Научная статья на тему 'The role of Queen Anna Yaroslavna in the formation of the ecclesiast ical household of France'

The role of Queen Anna Yaroslavna in the formation of the ecclesiast ical household of France Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
Anna Yaroslavna / Henry I / Capetians / ecclesiastical court of France / Royal chapel / French bishops / Анна Ярославна / Генрих I / Капетинги / церковный двор Франции / Королевская капелла / французские епископы

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Vladimir Vladimirovich Shishkin

The article examines the ecclesiastical household of Henry I and his second wife Anna Yaroslavna, the youngest daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev, in the 1050s and 1060s. The author traces the organizational and political evolution of key ecclesiastical positions within Royal chapel (Capella Regis), stated its direct connection with the king’s chancellery, and its influence on royal decisionmaking. It is hypothesized that Anna Yaroslavna took an active part in the formation of the ecclesiastical court of France, as she contributed to the presence of bishops and clerics at the court, continued the policy of Capetians to promote these clerics to vacant church chairs and church sinecures, especially during the minority of her son Philip I. The article is based mainly on the act material of the 11th century and proves the active political participation of Queen Anne in royal affairs. The article was written with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 19-18-00247 «The court of Russian princesses in the system of power structures of Ancient Russia and Western Europe during the Middle Ages and early modern times (11–16th centuries)».

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Роль Анны Ярославны в формировании церковного двора Франции

В статье рассматривается церковное окружение Генриха I и его второй жены Анны Ярославны, младшей дочери Великого Киевского князя, в 1050–1060-е гг. Прослеживается организационно-политическая эволюция ключевых должностей церковного окружения в рамках Capella Regis; констатируется непосредственная организационно-функциональная связь последней с канцелярией короля, определяется степень их влияния на принятие королевских решений. Выдвигается гипотеза о том, что Анна Ярославна принимала активное участие в формировании церковного двора Франции, поскольку способствовала пребыванию при дворе епископов и клириков, продолжая политику Капетингов по продвижению этих клириков на вакантные церковные кафедры и церковные синекуры, особенно в период малолетства ее сына Филиппа I. Статья опирается преимущественно на актовый материал XI в., и доказывает активное политическое участие королевы Анны в государственных делах. Статья написана при поддержке гранта РНФ № 19-18-00247 «Двор русских княгинь в системе властных структур Древней Руси и Западной Европы в период Средневековья и раннего Нового времени (XI–XVI вв.)».

Текст научной работы на тему «The role of Queen Anna Yaroslavna in the formation of the ecclesiast ical household of France»

Vladimir Vladimirovich Shishkin УдК 252 i

eq Doctor in History, associate professor,

§ North-West Institute of Management, the Russian

H Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

^ (Sredniy prospect, 57, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199178);

§ Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of History

g (Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199034)

§ shishkin-vv@ranepa.ru

The role of Queen Anna Yaroslavna in the formation of the ecclesiastical household of France

The article examines the ecclesiastical household of Henry I and his second wife Anna Yaroslavna, the youngest daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev, in the 1050s and 1060s. The author traces the organizational and political evolution of key ecclesiastical positions within Royal chapel (Capella Regis), stated its direct connection with the king's chancellery, and its influence on royal decision-making. It is hypothesized that Anna Yaroslavna took an active part in the formation of the ecclesiastical court of France, as she contributed to the presence of bishops and clerics at the court, continued the policy of Capetians to promote these clerics to vacant church chairs and church sinecures, especially during the minority of her son Philip I. The article is based mainly on the act material ofthe 11th century and proves the active political participation ofQueen Anne in royal affairs.

The article was written with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 19-18-00247 «The court of Russian princesses in the system of power structures of Ancient Russia and Western Europe during the Middle Ages and early modern times (11-16th centuries)».

