THE ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN THE EMERGENCE OF TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Asgari Ali, Bahmani Sajjad

Introduction. Paying attention to the improvement of teachers’ professional ethics is of special importance in educational organizations, especially secondary schools. Accordingly, the present study seeks to investigate the role of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers’ professional ethics. Materials and Methods. This research is descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of the study includes all teachers in Khosf, 180 people, of which according to Cochran’s formula, 123 people were selected as sample members by simple random sampling. Respondents included a majority of female. Denison’s Organizational Culture Questionnaire and Cadozier Professional Ethics Questionnaire were used to collect data. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed using content validity and their reliability was obtained by Cronbachʼs alpha of 0.97 and 0.94, respectively. Data analysis was performed in SmartPLS 3 software environment using structural equation modeling method. Results. The results of testing the main hypothesis of the research showed that organizational culture plays a role in the development of teachers “professional ethics and about 94% of changes in teachers” professional ethics in schools are explained by organizational culture. Also, the results of testing the sub-hypotheses of the research based on examining the role of each component of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers’ professional ethics showed that each of the components of work engagement, integration, adaptation and mission explain the changes in the professional ethics of teachers in schools, among which, the mission component has the most and compatibility has the least impact. Discussion and Conclusion. The conclusions contribute to the development of the concept of organizational culture, provided that organizational culture and its components play a critical role in the development of teachers’ professional ethics. Accordingly, it can be concluded that a good organizational culture in schools can strengthen the professional ethics of teachers and create a good environment for the emergence of professional ethics among them.

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ИНТЕГРАЦИЯ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ. Т. 26, № 1. 2022 ISSN 1991-9468 (Print), 2308-1058 (Online) http://edumag.mrsu.ru


УДК 371.15:371.132

doi: 10.15507/1991-9468.106.026.202201.010-026 Original article

The Role of Organizational Culture in the Emergence of Teachers' Professional Ethics

A. Asgari*, S. Bahmani

University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran, * ali.asgari@birjand.ac.ir


Introduction. Paying attention to the improvement of teachers' professional ethics is of special importance in educational organizations, especially secondary schools. Accordingly, the present study seeks to investigate the role of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers' professional ethics.

Materials and Methods. This research is descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of the study includes all teachers in Khosf, 180 people, of which according to Cochran's formula, 123 people were selected as sample members by simple random sampling. Respondents included a majority of female. Denison's Organizational Culture Questionnaire and Cadozier Professional Ethics Questionnaire were used to collect data. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed using content validity and their reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha of 0.97 and 0.94, respectively. Data analysis was performed in SmartPLS 3 software environment using structural equation modeling method.

Results. The results of testing the main hypothesis of the research showed that organizational culture plays a role in the development of teachers "professional ethics and about 94% of changes in teachers" professional ethics in schools are explained by organizational culture. Also, the results of testing the sub-hypotheses of the research based on examining the role of each component of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers' professional ethics showed that each of the components of work engagement, integration, adaptation and mission explain the changes in the professional ethics of teachers in schools, among which, the mission component has the most and compatibility has the least impact.

Discussion and Conclusion. The conclusions contribute to the development of the concept of organizational culture, provided that organizational culture and its components play a critical role in the development of teachers' professional ethics. Accordingly, it can be concluded that a good organizational culture in schools can strengthen the professional ethics of teachers and create a good environment for the emergence of professional ethics among them.

Keywords: organizational culture, professional ethics, teacher, SmartPLS, educational organization

Funding: The article is written following the results of the research in the field of educational management.

Acknowledgments: The authors are thankful to the anonymous reviewer for his valuable remakes.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

© Asgari A., Bahmani S., 2022

© 1 Контент доступен под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

For citation: Asgari A., Bahmani S. The Role of Organizational Culture in the Emergence of Teachers' Professional Ethics. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2022; 26(1):10-26. doi: https://doi. org/10.15507/1991-9468.106.026.202201.010-026

Научная статья

Роль организационной культуры в формировании профессиональной этики


А. Асгари*, С. Бахмани

Университет Бирдженда, г. Бирдженд, Иран, * ali.asgari@birjand.ac.ir


Введение. Привлечение внимания к совершенствованию профессиональной этики учителей имеет особое значение в образовательных организациях, особенно в школах. Целью настоящего исследования стало изучение роли организационной культуры в становлении профессиональной этики учителей. Материалы и методы. Данное исследование является описательно-корреляционным с точки зрения метода сбора данных. В исследовании приняли участие 180 чел., из которых, согласно критерию Кохрена, 123 чел. были отобраны в качестве респондентов методом простой случайной выборки. Среди респондентов было большинство женщин, проработавших по специальности 6-10 лет. Для сбора данных использовались анкета организационной культуры Денисона и опросник профессиональной этики Кэдвайзера. Их достоверность была подтверждена с помощью содержательной валидности, а надежность - коэффициентом альфа Кронбаха.

