Научная статья на тему 'The effect of leadership on Organizational Citizenship behaviour through work climate and job satisfaction'

The effect of leadership on Organizational Citizenship behaviour through work climate and job satisfaction Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Leadership / work climate / organizational citizenship / behavior / job satisfaction

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Setiyono Agus, Suparman Lalu, Alamsyah

The success and failure of the system in educational institutions depend on leaders. Leaders who are able to nurture the teachers, who become subordinates, will certainly improve the work atmosphere. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of leadership on job satisfaction and work climate oriented on the organizational citizenship behavior. This study adopted quantitative research, with sampling technique used is probability cluster sampling with 78 respondents selected at some Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (Senior High School) in Lombok. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using SmartPLS analysis. The findings show that leadership has a significant effect on work climate, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.18551/rjoas.2018-04.03
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Текст научной работы на тему «The effect of leadership on Organizational Citizenship behaviour through work climate and job satisfaction»

DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2018-04.03


Setiyono Agus*

Master of Management, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Suparman Lalu, Alamsyah

Lecturers, University of Mataram, Indonesia

*E-mail: agussetiyono606@gmail.com


The success and failure of the system in educational institutions depend on leaders. Leaders who are able to nurture the teachers, who become subordinates, will certainly improve the work atmosphere. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of leadership on job satisfaction and work climate oriented on the organizational citizenship behavior. This study adopted quantitative research, with sampling technique used is probability cluster sampling with 78 respondents selected at some Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (Senior High School) in Lombok. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using SmartPLS analysis. The findings show that leadership has a significant effect on work climate, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior.


Leadership, work climate, organizational citizenship, behavior, job satisfaction.

Law No. 14/ 2005 about Teachers and Lecturers explicitly states that the position of teachers as professionals serves to improve the dignity and role of teachers as learning agents to improve the quality of national education. Government Regulation No. 74/2008 about Teachers mentions that teachers have a workload of at least 24 hours of face-to-face and as much as 40 hours of face-to-face per week, until now not all teachers can perform the ideal task in accordance with the laws and regulations, with the responsibility of teaching at least 24 hours face to face in 1 (one) week. Human is the main element of the organization so that it becomes a central factor. Organization only works if the humans who collect themselves interact in realizing the volume and work (Nawawi 2000).

In generally, the organizations to achieve the competitive advantage must be organize the highest individual performance, because essentially individual performance affects group performance, and finally give affect the overall organization performance. Good performance is expected to be the "behavior" of the employees desired by the organization. The behaviors that the organization demands today are not only in-role behaviors but also extra-role behaviors. This extra-role behavior is also called Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a workplace behavior that's not found in the formal job employee's description but is highly appreciated if implemented by employees because it improves the effectiveness and sustainability of the organization (Katz in Purba & Seniati, 2004). In addition, OCB also reflects employees who are cooperative, helpful, caring and hardworking (Organ, 2005).

Personality and Job Satisfaction can affect the behavior of workers in groups and individuals. George & Bettenhausen (1992) argue that one's willingness to help others is also influenced by mood or pleasure in work. A positive mood will increase a person's chances of helping others. In the study by Podsakoffet al., (1982) states that "leadership behavior affects subordinates to produce performance beyond what should or exceed the minimum level required by the organization". Kaihatu (2007) also conducts study about the type of transformational leadership having a strong influence in shaping OCB behavior on employees.

Job satisfaction can be seen with a decrease in productivity, strike, and abstain. Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasure or positive emotion that devides an assessment of employee's performance on his job or job experience (Locke in Turner et al., 2004). According to Robbins et al., (2009), the factors that affect job satisfaction one of them is the element of leadership. A good leader means to appreciate the work of the staff. For the leadership, staff can be considered as a father figure / mother / friend and also colleague. So it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Job Satisfaction can affect the behavior of workers in groups and individuals. As for the meaning of job satisfaction is the emotional of employees that occur or does not occur the intersection between the value of repayment of employees and companies with the level of value of the expected services by the employees concerned (Martoyo, 2000).