Key words: Anna Yaroslavna, Henry I, Capetians, ecclesiastical court of France, Royal chapel, French bishops

Volume IX

Владимир Владимирович Шишкин

д. ист. н., доцент, Северо-Западный институт управления, Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации (Средний пр., д. 57, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 199178); Институт истории, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (Менделеевская линия, д. 5, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 199034)


Роль Анны Ярославны в формировании церковного двора Франции

В статье рассматривается церковное окружение Генриха I и его второй жены Анны Ярославны, младшей дочери Великого Киевского князя, в 1050-1060-е гг. Прослеживается организационно-политическая эволюция ключевых должностей церковного окружения в рамках Capella Regis; констатируется непосредственная организационно-функциональная связь последней с канцелярией короля, определяется степень их влияния на принятие королевских решений. Выдвигается гипотеза о том, что Анна Ярославна принимала активное участие в формировании церковного двора Франции, поскольку способствовала пребыванию при дворе епископов и клириков, продолжая политику Капетингов по продвижению этих клириков на вакантные церковные кафедры и церковные синекуры, особенно в период малолетства ее сына Филиппа I. Статья опирается преимущественно на актовый материал XI в., и доказывает активное политическое участие королевы Анны в государственных делах.

Статья написана при поддержке гранта РНФ № 19-18-00247 «Двор русских княгинь в системе властных структур Древней Руси и Западной Европы в период Средневековья и раннего Нового времени (XI-XVI вв.)».

Ключевые слова: Анна Ярославна, Генрих I, Капетинги, церковный двор Франции, Королевская капелла, французские епископы


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rn In May 1051, Anna Yaroslavna, the youngest daughter of Yaro-

o slav the Wise, Grand Prince (King) of Rus', became the third wife fcj of King Henry I of France from the Capetian dynasty1. Henry's O choice was primarily conditioned by political circumstances, but -q it also involved finding a bride from a dynasty unrelated to Capeo tians2. The French royal family had already faced church prohibi-g tion on relationship until the seventh knee: Henry I's father, Rob-^ ert II, was forced to divorce his cousin Bertha of Burgundy3. § Western chronicles provide us a lot of accounts on Anna Yaro-

^ slavna, her active participation in the political and church life § of France both as reigning Queen and widowed «Queen of Franks» (Regina Francorum)4. Many sources, including twenty-eight preserved diplomas where her name is mentioned, show that her political activity was primarily related to the church affairs: foundation and reconstruction of monasteries, the granting of privileges and immunities to abbots, the certification of gift documents in favor of the church5.

It is clear that her communication with church representatives was wide. One can mention, for example, a well-known message sent to Anna by the Pope Nicholas II in 1059. In this letter, which was probably written by Cardinal Peter Damiani and provided with

1 Bautier R.-H. Anne de Kiev, reine de France, et la politique royale au XIe siècle: étude critique de la documentation // Revue des études slaves. 1985. T. 57. Fasc. 4. Aspects des relations intellectuelles entre la France, la Russie et l'U.R.S.S. / Sous la dir. de R.-H. Bautier. P. 550; Dhondt J. Quelques aspects du règne d'Henri 1er, roi de France // Mélanges d'histoire du Moyen Âge: dédiés à la mémoire de Louis Halphen. Paris, 1951. P. 199-208; Dhondt J. Henri 1er, l'Empire et l'Anjou (1043-1056) // Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. 1946. T. 25. Fasc. 1-2. P. 87-109.

2 Musin A. La formation de la politique matrimoniale et la «diaspora normande» en Europe au XIe siècle: l'exemple d'Anne de Kiev // 911-2011: Penser les mondes normands médiévaux: Actes du colloque international de Caen et Cerisy (29 septembre - 2 octobre 2011) / Éd. D. Bates & P. Bauduin. Caen, 2016. P. 177-206.

3 Riché P. Gerbert d'Aurillac. Le pape de l'an mil. Paris, 1987. P. 200201.

4 Hallu R. Anne de Kiev, reine de France. Roma, 1973. P. 163-195.

5 Zajac T. 'Gloriosa Regina' or «Alien Queen»? Some reconsiderations on Anna Yaroslavna's Queenship (r. 1050-1075) // Royal studies Journal. 2016/3. № 1. P. 28-70.

pastoral instructions and wishes, Anna called as Glorious Queen6.

