Научная статья на тему 'The role of social advertising in marketing communications in the social sphere in the Russian Federation'

The role of social advertising in marketing communications in the social sphere in the Russian Federation Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sinyavskiy D.O.

The article reveals the essence of the concept of social advertising. Special attention is paid to the appointments, tasks and functions of social advertising. The proposed material can be of interest for specialists of social sphere and public relations.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role of social advertising in marketing communications in the social sphere in the Russian Federation»




Синявский Д. О.

студент 4 курса,

Санкт - Петербургский Гуманитарный Университет Профсоюзов,

г. Санкт-Петербург


Sinyavskiy D. O.

4th year student,

Saint - Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences,



В данной статье раскрывается сущность понятия социальной рекламы. Особое внимание уделяется назначениям, задачам и функциям социальной рекламы. Предлагаемый материал может представлять интерес для специалистов социальной сферы и по связи с общественностью. ABSTRACT

The article reveals the essence of the concept of social advertising. Special attention is paid to the appointments, tasks and functions of social advertising. The proposed material can be of interest for specialists of social sphere and public relations.

Ключевые слова: социальная реклама, потребители, функции социальной рекламы. Keywords: social advertising, consumers, functions of social advertising.

Socio-economic transformations occurring in Russia has led to radical changes in the life of society and to the transformation of the social system. At the same time there was a destruction of traditions, which resulted in the destruction of moral norms and national culture. In this regard, today many social services agencies are turning to social advertising, understanding its relevance. It is largely connected with the economic crisis, which significantly affected not only advertising, but also to nonprofit organizations, which produced the social advertising. Today, social advertising create only the state structures.

Sociologists study advertising as a social phenomenon, and advertising activity from the point of view of a functioning public institution that has a noticeable positive effect on socio-political and cultural processes in society. Sociological methods of collecting and analyzing information commonly used in the advertising campaigns and evaluate their effectiveness. Scientists have made a contribution to the analysis of processes of formation of the Institute of social advertising, development of technologies of influence, identify the conditions and factors of origin of its modern forms.

Linguists focus on the issues of creating an effective advertising message, principles and features of construction of the advertising text as belonging to the media. It explains the choice of the main means of

communication and the nature of the impact that advertising texts. Widely examined advertising as a method of influence on man, his conscious and subconscious for the purpose of forming the desired so-cio-psychological attitudes.

The psychology allows to create testing and evaluating instruments of the psychological effectiveness of advertising and to identify mechanisms of influence of advertising messages. The founder of this approach is J. Habermas, who in his writings not only introduces the concept of "advertising communication", but also reveals the mechanisms of its effects in politics and business.

J.-J. Lambo characterizes advertising as "onesided communication that comes from a sponsor who wishes directly or indirectly to support the actions of the firm" [1].

With regard to the study of social advertising fundamentally important point is the selection of this trait is "social", as an activity which results in the formation of important social trends and positive qualities in the process of interaction of various social structures and social groups.

Social advertising should be seen as activities aimed at informing the population about actual social problems, their prevention, the decision and at the formation of public opinion about socially approved or socially unapproved actions [1].

The place of social advertising in the system of humanitarian knowledge is determined by its role in the processes of harmonization of social space and social relations as technology of development of new social values and socially approved behavioral patterns.

In Russian Federation in modern conditions more and more attention has been paid to a new kind of advertising — social advertising, which in the USSR is considered exclusively an ideological tool to support existing system.

According to the Federal law of the Russian Federation "About advertising" dated 13 March 2006 №38- FL, social advertising is information spread by any methods, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at achieving charitable and other socially useful goals, as well as ensuring the interests of the state.

Article number 10 of the Federal law "About advertising" is entirely devoted to social advertising:

The initiators of social advertising can be individuals, legal entities, government institutions, other state institutions and companies of local self-government and municipal institutions, which are not included in the structure of institutions of local government.

Institutions of state power, other state institutions and companies local self-government and municipal institutions, which are not included in the structure of institutions of local self-government, realize the placement of orders for the production and distribution of social advertising in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Contract drafting for distribution of social advertising is required for the distributor within 5% of the annual volume of distributed advertising. The contract is in accordance with the Civil code of the Russian Federation.