Результаты исследования. Результаты проверки основной гипотезы исследования показали, что организационная культура выполняет значимую роль в развитии профессиональной этики учителей. Было установлено, что каждый из компонентов вовлеченности в работу интеграции, адаптации и миссии объясняет изменения в профессиональной этике учителей в школах, среди которых компонент миссии оказывает наибольшее, а компонент совместимости - наименьшее влияние. Эффективная организационная культура в школах может укрепить профессиональную этику учителей и создать благоприятные условия для зарождения профессиональной этики среди них.

Обсуждение и заключение. Сделанные авторами выводы вносят вклад в развитие концепции организационной культуры при условии, что она и ее компоненты играют решающую роль в развитии профессиональной этики учителей.

Ключевые слова: организационная культура, профессиональная этика, учитель, SmartPLS, образовательная организация

Финансирование: публикация подготовлена по результатам выполнения исследования в области управления образованием.

Благодарности: авторы выражают благодарность рецензентам за указанные замечания, которые позволили повысить качество статьи.

Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Для цитирования: Асгари А., Бахмани С. Роль организационной культуры в формировании профессиональной этики учителей // Интеграция образования. 2022. Т. 26, № 1. С. 10-26. doi: https://doi. org/10.15507/1991-9468.106.026.202201.010-026


Due to the increasing speed of organizations and the complexity of the organizational environment, the role of employees has become more vital and serious [1]. Therefore, new indicators should be developed for

organizations to have a suitable response to global needs and provide a suitable environment for employees to be able to have the best skills. For this purpose, behavioral and ethical management of employees has become a very important issue in organizations

today [2]. On the other hand, the increasing complexity of organizations and increasing the amount of work that is unethical and outside the law in the workplace, has made it necessary for managers to improve professional ethics in all organizations [3]. Employees' professional ethics can increase their greater commitment and responsibility, increase productivity, improve communication, reduce risk and conflict, improve attitudes toward organizational change, and ultimately improve organizational performance [4]. However, the issue of professional ethics is less paid attention to in environments of our country's work; while in advanced societies, in the sciences related to management and organization, there is a branch called professional ethics. However, in our religious community, especially in organizations, not enough attention has been paid to ethics [5]. Therefore, further research on improving ethics, especially in the field of professional ethics in the country is of great importance.

Given what has been said about the importance of professional ethics in organizations, it should be noted that the education system as a driver of social change, with social responsibility to students and society, has a key role in creating and promoting culture. Accordingly, addressing the issue of moral teachers and schools as an organizational priority and providing the grounds for such basic behaviors in schools, principals and teachers is a necessary and essential fact. Teachers, as one of the basic and effective pillars in the education of society and also, a key role in achieving the goals of organizational and social development, need to possess ethics in order to create and cultivate this trait among students. Therefore, addressing the issue of professional ethics among teachers to achieve the goals of educational organizations is considered as an organizational priority and providing the grounds for such basic behaviors in schools and teachers is a necessary reality1.

On the other hand, organizational culture describes a part of the internal environment

of the organization that is a combination of common commitments, beliefs and values among members of the organization that for the excellence and effectiveness of professional ethics in organizations, especially in schools, special attention should be paid to organizational culture; as culture includes a moral concept that for each group defines the boundary between right and wrong or good and bad and generally affects the way of thinking and behavior of individuals [6]. Organizational culture refers to the values, beliefs, norms, laws and goals that are widely accepted in organizations. It determines the way of doing things and organizational life [7]. Therefore, in order to achieve excellence and effectiveness of professional ethics in schools, special attention should be paid to organizational culture [8]. Accordingly, based on what has been said, the present study seeks to investigate the role of organizational culture in the emergence of professional ethics among school teachers.