The purpose of our paper is to find out how the ecclesiastical g circle of the Queen was formed and structured, to identify those ^ clergymen who formed her entourage, and to understand the pos- ^ sibilities of Queen's influence on the church policy of the crown. ^ In 1049 Henry I received a message from Leo IX, where the Pope fcq made reference to his father's excommunication for marrying Ber- ° tha of Burgundy against the will of his bishops7. It is possible that g this warning of the Holy See was the crucial reason of the embassy g to Rus' headed by two significant French prelates close to Henry I, g who were commissioned by the King and made responsible for the © success of the 2000-kilometres journey. Eleventh- century diplomacy was mainly carried out by prelates and clerics8. jj The chronicle compiled by the monks of the monastery of Fleury g or St. Benedict on the Loire in the middle of the 12th century (so- g called «The Continuation of Aymoin of Fleury») reports: «Search- ^ ing for the wife, the king sent Walter, called the 'Wise', Bishop of Meaux, to the King of the Ruthenes, with the aim of obtaining ^ the hand of his daughter, that it was done. Her name was Anna»9. g The personality of the Bishop of Meaux Walter is scarcely known: o there is neither precise information about his origin nor his career until 1045, when he was elected bishop. However, it is certain g that Walter was part of the king's inner circle, because his dio- ^ cese belonged to the royal Metropolitan of Sens, where the King had the right of regalia, i.e. actually administered the episco- g pal chair. In 1047, Bishop of Meaux's witness signature is already appears in the royal act that indicates his participation in the affairs

6 Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Latina / Éd. J.-P. Migne. T. 144 (1). S. Petri Damiani... opera omnia. Paris, 1853. P. 447.

7 Du Chesne F. Historiae Francorum scriptores. T. IV. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1641. P. 145.

8 Moeglin J.-M., Péquignot S. Diplomatie et 'relations internationales' au Moyen Âge (IXe - XVe siècle). Paris, 2017. P. 370.

9 «Rex sibi quaerens conjugii solatium, ad Rutenorum Regem Galtherum, cognomina Saveir, Meldensem episcopum direxit: Postulans ut ei suam mitteret siliam: quod et factum est. Huius nomen erat Anna» // Aimoini Monachi Inclyti Coenobii D. Germani a Pratis Libri Quinque de Gestis Francorum. Parisiis, 1602. P. 361.

га of the Curia regis10. In 1048 he participated in the church council о in Sens, one of the forerunners of the Gregorian reform11. The bishop tj clearly disposed significant power and resources, as well as enjoyed О the support of the royal family, because he established the cathedral л in Meaux12.


о It is unknown when the Bishop Walter with his suite went to Rus'.

g Contradictory and scarce accounts in the sources gave rise to the hypoth-

^ esis that there were two embassies13. The gloss added to the Rheims

2 manuscript of the mid-12th century mentions the second important par-

^ ticipant of the embassy, Bishop Roger II of Chalon, who also had a dif-

^ ferent aim, to learn whether the relics of St. Clement remained in Cherts '

^ sonesos, which then belonged to the Byzantine Empire14.

The bishopric of Chalon in Champagne was also royal and was a part of the church province of Rheims15. Chalon, surrounded by domenial lands of the Capetians, had an ancient royal residence, so the bishop was part of the royal entourage16. It is known that Roger II came from the highest Frankish nobility, he was the son of Count of Namur, and from the female line belonged to the Carolingians. He took the episcopal chair in 1043 thanks to a decision of Henry I17. Rog-

10 Diplomata Henrici I, Francorum regis. № XV // Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. T. XI. Paris, 1767. P. 581.

11 Dom Toussaints du Plessis. Histoire de l'Église de Meaux. T. I. Paris, 1731. P. 107-108.

12 Encyclopédie théologique. T. 29 / Éd. J.-P. Migne. Paris, 1849. P. 869-870.

13 Recueil des actes de Philippe Ier, roi de France (1060-1108) / Éd. M. Prou. Paris, 1908. P. XIX-XXI.

14 Farquhar-Monpetit M. Le psautier d'Odalric de Reims et le manuscript

15 de la Bibliothèque municipale // Un homme, un livre au XIème siècle. Le prévot Odalric et le manuscrit 15 de la Bibliothèque municipale de Reims / Éd. P. Corbet et P. Demouy. Reims, 2015. P. 59-138; Recueil des actes de Philippe Ier, roi de France (1060-1108). P. XVII.

15 Ravaux J.-P. Les évêques de Châlons des origines à 1789 // Mémoires de la Société d'agriculture, commerce, sciences et arts de la Marne. T. XCVIII. 1983. P. 77-78.

