THE ROLE OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FORMATION OF PERSONAL SPIRITUAL CULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Azimov A.M.

В данной статье рассматривается роль философии в формировании духовной культуры личности.This article examines the role of philosophy in the formation of the spiritual culture of the individual.

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the state. There was slavery.

The basis of the demand for the benefit lies in the subjective assessment of the marginal utility of the benefit by consumers (buyers). At the heart of the supply of benefits are the costs of production. A manufacturer cannot sell at a price that does not cover its production costs.

If classical economic theory considered price formation from the standpoint of a producer, then neoclassical theory considers pricing both from the standpoint of the consumer (demand) and from the standpoint of the producer (suggestion).Neoclassical economic theory, like classical political economy, proceeds from the principle of economic liberalism, the principle of free competition.

But in their studies of neoclassicism, they place greater emphasis on the study of applied practical problems, using quantitative analysis and mathematics rather than qualitative (meaningful, causal). The greatest attention is paid to the problems of efficient use of limited resources at the microeconomic level, at the enterprise and household levels. Neoclassical economic theory is one of the foundations of many areas of modern economic thought.

Used sources:

1. Blaug M. Neoclassical theory of money, interest and prices // Economic thought in retrospect = Economic Theory in Retrospect. - M .: Delo, 1994. - p. 586-606. -XVII, 627 p. - ISBN 5-86461-151-4.

2. Neoclassical direction / G. D. Gloveli // The Great Russian Encyclopedia: [in 35 t.] / Ch. ed. Yu. S. Osipov. - M.: The Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2004-2017.

УДК 001.015

Azimov A.M.

Teacher of the department of social and humanitarian sciences

Andijan state medical Institute Uzbekistan, the city of Andijan THE ROLE OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FORMATION OF PERSONAL


Abstract: This article examines the role ofphilosophy in the formation of the spiritual culture of the individual.

Keywords: philosophy, spirituality, culture, personality


Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается роль философии в формировании духовной культуры личности.

Ключевые слова: философия, духовность, культура, личность

Philosophy is the oldest and most fascinating area of human knowledge. A special kind of spiritual human life. Philosophy originated in the VII-VI centuries

BC at the same time in ancient Greece, China, and India. The origins of philosophy

- mythology and religion. Philosophy emerged in early class society from the need to generalize the entire experience of knowing the world of man and to form a complete picture of the world. Philosophy developed as a science of science. For the first time the term "philosophy" was used by Pythagoras. "Philo" - love, "sophia"

- wisdom. Love of wisdom. Heraclitus called the philosopher the researcher of the nature of things. Plato said that philosophy is the knowledge of the one. The vocation of philosophers - posing worldview questions and finding answers to them.

From the very beginning, philosophy had two different goals that were considered to be closely related. On the one hand, philosophy sought to theoretical understanding of the structure of the world; on the other, she tried to find and tell the best possible way of life.

Traditionally, philosophy is defined as the study of the root causes and beginnings of all things - universal principles, within which there is and changes both being and thinking, as perceived by the Cosmos, and comprehends its spirit. Philosophy includes such various disciplines as logic, metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, aesthetics, ethics, etc., in which such questions are asked, such as, "Does God exist?", "Is objective knowledge possible?", " What makes one or another act right or wrong? "The fundamental method of philosophy is to build conclusions that evaluate certain arguments concerning similar questions. Meanwhile, exact boundaries and a unified methodology of philosophy does not exist. There are debates about what to consider philosophy, and the very definition of philosophy is different in numerous schools of thought.

Philosophy is an ideological discipline (science), since its task is to review the world as a whole, to search for answers to the most common questions. Worldview is a system of the most general views of the world (nature and society) and the place of man in this world. In the history of mankind, 4 forms of worldview are distinguished: mythology, religion, science, and philosophy. Philosophy is one of the oldest areas of knowledge, spiritual culture. All phenomena of cultural life grow on the basis of worldview. Philosophy in culture, as a system of theoretical and conscious (thoughtful, analyzed) elements of a worldview, is even more important than a worldview. Philosophy is the theoretical foundation of culture and, at the same time, its culture, the highest conscious expression. It was not by chance that Hegel, and after him, Karl Marx, called philosophy "the flower of the culture of the nation." Philosophy, of course, is part of the culture, is itself an element of culture, but at the same time fulfills in it, in culture, the role of yeast, which by its fermentation prepares baking and eating bread of culture — works of art, scientific discoveries , moral codes and everything else that serves as spiritual food for humanity.

Philosophy reveals the generally significant (natural and social) conditions of human creative activity, which "processes", improves reality, and with it its own nature, its intellectual, moral and aesthetic potencies. So culture manifests itself as a way of functioning of the essential forces of the individual. The development of

culture is in direct connection with the liberation of man from natural dependence, his enslavement by the state, society, and his own vices. Freedom, which is the central problem of philosophical anthropology, as it is achieved determines the development of man by the results of his own activity, and not by the intervention of external, including supernatural, extraneous forces. Thus, culture receives deep philosophical foundations for the realization of the possibilities of liberated labor in the creation of material and spiritual values. Some of them are unique, unique, culturally common. Philosophy, using axiological, i.e. value approach, reveals the ratio of the inner world of a person, his worldview orientations, motivations, needs and interests, the level of personal culture achieved in general and external forms of life activity, aimed at creating generally significant samples of material or spiritual culture. Thus, it forms the sphere of manifestation of the true essence, acts simultaneously as an incentive stimulus, a necessary condition and the cumulative result of its development. The category of culture, developed in philosophy and cultural studies, fixes the measure of a person's mastery of his inner and outer world; a certain system of ways and means, methods and regulatives of human activity. The philosophical theory of culture and cultural development proceeds from the fact that it is an invaluable source of progress for society and man.

The emergence of philosophy was a revolution in the spiritual world of society. A man in his entire history made an attempt to approach the understanding of the world as it exists by itself. With the emergence of philosophy is formed self-consciousness of mankind. Value philosophy The study of philosophy expands a person's horizons, helps in developing a thoughtful attitude to everything that happens in the surrounding world. The study of philosophy allows a person to go beyond the ordinary existence, makes the mind sharper, the spiritual world richer.

Philosophy is free thinking and the search for truth. Philosophy - the doctrine of the world, and the place of man in it; the science of the universal sciences of the development of nature, society. With its help, the worldview achieves a high degree of generalization and theoreticalism, and in turn, a developed worldview allows for a better understanding of philosophical issues.

Used sources:

1. Polat E.S. Training in cooperation [Text] / Е.С. Polat-Moscow, 2000. 16. Polat E.S. The method of projects at foreign language lessons [Text] / E.S. Polat -Moscow, 2000.

2. Уринбоев Х. Б., Мамажонова Г. К. САМОЦЕННОСТЬ И СМЫСЛ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОЙ ЖИЗНИ //Теория и практика современной науки. - 2017. -№. 3. - С. 741-743.

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