Научная статья на тему 'The role of human resource management in multinational corporations'

The role of human resource management in multinational corporations Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Manapova Uldarkhan, Mukhtаrovа Karlygash, Chernov Alexey

This study provides representative portrait of human resource management policy and practice amongst multinational corporations. Today, multinational corporations increasingly demand highly skilled, highly flexible, mobile employees who can deliver the desired results, operating sometimes in difficult circumstances. Managing human resources in international organizations can be a complex issue. multinational corporations continuously strive to improve their international human resource management strategies. This challenge requires an innovative response from the multinational corporations as a whole, and in particular from the corporate HR function.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role of human resource management in multinational corporations»

хозяйство по Острогожскому уезду» (1887) и «Сборник оценочных сведений по крестьянскому землевладению в Землянском, Задонском, Коротоякском и Нижнедевицком уездах» (1889) получили награды: соответственно Большую золотую медаль Русского географического общества и премию Харьковского университета. На базе воронежских бюджетов земский статистик издал авторские труды, принесшие ему известность и признание. Ф. А. Щербину избрали членом многих научных обществ, среди которых такие авторитетные, как Вольное экономическое, Русское географическое и др. [3]. Как создателя одного из лучших в России статистических бюро, его приглашали в качестве эксперта Черниговская, Новгородская и Олонецкая губернии. В «Сводном сборнике по 12 уездам Воронежской губернии» (1897), в «Крестьянских бюджетах» (1900) Ф. А. Щербина описал используемую им методику группировки первичного материала.


1. Волкова Т. П. Некоторые проблемы источниковедческого изучения материалов экспедиции Ф. А. Щербины // Вопросы историографии Казахстана. Алма-Ата, 1983. С.224—237.

2. Волкова Т. П. Организация статистического обследования казахских хозяйств экспедицией Ф. А. Щербины // Проблемы истории СССР. Вып. IX, 1979. Москва. С. 75—91.

3. Галутво Л. М. К 150-летию со дня рождения Ф. А. Щербины // Голос минувшего. Кубанский исторический журнал, 1999. № 1-2.

4. Галутво Л. М. Научное наследие и общественная деятельность Ф. А. Щербины // Зарубежная Россия 1917-1939. СПб., 2000, с. 147—151.

5. Галутво Л. М. Общественная и профессиональная деятельность Ф. А. Щербины в эмиграции (1920— 1936 гг.) // Культурная миссия Российского Зарубежья. История и современность. М., 1999, С.122—129.

6. Городецкий Б. М. Историк и исследователь Кубанского края. (По поводу сороколетия научно-литературной деятельности Ф. А. Щербины) // Исторический вестник. 1912, № 3. С. 1025—1033.

7. Кауфман А. А. Материалы по вопросу об организации работ по образованию переселенческих участков в степных областях: (Из отчета старшего производителя работ Кауфмана по командировке в Акмолинскую область летом 1897 г.). СПб., 1897.

8. Кауфман А. А. Статистическая наука в России. Теория и методология. 1806—1917. М., 1922.

9. Петрова Т. П. К вопросу о составе экспедиции Ф. А. Щербины по исследованию степных областей Казахстана (1986—1903) // Известия АН Казахской ССР. Серия общественные науки. Алма-Ата, 1980.

10. Чаянов А. Бюджетные исследования. История и методы. М., 1929.

11. Чаянов А., Студенский Г. История бюджетных исследований. М.: Издательство ЦСУ, 1922.

12. Чаянов А. В. Избранные труды. Москва: Финансы и статистика, 1991.

13. Щербина Ф. А. Законы эволюции и русский большевизм. Белград, 1921.

14. Щербина Ф. А. Крестьянские бюджеты. Воронеж, 1900.

The role of human resource management in multinational corporations

Manapova U.1, Mukhtаrovа K.2, Chernov A.3 Роль управления человеческими ресурсами в транснациональных

корпорациях Манапова У. М.1, Мухтарова К. С.2, Чернов А. В.3

'Манапова Улдархан Маузеркызы /Manapova Uldarkhan — магистрант, кафедра менеджмента, экономический факультет, Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва; 2Мухтарова Карлыгаш Сапаровна /Mukhtаrovа Karlygash — доктор экономических наук, профессор, кафедра менеджмента и маркетинга, Высшая школа экономики и бизнеса, Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан; 3Чернов Алексей Викторович / Chernov Alexey — кандидат технических наук, доцент, кафедра менеджмента, экономический факультет, Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва

Abstract: this study provides representative portrait of human resource management policy and practice amongst multinational corporations. Today, multinational corporations increasingly demand highly skilled, highly flexible, mobile employees who can deliver the desired results, operating sometimes in difficult circumstances. Managing human resources in international organizations can be a complex issue. multinational corporations continuously strive to improve their international human resource management

strategies. This challenge requires an innovative response from the multinational corporations as a whole, and in particular from the corporate HR function.

Аннотация: это исследование дает репрезентативный портрет принципов и практики HR менеджмента в транснациональных корпорациях. Сегодня, транснациональные корпорации нуждаются в высококвалифицированных, мобильных сотрудниках, которые могут добиваться поставленных целей на новых рынках. Управление человеческими ресурсами в международных организациях является сложной задачей. Поэтому транснациональные корпорации постоянно стремятся улучшить свои международные стратегии управления персоналом. Эта задача требует новаторского подхода HR менеджмента корпорации.

