MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING PHYSICAL CULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tuxtasinova D.S.

The article deals with modern technologies of teaching physical culture.

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УДК 374

Tuxtasinova D.S.


Scientific adviser: Murodov N. O.

Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute


Abstract: The article deals with modern technologies of teaching physical culture.

Key words: physical culture, health-preserving technologies, game technologies, methodology

The priority area of work of each educational institution is to improve the quality of education through the use of modern educational technologies in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Therefore, a modern teacher should be fluent in knowledge in the field of these technologies and successfully apply them in their lessons. The teacher, using modern technology, can improve not only physical qualities, but also develop the creative potential of students.

Health-preserving technology used in the education system distinguishes several groups that differ in different approaches to health protection and, accordingly, in different methods and forms of work. Physical culture teachers are close to physical culture and health-improving technologies. They are aimed at the physical development of students. These include: hardening, training of strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and other qualities that distinguish a healthy, trained person from a physically weak person.

By the nature of the action, the following technologies are distinguished:

• stimulating ones allow you to activate the body's own forces, use its resources to get out of an undesirable state. Examples include - temperature hardening, physical activity;

• protective and prophylactic are the fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements. Limitation of the maximum load, eliminating overwork. The use of safety equipment and protective devices in gyms, excluding injuries;

• compensatory-neutralizing - these are physical training minutes, physical training pauses, which to some extent neutralize the negative impact of the static nature of the lessons;

• information and learning technologies provide students with the literacy required for effective health care.

To achieve the goals of health-saving educational learning technologies, the following groups of means are used:

• means of physical orientation physical exercises (physical education and active changes; emotional release and minutes of "rest", gymnastics (health, finger, corrective, respiratory, for the prevention of colds, for vivacity);

physiotherapy exercises, outdoor games; specially organized physical activity of the child (health-improving physical education, timely development of the foundations of motor skills); massage, self-massage; psycho-gymnastics, trainings, etc.;

• health-improving forces of nature (conducting outdoor activities); hygienic factors (compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements; personal and public hygiene (cleanliness of the body, cleanliness of places of employment, air, etc.); ventilation and wet cleaning of premises;

• compliance with the general regimen of physical activity, diet and sleep; teaching children elementary methods of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), the simplest first aid skills for cuts, abrasions, burns, bites); limiting the maximum level of training load to avoid overwork).

Practice shows that the use of gaming technologies, taking into account age characteristics, does not lose its relevance. Each age has its own set of games, although there are exceptions. Game technology is a unique form of teaching that allows you to make an ordinary lesson interesting and fun. Game activity in physical education lessons takes an important place in the educational process. The value of play activity lies in the fact that it takes into account the psychological and pedagogical nature of the child, meets his needs and interests. The game forms typical skills of social behavior, specific value systems, orientation towards group and individual actions, develops stereotypes of behavior in human communities. Play activities in the classroom at school make it possible to increase students' interest in learning activities. It allows you to assimilate a greater amount of information based on examples of specific activities simulated in the game, helps children in the process of playing to learn how to make responsible decisions in difficult situations. The use of game forms of classes leads to an increase in the creative potential of students and to a deeper, more meaningful and faster mastering of the material. Game forms of work in the educational process can carry a number of functions: educational; correctional and developmental; psych technical; communicative; entertaining; relaxation.

The acceleration of the pace of modern life sets the task of more actively using the game to educate the younger generation. Now it is obvious that games are necessary to ensure a harmonious combination of mental, physical and emotional stress, general comfort.

Particular attention should be paid to outdoor games in the primary and secondary levels, since at this age the foundations of playing activities are laid, aimed at improving playing skills and technical-tactical interactions, which are necessary for further studying and mastering sports games. And, of course, outdoor games, this is an excellent basis for the development of motor abilities and skills. In the "Athletics" section of the program, outdoor games are used, aimed at consolidating and improving the skills of running, jumping and throwing, at developing high-speed, speed-power abilities, orienteering abilities in space, etc. In the section of the program "Sports games" - games and relay races for mastering tactical and technical skills of the studied sports games. In the section "Gymnastics" - outdoor games with elements of martial arts.

In the course of modernization of education, one of the main tasks in teaching the subject of "physical culture" is the development of knowledge about physical culture and sports, their history and modern development, the role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Depriving children of the necessary physical activity in favor of studying the theory, or studying the theoretical part in passing, without focusing much on this, makes the teacher look for new strategies in teaching the theoretical part of physical culture. Practice shows that the most rational is the implementation of the project method. This allows you to solve several problems at once:

• development of students' personal competencies;

• integration of the learning process;

• saving time during the lesson.

Project technology is suitable for elementary, primary and secondary school students interested in research and project activities, as well as for gifted students. The design technology in the physical education lesson allows you to build learning on an active basis, through the purposeful activity of the student, in accordance with his personal interest. Composing a project, he turns from an object into a subject of learning, learns independently and actively influences the content of his own education. Such work makes it possible to realize that physical culture lessons develop not only physically, but also intellectually. Project activity is the creation of problem situations, the activation of the cognitive activity of students in the search and solution of complex issues that require the actualization of knowledge, the construction of hypotheses. The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students (individual, pair, group), which they perform in the time allotted for this work (from a few minutes of a lesson to several weeks, and sometimes months).


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