Research conducted by Prihatsanti & Dewi (2010), states that there is a significant relationship between organizational climate with Organizational Citizenship Behavior, but the effect of organizational climate variable is very low on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, where the organizational climate gives effective contribution of 25% on Organizational variables Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Speaking of human resources in Government Institutions, one of the main keys to organizational success is human resources. In this study, the intended HR is Master (teachers). Teachers are required to provide the best for Madrasah in increasing organizational performance. Maximum performance is an organization's demands that are shown not only in-role behavior but also extra-role which is also called Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).

Based on the observation that OCB or extra role of teacher still not maximal. This can be seen from some indicators that the mutual help behavior has not been fully implemented in the work environment, the rewards obtained by teachers are less satisfactory and the leadership has not been able to create mutual trust and mutual need among fellow teachers. From the phenomenon and research gap of previous research, this has been a gap to resume similar research with constraints to review the effect of leadership, work climate, job satisfaction with OCB.


Leadership. Organizations need a leader figure who has the ability to influence the group to achieve a defined vision and purpose (Robbins et al., 2009). The activities doing by leaders in organizations called leadership. In the theory of leadership according to Wursanto (2002) explains that someone will be chosen to be a leader if he has better knowledge of his followers, has the nature of leadership (fair, confident, creative, energetic, communicative), able to socialize, charismatic and certainly have talent. Rivai (2005) states that leadership functions are in the form of instructive functions (one-way communication in assigning job to employees), consultative functions (two-way communication, mutual solutions between leaders and employees), participatory functions, delegation functions and control functions. Leadership is considered as a factor that has a major influence on the performance of organizations, managers and employees (Sathye, 2004). It is conceived as a set of traits, values, qualities and behaviours displayed by the leader that foster and encourage the participation, commitment and development of followers. Academic leaders are the pivot of change in higher institution of learning. The success or failure of the system depends on them (Shahmandi et al., 2011). According to Rivai (2005) indicators of leadership functions include the following:

• Leaders are able to move and motivate subordinates to carry out orders, leaders conduct consultations with subordinates who have the information required in determining decisions;

• Leaders try to enable subordinates to participate in making decisions and in implementing them,

• Leaders delegate authority in decision-making based on trust;

• Leaders who share the same principles, perceptions and aspirations with subordinates;

• The leader is able to organize the activities of its members in a direction and in effective coordination,

• Leaders conduct guidance, direction, coordination, and supervision to subordinates.

Successful leadership will lead to increased subordinate work, because conducive

leadership can provide great motivation and enthusiasm within the organization. Leaders will be able to correct subordinates as stated by Colquit et al., (2011) that subordinates with appropriate leadership tend to have higher levels of performance, they are also more involved in extra-role behavior (OCB).

Work Climate. Work climate will be very support to the employee's performance (Leblebici, 2012). Syauta et al., (2012) identifies work climate as a pleasing work atmosphere, which is always expected by every employee so as to create a positive performance. However, Munawaroh et al., (2013) and Saeed et al. (2013) do not find empirical support for this assumption. Chandrasekar (2011) reveals that the working climate holds an important role in motivating employees to carry out their duties, which affects their emotional intelligence.

According to Meyer et al., (2004), the working climate set on work environment a part from anothers. He asserted that if the working climate is positive and pleasing, coupled with decent emotional intelligence of members, maximum performance will be accomodated. Problems in the professional world not only needs intellectual competence, but also calls for emotional intelligence, to a greater levels. If someone can to solve a problem related to his emotions in the professional world, he will result a good performance. The indicator work climate according to Lussier (2005) include: the level of coercion perceived subordinates, supervision, appreciation, comfortable working atmosphere, and trust to subordinates.

