Научная статья на тему 'The effect of organizational culture on job satisfaction and employee organization commitment'

The effect of organizational culture on job satisfaction and employee organization commitment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Organizational culture / job / satisfaction / organizational commitment

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Balu Yanuarius Yuventus Badu, Subudi Made, Priartini Putu Saroyini

Respondents who were involved in this study amounted to 142 people who were civil servants and worked in Bajawa Regional Hospital, NTT. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling. Questionnaire score is taken using a Likert Scale and questionnaire testing using validity and reliability tests. The data analysis technique used was path analysis with the help of SPSS Version 20. The results of this study found that organizational culture influences job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The results of this study support the theory that the stronger the understanding of organizational culture will increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In addition, high job satisfaction can increase employee commitment to the organization. Practical implications of the results of this study can be used as a guide and consideration for the Bajawa Regional General Hospital in NTT in providing maximum service in relation to organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It is recommended that the existing organizational culture be maintained and the hospital will pay attention to the comfort and availability of work facilities so that employees are more satisfied in working and provide opportunities for employees to develop themselves.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The effect of organizational culture on job satisfaction and employee organization commitment»

DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2018-12.06


Balu Yanuarius Yuventus Badu*, Subudi Made, Priartini Putu Saroyini

Postgraduate Program, University of Udayana, Bali, Indonesia *E-mail: [email protected]


Respondents who were involved in this study amounted to 142 people who were civil servants and worked in Bajawa Regional Hospital, NTT. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling. Questionnaire score is taken using a Likert Scale and questionnaire testing using validity and reliability tests. The data analysis technique used was path analysis with the help of SPSS Version 20. The results of this study found that organizational culture influences job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The results of this study support the theory that the stronger the understanding of organizational culture will increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In addition, high job satisfaction can increase employee commitment to the organization. Practical implications of the results of this study can be used as a guide and consideration for the Bajawa Regional General Hospital in NTT in providing maximum service in relation to organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It is recommended that the existing organizational culture be maintained and the hospital will pay attention to the comfort and availability of work facilities so that employees are more satisfied in working and provide opportunities for employees to develop themselves.


Organizational culture, job, satisfaction, organizational commitment.

Every organization wants its employees to have a high commitment to the organization. The higher the employee's commitment to his organization, the employee will try better in completing his tasks (Halimsetiono, 2014). In addition, high commitment has a positive effect on employee performance (Arief, 2017) and negatively influences the intention to move from employees (Tumbelaka, et al. 2016). Employees who have an attachment and a high sense of belonging to the organization can reduce their desire to move to work.

High employee commitment to the organization is not created by itself. There are many factors that encourage employee commitment to the organization. According to Saha (2016) the factors that influence organizational commitment are leadership style, organizational climate and job satisfaction. Satisfaction obtained by employees during work such as satisfaction with payments received, satisfaction with the leader or supervisor and satisfaction with colleagues can encourage employees to be more committed to the organization. Some results of previous empirical studies indicate that employee job satisfaction has a positive and significant relationship with organizational commitment. Araya and Haiyan (2015) in their study of 242 hotel employees found that job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Salary, promotion and good communication cause employee commitment to the organization to increase. In addition, job satisfaction is a prerequisite and is a factor that causes organizational commitment (Saha, 2016., Yucel, 2012). If employees are satisfied with their work, their commitment to the organization will increase as well.

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are influenced by the prevailing culture in the organization. Robbins and Judge (2016) define organizational culture as referring to a system of shared meanings adopted by organizational members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. Culture in the organization functions as a mechanism for making meaning and control that guides and shapes employee attitudes and behaviors (Rivai and Mulyadi, 2012). Culture as a mechanism for meaning making and controlling

employee attitudes and behavior is realized if the organization has a strong culture (Robbins and Judge, 2016). Strong culture is characterized by intense core values of the organization organized, clearly ordered and widely shared (Robbins and Judge, 2016).

Organizational culture has a positive relationship with organizational commitment. This positive relationship is based on the fact that organizational commitment is a basis that results from organizational culture (Hazana, et al. 2015). As a member of the organization internalizing shared values and basic assumptions, and identifying themselves with the organization, employee organizational commitment increases. Employees will remain in the organization if they find that their values and beliefs are in line with the organizational culture (Anita and Begum, 2016).

Taurisa and Ratnawati (2012) in their research on the influence of organizational culture that reflects organizational culture that is, security with work, feeling valued, cooperation, organizational clarity, support and attention found that these six indicators except openness have a significant effect on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and performance. Feeling valued has the highest level of significance. This means that when an employee feels valued in an organization, then at that time the cultural presence felt by employees influences job satisfaction.