Literature Review

The concept of professional ethics. Initially, the concept of professional ethics meant work and profession ethic, which many authors defined as equivalent to the Latin word professional ethics or work ethics [9]. Professional ethics is a set of accepted ethical acts and responses established by an organization or professional association that allows members to have the most desirable social relationships in the performance of their professional duties [10]. The definition of professional ethics refers to the following:

1) Professional ethics is the common behavior of practitioners;

2) Professional ethics is the management of human behavior and performance in performing professional work;

3) Professional ethics is a field of ethics that studies job relationships;

4) Professional ethics are a set of guidelines derived primarily from the nature of the profession and activity [9].

Basic Factors of Professional Ethics. The basic factors of professional ethics are:

1 Karami M. Investigating the Causal Relationship between Professional, Organizational Ethics, Ethical Leadership and Social Responsibility Mediated by Social Health (Among Secondary School Teachers in Kurdistan Province). Master Thesis. Educational Management. Urmia: Urmia University; 2017. (In Eng.)

- Professional Independence of Scientific Ethics: This element, like the ethics of all other professional systems, should reflect the sense of moral obligations of professionals and professional institutions. It is not a form of what should and should not be done. Morality should be imposed on them and they should either accept it or be warned. For example, a manager should prioritize issues such as honesty, accuracy, trustworthiness, openness to criticism and evaluation, avoidance of dogma, respect for subordinates and others, respect for privacy and the issue of privacy2.

- Professional self-understanding: Ethics are based on professional self-understanding. It is only through an understanding of one's profession and vocational activity, philosophy and relation to people's lives that a moral understanding can be gained, resulting in an inner sense of responsibility in relation to nature and the world around it. They find these values3.

- Objectivity, neutrality and fairness. Observance of objectivity and neutrality is one of the most important guiding principles and is accepted in most documents and discussions related to scientific professional ethics. Persons who use professional ethics in their work must not display unreasonable prejudice against sources that are characterized by immorality [9].

- Beyond the concept of livelihood: As long as a person is concerned with physiological issues, he will be less interested in other issues. The importance of work ethic is evident in the concept of life support. When people go beyond the material life in their professional activities and businesses, at least three other levels of science and technology activities mean something to them: 1) a sense of efficiency, effectiveness, and quality production. As added value; 2) feeling of serving the people and being useful;

3) Feeling liberated through redistribution of opportunities and critique of power4.

Dimensions of professional ethics. The most important aspects of professional ethics are:

- Accountability: In this case, the person is responsible and accountable for his or her decisions and consequences, is an example to others, is sensitive and ethical, cares for honesty and integrity. Confidence in his work, endeavoring to assume all his responsibilities and carry out the responsibilities he undertakes with all his might and sincerity [2].

- Superiority and competitiveness: In this case, the person in any case strives to be excellent, confident, highly skilled in his profession, serious and hardworking, satisfied with the position present and find ways to improve accordingly and never try to win the competition by any means5.

- Honesty: in this case, the person resists hypocrisy, listens to the voice of his conscience, is always attentive to honor and is courageous and courageous [2].

- Respect for others: In this case, the person respects the rights and opinions of others, is in a good mood and on time, gives other people the right to decide, and does not put his own interests first [9].

- Respect for social values and norms: In this case, the individual respects social values, participates in social activities, respects social laws, and has no prejudices against other cultures. It doesn't work [2].

- Fair and equal: in this case, the person is a supporter of the law, has no prejudice to judge and does not discriminate between people on cultural, social, economic class, race and ethnicity [9].

- Empathy with others: In this case, the person is compassionate and kind, shares and supports the suffering of others, pays attention to the feelings of others and considers the problems of others as his problem [2].

2 Hosseinzadeh A. [Managing Professional Ethics in Educational Organizations]. In: Fourth International Conference on Modern Research in Management, Economics and Accounting. Berlin, Germany; 2016. Available at: https://www.sid.ir/Fa/Seminar/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=63298 (accessed 20.07.2021). (In Pers.)

3 Kardeh S., Shokri A., Sheikhi Gh., Majidi P., Azizzadeh S. [Investigating the Relationship between Managers' Professional Ethics and Improving Their Decision Making in Securities Listed Companies's]. In: International Conference on Management, Economics and Human Resources. Istanbul, Turkey; 2015. Available at: Available at: https://civilica.com/doc/625465 (accessed 20.07.2021). (In Pers.)

4 Ibid.

5 Hosseinzadeh A. [Managing Professional Ethics in Educational Organizations]. (In Pers.)

- Loyalty: In this case, the person is committed to his duties and is secretive and trustworthy to others [9].

