THE ROLE OF MARKETING IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
marketing / effective marketing / retailer.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Umarova D.R.

the article examines the role of marketing in the economic development of Uzbekistan. The influence of large retail chains on the modernization of retail outlets is shown.

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Umarova D.R. acting associate professor Tashkent State Transport University



Abstract: the article examines the role of marketing in the economic development of Uzbekistan. The influence of large retail chains on the modernization of retail outlets is shown.

Keywords: marketing, effective marketing, retailer.

Economic development is usually understood as an increase in national production, which leads to an increase in the per capita gross national product (GNP). The Concept of socio-economic Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 provides for ensuring macroeconomic stability and sustainable economic growth, increasing competitiveness, investment and export potential of economic sectors, creating favorable conditions for the development and protection of entrepreneurship, reducing the level of tension in the labor market, increasing incomes and reducing poverty.

Marketing as a functional business discipline can be understood as a dynamic process of society, through which business entrepreneurship is productively integrated with the goals of society and human values. It is in marketing that the consumer satisfies individual and social values, needs and desires. Marketing focuses on the customer, that is, on the person making decisions within the framework of a social structure and within the framework of a system of personal and social values. Therefore, marketing is the process by which the economy is integrated into society to meet human needs

Although marketing cannot create purchasing power, it can uncover and channel what already exists. Increased economic activity leads to the expansion of sales markets, which creates the prerequisites for economies of scale in distribution and production, which may not have existed before.

Marketing is also the most accessible multiplier for managers and entrepreneurs in a developing country. Marketing in developing countries is the developer of standards for products and services, as well as standards of conduct, integrity, reliability, foresight and concern about the main long-term impact of decisions on the customer, supplier, economy and society. The presence of large retail chains such as "Korzinka.uz "and others working in the cities of Uzbekistan influenced the modernization of retail outlets in the surrounding areas. Thus, a different attitude towards the customer, the seller, the supplier and the product itself now prevail among local retailers. In addition, it has forced other more localized retailers to adopt modern methods of pricing, inventory management, and communication.

Marketing has acquired an important place for the economic development of the whole country. It has also become necessary to achieve the goal of public welfare. As a result, marketing is considered the most important activity in a commercial enterprise, while at an early stage of development it was considered the last activity.

Marketing discovers the needs and desires of society, produces goods and services in accordance with these needs, and creates demand for these goods and services. They go ahead and promote products that make people aware of them and create demand for products that encourage customers to use them. Thus, it improves the standard of living of society.

Although marketing cannot create purchasing power, it can uncover and channel what already exists. Increased economic activity leads to the expansion of sales markets, which creates the prerequisites for economies of scale in distribution and production, which may not have existed before.

The marketing environment of an enterprise is a combination of certain factors of both its internal and external environment (characteristics, means, forces), which determine in a complex: the circumstances in which the enterprise has to conduct marketing activities; prospects for its success in the future. The term "marketing environment" is usually applied to any form of business organization (no matter large, medium or small). Non-profit companies, manufacturing companies, and trade enterprises have a marketing environment. It consists of two groups of factors: external and internal. External factors form the external, and internal, respectively, the internal marketing environment. The external environment, as its name implies, is located outside the object, outside it. And the inner one is folded inside the object itself. Together, both components make up the overall marketing environment of the organization.

First of all, the factors of the internal marketing environment include those characterizing the company's internal properties that produce the strongest impact on the marketing activities of the company. In the first place among such factors, the structure of the enterprise (senior management, other departments and divisions), the management's policy in the field of marketing, the goals and objectives of other structural units related to marketing activities. Also, among the factors of the internal marketing environment, the orientation of the enterprise to the needs and demands of consumers, the financial capabilities of the company, the work of the marketing services of the organization are highlighted. The external marketing environment, unlike the internal one, is located outside the enterprise itself, which does not affect its formation in any way. Therefore, environmental factors cannot be controlled and controlled in any way.

Such factors include:

- needs and demands of consumers;

- actions and behavior of suppliers;

- activities of competing companies;

- development of science and technology at the state level trends in the cultural development of society;

- the conditions and circumstances in which an organization is forced to conduct marketing activities in the market.

The successful exploitation of marketing activities creates, supports and increases the demand for goods and services in society. To meet this increased demand, Uzbek companies must increase their production levels, in turn, raising their income. This increase, in turn, increases national income. Further effective marketing leads to the export of an addition to national income. This is useful for the entire society of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