There is no mention of specific brands of goods, trademarks, service marks and other means of individ-ualization of physical persons and legal entities, with the exception of the reference to institutions of state power, other state agencies, agencies of local self-government, municipal institutions, which are not included in the structure of institutions of local government, and sponsors in the social advertising.

0. Y. Golub, a well-known expert, distinguishes three approaches to the definition of social advertising:

1. Social advertising is information of a specific nature, that contribute solution and prevention of social problems (this position is most common).

2. Social advertising is interpreted as a social phenomenon, acting on value orientation, world view, the behavioral model of the target audience (this approach is not as common).

3. Social advertising is a social institution as a normative feature and having an internal structure of the set of advertisers, manufacturers and distributors of advertising, consumers and social relations between them, aiming at the prevention and solution of social problems and endowed with certain material resources [2].

From the point of view of the advocates of the third approach, the most important criterion for the institutionalization of social phenomena is the presence of goal and important social functions. The current state of social advertising in Russia allows to select as its main goal aimed at formation of socially approved behavioral patterns of certain groups of the population, contributing to the prevention and solution of social problems and the set of functions. Thus these features not only contribute to the basic social institutions, but have certain specific features. Informing the design of a new ideology, integration and socialization of members of society aimed at achieving the main goal of the Institute of social advertising. This goal is realized not through the direct use of administrative resources and through the activities of specific members of society.

Peculiarities of normative-legal bases of formation of the Institute of social advertising in Russia today lies in the fact that the potential of the legislation in the sphere of social advertising is still not disclosed as to establish mechanisms of interaction between institutions of a developing institution, and in respect of clearly defining its scope of operation. Currently, there is only the formation of the regulatory legal base in the field of social advertising, search bases of formation of this social phenomenon as a full-fledged social institution of the modern Russian society.

In the process of institutionalization of any social phenomenon is the creation of the range of institutions involved in infrastructure development of the Institute. With regard to social advertising, this set of institutions is in line with the main stages of creation, promotion and consumption of social product advertising: the advertiser, the advertisement, the advertisement, consumer advertising. However, in practice, often there is no clear functional separation between the subjects of social advertising market due to the lack of material resources. In addition, some specificity exists in activities of each individual Agency. Thus, the most active regional advertisers are non-profit organizations and public authorities.

As a rule, manufacturers of social advertising presents advertising agencies. The specifics of their activities lies in the fact that all social advertising made them only on order and on its own initiative is not possible. Low social activity of the advertisement associated with the lack of material and moral incentives. According to their opinion, at the present time work on creation of social advertising is not prestigious and do not bring any material or moral compensation expended on its production efforts.

The representatives of the institutions of the emerging Institute of social advertising in the face of non-profit organizations and advertising agencies believe that further development of the Institute of social advertising is possible only with a developed legal framework and with the support of management structures at all levels: Federal, regional administrations and local authorities.

Strictly speaking, the term "social advertising", which is a literal translation of the English public ad-

vertising; used only in Russia. Worldwide, it is correspond to the concepts "non-commercial advertising" and "public advertising" will Reveal these concepts:

Non-profit advertising — advertising sponsored by nonprofit institutions or in their interests and aiming to encourage donations, the call to vote in someone's favor or attention to the Affairs of the society.

Public advertising sends a message that promotes any positive development. Professionals create it for free, place and time in mass media are also provided on a commercial basis.

In the United States to refer to this type of advertising uses the terms public service advertising and public service announcement (PSA). The subject of PSA is the idea that needs to have a certain social value. The purpose of this type of advertising is to change the public's attitude to any problem, but in the long term — to create new social values. Based on these definitions, it is clear that the desire to change the behavioral model of society is the goal of the PSA, and for non-commercial advertising. Thus, it is advisable to unite all of the terms used in one concept — social advertising.

Mission of social advertising as a form of communication, the ori-intravenoso to draw attention to the most urgent problems of society and its moral values, is the change in the behavioral patterns of society. At the current pace of development of the society this form of advertising becomes so massive and powerful form of communication that it can be called social PRom.

The goal of social advertising — briefly, concisely and vividly to present an idea of value setting, evaluation, behavior, and information about important social problem, directing human behavior on some of the ideal embodied in a particular culture perceive as positive and welcome.

Accordingly, the problem of social advertising:

- to promote a social problem, to inform about it;

presenting all possible points of view on a particular subject, to inform about all the possible consequences;

- create a positive public opinion on a particular issue, the social problem;

- to encourage participation in the solution of problems;

- to promote behavior change.