Keywords: human resource management, international markets, global talent management, subsidiary, expatriate, organizational culture, corporate human resource.

Ключевые слова: управление человеческими ресурсами, международные рынки, глобальное управление талантами, дочерние организации, экспатриант, организационная культура.

Business organizations continuously expand their international operations for sustainable growth and profitability. To improve their competitive positions globally; companies seek to work upon different sources of competitive advantage. Human resource management functions in multinational companies is extremely complicated because of the need to adapt policies and procedures related to personnel, to differences between the countries. In particular, the countries cultural differences, differences in economic development and legal systems may require an international company to adapt its hiring, firing, training and remuneration programs for each country in which it operates [1].

A multinational corporation is defined as an enterprise that operates in several countries but is managed from one home country or when it derives more than one quarter of its revenue outside the home country [2, p. 121]. The type of strategy pursued by an organization decides the human resource management practices. New tools, processes and coordination capabilities are required to focus in particular on the sourcing, retention and career planning of the key talent across the corporation. Selection of the right incumbent for the foreign assignment must be based on holistic selection criteria, especially the criteria of cultural adaptability [4].

In North America and the developed countries of Europe there is a certain level of knowledge in the field of human resource management on how to attract talented young people. The most acute this problem is felt in the economies of emerging markets, such as the BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and the economies of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia [5, p. 163]. This localization of problems can be explained by the fact, that many multinational corporations are expanding their businesses to the emerging markets. Consequently, they faced with a shortage of qualified personnel. In recent years, many multinational corporations carried out systematic research in these countries in order to identify the characteristics of talent management. A few years ago the lack of qualified personnel in the field of management was decided by sending expats to manage the business in the area. However, the practice is increasingly indicates that it is necessary to take into account cultural differences and national mentality in human recourse management. This globalization of talent management brings with it a requirement to create new human resource management tools, methods and processes to provide the necessary co-ordination systems to support global integration.

Having examined some of the key challenges and possible responses to managing talent on a global basis, we now move on to examine the related role of the corporate human resource function. Although little has yet been explored regarding corporate human resource roles in multinational corporations, there are some initial studies emerging on what these may be. Empirical research on United Kingdom multinational corporations has highlighted a considerable variation in the roles of the corporate human resource function in different types of international firms. In centralized/global firms the corporate human resource function undertook a wide range of activities and the key roles were management development, succession planning, career planning, strategic staffing, top management rewards and managing the mobility of international managers [3]. In these firms the growing need for coordination and integration of international activities required greater central control over the mobility of top managers, expatriates and high-potential staff. In highly decentralized firms, on the other hand, who tended to pursue more of a multidomestic international strategy, the corporate human resource executives focused mainly on management development and succession planning for senior executives. One common theme such studies have is that they emphasize the key role of corporate human resource in global talent management for the top talent across the company. Particularly the demand factors noted have created an emerging agenda for corporate human resource to develop core management competencies by focusing on the talent management issues associated with senior management development, succession planning and developing a cadre of global managers.

System monitoring System control

- Intelligence

- Resource access


r 1 r

[ Champion of 1 l processes J Employer branding [ Guardian of 1

1 Global j-¡ expertise ! i networks 1 Supply chain planning ! Encour- i ; aging i ' , ; mobility 1

r 1 f Network 1 leadership & I intelligence J A > r 1 f Managers of 1 f internal 1 receptivity J

Managing staffing flaws

- Socialization

- Leadership

- Career management

- Talent flow

Core HR rale ¡----¡ Interconnecting role activities

Fig. 1. Corporate HR roles in global talent management

Looking in more detail at the implementation of corporate human resource management policies throughout overseas subsidiaries, corporate human resource can play a significant role in coordination and monitoring. According to Elaine Farndale, Hugh Scullion and Paul Sparrow, there are four important roles of corporate HR (see Fig. 1):

1. Champions of processes;

2. Guardians of culture;

3. Network leadership and intelligence;

4. Managers of internal receptivity [5, p. 165].

Each of these roles of corporate HR is important for company's development and for its' staying competitive. They are all interrelated, since all pursuing the same goal: to attract industry leaders and to manage talented and professional staff. Despite the emergence of these four core corporate HR roles, there is still confusion regarding the specific role that HR professionals in particular should play in global talent management processes, which places question marks over the ability of corporate HR professionals to manage their own destiny. Corporate HR professionals work alongside top management who has the option of outsourcing some of their activities. Human resource management, if given due attention, can undoubtedly be leveraged to be a source of competitive advantage for organizations expanding across countries.


1. Abramov E. G. Ocenka i upravlenie formirovaniem inteUektual'nyh аktivov naukoemkih orgаnizаcij. M.: Kreativnаjа jekonomika, 2010. 172 p.

2. Griffin R., PartejM. Mezhdunаrodnyj biznes. SPb.: Piter, 2006. 145 p.

3. Romanteev P. V. Аnаliticheskij obzor metodik ocenki chelovecheskogo kаpitаlа // Jekonomika, predprinimаtel'stvo i pravo. M, 2011.

4. Ronen S. Training the Internаtionаl Ässignee. Training аnd Cаreer Development (1st ed), Sаn Francisco: Goldstein, 1989. P. 174-211.

5. Farndale E., Scullion H., Sparrow P. R. The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management // Journal of World Business, 2010. Vol. 45. No. 2. P. 161-168.

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