Job Satisfaction. Basically job satisfaction is individual. Each individual has a different level of satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an important factor in the organization because it can affect the productivity of employees (Martoyo, 2000), because employees who have high satisfaction will see their work as fun, different with employee who have a low job satisfaction, he will see work as very complex and boring so that the employee works in a forced state. Employees who work in forced situations have a poor performance compared to those who work with high spirits.

According to Robbins et al., (2009) the factors that can affect job satisfaction are self work, supervision, salary, promotion opportunities, and relationship with co-workers. There are consequences when an employee likes a job and dislike a job. One of them, if the employees will show disloyal behavior, will be out of work and have not care.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior/ OCB. The study has been done by researchers and mangers to realized that organizational success can only be reached when employees perform more than just complete the required job duties. Katz (1964) states that the issues of employee motivation in organizations, finding the term "role behavior" which were formally rewarded by the organization's reward system and "extra role behaviors" which were not rewarded by the official reward system but also enhanced organizational effectiveness. The term "Organizational Citizenship Behavior" was created by Bateman and Organ (1983). The OCB is further as a discretionary behavior not directly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization (Organ, 1988), it identifies the OCB more broadly and include three categories of behaviors courtesy, sportsmanship, and citizenship behavior.

OCB is essential in the education system to promote the inclusive range behaviors required to achieve goals. OCB employees are becoming increasingly important in organizations in the era of downsizing, economizing and reaction to the economic pressures over the past decade (Lo and Ramayah, 2009). The study identifies the OCB antecedents as clarity of role, leadership, organizational justice (Ehrhart, 2004) organizational commitment, and individual traits (Chahal and Mehta 2010; Emami et al., 2012) and is influenced by demographic factors, personality factors and organizational climate (Suresh and Venkatammal 2010). The OCB indicators used are altruism (behavior helping),

conscientiousness, sportmanship (sporty), civic virtue (responsibilities as members of organizations) and courtesy (Organ et al., 2005).


The type of research used in this study is causal research. According Silalahi (2010) "Causal research is a study that aims to determine the cause and effect relationship between two or more variables". Given that the number of members of the population is relatively more then the researchers conducted data collection using survey sample data. Determination of the number of samples using Purposive Sampling method. The number of samples of 78 people taken proportionately in each Madrasah Aliyah. The data collection tool used in this study is the questionnaire given to the respondents.

Hypothesis Test using Partial Least Square (PLS). Partial Least Square (PLS) according to Wold in Ghozali (2008) is a powerful analytical method because it is not based on many assumptions. This research uses PLS as data analysis technique with SmartPLS software. The indicators used in this study adopted several studies, namely leadership variables by Rivai (2005), work climate by Lussier (2005), job satisfaction by Robbins et al., (2009), and OCB by Organ et al. (2005). Here is a hypothetical model of research:

Notes: L1-n = Leadership indicators; WC1-n = Work Climate indicators; JS1-n = Job Satisfaction indicators; OCB1-n = OCB indicators.

Figure 1 - Model hypothesis


Based on the questionnaires distributed, it can be show that teachers who have age less than 31 years as many as 2 people with a percentage of 2.6%, Teachers who have age between 31-40 years as many as 22 people with a percentage of 28.2%, Teachers who have age over 40 years is as many as 54 people with a percentage of 69.2%. It can be show that Teachers male gender as many as 67 people with percentage of 85.9% while the female teacher as many as 11 people with a percentage of 14.1%. This data describes that most of the teacher is male. Teachers who have less than 6 years working period as many as 22 people with a percentage of 28.2%, the working period between 6-10 years as many as 26 people with a percentage of 33.3%, tenure of more than 10 years as many as 30 people with a percentage of 38 , 5%. therefore, it can be concluded that most Teachers have more than 10 years of work experience.