The subject of social advertising, there may be state institutions, non-profit organizations, socially oriented business structures.

The object of social advertising is what draws attention, what is promoted (values — for example, human, cultural, religious, Patriotic, family, individual, etc.; socially approved behaviors — for example, a healthy lifestyle, observance of traffic rules, cleanliness and order, respect for elders).

From the point of view of the scope of action of social advertising, there are the following levels: global, national, regional and municipal.

Given the concentration on the target audience, social advertising can be selective, i.e. addressed to a

particular social group, and mass media targeting the General population.

The impact of social advertising: rational — appeals to the mind of the target audience, use persuasive reasons and arguments; emotional.— focused on feelings, emotions, experiences.

Social advertising: an article, an ad, a slogan, a call, a commandment, aphorism, etc.

Function social advertising:

- draw attention to actual problems of public life;

- stimulate action for their solution;- formation of positive image of state structures;

- demonstration of social responsibility of business;

- strengthening socially important institutions of civil society;

- the formation of public opinion;

- change behavioral patterns of society;

- the formation of new types of social relations


Officially, the history of social advertising starts only in the 20th century. In the foreign literature sources, the date of its occurrence is considered in 1906. In 1950 - 1960 Advertising Council (USA) has expanded the scope of its activities. Later, the Advertising Council received the status of an independent coordinating body that studies social problems. Social advertising in Russia immediately became a "servant" of policy in 1994 and 1995, and the term "social advertising" as it is known, is used only in Russia. At the same time it is also known all over the world use the concepts "non-commercial advertising" and "public advertising".

Types of social advertising:

From the point of view selection, objects attract attention, there are several types of social advertising.

1. Advertising a certain lifestyle. Mainly we are talking about is promoting a healthy lifestyle. An example is the advertising directed against Smoking, alcohol and drugs, calling for sports nutrition. In particular, the social is "a Drunk can not love" is an attempt to draw attention (especially young people) on their health, the call to abandon the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Another advertisement — "Call your parents" — is also a call to a particular way of life, declaring not only support specifically of their parents, but also care for the senior generation in General, the cultivation of strong family relationships. К этой группе следует отнести экологическую рекламу, направленную на сохранение окружающей среды и бережное отношение к природе.

2. Advertising law-abiding, constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual. As examples of such advertising can bring TV commercials, "Pay taxes and sleep well"/"it's Time to step out of the shadows", "Education would be incomplete if taxes are to pay half", "Write yourself in the history of Russia" (about the census). Often, however, such advertising has a political connotation. For example, in St. Petersburg before the city election 2000 was launched the social project "the City is tired of" Baring the negative aspects of city life (dirty streets, yards, dilapidated houses, beggars), and calling to change lives for the bet-

ter,01ogo6Haa social advertising aktiviziruyutsya or tax season, or before elections and public events.

3. Patriotic advertising. This includes advertising for the holidays, sporting events, designed to unite the nation, to awaken feelings of pride and national identity. In particular is the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg: "congratulations, great people great city." The share of expenditures on advertising Patriotic is a very minor part of total expenditure.

The types of social advertising include the following:

1. Advertising a values, attitudes, principles. The purpose of such social advertising is the dissemination of socially-accepted values, accepted norms, and just moral support. Usually, this kind of social advertising is designed for a very wide audience. Of all the types of advertising this is the most intuitive, accessible and close to the General reader, the listener or viewer. Advertising values for the volume of information provided can be divided into three main types:

- Pure social advertising. These advertising messages do not contain references nor the customer nor the manufacturer. Pure social advertising aimed solely at the dissemination of universal values, values of society, a specific organization. For example, advertising, promoting equal rights and opportunities of citizens, tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities. Often pure social advertising use human rights, peace organizations, environmental groups. In particular, the main programme of the Russian red cross focused on social support of children from socially dis-advantaged families, homeless and neglected children, orphans, lonely elderly and veterans, refugees, victims in emergency situations. Famous projects of Greenpeace. In particular the project "World heritage", aimed at the identification and protection of unique natural complexes at risk of the negative impact of human activities. Or the attraction of public attention to the problem of use in the manufacture of baby foods transgenes. This kind of advertising, do not call the customer, can hardly serve as a means of attracting Finance in addition, there may be situations when the organization is constantly mentioned in conversations with the sponsors that she has produced or ordered this or that social advertising. However, its effectiveness as a tool of social control, the formation of certain national ideals and cultural values, and impact on society as a whole cannot be overstated.

