УДК 374
Rivojiddinov J. student
Scientific adviser: Niyozmatov E. Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute
Resume: The article examines the role of sports in organizing students' leisure time.
Keywords: students, leisure, sports, physical education, sports games
Education is a complex process of the simultaneous development of intellectual, aesthetic principles in a person, the formation of his worldview and ideological and political views, solving the problems of labor and patriotic education.
Physical culture acts as a socio-cultural layer of practice aimed at mastering the natural forces of students and mediated by their cultural attitude to their physical capabilities. The development of a student's physical abilities is considered within the framework of the upbringing process as the development of cultural elements, special personal qualities.
Physical culture, solving its specific tasks, at the same time, to one degree or another, has an active influence on all aspects of personality education, and, first of all, on moral education, health promotion, development of one's abilities, the need for physical exercises - this is a moral duty of a person.
Physical exercises and especially sports require knowledge, prompting to study their effect on the human body, the ability to competently use the means and methods in relation to their individual capabilities and conditions. All this contributes to mental development, intellectual improvement.
Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a person's physical culture as a result of pedagogical influences and self-education.
The upbringing of physical qualities is based on a constant striving to do what is super possible for oneself, to surprise others with one's capabilities. But for this, from the time of birth, you need to constantly and regularly follow the rules of proper physical education. The main stage in the upbringing of these qualities is the educational period in a person's life (7-25 years), during which the necessary educational material is consolidated for its further application in life (highperformance work).
Methodical principles of physical education
The methodological principles of physical education coincide with the general didactic ones, and this is justified, because physical education is one of the types of the pedagogical process and the general principles of pedagogy apply to it:
• consciousness and activity;
• clarity;
• availability;
• consistency;
• dynamism.
The principle of consciousness and activity. This principle provides for the formation of a meaningful attitude and sustained interest in physical exercise. This is provided by a certain motivation, for example, the desire to improve health, make a correction in the physique, and achieve high sports results. The motive can be simply a desire to actively relax or get a good mark in physical culture.
The principle of visibility. Visibility is a prerequisite for mastering the movement. In the process of an educational and training lesson, the main thing is to create a correct representation, an image of a motor task or a separate element before trying to fulfill it.
Accessibility principle. This principle obliges to take into account the age and sex characteristics, the level of preparedness, as well as individual differences in the physical and mental abilities of students.
Accessibility does not mean the absence of difficulties in the educational and training process, but presupposes a feasible measure of these difficulties that can be successfully overcome.
The principle of systematicity. The principle of systematicness is, first of all, regularity of classes, rational alternation of loads and rest. The regularity of classes presupposes a rational alternation of psychophysical stress and rest. Any load has 4 phases: energy expenditure, recovery, over recovery, return to the original level. This is why physical education classes are never held for 2 days in a row.
The principle of dynamism. The principle of dynamism, or a gradual increase in requirements, consists in setting more and more difficult tasks as the previous ones are completed. This is expressed in a gradual complication of motor tasks, in an increase in the volume and intensity of loads (subject to the principle of accessibility).
The means of physical education of students include physical exercises, health-improving forces of the natural environment and hygienic factors.
Physical exercises are motor actions, in form and content corresponding to the tasks of physical education. If running is used for sports training, then this natural motor action takes on rational forms. The same can be said about any other motor actions that arose initially in the sphere of work and everyday life, and then, being modified, became physical exercises - means of physical education. The interrelation of physical exercises with physical labor is that, having arisen on the basis of labor actions, exercises have become a means of physical culture and sports practice, preparation for work. The number of physical exercises developed and used in various sports is extremely large. They differ significantly from each other in form, content and target orientation.
The healing powers of the natural environment and hygienic factors are also means of physical education. Natural factors such as solar radiation, the properties
of the air and water environment serve as a means of strengthening health, hardening and increasing human performance.
The healing forces of nature are used in the process of physical education in two directions:
• as concomitant conditions (outdoor activities, in a mountainous climate) that enhance the effect of physical exercises;
• when organizing special metered procedures (hardening sessions, air, sun and water baths).
Physical exercise in combination with natural hardening factors helps to increase the overall resistance of the body to a number of adverse environmental influences.
Compliance with hygienic rules in the process of physical education enhances the positive effect of physical exercise. The hygiene requirements for the regime of loads and rest, nutrition and external conditions of employment (cleanliness, illumination, ventilation of places of employment) contribute to the effectiveness of physical exercises.
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