The concept of organizational culture. Organizational culture has emerged from the combination of the two words culture and organization. The culture of an organization is like a person's individuality. Organizational culture is a phenomenon that exists in an organization, and all members agree that the invisible hand leads people to some sort of invisible behavior. Knowing and understanding what constitutes an organization's culture, how it is created, and how it constitutes its permanence helps to better justify the behavior of people within the organization [11]. From the perspective of different experts, organizational culture has different meanings. For example, Hana-gan defined organizational culture as the way in which individuals do things in the organization [12]. Gordon also considers organizational culture as a set of assumptions and values of the organization that is widely observed and leads to certain behavioral patterns [13]. Finally, Denison defines organizational culture as the core values, beliefs, and assumptions that exist within an organization, the behavioral patterns that are the result of these shared values, and the symbols that indicate the relationships between them. Members of organization know the connections between assumptions, values and behavior [14]. But in general, it can be said that organizational culture is a set of values, behaviors, beliefs and methods that exist in an organization and distinguishes that organization from other organizations in the group. Also, in the same manner, schools cannot be guided by the same management logic that governs profit-only organizations and corporations. Every decision and practice in business operates and moves accordingly [15].

Types of organizational culture. The Competitive Values Framework theory proposed by Quinn and Cameron is widely used in organizational culture research6. The basic assumption of competitive values is that organizations usually have one of the

following four types of organizational culture or a combination of them [16].

- Group culture (tribal culture): This culture emphasizes flexibility and focuses on the internal environment of the organization and the purpose of the organization is to emphasize group culture in order to preserve groups [17]. The goal of a group culture is to develop human resources with innovative tendencies. Creating and retaining an expert through education is a kind of prediction for producing and accepting innovation [18]. Common characteristics in an organization with a cultural orientation of the dominant tribes are: working group, employee participation programs, a high commitment of employees to the organization and colleagues and high commitment of the company to employees [16]. It even becomes more important in bad situations, as Ghasemzadeh notes that this period has shown multiple implications for crisis leadership, such as readiness, effective communication, shared leadership, and opportunity seizing [19].

- Developing culture: This culture emphasizes flexibility and change and focuses on the external environment and its tendency is towards growth, creativity, innovation and constant adaptation to the external environment. Leaders try to be entrepreneurial and idealistic and take risks and develop the future vision of the organization [17]. Organizations in which this type of culture is prevalent usually have an organic structure and are not mechanical, and are characterized by workplace dynamism, creativity, and entrepreneurship. These organizations have capable personnel and a high degree of risk-taking. Another characteristic of them is effective, creative and risk-taking leadership [18]. Also, as notes Pansiri, despite sophisticated political statements from advanced countries, cases of unethical behavior are increasing day by day [20].

- Rational culture (market culture): This culture focuses on both the internal orientation and the external environment of the organization and emphasizes productivity, performance and goal achievement. An organization based on a rational culture

6 Quinn R.E., Cameron K.S. Diagnosing and Changing Organisational Culture: Based on Competing Values Framework. Jossey-Bass; 2006. (In Eng.)

emphasizes continuity and achieving well-defined goals, and leaders strive to manage affairs, purposefulness, instrumentalism, and conscientiousness [17].

- Hierarchical culture: This culture refers to the internal process model. Consistency is the main goal of hierarchical behavior and is positively related to employee satisfaction; because it provides a low level of incomprehensibility and a high sense of security [13]. Organizations that are dominated by this culture are often characterized by a formal, multiple hierarchical structures. Standardized and specific procedures govern employee behavior, and there is little or no discretionary power over employees. In this type of organizational culture, there is a strong emphasis on strengthening law and order, and the organization's long-term concerns and priorities are stability and predictability of the future. Multiple vertical (position) and horizontal (work units) levels of relatively isolated operational silos characterize the hierarchical culture, which encourages the usage of standard operating procedures and best practices [16].

Dimensions of organizational culture. The most important aspects of organizational culture are:

- Work involvement: This trait is measured by three indicators: empowerment, team building, and capability development. In this case, the organization empowers its members and forms work for teams and develops human resource capabilities at all levels. People in the organization become more committed and feel like they are a part of the organization's body; as a result, they feel like they have a role in decision-making at all levels, and these decisions influence their job, which is directly tied to the company's goals.