16 Debax H. Des vice-comtes aux vicomtes, des vicomtes aux vicomtés / Éd. H. Debax. Vicomtes et vicomtés dans l'Occident médiéval. Toulouse, 2008. P. 17-18; Guyotjeannin O. Les évêques dans l'entourage royal sous les premiers Capétiens // Le Roi de France et son royaume autour de l'an mil / Éd. M. Parisse et X. Barral. Paris, 1992. P. 91-98; Barthèlemy E. de. Histoire de la ville de Châ-lons-sur-Marne. Châlons, 1854. P. 161.

17 Paris L. Roger II, XLIVe évêque de Chaalons, sa vie et mission en Russie (1048) / La Chronique de Champagne / Éd. L. Paris. T. II. Reims; Paris, 1837. P. 90.

er was famous for piety and was known as the founder of the Abbey §

of All Saints in Chalon18. P


We do not know the exact time of arrival in Rus' nor the time

when the embassy returned19. All that is known for certain: Anna ^

Yaroslavna was successfully accompanied by eminent bishops to Rhe- ^

ims, the coronation city of the kings of France. On Trinity Day, the 19th ilq

of May 1051 in Rheims Cathedral she became a participant of three о

ceremonies: wedding, coronation and sacred unction20. g

As Henry I was already forty-two, he was obviously in a hurry ^ to acquire a family and heirs, and also sought to provide his foreign


wife with the highest status, to give the Queen the right to partici- ^ pate in the affairs of the Royal curia. Anna was crowned by Guy § Archbishop of Reims, and, like the Carolingian queens, anointed by £ the same unction that the kings of France received. It is also known § that Bishop Lietbert of Cambray, chaplain and trustee of Emperor ¡^ Henry III, was attended the celebrations21. It is possible that both £ bishops from Anna's travelling suite participated in the solemn ceremonies and thereafter remained among the king's close ecclesias- § tic councillors because their names are listed among the twenty- g two bishops, who participated in the coronation of Philip I, Anna § and Henry's eldest son, which took place the 14th of May 1059 § in Rheims22. g According to Henry I's act of establishing (restoring) St. Mar- § tin's Monastery in Paris in 1059, Walter, Bishop of Meaux influenced ^ this royal decision, and affirmed the document with his witness g

signature alongside that of Queen Anna23. In the manuscript from и


18 Barthélémy E. de. Diocèse ancient de Châlons-sur-Marne. Paris, 1861. P. 76, 182.

19 Gallia Christiana. T. VIII. Parisiis: ex Typographia Regia, 1744. Col. 16081609.

20 Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France (1060-1108). P. XXIII; Demouy P. Le sacre de la reine de France dans le pontifical de l'Église de Reims (BM Reims, Ms. 343) // Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France. 2013/2015. P. 293.

21 Ex Vita S. Lietberti, episcopi Cameracensis / Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. T. XI. P. 481; Ott J. S. Bishops, Authority and Community in Northwestern Europe, c. 1050-1150. Cambridge, 2015. P. 205.

22 Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. T. XI. P. 32-33.

23 Recueil de chartes et documents de Saint-Martin-des-Champs, monastère parisien / Éd. J. Depoin. T. I. Paris, 1912. P. 14-18; Soehnée F. Catalogue


га the British Library, «A chronicle of the priory of Saint-Martin-des-


о Champs, in verse» which was created circa 1072 when the Bishop fcj and Anna Yaroslavna were still alive, we can see his image, signed О «Gualterus» among other bishops and secular persons of the court л of Philip I24.

о Bishop of Meaux also appears in twelve acts of Philip I, that


^ suggest he was sometimes presented in the Royal curia, including ^ the period of the king's youth, when Anna Yaroslavna was involved § in the administration of royal affairs25. In contrast, Bishop of Chalon ^ was mentioned only twice in the king's charters in 1065 (acts in favour § of the Abbey of All Saints)26. However, it is known that four years earlier he received, probably with the participation of the Queen Mother, the privilege to mint his own coinage27.

