THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN THE PUBLIC ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
theory / electronics / generators
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планированию для обеспечения устойчивого развития, улучшения экономической, продовольственной, водной и экологической безопасности, а также подготовки экономики страны к возможным последствиям изменения климата. Наряду с этим предусмотрен комплекс адаптационных мер по систематическому использованию природных ресурсов, борьбе с деградацией земель, развитию лесного хозяйства и расширению площадей садоводства, улучшению состояния орошаемых земель и борьбе с засолением почв.

Меры, принимаемые по увеличению лесных площадей в стране, являются одним из инструментов нейтрализации углекислого газа в воздухе, стабилизации почвы и предотвращения ее эрозии. Хотя политика облесения в Туркменистане непрерывно реализуется с 1998 года, в 2013 году была принята Национальная программа лесного хозяйства. В рамках программы на республиканском уровне проводятся мероприятия по высадке до 3 миллионов саженцев по всей стране ежегодно.

За последние 20 лет в Туркменистане было посажено более 100 миллионов деревьев, в основном лиственных и хвойных пород. При этом садоводческая деятельность учитывает почвенно-климатические особенности регионов в целях обеспечения экологической устойчивости. Например, в Дашогузском велаяте высаживают растения, произрастающие в пустыне, например, осоку белую.

Еще одна масштабная адаптационная мера - строительство озера Алтын Асыр в пустыне Каракумы. Реализация данного проекта позволит собирать паводковые воды для их дальнейшего повторного использования, вернуть затопленные плотины, улучшить качество орошаемых земель, исключить сброс паводковых вод в пески пустыни Каракумы, тем самым уменьшая почвенность почвы. деградация, засоление почв. Это помогает решить многие проблемы, связанные с заболоченными территориями и засухой, создать благоприятные условия для перелетных птиц, а также для развития рыболовства.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Международные экономические отношения. Ашхабад, 2016

2. Теория экономических теорий. Ашхабад, 2013

© Алтыев Н.А., Нурназарова Дж., 2023

УДК 33

Аннагулыев М., преподаватель Исмаилов Б., преподаватель Атдаев Н., студент Азизбеков А., студент

Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана

Научный руководитель: Какабаев Г.

преподаватель Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули



theory, electronics, generators

Since the 30s of the last century, semiconductor electronics has been intensively developed. The scientists of the St. Petersburg Institute of Physics and Technology paid great attention to the theory and practical use of

semiconductors. and focused on alternating current transmission. All these experiments fully proved academician A.F. loffani's theory about semiconductors. proved the seven in full. A.I. Frenkel. L.D.Landan, B.I.Davydov developed the theory of the emergence of EHG when the semiconductor is illuminated, semiconductor thermoelectric batteries were prepared and used in electronics. Then thermoelectric generators led to the invention of solar cells. Academician A.F. loff was awarded the Linin Prize in 1961 for creating the semiconductor scientific theory and preparing devices based on it.

In 1972, a group of scientists under the guidance of V. M. Tuchkevichi developed a heterogeneous semiconductor.

They are awarded the Lenin Prize for their inventions. Academician Z.I. Algyorova played a major role in this great scientific and practical field. Currently, great attention is paid to the development of technical semiconductor devices. Physical electronics includes modern semiconductor electronics, vacuum devices, microelectronics, cry electronics, acoustoelectronics, quantum electronics, optoelectronics, and electronics. Semiconductor devices in electronics have been associated for many years with the development of electronic devices such as electron and ion electro vacuum devices. But in recent years, the main components in all areas of modern electronics will be made of semiconductors.

Technical semiconductor devices remained an important area of electronics. The replacement of electronic lamps with semiconductor devices has been carried out at a very high level in radio engineering. The industry produces a large number of semiconductor devices. Crystalline detectors were used throughout the development of radio technology. These deflectors are semiconductor diodes and are designed for high frequency current. Sulfur and selenium semiconductor rectifiers are used for alternating current rectification. But semiconductor devices and 327 is impossible to obtain, the level reached today is above 2 ^m. Multiple refractive waveguides are used to avoid generating more than one pocket mode. The laser waveguide is constructed so that the refractive index varies along the x-axis as well. Based on the strong waveguide effect, even a low-frequency mode is generated in the laser. Such lasers are often used in practice. A wavelength mode spectrum is used in refractive waveguide lasers.

In refracted waveguide lasers, it is rare to obtain single-mode long-wave modulation in continuous mode, but multimode generation can occur at very high modulation. A special design is used to avoid multi-mode distortion in the generation of the waveform. Unlike conventional Fabry-Perot resonators, it is reasonable to design a low-loss resonator for a specific mode of the wavelength, thus simplifying the solution. In other words, the resonator will have a certain mode of resonance and will not have a high efficiency for that mode. Voltage generation in laser resonators depends on the threshold current, resonator loss, active layer thickness, and several other key design features.

Avalanche photodiodes are excellent photodetectors due to their very high sensitivity and high-speed characteristics. But for these to work stably, a reverse voltage solution with very high stability (stabilization) is required. Considering these conditions, it is very convenient to use p-i-n photodiodes with a special amplifier. According to waveguide theory, when the refractive index of the active layer is n1 and the refractive index of the underlying layer is n2, and the relative difference between them is a = (n1-n2)/n1 = =0.08, then another low-order pocket mode is generated. Four points should be reached: d < 0.45 ^m and A < 0.45 ^m. In semiconductor lasers, the thickness of the active layer d § 0.1 - 0.2 ^m can be obtained, but A < 0.45 ^m.

The principle of operation of crystal detectors has not been discussed for a long time. The advantage is great when semiconductor devices are replaced by electronic lamps. They include the following: Semiconductor devices are very small in mass and size; They are stable to changing energy in sleep mode and have a long service life (more than 10 hours); The efficiency coefficient of semiconductor devices is higher than that of electronic lamps;

Semiconductors have a wider range of applications in microelectronic devices than in electronic lamps. In addition to this, semiconductor devices also have several disadvantages. The parameters and characteristics of

semiconductors in a given region are somewhat different from their dependence laws; physical properties and parameters of semiconductors are highly dependent on their temperature;

A number of semiconductor devices degrade their properties and parameters over time, for example, semiconductor transistors develop additional damaging noises over time; Several types of transistors cannot transmit high-frequency electrical signals in a circuit;

Input resistance is small when electronic tubes are used in many transistors. A number of semiconductor devices whose useful capacity is reduced by electrovacuum devices are still under the influence of ionizing radiation. Currently, great efforts are being made to improve the principle of operation of semiconductor devices. One thing to note here is that new materials must be used to create semiconductor devices. Today, transistors are widely used in amplifiers, receivers, televisions, measuring instruments, pulse circuits, electronic calculators, and computer technology. Literature:

1. M. Serginov. S19 Physical Electronics. Study guide for university students

2. G. Toylyev T.M. Yusupov G. Orazov Physics problems

© AHHarynbieB M., McMaM^OB E., ATgaeB H., A3M36eKOB A., 2023


Аннамухаммедов Я. С.

Преподаватель кафедры мировой экономики Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления

г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан Максатмурадов А. Магистрант кафедры мировой экономики Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления

г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан


В данной статье представлен краткий обзор развитии внешней торговли Туркменистана, а также введена информация о расширении партнерств с зарубежными странами.

Ключевые слова

Внешняя торговля, рыночная экономика, национальная система, внедрение, регулирование,

частная собственность, совокупность.

Annamuhammedov Y. S.

Lecturer at the Department of World Economics Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Maksatmyradov A. Master's student at the Department of World Economics Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

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