THE ROLE OF HEADLINE IN INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MEDIATEXT Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tashmukhammedova L.I.

In this article, the headline is analyzed as a component of the text, and the theoretical types, functions and ways of expression are theoretically investigated. It also provided information on the topic by scholars who have done research on topics such as headline selection skills, title language, and style.

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36 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #2(54), 2020

Tashmukhammedova L.I.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature at Journalism and

Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan


Abstract. In this article, the headline is analyzed as a component of the text, and the theoretical types, functions and ways of expression are theoretically investigated. It also provided information on the topic by scholars who have done research on topics such as headline selection skills, title language, and style.

Keywords: headline, speech communication, reader, media, media text, content of the text, information, title, importance of headline.

There are a number of requirements for creating text, the most important of which is choosing a headline that fits the text.

Headline is the main position of the text. The function of this important element is to influence the addressee's admissions process. From the point of view of the headline, the approach to the title helps to understand the structure of the header and its features. It is important to consider the position of the recipient. Because each recipient is a separate person and takes the key points in the process of learning material through words.

As we know, the headline is the beginning of a dialogue between the author and the reader. The extent to which he/she grabs the attention of the reader (interviewer) is so relevant to the problem of information efficiency and effectiveness. "The headline is a very important and primary means of communicating with the reader. The more attractive it is, the faster and more effective it becomes"4.

Headline and introduction are the main means of determining the content of the text, representing the most important information in the text. It is precisely these elements of the text that serve as a basis for the reader to understand the text at first glance. The headline is a universal component of scientific, advertising, and the Internet through text-based media (publicist newspaper). Whatever the text is, the headline of the title is to help the recipient understand what the article is about, encourage it to accept the information, and help the reader understand it.

In fact, the headline is an important element and should be chosen in a compact manner that is consistent with the content of the text. In the book "TapaKKneT Me30HH" (Criteria of Development) by scholar Yu.Khamdamov, this is the view: "In addition to the language and style of journalism, the headline is also an important element. The headline is the title of a specific article, which is selected based on the content of the article. The headlines should be short and compact. There is a tendency for headlines in the materials of the republican newspapers5.

Modern journalism emphasizes that the headline is one of the main elements of the media text. Despite its outward simplicity, the headline reflects various

4 Тошму^амедова Л. Сарлав^а услубияти. - Т.: —Фан ва технология, 2008. - Б.23

5 Хдмдамов Ю. Тараккиёт мезони. - Т., —Узбекистан,

2013. - Б.204

facets of reality: the author's personal priorities, editorial positions, political and ideological attitudes, cultural values, technical capabilities of the print publication, and so on.

Many researchers prefer not to emphasize the role of the title in the modern media text, it is spoken about in passing, the wording is given in a vague form, after which the authors switch to the classification and function of the title. The role of the headline by S.M.Gurevich is most detailed. He writes that "Headings of publications in a newspaper are an integral element of its design. The face of a periodical depends in many respects on their nature and design. Their most important function is to attract the attention of the reader. The headings help him quickly familiarize himself with the contents of the issue, understand what his publications inform about, what is important in the information that he is offered, which is of particular interest to him»6. He believes that the ability of newspaper designers to use headings in the next issue often determines the reader's decision - to read those publications whose headings aroused interest in him, or to put the number aside. Newspaper practice gives numerous examples of how, as a result of poor choice and design of headlines, the effect of important newspaper speeches on readers is sharply reduced: they do not notice a meaningful article with an incorrectly selected, inexpressive, illiterate heading. Conversely, a bright headline, which attracted the reader with its content and form, prompts you to read the text following it or to consider the illustration below it. It plays the role of a hook, swallowing which, the reader gets acquainted with his "catch" - the entire publication.

Today, no publication can do without a headline, but its role has grown significantly since the first headings appeared. Now this is not only navigation, and not even information about the text, but a way of attracting the reader's attention and encouraging him to read this or that material.

6 Гуревич С. М. Газета: вчера, сегодня, завтра. Учебное пособие для вузов / С. М. Гуревич, - Москва: Аспект Пресс, 2004.

