SOCIETY AS A SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tulanov M.

In this article, society is analyzed as a self-governing, organizing system. In the article, the author reveals the interdependence of the spheres of society.

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Текст научной работы на тему «SOCIETY AS A SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEM»

УДК 316

Tulanov M. senior lecturer department of humanities Andijan Machine-Building Institute


Abstract: In this article, society is analyzed as a self-governing, organizing system. In the article, the author reveals the interdependence of the spheres of society.

Key words: society, human, system, management, self-organization.

Among all complex systems known to modern science, society (Society) is a super-complex self-organizing and self-developing, open, dissipative social system, the mode of existence of which is the activity of people. Among all complex systems known to modern science, society (Society) is a super-complex self-organizing and self-developing, open, dissipative social system, the mode of existence of which is the activity of people.

If we take into account the origin of the word "society", it becomes necessary for its detailed characterization to introduce the concept of "system" and consider society from the point of view of a systematic approach. If we take into account the origin of the word "society", it becomes necessary for its detailed characterization to introduce the concept of "system" and consider society from the point of view of a systematic approach. System - a set or combination of parts and elements that are interconnected and interact in a certain way with each other. They talk about the solar system, the river system, the nervous system. A system is any set of phenomena that are interconnected and interact with each other. In this sense, the system is also that unity, the constituent parts of which are society and nature.

Basic concepts of society as a system Element - the smallest particle of the system or their totality (social objects, relations, institutions) Relations -communication, dependence between the subjects of society. Structure is a form of stable connections, relationships between the elements of the system. The subject-bearer of activity aimed at another phenomenon. The object-phenomenon to which the activity is directed. A social system is a set of social objects and subjects, their properties and relationships that form an integral social organism - an ordered set of interconnected and interacting elements. At the same time, individual parts create society as a single system with special properties that its individual parts do not have.

Elements of society as a system: man-personality; small and large social groups; ethnic or national communities; states or unions of states; various

organizations and associations with a clearly presented structure; spheres of public life: economic, political, legal, financial, science, religion, art, etc.

Self-sufficiency is the ability of a system by its own activity to create and recreate all the necessary conditions for its own existence, to produce everything necessary for collective life. Self-sufficiency is the ability of a system by its own activity to create and recreate all the necessary conditions for its own existence, to produce everything necessary for collective life. At the same time, self-sufficiency is characteristic only for society as a whole, while self-organization and self-development can also be present in certain parts of society! In addition, parts of the social system are not just interconnected, but also mutually penetrate each other (for example, economics and politics). The most important feature of human society is the unpredictability, non-linearity of development. The presence in society of a large number of subsystems, the constant clash of interests and goals of various subjects creates the prerequisites for the implementation of various options and models of future development

The fundamental difference between social systems and natural ones lies, first of all, in the fact that they combine self-organization with organization, since people who are gifted with consciousness act in society, setting themselves certain goals, guided by the motives of their behavior and value orientations. The fundamental difference between social systems and natural ones lies, first of all, in the fact that they combine self-organization with organization, since people who are gifted with consciousness act in society, setting themselves certain goals, guided by the motives of their behavior and value orientations. A striking example of the implementation of the process of self-organization in society is the mechanism by which a correspondence is maintained between supply and demand, production and consumption in a market economy. The market in this case can be considered as a self-organizing complex system. An example of self-organization is information infrastructures that develop within and between countries. This means that the spread of personal computers and the development of electronic communications via the Internet has led to the possibility of free and spontaneous exchange and dissemination of information throughout the planet, greatly expanding the possibilities of self-organization of various communities.

The complex nature of the development of society is determined by its very complex structure, the action in it of many heterogeneous factors. First of all, it carries out various types of social activities in their nature and content: production and economic, social, political, religious, aesthetic and others, which seem to have their own social space. The latter is outlined by the corresponding type of social relations within which this or that social activity takes place. As a result, various spheres of social life are formed. The main ones are economic, social, political, spiritual.

The economic sphere includes the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. This is the sphere of the functioning of

production, the direct implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the implementation of the entire set of production relations of people, including ownership of the means of production, the exchange of activities and the distribution of material wealth.

The economic sphere acts as an economic space in which the economic life of the country is organized, the interaction of all sectors of the economy is carried out. as well as international economic cooperation. Here, the economic consciousness of people, their material interest in the results of their production activities, as well as their creative abilities, are directly embodied in life. The activities of economic management institutions are also implemented here. In the economic sphere, the interaction of all objective and subjective factors of economic development is carried out. The significance of this sphere for the development of society is fundamental.

The social sphere is the sphere of relations between social groups existing in society, including classes, professional and socio-demographic strata of the population (youth, the elderly, etc.), as well as national communities about the social conditions of their life and activities.

We are talking about creating healthy conditions for the production activity of people, about ensuring the necessary standard of living for all segments of the population, about solving the problems of health care, public education and social security, about observing social justice in the exercise by each person of his right to work, as well as in the distribution and consumption of created in a society of material and spiritual benefits, on the resolution of contradictions arising from the social stratification of society, on the social protection of the relevant segments of the population. This refers to the regulation of the whole complex of social-class and national relations concerning working conditions, life, education and the standard of living of people.


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