The sources of the 11th century did not conserve information about the ecclesiastical household of Queen Anna and any ecclesiastical persons who served to her as priests, chaplains and handlers of alms, unlike the courts of England or the Holy Roman Empire28. The earliest source about the ecclesiastical household of the Queen of France comes from the beginning of the 12th century, when one of royal diplomas mentions the clerics of Adelaide of Savoy, the wife of Anna Yaroslavna's grandson, Louis VI29. We know, however, that there was the Royal Chapel (Capella regis), which formed the ecclesiastical structure of the court. We can assume that some of ecclesiastical persons served the Queen, but were subordinates to the head of the ecclesiastical household, the Chief / arch-chaplain (archicapellanus), or

des actes d'Henri 1er, roi de France. Paris, 1907. № 125. P. 127-129.

24 Chronique versifiée de Saint-Martin-des-Champs. British Library. Add. Mss. 11662. F. 4v.; факсимиле: URL : http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDis-play.aspx?ref=Add_MS_11662 (дата обращения: 18.05.2020); Recueil de chartes et documents de Saint-Martin-des-Champs, monastère parisien. P. 19.

25 Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France (1060-1108). P. 79, 90, 93, 112, 132, 133, 142, 152, 154, 157, 158, 272.

26 Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France (1060-1108). P. 57, 59.

27 Tobiésen-Duby P.-A. Traité des monnoies des barons. T. I. Paris, 1790. P. 26-27.

28 Rogeri de Wendover. Chronica sive flores historiarum / Nunc primus edidit Henricus O. Coxe M. A. Vol. 1. Londini, 1841. P. 502; Archon, l'abbé. Histoire de la Chapelle des rois de France. T. 2. Paris, 1711. P. 32.

29 Du Peyrat G. Histoire ecclésiastique de la cour. Paris, 1645. P. 108.

B. B. mumKHH

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the royal chaplain (regis capellanus)30. In the thirteenth century they

were often mentioned together with the ecclesiastics of the king's g household: «Сapellanis ac clericis domesticis Regis et Reginae»31.

The Royal Chapel in the eleventh century was not the ecclesias- ^

tical household of the King and Queen in the strict sense, because ^

it included ecclesiastical persons responsible for organizing daily iiq

worship services and church ceremonies on the occasion of holidays o

in the various residences where the King and his family stayed (Sanc- ^

torum Collegium clericorum)32. In general, there are the churches ^

at castles and estates of the royal domain located in Paris, Senlis, g

Melun, Soissons, Etampes, etc.: it is known, the first Capetians did ^

not have a fixed capital33. §

We see that under the first Capetians, king's Chief chaplain, ^ the keeper of the palace, traditionally also called the Apocrisiary, was § the Archbishop of Rheims34. And, according the Carolingian tradi- ^ tion, this person was simultaneously the head of the royal chancellery. By the time of Anna Yaroslavna's arrival in France, the positions of Chancellor and Chief chaplain were held by different § persons. Still king Robert II, in order to reduce the increased influ- g ence of the Archbishop of Rheims, committed both posts to court § cleric Baldwin, a little-known person35. Nevertheless, Baldwin § entered the history of France as a chancellor who served three kings. g Apparently, as a young man, he entered the trust of Robert II (1015), §

30 Branner R. The Sainte-Chapelle and the Capella Regis in the Thirteenth Century // Gesta. V. 10. № 1. 1971. P. 19; Perrichet L. La grande chancellerie de France, des origines à 1328. Thèse pour le doctorat. Paris, 1912. P. 54.

31 Theoria, et praxis Sacramentorum censurarum, monitorium, et irregu- ^ laritatum auctore Gaspare Juvenin. T. III. Venetiis, 1672. P. 195.

32 Helgaud de Fleury. Vie de Robert le Pieux / Éd. R.-H. Bautier et G. Labo-ry. Paris, 1965. P. 68, 72, 86, 88; Du Peyrat G. Histoire ecclésiastique de la cour. P. 95.

33 Guyotjeannin O. Résidences et palais des premiers Capétiens en Île-de-France // Vincennes, aux origines de l'État moderne / Éd. J. Chapelot et E. Lalou. Paris, 1996. P. 123-135.

34 Hincmar de Reims. De ordini palatii / Éd. M. Prou. Paris, 1885. Ch. 32; Du Chesne F. Histoire des chanceliers et des gardes des sceaux de France. Paris, 1680. P. 144-155; Perrichet L. La grande chancellerie de France, des origines à 1328. P. 42-73.