- Advertising a human values indicating the phone number and address of the nonprofit organization. For example, at the end of the video about the dangers of Smoking reported the phone organization to help get rid of bad habits. Work on this is requires a high skill and high responsibility — both for selection of the advertising object, and for its consequences.

- Advertising of the principles of the individual organizations. A very popular form of advertising in Russia. However, it is often very abstract and it turns out that this is not causing the interest and desire to cooperate, and suspicion. It is therefore advisable to use the well-known organizations that have a certain reputation, or regional organizations acting on the

territory where it is easy to obtain additional information.

2. Advertising a missions and objectives. It reminds us of the values is a separate organization, but still has its own distinctive features. This is primarily due to the organization's mission, i.e. the main purpose, clearly articulated reason for the existence of the organization. Here a clear formulation of the problem, moreover, it is necessary to express the attitude of the organization to the solution of this problem.

3. Advertising a problem. Such information has a strong emotional impact on people. An example would be the action of the Association to fight childhood leukemia, created with the help of the company "Premier SV," video about children suffering from blood cancer. After such videos often don't even have to talk about what you are doing to sponsors began to actively provide financial support.

4. Advertising projects, present and future. One of the most effective but also the most difficult. The problem is that advertising should be concise, precise and, if possible, not cause its consumers to a variety of issues. In advertising projects, you may enter a brief mission statement, a brief objective of the project exactly what the organization does or will do. If something has been done, it is important to say about it. The project is needed primarily to raise funds, sometimes in order to find volunteers or professionals. Classic is project — TVC on the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. View of a Church — proof that things are moving. You know what is being done and why. You are asked to transfer the money.

5. Advertising achievements. If we are talking about organization, it is important to say, at least briefly, why it was created what, and finally that was achieved and to aspire further. When this is accompanied by a Bank account and telephone or other details, from the sponsors will be interested. It is important to remember about the responsibility before those who need help, and that each sponsor should always clearly understand the possible prospect of for what and for what purpose he has invested the money.

6. Advertising of individual people to their activities. Often charitable organizations do not even advertise themselves, and some people who come to them with their discoveries, techniques, programs. Such advertising should: first, to link information about a person with the organization; second, to consider that attitude to a new technique or a new discovery can be ambiguous.

7. Advertising the organization as a whole is a story about the organization. It should all be included: mission, values, goals, projects, problem, achievement and request).

Most relevant in the current socio-economic situation are the challenges associated with the formation of public opinion, drawing attention to actual problems of public life and creating a positive attitude towards state structures.

Effective social advertising on the person can only be achieved given the knowledge of the creators of advertising psychology of consumer motives. The nature and form of interaction between internal and

external factors determine ultimately the behavior of the consumer in relation to the object of advertising.

The experience of countries with developed social sphere shows that the marketing value of social services in society increases dramatically. This is due to:

- extension of social services;

the complexity of the tasks solved in the social sphere (drugs, crime, etc.);

- the lack of competition, because basically these problems are dealt with by the state,

- public charitable organizations.

One of the areas of work of specialists of social sphere and public relations in state and municipal institutions can be:

- Establishing, maintaining and expanding contacts with citizens and organizations;

- Informing the public about the relevance of the decisions taken;

- Analysis of public reaction to the actions of the authorities;

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- Forecasting of socio-political processes, providing authorities with the results of forecast and analytical researches [2].

The formation of a favorable image of the authorities and officials.

Thus, social advertising is one of the innovative methods used by society and social institutions, trying to involve the man in a social structure and to adapt it to social and economic systems. Its significance increases especially in periods of socio-economic reforms, disasters and crises to create a positive attitude of the society and stimulate the creative process. State structures and NGOs are the guarantors of the objectivity of the information provided to the different social advertisements.


1. J.-J. lambe Strategic marketing. European perspective./ Per. FR. -SPb.: Science,1996. - p. 50.

2. Social advertising : textbook the allowance / under the editorship of O. Y. Golub. - M. : Dashkov and K°, 2013. - p.177.

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