local budgets are characterized by the existence of their own source of revenue. Local budgets must have sufficient financial resources to solve their functions in different directions within imposed them area.

Another important source of local budgets revenue is the long-term attachment of individuals' income tax to local budgets[9].

The main parameters of local taxes (rates, base, exemptions) are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers, and their collection is carried out in the regions. Therefore, the collection of some taxes is becoming very problematic because it is very difficult to determine the base or the costs associated with collecting them exceed the amounts of these taxes. In particular, one-time cotton harvests from markets are also costly. As a result, local budgets cannot be a source that meets the required demand in terms of real strengthening the revenue base.

In that regard, it is an important direction of local authorities' budgetary account's deficit cower is increasing their tax potential (capacity) and increasing the number of taxpayers through increasing small-scale entrepreneurship, increasing the number of individuals engaged in entrepreneurship and achievement the efficiency of their income Control.[3]

As some of the common features inherent in the existing local taxes and fees in the tax system of the Republic, the following can be noted:

- local taxes and fees are used for the needs of the territories under the jurisdiction of the local government authorities;

- the main part of them is introduced directly by the local government agencies themselves, while in the legal regulation of them, local government agencies are given some powers, they also require to be reckoned with by the legislation of the Republic, and so on.

Also, one of the important features of local taxes and levies is the division of them into two groups according to the method of their designation, that is, local taxes and levies, which are introduced by the legislation of the Republic and introduced by the legislation of local government agencies.

The first group includes property tax and land tax on local taxes, they are introduced by the legislation of the Republic and collected on the territory of the whole Republic and their rates are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also, from the point of view of definition and validity-the tax on vehicles for the use of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas are levied on the territory of the whole Republic and its uniform rate is valid.

This group has only one authority of the local government agencies in terms of local taxes, which, in the case of this, can give additional benefits to property taxes to taxpayers located in their territories.

The second group includes local taxes and fees, including infrastructure development tax; the tax on vehicles for the use of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas; the fee for the right to trade, including license fees for the right to sell certain types of tokens; the fee for the registration of legal entities, as well as individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities, is

introduced by local The highest rates of these rates are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and local government agencies have full right to set tax rates for their territories only at these rates, and to set tax benefits. At the same time, local government agencies are also given the authority to introduce new types of local taxes and levies, the introduction of which requires coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers. [3] The international experience shows that if deductions from taxes to local budgets are carried out on a single regulatory basis, and these norms are kept unchanged for a long period of time, the negative situation can be reduced. Only in this case, it will allow the local budget to sustain a steady implementation in part of the taxes collected in the legal order for a certain period of time. The local government will do everything possible to ensure this self-sufficiency [10].

On a Republican scale, the impact of regulatory revenue on local budget revenues remains enormous. At a new stage of economic reform and its deepening, it calls on local governments to increase their role in public administration, attached revenue streams in socio-economic development, further strengthening the base of local budgets on their revenue.

In conclusion, an important measure to reform the distribution of regulated taxes is the introduction of stable norms in a certain period of time in our republic [11]. It is desirable to establish 50% of proceeds from revenues exceeding the established plan for regulating taxes to leave at the disposal of local budgets.

Stable norms established for a certain period of time ensure the accuracy of the budget, the improvement of future plans, the reduction of budget arrears, as well as the reduction of compliance practices in the development of budgetary parameters. Distribution on the basis of a single normative of revenues more than the plan, excess revenues from the plan will increase the efficiency of the meeting, strengthen the income base of the Republic and local budgets and reduce the volume of donations to local budgets.


1. Juraev T. The main directions and principles of improving tax policy. // Taxes and customs notifications. - 2002

2. Yahyoev Q.A. Theory and practice of taxation. -T .: Science and Technology Center, 2003

3. Srojiddinova Z. Budget system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. T .: «infoCOM.uz».

4. Kasimova G., Shaakramov K. Local budgets. Do not study. - Finance 2012.

5. http://www.soliq.uz-O state tax of the Republic of Uzbekistan official website

6. http://www.mf.uz-O official information resources of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan website

7. www.gov.uz (government portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan) www.undp.uz (BMTTD official website)

8. www.lex.uz (national legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

9. Муминов Н.Г. Бюджетлараро муносабатларни такомиллаштиришда инновацион ёндашув // Экономика и финансы (Узбекистан), №1, 2020. Б. 54-58

10. Nozim Muminov, Abduxafiz Karimov, Gulnora Melibayeva, Bakhodir Rakhmanov (2020). THEORETICAL PROBLEMS OF CENTRALIZATION AND DECENTRALIZATION OF LOCAL BUDGETS. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Vol. 24, Issue 04, 1950-1953. ISSN: 19461953. DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I4/PR201303

11. Nozim Muminov., Ozoda Alidjanova., Kamoliddin Mardonov, Gulnora Rakhimova (2020). MODELS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT AND THE XPERIENCE OF DECENTRALIZATION: AN INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Vol. 24, Issue 04, 1950-1953. ISSN: 1954-1964. DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I4/PR201304

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