- Integrity: This feature is measured by the three indicators of core values, agreement, coordination and coherence. Employee behavior is anchored in fundamental principles, according to research, and businesses that are typically effective are steady and connected. Organizational operations are highly coordinated and consistent, and leaders and followers are excellent at obtaining consensus (even when they have different viewpoints). Organizations with these traits

have a strong and distinct culture, and they have a significant impact on employee behavior. Understanding the needs and impact of ethical leadership is the first step to developing effective leadership. Leadership ethics was identified as having a strong impact on employee work patterns [21].

- Compatibility: Three indications of change, customer orientation, and organizational learning are used to assess this characteristic. Because well-cohesive organizations are difficult to modify, internal integrity and outward flexibility can be regarded as an organizational advantage. Customer-driven, risk-averse, learn-from-their-mistakes enterprises with the capacity and expertise to make a difference. They are always working to improve the company's capacity to appreciate its consumers.

- Three indications of strategic direction, goals, objectives, and vision are used to assess this attribute. The mission and mission of an organization are perhaps the most essential aspects of its culture. Organizations that don't know where they're heading or where they are now are frequently misled. Successful companies have a clear grasp of their objectives and direction, which is expressed in a way that clearly specifies organizational goals and strategic goals, as well as the organization's vision. The most difficult companies are those that have to modify their primary objective on a regular basis. When an organization's mission is to be changed, it must also modify its strategy, structure, culture, and behavior. In this case, a great leader outlines the organization's goal and cultivates a culture that supports it [22].

Research background. Many studies have examined the relationship between organizational culture and employees' professional ethics, some of which are summarized in Table 1.

In the following pages, according to the studies on the relationship between organizational culture and teachers' professional ethics, the conceptual model of research is drawn as in Figure 1.

In the framework of the proposed model of this research, the following hypotheses have been drawn:

- The main hypothesis.

Table 1. Research background



Results of study

Gholampour et al. (2019) [23]

Rahimian and Ardalan (2019)7

Torchani and Mortazavi (2019)8

Salimi and Khodaparast (2017) [24]

Tavakoli Ghochhani et al. (2017) [25]

Baghi Nasrabadi and Soleimani (2013) [6]

Ebrahim and Amirian (2016) [26]

Hie role of organizational culture and health on teachers' professional ethics

Investigating the relationship between organizational culture and professional ethics of primary school teachers in Hama-dan in the academic year 1397-1398 The role of organizational culture on professional ethics in organizations

The impact of organizational culture on faculty members in physical education and sports sciences' professional ethics and job performance.

The relationship between organizational culture and professional ethics from the perspective of faculty members

The role of organizational culture in the excellence of professional ethics in organizations (Case study of research organizations in Qom province) The mediating role of professional ethics in relation to organizational culture and quality of work life in the Education Department of Shiraz Region 3

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Existence of a significant effect of organizational culture and organizational health on the professional etiiics of primary school teachers in Ghaen Existence of a positive and significant relationship between organizational culture and professional ethics of primary school teachers in districts 1 and 2 ofHamadan Existence of a positive and significant effect of organizational culture and all its four components (i.e. involvement in work, adaptation, adaptability and mission) on the professional etiiics of the employees of Tehran Region 4 and 5 Existence of a significant effect of organizational culture on professional etiiics and job performance of faculty members in the field of physical education and sports sciences

There is a significant correlation between organizational culture and professional etiiics of faculty members of North Klio-rasan University of Medical Sciences Existence of a positive and significant correlation between organizational culture and the quality of professional etiiics of the staff of data research centers in Qom province There is a direct and significant relationship between organizational culture and professional etiiics, as well as a mediating role of professional ethics in the relationship between organizational culture and quality of life in the workplace

Fig. 1. Conceptual model of research (researcher-made)

7 Rahimian M., Ardalan M.R. [Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Professional Ethics of Primary School Teachers in Hamadan in the Academic Year 2017-2018]. In: The First National Conference on Humanities and Development. Payame Noor University, Shiraz; 2019. Available at: https:// civilica.com/doc/938703 (accessed20.07.2021). (InPers.)

8 Torchani M., Mortazavi S..T. [The Role of Organizational Culture on Professional Etiiics in Organizations]. Available at: https://civilica.com/doc/926044 (accessed20.07.2021). (InPers.)

- Organizational culture affects the professional ethics of teachers.

- Sub-hypotheses.

- Involvement in work affects the professional ethics of teachers.

- Integrity affects the professional ethics of teachers.

- Adaptation affects teachers' professional ethics.

- The mission affects the professional ethics of teachers.