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Z.M.Turaeva believes that each headline has three main functions7:

1) nominative

2) information

3) advertising.

S.P.Suvorov in the article "Peculiarities of the style of newspaper headlines" defines the function of the headings as follows:

1) to separate one message or one material from another;

2) to draw attention to a particular material;

3) briefly inform the main content of the posted material;

4) interest the reader;

5) have a certain emotional impact on him.

Researchers, in particular T.G. Dobrosklonskaya,

note that in the field of mass media "the traditional definition of text as a combined semantic connection of a sequence of symbolic units, the main qualities of which are connectedness and integrity, goes beyond the verbal level, approaching a semiotic interpretation of concepts , implying a sequence of any, not just verbal, signs. The text in the media sequentially unfolds at once on several levels: verbal, video-graphic and sound level, forming a single whole»8.

The more lines in the headline, the more difficult it is to type it correctly. The multiline heading, typed in large print, occupies a very large area on the strip and as a result forms a dark spot that needs to be balanced. For this reason, multi-line headers are recommended in smaller fonts. In addition, the use of multi-line headings is hindered by the presence of additional headings of different levels (sub-heading, headings, etc.).

Thus, we can conclude that the headline is one of the main elements of modern mass media, as it is considered as a visual image, a separate text and carries a nominative, informative, dividing, advertising, integrative and evaluatively expressive functions. At the same time, depending on the type of text, the headline will highlight either an informative, evaluative-expressive, or advertising function. By the degree of predominance of the function, one can judge the types of heading - non-informational or informational.

In our opinion, the main function of the headlines of modern media is to attract the attention of the reader, interest him and arouse the desire to continue reading. Therefore, the characteristic features of the headlines are considered originality and catchiness.

Thus, the headlines of the media can relate to the text of the article directly (to reflect its main idea and content), or indirectly, peripherally (to be a simple addition to the content of the article).

It should be noted that the headings also vary in structure type. Researcher A.V.Kolesnichenko proposes to distinguish between nominative and predicative headings. Nominatives are just a combination of words (several nouns, or noun + adjective). However, such a headline may be accompanied by a subheading for a more complete understanding of what happened: "A nominative headline usually contains an assessment of the news and is accompanied by a subheading - a common sentence outlining its essence9. Whereas a predicative headline is a whole sentence or a group of them. Such a title is independent and does not require detailed decryption, additions. In the process of studying the newspaper headline, it was found that usually the nominative headline is used over large, expanded articles, while the predictive headline is used in short news.

In the newspaper headline methodology, "The title must always be clear and concise. One headline for newspapers should always be the same as the headlines on other pages, not duplicates, but with the same language and style"10.

By the way, choosing the title requires great responsibility from the author. After all, the chosen title is primarily relevant to the text, ensuring the title and text compatibility, shaping the reader's initial perception of the text, as well as informing the reader about the text, explaining, encouraging, instructing the reader. as well as various additional functions. In a word, the titles should be not just the title of the material, but the full meaning of the author's ideas and purposes, as well as the development of different approaches to the text.

Well-known publicist A.Meliboev in his book "Forty-Five Station" comments on the peculiarities of choosing a headline for the material: "Finding a headline in a newspaper is half an achievement. I don't know what the other colleagues are saying, but in my lifetime, I have found that finding a good headline is not an easy task. Sometimes you finish writing a large article, copy it, edit it, but you don't know how to name it".11

The headline allows the reader to select information texts and distinguish them from each other. In this case, journalists have a special responsibility. That is why it is important for future writers to get acquainted with the newspaper headline methodology and gain experience.

Headline must meet the following requirements:

- Short (as short as possible);

- Visible;

- Reassuring;

- Written in modern times;

Тураева З. М. Лингвистика текста: структура и 9 Колесниченко, А. В. Практическая журналистика.

семантика: учебное пособие / З. М. Тураева, - Москва: Просвещение, 1986. - 54 c

8 Добросклонская Т.Г. «Язык средств массовой информации»: науч. изд. / Т.Г. Добросклонская, -Москва: «КДУ», 2012. - 48 ^

Учебное пособие. — М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 2008. — 180 с.

