THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Turaev H.

This article discusses the role of physical culture in the development of society.

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УДК 374

Turaev H. senior lecturer department of humanities Andijan Machine-Building Institute



Abstract: This article discusses the role of physical culture in the development of society.

Key words: sports, physical culture, physical education, health.

The main elements of physical culture: physical exercises, their complexes and competitions in them, hardening of the body, occupational and household hygiene, active-motor types of tourism, physical labor as a form of active recreation for mental workers.

In society, physical culture, being the property of the people, is an important means of «educating a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection." It helps to increase the social and labor activity of people, the economic efficiency of production; the physical culture movement is based on the multifaceted activities of state and public organizations in the field of physical culture and sports.

Sport is an integral part of physical culture, as well as a means and method of physical education, a system for organizing and conducting competitions in various complexes of physical exercises and preparatory training sessions. It has historically developed as a special area for identifying and unified comparison of people's achievements in certain types of physical exercises, their level of physical development. Sport in a broad sense covers the actual competitive activity, special training for it (sports training), specific social relations arising in the field of this activity, its socially significant results.

The social value of sport lies in the fact that it is a factor that most effectively stimulates physical culture, contributes to moral, aesthetic education, and the satisfaction of spiritual needs. Various elements of human activity have historically entered the sphere of sports. Sports that have a centuries-old history have developed from original physical exercises, forms of labor and military activity used by a person for the purpose of physical education in ancient times -running, jumping, throwing, lifting weights, rowing, swimming, etc.; part of modern sports was formed in the 19-20 centuries. on the basis of the sport itself and related areas of culture - games, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, modern pentathlon, figure skating, orienteering, sports tourism, etc.; technical sports -based on the development of technology: auto, motorcycle, cycling, aviation sports, scuba diving, etc.

Physical education is an integral part of human life. It occupies a rather important place in the study and work of people. Physical exercise plays a significant role in the working capacity of members of society, which is why knowledge and skills in physical culture should be introduced in educational institutions of various levels in stages. A significant role in the upbringing and teaching of physical culture is also invested by higher educational institutions, where teaching should be based on clear methods, methods that together line up in a well-organized and well-established methodology for teaching and educating students.

The physical culture of the people is part of its history. Its formation, subsequent development is closely connected with the same historical factors that influence the formation and development of the country's economy, its statehood, political and spiritual life of society. Naturally, the concept of physical culture includes everything that is created by the mind, talent, needlework of the people, everything that expresses its spiritual essence, a view of the world, nature, human existence, human relations.

Sport is an organic part of physical culture and is a combination of material and spiritual values that are created and used by society for playing physical activity of people, aimed at intensive specialized training for the subsequent maximum manifestation of abilities through competition in predetermined motor actions.

Consequently, sport is an activity that serves the interests of society, realizing educational, preparatory and communicative functions, but is not a permanent specialty (profession) of a person. The true nature and significance of physical culture in society, its advanced deep understanding can only be known taking into account the constant expansion of the view of the world, which is changing under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution and socio-economically.

Physical culture and sport is one of the most important factors in strengthening and maintaining health. Modern society is interested in preserving and improving the physical and mental health of a person, increasing his intellectual potential. This is especially important today, in the conditions of a sharp decrease in motor activity.

The understanding that the future of any country is determined by the health of members of society has led to an increase in the role of physical culture and sports in strengthening the state and society and the active use of physical culture and sports in maintaining and strengthening the health of the population.

that is why in recent years the place of sport in the system of values of modern culture has increased dramatically. The number of mass sports competitions for children and youth has increased, both in the regions and at the federal level. Favorable conditions are being created for the improvement of people's health in labor collectives, in educational institutions, courtyards and

microdistricts, and recreation places are being equipped with sports facilities. Significant progress has been made in the development of physical culture and sports work among the disabled.

Russian sport as a field of activity, a way of life is at the stage of transformation. Some sports are popular and developed, while others disappear unnoticed. In Russia, a social phenomenon is emerging, expressed in the acute economic interest of people in maintaining health as the basis of material well-being. People became interested in sports. Even those who previously perceived it only as something that can be watched on TV now go to gyms, swimming pools, discover new sports. All this has a positive effect on the mental and physical health of people.


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