Based on the responses of respondents can be shows that the average responses of respondents to Leadership variables of 4.07 with good criteria, responses of respondents toWork Climate variables of 4.21 with very good criteria, respondents to Job satisfaction variable of 3.96 with satisfied criteria and responses of respondents to the variable Organizational Citizenship Behavior of 4.17 with high criteria. Here are the results of the PLS test:

Figure 2 - PLS Bootstrapping Result

Based on model measurement (outermodel) that is test of discriminant validity and composite reliability show all variable is valid (value V AVE> 0,5) and reliable (value of CR> 0,7).

Table 1 - Value of Average Variace Extract (AVE) and Composite Reliability (CR)

Latent Variable Research

Variabel V AVE CR Keterangan

Leadership 0,57 0,856 Valid & Reliable

Work Climate 0,65 0,867 Valid & Reliable

Job Satisfaction 0,53 0,805 Valid & Reliable

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) 0,57 0,871 Valid & Reliable

To assess the significance of the prediction model in testing the structural model, it can be show from the t-statistic value between the independent variables to the dependent variable in the Path Coefficient table in the SmartPLS output below:

Table 2 - Hypothesis Testing Result

Relationship between Variables Loading Path T- statistik t Table Conclusion

H1: Leadership ^ Work Climate 0,729 14,42 1,96 Significant

H2: Work Climate ^ OCB 0,113 0,49 1,96 Not Significant

H3: Leadership ^ Job Satisfaction 0,465 6,09 1,96 Significant

H4: Leadership ^ OCB 0,284 2,59 1,96 Significant

H5: Job Satisfaction ^ OCB 0,549 4,99 1,96 Significant

Based on table 2 the influence of leadership on work climate has t-statistic (14,42) > t-table (1,96), meaning that leadership has significant effect to work climate. Thus hypothesis 1 is accepted. This shows that the leadership of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Lombok influences the working climate of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri teachers in Lombok. This study shows that the leadership of Madrasah heads reaches the good category. The highest percentage in terms of leaders consult with subordinates who have a information needed in determining decisions and efforts to enable subordinates leaders to participate in making decisions and in carrying out the category very well. Similarly, the school working climate is analyzed with very good category. This shows that a good leadership that is done by the head of Madrasah, will result in the better the school working climate in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lombok. This means that the principal and teachers have established a harmonious relationship by showing the mutual support for each other. The results of the study describe the conducive atmosphere of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Lombok. This study line with research conducted by Amar and Sittinur (2014) and Ramadhani (2016), proving that leadership has significant effect on work climate.

The influence of work climate on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has t-statistic value (0,49) < t-table (1,96), meaning that work climate has positive and not significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Thus hypothesis 2 is rejected. This shows that the contribution of the work climate effect is only slight and not significant to the extra behavior of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Lombok. In this case the work climate using 8 indicators such as of the coercion level perceived by employees due to the rules and procedures are structured or arranged. The supervisory level of guidance and guidance is done by the organization and is felt by the employee. The level of rewards given to the employee's efforts. Feelings of a friendly work atmosphere and more emphasis on hospitality or friendship conditions in the group. Support to employees in performing organizational tasks. Feelings of pride in the organization's existence and loyalty demonstrated during work period. Employees are given space to perform or take risks in performing the task as a challenge. Some of the things that cause the work climate have no significant effect on OCB. Where the work climate indicator used in this study there are some that do not effect on extra behavior role of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Lombok. One of them is "the level of appreciation given to the employee's efforts". This indicator has a positive relationship but does not significantly influence the OCB of the Teachers, which is not directly related and overtly formalized to the reward system. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a voluntary behavior, not a forced action on things that prioritize the interests of the organization. This study line with research conducted by Bolino and Turnley (2003). But different from the results of study conducted by Prihatsanti & Dewi (2010) and Ramadhani, (2016), which proves that the work climate in schools affects teacher achievement (OCB).