Bajawa District Hospital is one of the government-owned hospitals in Ngada District, NTT which provides health services to the people of Ngada and surrounding areas. The hospital as one of the health service units is required to be able to carry out its function of providing and organizing medical services, nursing services, rehabilitation services and prevention and improvement of community health. Health services in Bajawa Hospital are carried out with a promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative approach. Improving the quality of service can only be carried out by changing the mindset, attitude and behavior of employees in working in accordance with the values and beliefs in the hospital. Partakusuma (2014) argues that one of the factors influencing effective and efficient management of public service bodies is cultural factors. BLU culture is an independent culture, especially regarding integrity and discipline in changing planning, service systems and also remuneration to always develop its business to the maximum extent possible to provide the best capabilities to service users (Partakusuma, 2014).

Bajawa Hospital is committed to providing the best service with customer-oriented. One indication is that Bajawa General Hospital routinely conducts customer satisfaction surveys both internal and external customers. This is done to provide the best service to customers. The culture applied is also more customer oriented. Customer orientation is one of the characteristics of a market-oriented culture (Yoon and Lee, 2005). As a government-owned hospital, Bajawa Hospital employees are obliged to provide maximum and quality services to the community. On the other hand, sincere service, wholeheartedly depends on the employee's work expectations compared to the benefits given by the hospital.


Organizational Commitment. Organizational commitment is an employee's work attitude that is needed by the organization in achieving its goals. Organizations need employees who have high organizational commitment so that the organization can continue to survive and improve the quality of services and products produced. Commitment is related to the desire and desire to survive in the organization and sacrifice for the interests of the organization. Caykolu, et al. (2011) argued that factors that predict employee organizational commitment are career advancement, satisfaction with supervisors, employee empowerment, effective leadership, peer acceptance, role ambiguity and role conflict. These factors are important determinants of organizational commitment. Their research on nurses, professional paramedics and non-clinical staff in Canada with SEM analysis found that satisfaction with supervisors and career enhancement had a direct and positive effect on organizational commitment. In addition, role conflict and role ambiguity negatively affect organizational commitment.

Job satisfaction. Kinicki and Kreitner (2014) define job satisfaction as a response to attitudes toward various aspects of one's work. According to Suwatno and Priansa (2011), job satisfaction is the way individuals perceive their work resulting from the individual's attitude towards various aspects contained in the work. Luthans (2006) states that job satisfaction is the result of employee perceptions of how well their work provides things that are considered important. Job satisfaction is a positive feeling about one's work which is the result of evaluating its characteristics (Robbins and Judge, 2016). Tomazevi, et al. (2014) argue that there are three factors that most influence employee job satisfaction. First, relationships and leadership are influenced by trust. Second, salary and security are influenced by organizational support and protection. Third, the duties and conditions of work are influenced by the position of work.

Organizational culture. Robbins and Judge (2016), suggest that there are five functions of organizational culture. First, culture has a role to define boundaries: This creates a difference between one organization and another. Second, conveying feelings of identity for members of the organization. Third, culture will facilitate commitment to everything that is greater than personal self-interest. Fourth, encourage stability of social functions. Culture is social glue that helps tie organizations together by providing standards for what workers should say and do. Fifth, is the taking of feelings and control mechanisms that guide and shape the behavior and behavior of the workers?


H1: Organizational culture has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction;

H2: Organizational culture has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment;

H3: Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment.


This study uses the Causal Explanatory design to determine the relationship between variables of organizational commitment, organizational culture and job satisfaction. The variables used are job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational culture, as expressed in the hypotheses, each of which will be described in the appropriate indicators and then derived into question items in the research instrument. The population in this study were all employees of Bajawa District Hospital with the status of civil servants totaling 239 people. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling. Determination of the number of samples is based on tables developed by Isaac and Michael (in Sugiono, 2013) for a 5% error rate. The sample size for a population of 239 people with an error rate of 5% is 142 people. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires, followed by testing the validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using path analysis techniques to be interpreted later and in the final stage were given conclusions and suggestions.


Based on Table 1 it can be explained that the influence of customer-oriented organizational culture variables (X) on job satisfaction (Y1) has a positive and significant influence. This can be proven by the magnitude of the path coefficient of 0.275 with the sig value. t is 0.001 (0.001 <0.05). So partially customer-oriented organizational culture variable (X) has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction (Y1). In other words H1 is accepted.