There are many scientific studies in the world on trends and prospects for the development of digital marketing in small businesses. The use of digital platforms in the activities of small businesses, the spread of specialized forms of e-commerce to small producers and consumers, the formation of a healthy competitive environment in the economy, the creation of new jobs, the development of methods for turning digital marketing into a modern tool for small businesses, improving the effectiveness of digital marketing, the organization of scientific and innovative centers for small business development, the development of programs marketing research in this regard is one of the priority areas of research.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has created a whole system of programs and institutions aimed at stimulating small businesses and private entrepreneurship, organizing modern flexible industries aimed at producing competitive products in demand on the foreign market. The Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 defines such tasks as "...creating conditions for the organization of entrepreneurial activity and the formation of permanent sources of income for the population, bringing the share of the private sector in gross domestic product to 80 percent, in exports to 60 percent"2. To date, the digitalization process is considered as the main, most effective mechanism aimed at improving the efficiency, competitiveness and optimization of the activities of any enterprise, regardless of its scale. The development of technology, in particular the advent of mobile devices and applications, has made it easier to do business in many ways. Moreover, consumers are increasingly using their smartphones and tablets to establish contact with sellers and suppliers and purchase various goods from them. For this reason, many small businesses have had to review and significantly update their marketing and advertising strategies - which mainly consisted of traditional methods such as direct mail, television and radio advertisements, as well as print advertisements - in order to best meet the needs and satisfy modern consumers. The digitalization of all sectors of the Uzbek economy has also affected small businesses and entrepreneurs.

The use of information technology to support the activities of small businesses and entrepreneurship is a necessary measure to ensure their competitiveness in the market. Despite the existence of various programs aimed

at supporting the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Uzbekistan, so far this segment of the economy remains very vulnerable, influenced by large business, dependent on it.

The increasing availability of digital technologies and the development of digital infrastructure in the Republic of Uzbekistan is a factor contributing to the introduction of information technologies into the activities of small businesses. However, small businesses face many problems in this area: a lack of digital skills and specialists, a lack of budget and interest.

Digital marketing for small businesses helps reach a wider audience. This allows you to target the people who are most likely to buy your product or service. There are various interpretations of the concept of digital marketing in the specialized literature. According to I. V. Alekseev, the purpose of Internet marketing is to study the nature of the interrelationships of economic entities in the Internet space to create universal structures designed to meet the needs of society through profit.

From the point of view of E. O. Kitaeva, Internet marketing is a system of promotion and various types of advertising, in particular banner advertising, in online communities.

Describing digital marketing, A.D. Baranov points out the need to separate contextual, banner advertising, email newsletters, SEO and SMM.

The subject of this study is small enterprises of the food industry of Uzbekistan. The modern food industry is directly dependent on innovation, as consumers need the best quality products for less money.

The popularity of confectionery products in Uzbekistan is explained by the fact that oriental sweets and candies are an integral part of the hospitality of the country's residents, necessary parts of any celebration, an object of gastronomic tourism for residents of other countries, an object of export to the world market.

The main tasks of digitalization in the food industry today are:

- increasing the transparency of processes;

- increasing digitalization in marketing and sales;

- further digital transformation of production;

- improvement of quality control of manufactured food products.

When promoting the confectionery business, it is necessary to take into account all the features of demand and sales during the year.

There are 4 main trends in the promotion of this market segment in Uzbekistan:

1. Updating the assortment. It is necessary to update the assortment of each confectionery company in order to keep up with the trends. It is necessary to keep an eye on new products: new flavors, shapes, fillings.

2. Updating the packaging. Not only the weight is updated, but also the packaging design. Expensive custom-made gift packages are becoming increasingly popular.

3. Confectionery products are emotionally perceived products, therefore, in order to attract the consumer, the name and packaging design of "sweet" products must be bright and creative.

4. Unusual positioning. Most pastry shops classify their products as "elite", exclusive products. They present their product "tasty".

Offering premium products and confectionery services. Chocolatiers, exclusive candies, handmade chocolates will always be in demand in a place where there is a demand for expensive exclusive goods.

They help to attract new customers, consolidate trusting relationships with existing consumers. This is a marketing method based on consumer psychology. During the tasting, it will be psychologically more difficult for a potential client to refuse to buy this product, because he tried it, feeling its advantages and possible usefulness for himself. If your products are really of good quality and have their own zest, then the company will increase customer demand for this product. The consumer will purchase your products both during and after the tasting.

Participation in exhibitions and fairs. Quite a few products are successfully demonstrated there. At the exhibition, you can demonstrate a new product, a new packaging design to customers and after the exhibition analyze which products the buyer is interested in, which means they will make a profit in the future. It is easy to find new regular customers at exhibitions. Taking into account the above features of the confectionery services market, the most effective tools for promoting confectionery services can be identified.

To sum up, we can say that with the advent of digital marketing, the scale and prospects for profit for enterprises have increased significantly, but, from the point of view of buyers, consumer loyalty is still lacking, while the inability of buyers to taste material goods by touch, smell, taste before making an online purchase can become a serious limitation to get ahead of digital marketing over traditional methods. Competition between producers, especially among local producers, is intensifying in the market of food enterprises in Uzbekistan.

Nevertheless, the capacity of the confectionery market in Uzbekistan is far from full saturation, the range and range of products presented is small, and sales volumes are only increasing, which as a result leads to the fact that competition in this market will only increase, both among existing market participants and between existing and newly emerging domestic and foreign manufacturers.


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