Materials and Methods

The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of the study includes all teachers in the schools of Khosf city, numbering 180 people. All respondents were informed of the purpose of the study and expressed their willingness to cooperate. Based on Cochran's formula, 123 people were selected using a simple random sampling method. The main tools of data collection in this study are two standard questionnaires. Denison questionnaire was used to assess organizational culture9. This questionnaire includes four components of work engagement, integration, adaptation and mission and 51 questions. Also, in order to assess professional ethics, Cadozier questionnaire was used, which includes seven components of honesty, justice and fairness, loyalty, superiority, respect for others, empathy with others, and respect for values and norms, and 25 questions10. Discussing the Denison's method, they say that this approach allows us to more fully explore the phenomenon and contextualize new theories about how school leaders interpret work with special students [27]. The reliability of the questionnaires was assessed using Cron-bach's alpha test, which was 0.97 and 0.94 for organizational culture, ethical leadership and professional ethics questionnaires, respectively. Content validity was also used to assess the validity of the questionnaires. Finally, in order to test the research hypotheses

using structural equation modeling, the partial least squares method and SmartPLS 3 software were used.


Results of descriptive statistics. According to the collected data, most respondents (56.1%) were female. Also, the majority of them are people between the ages of 31 to 40 years (42.8%) with a bachelor's degree (55%) and 6 to 10 years of work experience (28.3%).

Results of inferential statistics. Test of research hypotheses. The data analysis algorithm in PLS method shows that after examining the fit of measurement models, structural model and general model, it is possible to examine and test the research hypotheses and reach the research findings. The criterion for testing hypotheses is the value of t; if the value of t is between +1.96 and -1.96, the relationships between the variables will be significant at the 95% confidence level, and if this value is greater than +1.96 or less than -1.96, Relationships between variables will not be significant at this level. According to Figure 2 and with the above argument, the relationships between research variables are significant.

In Figure 3, the test output of the relationship between the variables in the standard estimation mode is presented. The number inside the dependent variable (93.4%) indicates the value of the coefficient of determination, in which case, according to the conceptual model, the organizational culture variable explains 93.4% of the changes in the dependent variable (professional ethics).

A summary of the results of structural equation modeling and hypothesis testing is presented in Table 2.

According to Table 2, the role of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers' professional ethics has been confirmed. Therefore, it can be said that organizational culture affects the professional ethics of teachers.

9 Denison D., Neale W. Denison Organizational Culture Survey Facilitator Guide [Pamphlet]. Ann Arbor, MI: Denison Consulting, LLC; 2019. (In Eng.)

10 Cadozier V. The Moral Profession: A Study of Moral Development and Professional Ethics of Faculty. Texas: University of Texas; 2002. (In Eng.)

Fig. 2. Significant values obtained from modeling the structural equations of hypotheses

Fig. 3. Hie value of factor loading coefficients and the coefficient of determination in the standard estimation model

Table 2. Structural equation modeling results and testing of research hypotheses

Hypothesis Relationships of research variables t Value Direct effect (R) Indirect effect Total effect Result

Main Organizational Culture —> Ethics 81.364 0.966 - 0.966 Confirmed

Table 3 also shows the model quality indicators in the partial least squares" method.

As shown in Table 3, the cross-validation construct of the research variables is positive, the composite and Cronbach's alpha have a reliability of more than 0.7, and their mean extracted variance is greater than 0.5.

Therefore, it can be said that the research model has a good quality.

In Figure 4, the value of t of the variables of involvement in work and professional ethics is greater than 1.96, so the relationship between these two variables is significant at 95% confidence level.

Table 3. Model quality indicators and their acceptance level in the partial least t squares method

No. Variable Construction of cross-validation Combined reliability (CR) Cronbach's alpha Mean extraction variance (AVE)

Acceptance level > 0 >0.7 >0.7 >0.5

1 Organizational Culture 0.852 0.996 0.995 0.986

2 Ethics 0.830 0.992 0.990 0.937

Figure 5 presents the test output of the relationship between the variables of work involvement and professional ethics in the standard estimation mode. The number inside the dependent variable (91.2%) indicates the value of the coefficient of determination, in which case, according to the conceptual model, the variable of involvement in work, explains 9.2% of the changes in the dependent variable (professional ethics).

A summary of the results of structural equation modeling and hypothesis testing is presented in Table 4.

According to Table 4, the role of the work involvement component in the emergence of teachers" professional ethics has been confirmed. Therefore, it can be said that the component of involvement in work affects the professional ethics of teachers.

