THE ROLE OF BIOLOGY IN THE FORMATION OF AN INDIVIDUAL’S WORLDVIEW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Bokieva I.V.

This article discusses the role of biological science in the system of sciences. the role of biology in the formation of an individual’s worldview is analyzed.

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UDK 574.42

Bokieva I.V.

Assistant of the Department of Biological Chemistry

Andijan State Medical Institute


Abstract: This article discusses the role of biological science in the system of sciences. the role of biology in the formation of an individual's worldview is analyzed.

Key words: personality, worldview, natural sciences, biology, scientific concepts

The academic subject "Biology" is a system of basic (fundamental) scientific concepts of biology, specially selected, didactically revised, arranged in a certain order, developing in a logical sequence and interconnected with each other. The entire system of concepts is determined by the foundations of science, reflected in the school subject. Among them: botanical, zoological, ecological, evolutionary, morphological, anatomical, physiological, systematic, cytological, genetic, ontogenetic, environmental, structural-level, as well as applied (agricultural, biotechnological and hygienic).

A concept is a form of human thinking in which general essential features of things, phenomena of the real world are expressed. Man thinks in concepts. Concepts are a generalized form of knowledge and at the same time they are a form of thinking of students in the process of mastering biology. They most economically and concisely express the content of the foundations of biology. Three stages in the formation and development of concepts:

I stage - the accumulation, development of basic knowledge (facts. Subordinate concepts) as the main elements of the content of the defined concept;

II stage - integration (synthesis) of content elements and definition (derivation) on this basis of the concept;

III stage - the use of the formed concept as an integral knowledge along the way of consolidation and further development (deepening, expansion, merging with others, etc.).

Concepts are constantly evolving, expanding and deepening. For example, the concept of "photosynthesis" in the 7th grade is "the process of creating organic substances using chlorophyll." When studying general biology, this concept sounds like this: "Photosynthesis is the biosynthesis of carbohydrates from inorganic substances (carbon dioxide and water), which occurs due to the energy of light in a green cell." The content of the concept of photosynthesis becomes more complete (chloroplasts, pigments, dark and light phases, the role of light,

water and hydrogen, attention is paid to the appearance of free oxygen, the accumulation of chemical energy in the form of ATP).

The process of concept formation has a number of peculiarities: u concepts cannot be mastered in a "ready-made form" only by memorizing definitions, but are derived and formed; u concepts are not learned immediately, not at once, but gradually, as the course is studied, they continuously develop in volume and depth; concepts represent a system in which some of them are connected with others; the process of forming concepts is manageable, it takes place under the guidance of a teacher, has a purposeful character

The formation and development of concepts in the methods of teaching biology has long been given great attention. The main provisions of the theory on the development of biological concepts of a school subject include the following: The academic subject "Biology" is a system of basic concepts of science and practice; in concepts the content of the subject "Biology" is expressed; concepts play a leading role in the process in the development of thinking and education of students; the formation and development of biological concepts occurs in a phased process; there are types of concepts: special, local and general biological; u complex concepts are formed in the process of their development by generalizing simple concepts, merging, integrating and in conjunction with the concepts of other academic disciplines; concepts are introduced: intersubject and intrasubject connections, perspective and retrospective lines, development of concepts; intersubject and intrasubject connections are important conditions for the development of concepts, their means are "synchronic maps of the educational process"; There are different types of concept development: continuous, intermittent, end-to-end and confined to small pieces of educational material and the time of its study; with the continuous formation and development of concepts, their successive and more conscious assimilation occurs; The movement of concepts in a school subject is accompanied by an increasingly complete reflection, adequate to the nature of things and phenomena.

The concepts are divided into simple and complex. In school biology, there are special concepts that are developed within one course (botany, zoology), and general biological concepts that are developed in all courses of the subject. Special concepts are those that develop within the same course. Among them are local concepts. Developing only within a topic or individual lessons. General biological concepts are considered to be the concepts of biological laws relating to all living organisms and generalizing the special concepts of individual biological courses: the cell as a unit of life, the unity of the structure and function of organisms, the relationship between the organism and the environment, the organism as a self-regulating system, metabolism and energy conversion, self-reproduction of organisms, evolutionary development of the world, biological system and the level of organization of living matter. These concepts are formed from special concepts and are developed in all courses of school biology on the material of each of them.

The task of teaching is the systematic education and development of concepts. Each concept in its development must be assimilated by students so that they can freely operate with it. The teacher needs to know how concepts move from topic to topic, from course to course. The most important moment in the formation of a concept is to highlight its essential features. To do this, use analysis, comparison of features, synthesis and generalization. In general terms, the process of formation and development of concepts can be divided into three stages: education, development and integration. They use three methods of forming concepts: from sensory experience by inductive (inferential) generalization or by deductive derivation of them from known theories; traductive. Induction is a type of inference that is built on a consistent transition from the discussion of the particular aspects of the subject to its general property. For example, when considering consistently that green plants, using the energy of sunlight and minerals, one can formulate the conclusion: plants have photosynthesis. Inductive formation of concepts is characteristic of the initial stage of learning, which is based on generalizations of experimental data.

Comparison plays an important role in the formation and development of biological concepts. Comparison is the comparison of objects in order to identify similarities and differences between them. It provides the possibility of using analysis, that is, a detailed and comparative study of the properties of the studied object and phenomenon. At the same time, comparison with the use of analysis makes it possible to formulate a generalizing conclusion (that is, leads to a synthesis). Thus, comparison is the most important prerequisite for generalization. Judgments expressing the result of comparison serve the purpose of revealing the content of concepts in the compared objects. In this regard, comparison acts as a technique that complements and sometimes replaces the definition (derivation) of a concept. The most successful formal-logical formation of theoretical concepts occurs in the process of problem learning, for example, the formation of a concept according to the type of bringing under a concept.

The model of this process can be presented in the following form:

1. Statement of the problem (bringing the object under the given concept);

2. Search for ways to solve the problem (analysis, synthesis, comparison of the essential properties of the object and concept);

3. Solution of the problem (highlighting the general essential properties of the concept);

4. Awareness and understanding of the results obtained (study of the relationship between the object and the concept);

5. Characteristics of the results - derivation of the concept, formulation of the definition (conclusion about the belonging of the object to the concept).

A concept can be considered assimilated if the student:

1. Knows its definition and content, that is, the essential features of the concept, connection and relationship between features;

2. Has a figurative idea of the studied biological object or phenomenon;

3. Is able to independently apply the concept when solving educational problems.


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