THE ROLE OF ACRIDOTHERES TRISTIS IN BIOTIC СONNECTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
symbiosis / biocenosis / agrocenosis myna / egg / nest / chick / bird / ecology / biology / anthropogenic / biotope

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Rayimov A.R., Mustafayeva M.I., Jabborova O.I.

The main biotic relationships with other types of Startling are identified and described. The environmental characteristics of biotic relationships in the forms of protocooperation, commensalism and competition, which are important in determining the role of Acridotheres tristis in the facilities are reflected.

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Rayimov A.R., Mustafayeva M.I.,

Teachers of Bukhara State Universitety Jabborova O.I.


The main biotic relationships with other types of Startling are identified and described. The environmental characteristics of biotic relationships in the forms of protocooperation, commensalism and competition, which are important in determining the role of Acridotheres tristis in the facilities are reflected.

Keywords: symbiosis, biocenosis, agrocenosis myna, egg, nest , chick , bird, ecology, biology, anthropogenic, biotope.

In the literature there are many materials on the study of the lane in different regions of Uzbekistan. But research on the factors determining their distribution and abundance in the Kyzylkum region is currently not conducted. Determining the main factors influencing the distribution and abundance of the lane in different biotopes of the region has practical importance in regulating the numbers and attracting the species, which is relevant especially for solving issues related to problem species. Natural areas are constantly growing, each year vast expanses of land are built up with new anthropogenic elements. At the same time, the urbanized territories themselves significantly differ in area, population density, socio-economic indicators, etc., which leads to changes in the ecology and behavior of birds, including the lane, in which the process of synanthropi-zation is still on going.

The object of study. Acridotheres tristis

Subject of study. Ecology, ethnology of the lane, anthropogenic factors affecting the distribution and abundance of the lane in the Kyzylkum region.

Research methods. The material for this work were the results of field studies conducted from 20102018. in different biotopes of the Kyzylkum region. To account for the number of lane applied generally accepted methods. Birds were counted in all seasons of the year and in all types of city stations on permanent fixed routes. The surveys were carried out by the method of linear transects, 5-minute counts and on stationary survey sites. Materials on the ecology of birds during breeding, wintering and other life cycles were collected by well-known methods [4]. Phenological and daily relationships have been studied in cities and their environs (agrocenoses, settlements, and natural landscapes). The significance of birds in the conditions of the city and adjacent territories was investigated in places of feeding, rest, overnight stay and nesting.

The Acridotheres tristis is a common cause of various discussions and restrictions in Uzbekistan due to the wide variety of prevalent, ecologically vibrant and competitive bird species in nature and in the national economy. Acridotheres tristis biotic contacts based on participation each, depending on the characteristics of the region through its direct assessment of the importance of coordination of the relationship between nature and society, and to maintain the biological diversity of human interests with the actual service. At the same time, starlings live landsapes to learn what was happening to the environment and ethology synan-thropic species, to determine the validity of laws and observe the ongoing evolutionary processes [1-5].

The formation and evolution of any biocenosis is closely interrelated with the biotic relationships and their levels of development occurring in the species. The wide variety of brainwaves, numerous occurrences, activity and other ecological features can be seen in the complexity of its involvement in biotic interactions and the importance of biocenosis .

The brain is involved in all types of biotic interactions. The following item is the most important biotic relations (protocooperation, kommensalism, competition and predation) materials (pictured) will be discussed.

Proto-operation is a form of symbiosis, which is useful for both types of biotic contact , but not necessary for survival. In rural settlements, agrochemicals, and pastures, there are differences in the type of prototype with yeast livestock. Make fun of a variety of ectoparasites, their livestock around the mouth and eyes, a collection of feeds on insects and will benefit both species. At the same time, it is possible to go deep into the desert habitat fun at his cattle with a similar symbiotic relationship is of vital importa7nce



Destruction of eggs and

chickens for birds and

domestic birds.


The actions of the acridotheres tristis in the form of predation have led to evolution, such as

struggle for survival and natural selection, to "succeed" in moving processes.

Depression can cause the number of species to be controlled or decreased.



In the scpecies

Striving to build a warehouse and get the same kind of food aggression.

The strongest representatives of the population will be able to reproduce, the weak will not participate in the growth. Fighting in the race leads to the natural management of the population, natural selection. \_/


Attack on stacking places and trying to get the same kind of food.

Dung species such as crow, ravioli, field, and Indian sparrows, as well as trophic competition, lose some species from food, which leads to the increase in the number of cannabis and the natural number ofother species.

In all forms of kommensalism-type biotic relationships ( leasing, propagation and worship) are actively involved . He's symbiotic relationship in the form of a lease, its reproductive cycle is clearly observed annually. Most of its housings are constructed in various human-made structures, and some of them are placed in other birds (dung beetle, cranberries, field and Indian sparrows, and blue turtles) in old birds' birds. Sometimes the occupied nests of the birds in our fun competition as a result of antibiotics taken by the "scope" of relations.

All inclusive biotic relations Acridotheres tristis to obtain fertilizer in household garbage music, crow, raven, empty tame birds are fed and where pigs and cattle, along with the absence of the same types of household waste will be eat work. Such malnutrition plays a negative role in expanding the range of disease-specific birds.

Acridotheres tristis reflected in the trophic relations eaten form symbiotic relationship of their livestock, poultry, dog and cat food specific to the species of food consumption at work. Such attitudes can also lead to a negative situation. In conclusion, it can be said that all forms of biomedical communication in the form of ommensalism will be beneficial.

Competition in the form of symbiotic relationships common in the life of this fun day relations plays an important role in the life of biocenosis living in Acridotheres tristis. The importance of ape in nature and in the national economy is closely linked to biotic relationships in the form of intrinsic and inter-row competition. Get more competitioning period in aggressively. This aggressively choosing nesting chicks new series will continue up to the right and then slows down. The centers and lack of nesting places in cities where competition will increase, causing some officials involved in the breeding business and the number of reason population alone can lead to self-managed natural. The demand for similar types of food to achieve resource and bring both rounds of competition in the name.

Make fun of living in a particular ecosystem population at achieving increased density of their food difficultly and ultimately can lead to growing competition. The seasonal migration of seasonal migraine, which is relatively high in populations in the late autumn and winter months, can also be assessed as a specific adaptation to competition formed by food shortages.

Competition in the tour plays an important role in the natural management of the population. As a result of this competition, the number of biogenic biodiversity

populations, reproductive efficiency and the population and age structure of the population are managed.

Intercontinental competitiveness various forms of starlings malnutrition and reproductive the nature of the relationship. Interspecies competitive factors that lead to the formation of stake and the results will be similar to the competition in the round.

It also participates in the biological relationships of the predator . This can be seen in the attack of birds and poultry in attacking eggs and chicks . While the appetite is not typical wild, hunting for hunting is wasted.

In summary , the jersey will compete with so many species and usually win over them, and maybe on this basis , the cannabis has diminished the number of species such as poppy , poppy , sparrow , winged goat . The above-mentioned competition species of Acridotheres tristis ease of use and its opportunity, the result of the fight in the later rounds will be mechanisms of self-rule is run.


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