Fig. 5. The value of factor loading coefficients and the coefficient of determination in the standard estimation mode

Table 4. Structural equation modeling results and testing of research hypotheses

Hypothesis Relationships of research variables t Value Direct effect (R) Indirect effect Total effect Result

First sub- Engaging in work —> 31.916 0.955 - 0.955 Confirmed

hypothesis Ethics

In Figure 6, the t-value of the variables of integration and professional ethics is greater than 1.96, so the relationship between these two variables is significant at the 95% confidence level.

Figure 7 shows the test output of the relationship between integration variables and professional ethics in standard estimation mode. The number inside the dependent variable (93%) indicates the value of the coefficient of determination, in which case, according to the conceptual model,

the integration variable explains 93% of the changes in the dependent variable (professional ethics).

A summary of the results of structural equation modeling and hypothesis testing is presented in Table 5.

According to Table 5, the role of the integration component in the emergence of teachers" professional ethics has been confirmed. Therefore, it can be said that the component of integration affects the professional ethics of teachers.

Fig. 6. Significant values obtained from modeling the structural equations of hypotheses

Fig. 7. The value of factor loading coefficients and the coefficient of determination in the standard estimation mode

Table 5. Structural equation modeling results and testing of research hypotheses

Hypothesis Relationships of research variables t Value Direct effect (R) Indirect effect Total effect Result

Second sub- Consistency-> 96.540 0.964 - 0.964 Confirmed

hypothesis Ethics

In Figure 8, the value of t of the variables of adaptation and professional ethics is greater than 1.96, so the relationship between these two variables is significant at 95% confidence level.

Figure 9 shows the test output of the relationship between adaptability variables and professional ethics in standard estimation mode. The number inside the dependent

variable (91/1) indicates the value of the coefficient of determination, in which case, according to the conceptual model, the adaptation variable explains 91.1% of the changes in the dependent variable (professional ethics).

A summary of the results of structural equation modeling and hypothesis testing is presented in Table 6.

Fig. 8. Significant values obtained from modeling the structural equations of hypotheses

Fig. 9. The value of factor loading coefficients and the coefficient of detennination in the standard estimation mode

Table 6. Structural equation modeling results and testing of research hypotheses

Hypothesis Relationships of research variables t Value Direct effect (R) Indirect effect Total effect Result

Third sub- Consistency -> 47.079 0.954 - 0.954 Confirmed

hypothesis Ethics

According to Table 6, the role of the adaptation component in the emeigence of teachers" professional ethics has been confirmed. Therefore, it can be said that the component of adaptation affects the professional ethics of teachers.

In Figure 10, the t-value of the mission and professional ethics variables is greater than 1.96, so the relationship between the two variables is significant at the 95% confidence level.

Figure 11 shows the test output of the relationship between mission variables

and professional ethics in standard estimation mode. The number inside the dependent variable (96.5) indicates the value of the coefficient of determination, in which case, based on the conceptual model, the mission variable explains 96.5% of the changes in the dependent variable (professional ethics).

A summary of the results of structural equation modeling and hypothesis testing is presented in Table 7.

Fig. 10. Significant values obtained from modeling the structural equations of hypotheses

Fig. 11. The value of factor loading coefficients and the coefficient of detennination in the standard estimation mode Table 7. Structural equation modeling results and testing of research hypotheses

Hypothesis Relationships of research variables t Value Direct effect (R) Indirect effect Total effect Result

Fourth sub- Mission —> Ethics 21.072 hypothesis




As shown in Table 4, the cross-validation construct of the research variables is positive, the composite and Cronbach's alpha have a reliability of more than 0.7, and their mean extracted variance is greater than 0.5; Therefore, it can be said that the research model has a good quality.

Table 8 also shows the model quality indicators in the partial least squares' method.

As shown in Table 8, the cross-validation construct of the research variables is positive, the composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha are greater than 0.7 and their mean extracted variance is greater than 0.5; Therefore, it can be said that the research model has a good quality.