10 Тошму^амедова Л. Сарлав^а услубияти. - Т.: —Фан ва технология,.2008. - Б.33

11 Мелибоев А. ^ирк бешинчи бекат. - Т.: Алишер Навоий номидаги Узбекистан Миллий кутубхонаси нашриети, 2008. - Б.52


38 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #2(54), 2020

- Interesting

- Attractive;

- Rough or misleading - word play, use of pen

- To have a "musical" jar with rhythm, rhyme, alliteration;

- Typographic differences in the main text. Font, background, and more.12

The headline is a full-fledged component of the newspaper text, included in it and associated with other components of the whole work. Anticipating the text, the heading carries certain information about the content of a journalistic work. The headlines of the newspaper strip are emotionally colored, arouse reader interest, and attract attention. The headline is perceived as a speech element that is outside the text and has a certain independence. The importance of the title in terms of impact on the reader is determined by the fact that, along with the conception and ending of the text, it occupies a stylistically strong position. It is these components of the work that attract the most attention; information contained in the title, conception, ending, is assimilated in the first place.

In short, people are primarily interested in their problems and needs. If the headline provide directly or indirectly serves those needs, the reader will be more likely to read the caption text. In any case, the title can be specific. But the principles of how the titles affect

the audience are general. Given these principles, your exposure rate will increase several fold.


1. Гуревич С. М. Газета: вчера, сегодня, завтра. Учебное пособие для вузов / С. М. Гуревич, -Москва: Аспект Пресс, 2004.

2. Тураева З. М. Лингвистика текста: структура и семантика: учебное пособие / З. М. Тураева, -Москва: Просвещение, 1986. - 54 c

3. Суворов С. П. Особенности стиля английских газетных заголовков. Язык и стиль: учебное пособие / С. П. Суворов, - Москва: Просвещение, 1965. - 27 c

4. Добросклонская Т.Г. «Язык средств массовой информации»: науч. изд. / Т.Г. Добросклонская, - Москва: «КДУ», 2012. - 48 c.

5. Колесниченко, А. В. Практическая журналистика. Учебное пособие. — М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 2008. — 180 с.

6. Тошму^амедова Л. Сарлав^а услубияти. -Т.: —Фан ва технология, 2008. - Б.33

7. Мелибоев А. Кирк бешинчи бекат. - Т.: Алишер Навоий номидаги Узбекистан Миллий кутубхонаси нашриёти, 2008. - Б.52

8. Colin Macfarlane. Hit the Headlines Exciting journalism activities for improving writing and thinking skills. © 2012.P. 150.

Khasanova Gulsanam Khusanovna

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan



Abstract. This work is dedicated to one of the most pressing issues of today - the study of the formation and development of the national education system, study and comparison of experience the functioning of educational systems. Based on an analysis of the current state of education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, practical proposals were developed for further improving the prospects of education system based on international experience.

Keywords: integration of education, quality of education, science and industry, international analysis, continuity of education, competence, professional skills, labor market.

One of the priorities for reforming, improving and enhancing the quality of education is to share best practices with the world's leading countries, to actively participate in global education, and to overcome the artificial barriers faced by teachers and students.

At the present stage, under conditions of accelerated socio-economic development of the world community, further progress of science, technology and culture, each state pays close attention to improving the requirements for content and quality, forms and methods of teaching in the education system [5].

Today, scientific and technological progress has not only compressed time and reduced distances. It pushed the boundaries in the field of international

communication, contributed to a deep understanding of the world experience in the organization of education. Therefore, starting to reform the Uzbek system of education, it is necessary not only to seriously study the national educational experience, unique and significant in content, which has absorbed the best of the cultural heritage of our peoples, but also the educational achievements of other countries that have centuries-old, progressive in many relationship of tradition [4].

In Uzbekistan from the first years of independence, a special attention has been paid to radical reform of the education system, to the education of our children at the level of international standards, to acquire modern knowledge and skills, to grow up

12 Colin Macfarlane. Hit the HeadlinesExciting journalismactivities forimproving writing and thinking skills. © 2012.P. 150.

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