The influence of leadership on job satisfaction has t-statistic (6.09) > t-table (1,96), meaning that leadership has a significant effect on job satisfaction. Thus hypothesis 3 is accepted. This indicates that the respondent's response to the satisfaction of the supervisor is the goodness / courtesy of supervisory ways, the ability to give feedback, and willingness to listen to subordinate and effective feedback that the meaning is the better leadership then the teacher job satisfaction will increase. Leadership behavior in the ability as a leader can actuate and motivate the teachers of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Lombok to do a good job. There is a similarity principle, perceptions and aspirations of leaders with teachers who create satisfaction for teachers. Because of all this, the goodness of the leader guidance, direction, coordination, and supervision continuously and directed to his subordinates effectively so that the work of teachers directed and satisfied what has been done by the head of Madrasah in achieving common goals in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Lombok. The results of this study are confirmed by Suhendi and Anggara (2010) which states that the role of leaders can affect morale and job satisfaction, security, quality of work life, and level of organizational performance. This opinion reinforces Kuswadi's (2004) statement that the leader must always be able to feel what the employee needs so that the employee will be satisfied. In addition, this study line with research conducted by Andri et al. (2011), Fatima et

al. (2011), Ghafoor et al. (2011) and Rehman et al. (2012) which proves that leadership has a strong influence and a significant positive effect on job satisfaction.

The influence of leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a t-statistic (2.59) > t-table (1,96), meaning that leadership has a significant effect on OCB. Thus hypothesis 4 is accepted. It is perceived by the teachers towards the behavior of the leader / direct superior in influencing subordinates to want to perform tasks with good category means the ability of Leaders in mobilizing and motivating subordinates to carry out the command effectively affect the extra behavior of the role of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Lombok. Where Leadership capability regulates teacher activities directed and in effective coordination. As well as the leader's efforts to enable subordinates to participate in making decisions and in implementing them. The results of this study are consistent with the research of Organ et al., (2005) which suggests that the support of superiors also affect the OCB. The support given by the leader can bring a positive attitude to the work and the organization, and have a desire to help co-workers and will be more cooperative. These findings also reinforce research by Kaihatu, et.al (2007) who found that leadership types have a strong influence in shaping OCB behaviors in employees. It is also in line with Adewale et al. (2018) that self-efficacy leadership has a significant impact on OCB.

The influence of satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has t-statistic value (4.99) > t-table (1,96), meaning that job satisfaction has significant effect to OCB. Thus hypothesis 5 is accepted. There is a feeling of pleasure in carrying out work in school. It is felt that the conformity of work carried out with the expertise / knowledge possessed and the conformity of the responsibilies in work satisfied. These results study support the research by Hendarto's (2013), Wijaya and Sutanto (2014), and Nurhayati et al. (2016), proving that job satisfaction affects the OCB. Jahangir et al., (2004) also suggested job satisfaction has been found to have a positive relationship with work performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, which furthermore has significant effect on employee absenteeism, turnover, and psychological distress. Workers with high levels of job satisfaction are more likely to be involved in Organizational Citizenship Behavior.


The role of leadership is very important in the organization. Leaders need to understand attitudes and behavior of existing employees in the organization in order to improve work spirit so that positive impact for the organization. Leadership is needed to respond to the challenges of change that occur as a result of advancements in various areas of human life, not least the change in the needs of the individual, the individual who wants to actualize himself, which affects the form of service and respect for the individual. Leadership not only pays attention to the need for self-actualization and rewards, but awareness raises for leaders to do their best in implement the wheel of leadership with more attention to human factors, its performance and the growth of its organization.

In this study, there are suggestions that leadership, work climate, and job satisfaction should always be enhanced by school management because these variables can strengthen extra role behaviors (OCB) so that teachers can result a good jobs in the future. For the next researcher who is interested in the same topic as the current study using PLS analysis, should have many subject of study with the larger number of respondents so that the accuracy of the model with the variation of its influence can be even higher in finding the optimal model on variables studied.


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