The magnitude of the contribution of customer-oriented organizational culture variables to job satisfaction can be seen from the value of Adjusted R-Square that is equal to 0.069. This means that 6.9% of customer-oriented organizational culture variables affect job satisfaction. While the remaining 93.1% of the variable job satisfaction is influenced by other variables not explained in this study.

Between customer-oriented organizational culture and job satisfaction towards organizational commitment has a positive and significant influence. From the results of the path coefficient test in Table 5.7, the value of Sig. F is 0.000 (0.000 <0.005). Then it can be stated that the customer-oriented organizational culture and job satisfaction simultaneously influence organizational commitment.

Table 1 - Path Analysis Model I Testing Result

Varible Independent_Standardized Coefficient Beta_t ratio Sig. T Description

Org. Culture (X) 0.275 3.254 0.001 Sig.

Variable Dependen: Job Satisfaction (Y1)

R: 0.275

R-Square: 0.076

Adjusted. R-Square: 0.069

F: 10.588, Sig. 0.001_

Source: Primary Data, 2018.

Based on the partial calculation of customer-oriented organizational culture variables (X) has a positive and significant influence on organizational commitment (Y2) at a significant level of 0.05. This can be proven by the magnitude of the path coefficient of 0.162 with the sig value. t is 0.034 (0.034 <0.05). So partially customer-oriented organizational culture variables have a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. In other words H2 is accepted.

Based on the results of partial calculations the variable job satisfaction (Y1) has a positive and significant influence on organizational commitment (Y2) at a significant level of 0.05. this can be proven by the magnitude of the path coefficient of 0.505 with the sig value. t is 0.000 (0.000 <0.05). So partially customer-oriented organizational culture variables have a significant positive effect on organizational commitment. In other words, H3 is accepted.

The magnitude of the contribution of customer-oriented organizational culture variables and job satisfaction to organizational commitment can be seen from the Adjusted R Square value of 0.316 means that 31.6% of the variables of customer-oriented organizational culture and job satisfaction influence the organizational commitment variable. While the remaining 68.4% of organizational commitment variables are influenced by other variables not explained in this study.

The test results also show the indirect influence of customer-oriented (X) organizational culture on organizational commitment (Y2) through job satisfaction (Y1). The amount of indirect effect is 0.275 x 0.505 = 0.13. The relationship of customer-oriented organizational culture (X) to organizational commitment (Y2) is explained more by direct influence, which is equal to 0.162 compared to indirect effects of only 0.13.


Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. This means that the stronger the organizational culture of Bajawa Regional General Hospital in NTT, the better the satisfaction of its employees. This can be evidenced by the variable organizational culture (X) is an influential variable of 0.275 on job satisfaction with a significant value of 0.001 which means that H1 is accepted.

Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. This means that the better the organizational culture for employees of Bajawa Regional General Hospital in NTT will grow employee organizational commitment. This can be proven by the variable organizational culture (X) is an influential variable of 0.162 to organizational commitment (Y2) with a significant value of 0.034 which means that H2 is accepted.

Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. This means that the more satisfied employees feel with their work, will be able to foster commitment to the organization. This is indicated by the variable job satisfaction which has

an effect of 0.505 on organizational commitment with a significant value of 0.000 which means that H3 is accepted.

Based on the results of the research and conclusions, the suggestions that can be given are based on the conclusions and limitations of the research. The customer-oriented organizational culture in the RSUD Bajawa NTT already looks quite strong. For management and hospital directors need to develop the mindset of employees so that in carrying out the work is based on the goal to achieve customer satisfaction. In addition, it needs to be improved and developed the value of openness in conveying successes and failures in serving customers.

In general, employees of Bajawa Hospital have high job satisfaction. However, some things that need attention from the hospital to improve employee satisfaction are the provision of facilities for better work activities and provide incentives fairly evenly to all hospital employees.

Employee commitment to the hospital needs to be maintained. On the other hand, things that need to be improved so that employees are more committed to the organization is to give employees a wider opportunity to develop themselves, create a conducive work atmosphere so that employees do not think to work elsewhere.

Based on the results of the research above, for researchers who are interested in analyzing the relationship of organizational culture with organizational commitment by using the Value Congruence theory. Where the suitability between personal values and organizational values can increase the level of employee commitment to the hospital. For researchers who are interested in conducting further research, it is advisable to use other variables outside the research and increase the characteristics of respondents used such as age, marital status and income.


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