B. U. Mingbaeva М. U. Muminova
This article highlights the issues of education of students, using materials of traditional national education, based on respect for national traditions and crafts, and folklore genres such as fairytales. It gives valuable advice on the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality; spiritual appeal to carriers and symbols of courage and generosity always bring generous and fruitful results.
Key words: folklore, justice, spiritual values, legal education, social experience, national traditions, personal development, crafts, national consciousness.
The problem of the rights and freedoms of children is one of the eternal problems of mankind. The importance of its solving lies in the fact that the exercising of individual rights is one of the main conditions for the physical and psychological well-being of the younger generation, and its moral development. In this context, the legal rules governing various types of social relations are of particular importance for the positive socialization of primary school pupils. Work on the legal education of pupils should start from elementary school. Since early school age, children should be aware of the connection between times and generations, and know and be proud of our best human values and national traditions, love their country and do everything to make it stable and strong.
The beginning of the XXI century marks the country's transition to the stage of civil society, a state governed by the rule of law, a market economy, and the recognition of a human being and his or her rights and freedoms to be of supreme value. Currently, more attention is paid to the problems of the legal education of pupils. This is due to two main reasons: (1) the need to consider legal education as a continuous and systematic process during the entire period of studying at school; (2) the degree of assimilation of basic legal knowledge and skills in the most favorable period of emotional interaction of a pupil within society.
The content of our analytical work was aimed at the development of love of national traditions among primary school pupils, and on this basis - development of their civil qualities, based on the materials of folklore. During the course of experimental work, we tried to examine: (a) the influence of folklore on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, enhancing the level of development of pupils in the process of study of fairy tales, tongue twisters, riddles, and proverbs; (b) the specifics of work on the study of oral traditions in primary grades, and particularly the use of this material in the classroom.
On the basis of the experimental work, the following tasks have been resolved: (1) development of a phased system of work on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality of primary school pupils based on the materials of folklore, with a gradual increase in the complexity of the materials while studying various subjects of the educational cycle, and during extra-curricular activities; (2) elaboration of non-standard lessons with use of elements of folklore
for pupils in grades 1-4; (3) a calendar-thematic lesson plan was enriched with materials of folklore (tales, riddles, dastans, epic works, tongue twisters, proverbs, and sayings).
At the same time, special attention was paid to the existing various forms of traditions: moral, labor, ethical, aesthetic, household, and others. Each of the national traditions has a great influence upon the education of primary school pupils and is based on such values as work, skills, unity, friendship, partnership, humanity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, patriotism, honesty, kindness, justice, hospitality, respect, purity of thought, culture, a humane attitude to animals, birds, the environment, the earth, water, nature, and love for man. Thus, the folklore is an important tool and a wonderful material for the development of the personality of pupils of lower grades.
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Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas