Azarbaycan Dovlat Pedoqoji Universiteti
Azarbaycan Dovlat Pedoqoji Universiteti
Annotation:_The article disscuses the role of new learning process, the prespective of its use and importance in the formation of skills necessary for the modern era. These texnologies enable educators to explore, analyze and understand complex consepts more effectively, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills and innovation in education. An analysis of the theaching chemistry in secondary general education institutions through new education technologies is carried out, efective methods are proposed. Motivates students to develop creative thinking, collaboration and critical thinking. Opinions are put forward, suggestions are given.
Key words: thinking, new learning technologies, learning process, skill formation, efficient method.
Xtilasa:Maqalada yeni talim texnologiyalarinin talim prosesinda rolu, ondan istifaddnin prespektivliyinddn, muasir dovr ugun zaruri olan bacariqlarin formala§dirilmasinda ahamiyyatindan dani§ilir. Bu texnologiyalar tahsilanalara murakkab anlayi§lari daha effektiv §akilda tadqiq etmak, tahlil etmak va anlamaga imkan verir, tanqidi du§uncani, problem hall etma bacariqlarini va tahsilda innovasiyalari inki§af etdirir. Kimya fanninin orta umumtahsil muassisalarinda yeni talim texnologiyalari vasitasila tadris edilmasi barada tahlil aparilir, samarali usullar taklif edilir. Tahsilalanlarda yaradici tafakkur, amakda§liq va tanqidi du§uncani inki§af etdirmaya motiv yaradir. Mulahizalar irali surulur, takliflar verilir.
Agar sozlar: tafakkur, yeni talim texnologiyalari, talim prosesi, bacariqlarinformala§dirilmasi, samarali usul.
Аннотация: В статье рассматривается роль новых технологий обучения в процессе обучения, перспектива их использования, а также их значение в формировании навыков, необходимых в современную эпоху. Эти технологии позволяют преподавателям более эффективно исследовать, анализировать и понимать сложные концепции, способствуя критическому мышлению, навыкам решения проблем и инновациям в образовании. Проведен анализ преподавания химии в средних общеобразовательных учреждениях посредством новых технологий обучения, предложены эффективные методы. Мотивирует студентов развивать творческое мышление, сотрудничество и критическое мышление. Высказываются мнения, даются предложения.
Ключевые слова: мышление, новые технологии обучения, процесс обучения, формирование умений, эффективный метод.
New teaching technologies have become an integral part of the modern education system. These technologies enable learners to explore, analyze, and understand complex concepts more effectively,
while also developing problem-solving skills. They are used to make the educational process more interactive, engaging, and efficient for both educators and learners. Below are some key aspects of modern teaching technologies:
1. Digital Platforms
Digital platforms used in the modern education system ensure easier access to education for students through online lessons and virtual classrooms. These platforms allow teachers to share lesson materials, facilitate students' questions, and conduct discussions. Today, new digital laboratories introduced in schools elevate the organization of chemical experiments to an entirely new level, enabling systematic analysis of observed phenomena, from exceptional qualitative evaluations to quantitative indicators. They also provide opportunities to fully realize interdisciplinary connections between physics, biology, mathematics, and computer science, enabling the implementation of integrated education projects in natural sciences and thereby serving as the most advantageous tools for applying information technology methods.[1]
2. E-Learning
E-learning systems allow students to learn at their own pace. This method has become increasingly popular in modern times because individuals can choose lessons that align with their unique learning styles.
3. Interactive Tools
Interactive tools help students engage more actively with lesson materials. Interactive teaching methods and formats, using graphics, videos, simulations, and games, activate students' cognitive activities, facilitate independent understanding of educational materials, and make lessons more enjoyable and appealing. In interactive learning, ready-made knowledge is not provided; all students actively participate in the teaching process, think critically, and collaborate.
4. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are used to personalize the learning process and create lesson plans tailored to the needs of learners. In chemistry, AI can process collected data and predict chemical reactions.
5. Data Analytics
Analyzing educational data is essential for monitoring and assessing learners' performance. Educators can use this data to adjust lesson strategies and develop more effective approaches to enhance students' success.
6. Mobile Learning
The widespread availability of mobile devices today allows students to learn anytime and anywhere. Mobile applications and resources simplify students' preparation for lessons.
The advantages of using mobile devices and technologies in the teaching process include:
• Quick access to educational and reference resources anytime, anywhere.
• Solving test assignments.
• Establishing constant communication with teachers.
• Diagnosing problems by considering students' individual characteristics and learning
• Increasing students' motivation through the use of personal technical devices and virtual environments.
• Organizing autonomous learning.
• Creating a personalized, career-oriented learning space for students.[1] New Teaching Technologies: Translation
New teaching technologies, by innovating in the field of education, make the teaching process more effective and comprehensible, offering numerous opportunities for educators and learners alike. These technologies contribute to shaping the modern learning process. The application of new teaching technologies in the teaching process is one of the aspects ensuring the rational development of integration into the modern education system. The quality of education is not only a condition but also a process. One of the main components of quality education with modern methods is the
organization of the teaching process: its levels, forms of delivery, methods, and approaches, as well as finding the most appropriate solutions.
Traditional teaching methods have been used to educate multiple generations, and although they may not fully align with current demands, they still serve as a foundation for other types of lessons. How is today's lesson different from yesterday's? Lesson analysis shows that lessons are engaging for both learners and educators when they are relevant, i.e., completely new while also somewhat continuing connections with the past. A modern lesson is a collaboration facilitated through new technologies, aimed at achieving set goals. In a modern lesson, the educator knows each learner and maximizes their potential. A modern lesson is conducted in a live interaction format, involving discussions, debates, and the individual expression of ideas. It makes extensive use of advanced computer technologies, fostering mutual trust and confidence among all participants. The primary focus of new teaching technologies is directed toward not only the educator but also the creative output of the learner. [2]
What Should a Lesson Using New Teaching Technologies Be Like?
A lesson incorporating new teaching technologies uses all available resources rationally to develop the learner's personality and academic knowledge. A modern lesson is designed according to learners' interests and aims to meet those interests. It involves mutual understanding, employs modern teaching methods, and integrates visual aids alongside theoretical information.
Characteristics of New Teaching Technologies:
1. There is no place for boredom, fear, or indifference toward learning in the lesson.
2. A modern lesson creates an atmosphere of confidence, interest, and learning.
Teaching technologies can be classified according to the following principles:
1. The educational principle not only provides academic knowledge but also aims to develop learners as individuals.
2. The developmental principle identifies and enhances individual learners' abilities during the lesson.
3. The principle of success in learning motivates learners to achieve greater results by creating situations for success.
4. The feedback principle encourages learners to come to class prepared, not for grades but for conscious mastery of academic knowledge.
5. The planned repetition principle emphasizes the necessity of revisiting material multiple times after first exposure.
6. The principle of maximum participation actively involves learners in various activities during the lesson.
Teaching technologies are understood as a method of task execution using specific approaches derived from the application of a system of knowledge.
From the perspectives of purpose, content, and methods, teaching technologies can be approached in several ways:
• As the goal of education: Teaching technologies can be seen as tools for teaching subjects, developing scientific, reflective, analytical, and creative skills, and fostering individuals as complete members of society. [3]
• As the expression of educational content: Teaching technologies provide access to detailed information about subjects, enhance critical thinking and understanding, and solve problems through primary learning habits.
• As educational methods: These technologies align with modern challenges and serve as effective tools for teaching and learning.
In summary, teaching technology is perceived as part of both the teaching process and its outcomes. Its functions are present at every stage of the educational process, across all aspects, subjects, and levels.
Rapid Changes in Modern Society
Rapid changes in modern society require students to possess knowledge and skills in various fields to apply in their future lives. Therefore, today's teachers must choose the most modern and effective means of instruction, selecting methods that meet contemporary demands.
Innovative Technologies in Education
Innovative technologies assist teachers at this stage of instruction. Learner-oriented teaching technology develops students' abilities to think and analyze based on their experiences. The most engaging and informative questions for learners are those related to humans and their daily surroundings. For example:
• Why is activated charcoal recommended in cases of poisoning?
• Why is meat placed in cold water for flavorful broth but in hot water for main dishes?
• How should a pan of burning oil be extinguished?
In chemistry lessons, similar questions arise for students, and engaging questions are easily understood and remembered for a long time.
Problem-Based Learning in the Teaching Process
Problem-based learning plays a central role in activating the learning process and forming competency-based approaches. [4] This method directs learners toward solving problems, fostering their critical thinking skills.
Key Features of Problem-Based Situations in Learning:
• The situations are derived from real life, allowing students to apply what they learn to daily
• In this model, students identify, analyze, and seek solutions to problems themselves, with the teacher acting as a guide.
• Students work in groups to solve problems collectively, promoting teamwork and social
• They explore various aspects of the problem and work on alternative solutions, enhancing critical and analytical thinking skills.
Benefits of Problem-Based Situations in Teaching Technologies:
• Students actively apply knowledge instead of passively receiving it.
• Addressing real problems piques students' interest and motivates learning.
• Students develop problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.
• By identifying and solving problems independently, students achieve a deeper understanding of the material.
Situational questions can be created for almost any educational topic, requiring learners to independently find solutions. Such situations can be used at any stage of the lesson: explaining new material, reinforcing it, or assessing knowledge.
For instance, in the topic "Oxygen" in Grade 8, students can be asked: "Why don't fish die under thick layers of ice?" In the topic "Amphoteric Hydroxides," the dual nature of compounds' properties creates a situational challenge. [5]
Integrating Life-Related Principles in Teaching
In teaching the topic "Carbohydrates," the principle of connecting with life can be implemented with questions like: "What's inside a potato?" The answer begins with water, accounting for most of its weight. What else? A bit of fat, some protein, and a significant amount of carbohydrates—about 37 grams on average. During the study of glucose and fructose, learners encounter problems such as: "Why does glucose react with copper (II) hydroxide, but fructose does not?"
Multilevel Teaching Technologies in Lessons
In every stage of the lesson, multilevel teaching technologies are implemented. When introducing new material, differentiated homework assignments are given at various levels. When checking knowledge, learners are tasked with independent and experimental assignments.
While studying topics like "Ammonia Production," "Sulfuric and Nitric Acid Production," and "Mineral Fertilizers," learners create tables, diagrams, and photographs. Project-based learning
technology is used to enhance learners' cognitive abilities and self-development. It can be applied both in-class and in extracurricular activities.
The main goal of any project is to direct learners toward independent research and information selection using diverse resources, plan their work, collaborate in teams, and develop cooperative learning skills. This approach helps learners move beyond rote memorization, understand how to practically apply knowledge, and develop problem-solving and research skills, encouraging active participation in group activities. [6]
The project method can be used for learning across various topics. For example, when introducing chemical elements, metals, and non-metals to students in grades 8-9, they can explore the signs of chemical reactions. While working on projects in grades 10-11, students study the diversity of organic substances and carbohydrates, delve into the internal structure of matter, and get acquainted with how chemistry surrounds us in everyday life.
Research work, one of the modern teaching technologies, refers to the experimental or theoretical independent activity of learners. Students study the phenomena and properties of real objects in nature and technology, which helps to develop their creative abilities. In chemistry education, the teaching experiment plays a crucial role. Its uniqueness lies in its use by learners for planning, conducting, observing, processing, and analyzing the results of experiments.
One of the main activities in chemistry classes and extracurricular sessions is the chemistry laboratory. Solving experimental problems during lessons contributes to the development of research skills among learners.
The process of learning chemistry using virtual laboratories is more interesting for learners because electronic resources provide scientific knowledge and greater clarity. Lessons become vivid, entertaining, and convincing, directing students' attention to key information while creating visual and impactful images.
Virtual laboratories can be used in lessons for mastering new knowledge, revisiting previously covered material, demonstrating conditions and solving problems, conducting experiments, showcasing the portraits of famous chemists and their discoveries, and even for presenting chemical experiments. Multimedia presentations are one of the most effective methods for presenting material on any topic. When material is presented using graphs, images, tables, abstracts, and virtual models, not only auditory but also visual and associative memory mechanisms are activated. The ability to include any object in the presentation makes it more engaging.
The primary goal of a teacher in the classroom is to create conditions for students to develop a careful and responsible attitude toward their health. Health-preserving technologies play a supportive role in achieving this goal.