35 Boussard J. Les évêques en Neustrie avant la Réforme grégorienne (9501050 environ) // Journal des savants. 1970. № 3. P. 161-196. Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France (1060-1108). P. L-LIII.

га who named him Apocrisiary (Sacri Palatii Apocrisiarius)36. Later, о this title disappeared from the charters, and Baldwin signed the roy-tj al acts only as a Chancellor (In Palatio Henrici regis cancellarius; О Ego, Balduinus, mnceUamis relegendo subscripsi) or was mentioned л in it as the Chief chaplain (signum Balduini archicapellani)31. In the о late 1040s, however, the position of Chief chaplain was transferred g by Henry I to the court cleric Adelard, which was likely due to the ^ increased responsibilities of the Royal chancellery and the difficult 2 relations with the papacy38. It is also probable that in this time Bald-^ win received the episcopacy of Noyon, which added to his duties39. ^ In any case, since 1047 his name in the royal acts was no longer relat-^ ed to the position of the king 's Chief chaplain.

There are thirteen acts published with the participation of Anna Yaroslavna and signed by Chancellor Baldwin40. Most of them are from the period of Philip I's minority. It is obvious that the Queen Mother had regency powers, although she shared it partly with the official regent, her son-in-law Count Baldwin V of Flanders41. It is highly likely that in the early 1060s Anna in many ways relied on the support of clergymen in the Royal curia. Baldwin constantly accompanied the Queen and her son on trips through the royal domain: the geography of the movements of the court, according to acts, was quite wide (Dreux-Paris-Senlis-Etampes-Rheims-Senlis-Paris-Soissons-Orleans-Melun-Paris). The acts of the young

36 Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. T. X. Paris, 1760. P. 597.

37 Diplomata Henrici I, Francorum regis // Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. T. XI. P. 566; Soehnée F. Catalogue des actes d'Henri Ier, roi de France. № 76. P. 80; Guyotjeannin O. Les actes d'Henri ler et la chancellerie royale dans les années 1020-1060 // Comptes rendus desséances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. 132e année. № 1, 1988. Р. 81-97.

38 Oroux E., l'abbé. Histoire ecclésiastique de la cour de France. T. I. Paris, 1777. P. 186; Rituel du diocése de Soissons. T. I. Paris, 1753. P. XXXVII.

39 Archon, l'abbé. Histoire de la Chapelle des rois de France. P. 32.

40 Diplomata Henrici I, Francorum regis. № XXXV. P. 604; Recueil de chartes et documents de Saint-Martin-des-Champs, monastère parisien / Éd. J. Depoin. T. I. Paris, 1912. P. 14-18, 27-28; Recueil des actes de Philippe Ier, roi de France (1060-1108). № 4. P. 13-15; № 5. P. 15-17; № 9. P. 28-30; № 10. P. 30-31; № 11. P. 32-34; № 12. P. 34-37; № 13. P. 38-41; № 18. P. 51-54; № 32. P. 97-99; № 36. P. 105-107.

41 Ward E. J. Anne of Kiev (c.1024 - c. 1075) and a reassessment of maternal power in the minority kingship of Philip I of France // Historical Research. Vol. 89. № 245 (August 2016). P. 435-453.

King, published with the participation of the Queen or with the sig- §

natures of Anna Yaroslavna, signed by chancellor Baldwin, are g

mostly the provision and confirmation of various privileges and immu- ^

nities to the monasteries and churches of the King's domain. ^

For example, on the 14th of May 1061, «with the advice of our ^

beloved mother Anna», King confirms the gift to the Church of St. iiq

Nicaise in Rheims the manor of Oudilcourt with all revenues42. In the о


same year in Paris, in his charter written «with the participation and at g

the request of Anna, the Honourable Queen and our mother», the king ^ guarantees the inviolability of the former royal gifts to the Church of the