Discussion and Conclusion

Undoubtedly, schools, as one of the most influential social institutions in any society, play an essential role in education and knowledge development of a country [24] and the teacher is one of the basic pillars of education in any school, because they deal with students' psyche and emotions. They have and can influence their thoughts and cause the growth and development of knowledge and skills in them. On the other hand, if they do not act properly, it will cause irreparable damage. To this end, the observance of professional ethics in the education system, especially in schools by teachers is one of the most important issues that must be considered. On the other hand, the organizational culture that determines the way of doing things and the way of organizational life [7], should be considered for the greater effectiveness of professional ethics in

organizations, especially schools; Because culture refers to the way a person perceives his living environment and represents his views and behavior [24]. Accordingly, the present study aimed to investigate the role of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers' professional ethics. For this purpose, hypotheses were developed and tested using structural equation modeling. The results of testing the main hypothesis of the research showed that organizational culture plays a role in the development of teachers "professional ethics and about 94% of changes in teachers" professional ethics in schools are explained by organizational culture. Also, the results of testing the sub-hypotheses of the research based on examining the role of each component of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers' professional ethics showed that each of the components of work engagement, integration, adaptation and mission, respectively, 95.5, 96.4, 95.4 and 98.3% explain the changes in the professional ethics of teachers in schools, among which, the mission component has the most and compatibility has the least impact. The results obtained with the findings of the research of Tavakoli Ghouchani et al. [25] on the existence of a positive and significant relationship between organizational culture and professional ethics of employees is straightforward11 [23-25]. According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that a good organizational culture in secondary schools can strengthen the professional ethics of teachers and create a good environment for the emergence of professional ethics among them.

T a b l e 8. Model quality indicators and their acceptance level in the partial least squares' method

No. Variable Construction of cross-validation Combined reliability (CR) Cronbach's alpha Mean extraction variance (AVE)

Acceptance Level > 0 > 0.7 > 0.7 >0.5

1 Involving in work 0.987 0.9880 0.863 0.788

2 Integrity 0.790 0.9780 0.986 0.871

3 Consistency 0.980 0.9777 0.781 0.707

4 Mission 0.985 0.9830 0.871 0.784

5 Ethics 0.852 0.9910 0.990 0.852

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Finally, according to the results of this study, the following suggestions are provided to school principals in order to improve and promote professional ethics among teachers through organizational culture:

- Principals should create the right environment to create an atmosphere and spirit of cooperation, honesty and mutual trust between themselves and teachers, as well as teachers with each other in schools. They should also create an atmosphere in the school where teachers can easily express their opinions and suggestions, thus encouraging them to observe professional ethics in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.

- Managers should pay attention to the point that when designing and deciding on how to do things, emphasize the values of the organization and teachers and specify the

scope of authority of each person; In such a way that at the same time as delegating the responsibility to the teachers, they are given the necessary authority to perform that responsibility and to make sure that they have the necessary authority to perform the desired responsibility.

- Principals are encouraged to develop a common vision and vision between themselves and teachers about the future of their school; So that when discussing key issues, everyone can reach a consensus and, on the other hand, be interested in teachers' opinions about the goals and strategies used in school and show them their sense of altruism; In such a way that teachers feel that their growth and interests are very important to the principals and thus increase their professional ethics.


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Submitted 25.08.2021; approved after reviewing 10.01.2022; accepted for publication 17.01.2022.

Поступила 25.08.2021; одобрена после рецензирования 10.01.2022; принята к публикации 17.01.2022.

About the authors:

Ali Asgari, Associate Professor of the Chair of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Birjand (University Blvd., Birjand 97174-34765, Iran), Ph.D., ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5710-5247, Scopus ID: 57224871143, ali.asgari@birjand.ac.ir

Sajjad Bahmani, Master degree student of the Chair of Educational Management, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Birjand (University Blvd., Birjand 97174-34765, Iran), ORCID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-9901-1126, realsbahmani@gmail.com

Contribution of the authors:

A. Asgari - scientific management; concept development; provision of resources; formalized data analysis.

S. Bahmani - provision of resources; collection and processing of information; formalized data analysis; data management.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Об авторах:

Асгари Али, доцент кафедры образования факультета педагогики и психологии Университета Бирдженда (97174-34765, Иран, г. Бирдженд, Университетский бульвар), доктор философии, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5710-5247, Scopus ID: 57224871143, ali.asgari@birjand.ac.ir

Бахмани Саджад, магистрант кафедры управления факультета педагогики и психологии Университета Бирдженда (97174-34765, Иран, г. Бирдженд, Университетский бульвар), ORCID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-9901-1126, realsbahmani@gmail.com

Заявленный вклад авторов:

A. Асгари - научное руководство; разработка концепции; предоставление ресурсов; формализованный анализ данных.

С. Бахмани - предоставление ресурсов; cбор и обработка информации; формализованный анализ данных; управление данными.

Все авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи.

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