Almost every chemistry lesson raises questions related to adolescent health. Searching for answers to these questions helps students form values for a healthy lifestyle and recognize the need for it.
Moreover, health-preserving technologies contribute to the development of schoolchildren's ecological culture. The problem of acid rain and its impact on the ecological state of the environment is discussed in grade 8 chemistry lessons. Students learn about ozone and why it is important to preserve the integrity of the ozone layer. Environmental issues are also addressed in lessons on the production of sulfuric acid and ammonia.
Vitamins, hormones, and medicines are topics that students explore in detail when studying organic chemistry, including their benefits and potential harms to the human body.
While studying the topic "Aldehydes," the teacher draws students' attention to the unpleasant odors of aldehydes and their potential to increase blood pressure. However, higher and aromatic aldehydes have pleasant scents like vanilla or lemon, which can have beneficial effects on the body, lower blood pressure, improve concentration, and alleviate headaches and fatigue. This therapeutic use of scents is called aromatherapy. Students discuss this topic during their project presentations.
Questions related to human chemistry help students advance in self-awareness and better understand human nature and its capabilities. Every teacher aims to spark a deep interest in their
subject so that students not only write chemical formulas and reaction equations but also understand the chemical perspective of the world and develop logical thinking skills.
We are accustomed to the teacher speaking while the student listens and learns during the lesson. However, passive listening to pre-prepared information is one of the least effective learning methods. Many believe that forcing students to listen will automatically ensure success, but like any individual, students have free will that cannot be ignored. This means that students must become active participants in the learning process.
A student learns effectively only when they are interested in the subject and acquire information through their own activities. Thus, the teacher must move beyond the role of an information provider and act as an organizer of cognitive activities, enabling students to independently arrive at conclusions and create their own knowledge.
The most crucial principle of didactics is the principle of independent knowledge creation, which emphasizes that knowledge is not passively received but emerges as a result of specific cognitive activities organized by the learner.
Different types of technologies foster the development of cognitive and creative interests among students:
1. Pedagogical technologies based on the efficiency of managing and organizing the educational process:
• Level differentiation teaching technology;
• Group technologies;
• Computer-assisted learning technologies.
2. Pedagogical technologies focused on activating and intensifying students' activities:
• Game-based technologies;
• Problem-solving and research-based learning technologies;
• Technologies for intensifying teaching based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material.
3. Pedagogical technologies emphasizing the personal orientation of the educational process:
• Cooperative learning technology.
Personality-oriented technologies place the learner at the center of the entire education system. In this approach, the learner is not merely the subject of the discipline but the primary focus and goal of the education system rather than a means to achieve an abstract purpose.
Game-based technologies—alongside work and study—are activities not only for students but also for teachers. Game technologies recreate conditions, activities, and social experiences, ultimately enhancing self-regulation and self-improvement in behavior [4].
Game activities based on activating and intensifying the educational process are used:
• As independent technologies;
• As elements of pedagogical technology;
• As a form or part of a lesson.
At the end of the 20th century, humanity entered a developmental phase known as the postindustrial or information era. The rapid development of computer technology and its integration into most areas of life has influenced education. Information technology does not only refer to using computers in the learning process but also encompasses any process involving the collection, processing, and transmission of data.
In educational contexts, information technology refers to a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing, and transmitting data to generate new qualitative information. The use of computers in education should be pedagogically justified and aim to achieve objectives that are only possible with the capabilities of computer technology.
Problem-based learning technology involves creating problem situations under the teacher's guidance and engaging students in active independent activities to solve them, leading to the creative acquisition of knowledge and skills as well as the development of thinking abilities.
Problem situations in the classroom can arise in the most unexpected ways. Students are given practical or theoretical tasks that require discovering new knowledge and mastering new skills.
The principles of problem-based learning technology include the following:
• The task must correspond to the intellectual capabilities of the student.
• The problem task is given before explaining new material.
• Assimilation and practical actions are used during the lesson.
The systematic use of modern teaching technologies improves the quality of education. It also increases students' motivation to study life-related subjects and fosters functional literacy while developing students' potential capabilities. New innovative technologies create opportunities for the personal development and success of school graduates [5].
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