Virgin Mary in Poissy43. In 1065 in Orleans, Philip I, «with the approval ^

of my mother Anna and Count Baldwin» (of Flanders), also confirms §

the right of St. Martin's Monastery in Paris to the altars of the church ^

in Janville and the church in Neuvy-en-Beauce, etc.44 о

In 1059, shortly before his death, Henry I decided to crown his son ¡^ Philip I, making him a co-ruler, like his predecessors, father and grandfather. For this political action, it was necessary to secure the support

of Archbishop Gervais of Reims, the most influential prelate in France. §

On this occasion the honorary position of Archchancellor was specially g

restored: it is possible that Gervais himself insisted on this, because he 0

was famous as a supporter of strengthening church influence and con- о

sidered himself a mediator in relations between the King and the g

Pope45. However, according to the royal acts Chancellor Baldwin con- §

tinued to perform his duties and in fact headed the royal chancellery ^

until his death in 1067. Moreover, some church authors note that g

in 1060 Baldwin was reinstated as the king-boy's Chief chaplain46. и


42 Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France (1060-1108). № 10. P. 30-31.

43 Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France (1060-1108). № 12. P. 34-37.

44 Recueil de chartes et documents de Saint-Martin-des-Champs, monastère parisien. P. 27-28.

45 Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France (1060-1108). P. XLIX-L; Ott J. S. Bishops, Authority and Community in Northwestern Europe, c. 1050-1150. P. 159-196.

46 Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France (1060-1108). № 130. P. 120-123; см. также: Pécheur L.-V., l'abbé. Annales du diocèse de Soissons. T. II. Soissons, 1868. P. 67; Clavel de Saint-Geniez, le chanoine. Histoire chrétienne des dioceses de France. T. I. Paris, 1855. P. 487.

га The intervention of Anna Yaroslavna in the reappointment of Baldo win could be very likely.

tj With the death of Archbishop Gervais in the same year 1067,

О the position of Archchancellor in France was abolished forever: л King Philip I began to rule independently and decided not to restore


о it for political reasons. According to the witness signatures in the acts g of Henry I and Philip I, mentioning Anna's name, it is possible to learn ^ the names of royal chaplains: Ansculf (S.[Ans]culfi capellani), Giszelin g (S. Guiszelini capellani)47, Richard (Signum Ricardi rnpellani)48. In four ^ acts 1060, the court chaplain Eustache is listed as vice-chancellor, ^ deputy Baldwin (Eustachius regis сapellanus vice Balduini cancellarii ^ regis subscripsit)49. In another charter we see another name of vice-chancellor, Gotfried (Eustachius et Gostfridus capellani interfuerunt)50. Thus, there was still a close organizational connection, coming from the Carolingians, between two different functional parts of the King's household — the Chancellery and the Chapel, in which the same ecclesiastical persons combined the positions responsible for the public administration and spiritual life of the court51.

It is difficult to understand whether one of them simultaneously was a priest of the Queen of France: there is no direct evidence. The Senlis act of Philip I of 1060 in favor of the monastery of St. Lucian, after the signature of Anna and other witnesses, there is also signature of Gozbert, cleric (S. Gozberti clerici)52. Senlis was a city closely associated with the name of Anna Yaroslavna: between 1065 and 1069 she established there a monastery in commemoration of her husband, and consecrated it to saint Vincent. Therefore, it is possible that Gozbert or other Senlis clerics were the priests of her entourage53.

47 Boussard J. Actes royaux et pontificaux des Xe et XIe siècles du chartrier de Saint-Maur des Fossés // Journal des savants. Année 1972. № 2. P. 105-106.

48 Recueil de chartes et documents de Saint-Martin-des-Champs, monastère parisien. P. 14-18.

49 Recueil de chartes et documents de Saint-Martin-des-Champs, monastère parisien. P. 14-18.

50 Recueil des actes de Philippe Ier, roi de France (1060-1108). № 5. P. 15-17, 47-49, 97-99, 120-123.

51 Perrichet L. La grande chancellerie de France, des origines à 1328. P. 42, etc.

52 Recueil des actes de Philippe Ier, roi de France (1060-1108). № 5. P. 15-17.

53 Recueil des actes de Philippe Ier, roi de France (1060-1108). № 130. P. 329-331; Ott J. S. Bishops, Authority and Community in Northwestern

French historians have recently noticed that chaplains of the §

court of Capetians eventually promoted by the kings to the posts g of abbots of royal monasteries or to episcopal places and thus

expanded the sphere of royal influence54. The ecclesiastical career ^

of Chancellor Baldwin and court chaplain Adelard confirms this ^

suggestion. We know the examples where Queen Anna continued iiq

this practice. The abbot of the royal monastery of Tournus in Bur- о

gundy, Wilhelm, also a former royal chaplain, during the corona- g

tion celebrations in 1059, as a special favor, received from the king ^ the right to sign the royal act instead of Chancellor Baldwin, pub-


lished «for the sake of saving my soul, and [the soul] my wife Anna, ^

and our son, King Philip» (pro salute anime mee, conjugisque mee §

Anne, filiique nostri Philippi Regis), in the presence of Henry I and ^

Anna Yaroslavna (Scriptum manu Guilhelmi ad vicem Balduini о

regii cancellarii)55. ¡^

It is possible with the Queen's influence, the abbey has obtained the considerable privileges: the right to mint its own coin; the right

to hold fair days on the holidays of St. Peter and Paul, on the Blessed §

Virgin's birthday, on day of St. Martin; the right of monks to elect g

an abbot (with the King 's consent); exemption from land and river 0

taxes and fees. о

In sum our conclusion is: Queen Anna made the decisions in con- g

sent with the policies of Henry I and his predecessors, contributed §

to the further strengthening of ecclesiastical influence at court, ^

and in particular the influence of bishops in the Royal curia. g

All actions of the Queen Mother in 1060s continued the church jSj

policy of the Capetians, aimed the consolidating of alliance with ^ the church to oppose to the hostile feudal clans, first of all Norman and Burgundian, as well as the influence of the Pope and Gregorian reform, for the sake of preserving the throne to her son. We can argue that Anna Yaroslavna facilitated the nomination of royal clerics to abbots and bishops, listen the advice of bishops, and used

Europe, c. 1050-1150. P. 36.

54 Barthèlemy D. La chevalerie: De la Germanie antique à la France du XIIe siècle. Paris, 2007.

55 Diplomata Henrici I, Francorum regis. № XXXIII. P. 600-602; Juenin P., chanoin. Nouvelle histoire de l'abbaye royale et collegiale de Saint-Filibert, et de la ville de Tournus. Dijon, 1733. P. 94-97.

m their influence during the period of Philip I's minority to strengthen o the dynasty's position, in exchange for granting them military pro-

tj tection, patronage, privileges and immunities.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.



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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

pq Demouy P. Le sacre de la reine de France dans le pontifical

o de l'Église de Reims (BM Reims, Ms. 343) // Bulletin de la Société S Nationale des Antiquaires de France. 2013/2015. P. 293. m Dhondt J. Henri 1er, l'Empire et l'Anjou (1043-1056) // Revue belge

° de philologie et d'histoire. T. 25. Fasc. 1-2. 1946. P. 87-109.

Dhondt J. Quelques aspects du règne d'Henri 1er, roi de France // o Mélanges d'histoire du Moyen Âge: dédiés à la mémoire de Louis Hal-g phen. Paris: PUF, 1951. P. 199-208.

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de Saint-Filibert, et de la ville de Tournus. — Dijon: A. de Fay, 1733. — ¡j^

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nales' au Moyen Âge (IXe-XVe siècle). — Paris: Presses universitaires §

de France, 2017. — 1112 p. o

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normande» en Europe au XIe siècle: L'exemple d'Anne de Kiev // w

911-2011: Penser les mondes normands médiévaux: Actes du collo- ^

que international de Caen et Cerisy (29 septembre - 2 octobre 2011) / w

Éd. D. Bates & P. Bauduin. Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2016. ©

P. 177-206. §

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T. I. — Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1777. — 716 p. ©

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Europe, c. 1050-1150. — Cambridge: Cambridge university press, g

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T. 144 (1). S. Petri Damiani... opera omnia. — Paris: J.-P. Migne, ©

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Recueil de chartes et documents de Saint-Martin-des-Champs, monastère parisien / Éd. J. Depoin. T. I. — Paris: Jouve, 1912. — 328 p.

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Основание монастыря св. Мартина в Париже: Генрих I дарует грамоту. Миниатюра XIII в. (ВпК Моиу. acq.l359. К 1у.)




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