Научная статья на тему 'Distribution and number of Common myna Acridotheres tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) in different habitats of the Kyzylkum region'

Distribution and number of Common myna Acridotheres tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) in different habitats of the Kyzylkum region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Raimov Avaz R., Rakhmonov Rashid R.

The article studies the habitats of Common myna A. tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) in anthropogenic landscapes, natural landscapes with anthropogenic elements, agrocenoses, and settlements. The distribution of Acridotheres tristis in Kyzylkum is limited by anthropogenic elements. The main factor that ensures the appearance of Acridotheres tristis in such places is the existence of a network of premises and food sources. The seasonal changes in the quality and quantity of nutrient resources, availability of sleeping places, and seasonality of human activities determine the distribution and number of A. tristis in various habitats. Seasonal fluctuations in food resources cause seasonal and daily "local migrations" of A. tristis. Local migrations can be considered as an important stage in the life cycle of A. tristis. This migration plays an important role in the biotopic redistribution and distribution of A. tristis.

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Обследованы местообитания обыкновенной майны A. tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) в антропогенных ландшафтах, окружающих их природных ландшафтах, агроценозах и населенных пунктах. Распространение майны A. tristis в Кызылкуме ограничено антропогенными элементами. Выявлена средняя численность и экологические факторы, оказывающие влияние на нее. Основным фактором, обеспечивающим появление майны в таких местах, является наличие сети помещений и источников питания. Распределение и количество майны A. tristis в различных местообитаниях определяют сезонные изменения качества и количества питательных ресурсов, наличие спальных мест, сезонность хозяйственной деятельности человека. Сезонные колебания пищевых ресурсов вызывают сезонные и суточные миграции майны A. tristis. Местные миграции можно рассматривать как важный этап в жизненном цикле майны A. tristis. Эта миграция играет важную роль в биотопическом перераспределении и распространении майны A. tristis

Текст научной работы на тему «Distribution and number of Common myna Acridotheres tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) in different habitats of the Kyzylkum region»

УДК: 636 (575.1)

DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2019-2-60-64


© Avaz R. Raimov

Assistant, Bukhara State University

11 M. Iqbol St., Bukhara 200114, Uzbekistan

E-mail: buxdu-kimyo@mail.ru

© Rashid R. Rakhmonov

Assistant, Bukhara State University

11, M. Iqbol St., Bukhara 200114, Uzbekistan

E-mail: buxdu-kimyo@mail.ru

The article studies the habitats of Common myna A. tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) in anthropogenic landscapes, natural landscapes with anthropogenic elements, agrocenoses, and settlements. The distribution of Acridotheres tristis in Kyzylkum is limited by anthropogenic elements. The main factor that ensures the appearance of Acridotheres tristis in such places is the existence of a network of premises and food sources. The seasonal changes in the quality and quantity of nutrient resources, availability of sleeping places, and seasonality of human activities determine the distribution and number of A. tristis in various habitats. Seasonal fluctuations in food resources cause seasonal and daily "local migrations" of A. tristis. Local migrations can be considered as an important stage in the life cycle of A. tristis. This migration plays an important role in the biotopic redistribution and distribution of A. tristis.

Keywords: agrocenosis; anthropogenic element; local migration; household waste. Для цитирования:

Raimov A. R.,Rakhmonov R. R. Distribution and Number of Common Myna Acridotheres tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) in Different Habitats of the Kyzylkum Region // Nature of Inner Asia. 2019. No. 2(11). P. 60-64. DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2019-2-60-64

Common myna is a synanthropic species in Uzbekistan, one of dominant species of the Kyzylkum region ornithofauna [Kholboev, 2018; Shernazarov, 1995]. Many settlements in its populated areas were involved in various environmental pollution, and competing with other species led to the use of firearms to control its number. However, the lack of adequate knowledge of the ecology, ethnology and significance of the jungle in local areas and the unilateral approach to solving the problem led to the inefficient conclusion of the event. In this regard, it is urgent to study the spread and the number of Common myna in each ecosystem and to identify the factors that determine these indicators [Vladyshevskii, 1975; Zhabborov, 2017].

The following are the results of the study of the distribution of Common myna, the number and the factors determining them in the case of the basic biotopin Kyzylkum.

1. Anthropogenic elements in the natural landscape. These elements include various structures of animal husbandry, forestry, hunting and water economy (buildings, wells, small woods, roads, bridges, pipes, electric drives). They have penetrated the natural landscape of the steppes and are located far away from settlements. The distribution of Common myna in Kyzylkum is limited to anthropogenic elements. The main factor that ensures the appearance of Common myna in such places is the existence of a network of premises and food sources.

Table 1

The average number of Common myna A. tristis in habitats and its annual dynamics (2012-2017)

Habitat Months, average number of hits (in 10 hectares) Average annual number (10 hectares)


Anthropogenic elements in the natural landscape 5 6 8 7 9 6 3 3 8 3 5 8 5,4

Agroocenoses: Field of cotton 3 2 7 14 18 17 48 18 16 18 6 3 11,3

The autumn wheat field 5 3 8 6 11 44 15 14 18 14 8 7 9,9

clover field 7 11 16 48 37 34 49 48 18 15 14 9 19,8

Fruitgardensand vineyavds 5 8 18 17 11 7 13 16 41 18 10 8 14,0

Villages 27 84 84 89 58 68 78 04 60 56 30 30 51.6

Cities 30 26 41 35 80 89 34 27 18 41 24 34 49,7

In dusdrial production fa cilities 96 148 84 73 58 68 68 80 97 80 94 98 84,5

Floods 1308 1180 980 848 564 371 486 489 360 491 73 5 1473 714,8

Amusement parks anal aUeys 17 34 34 37 80 87 48 69 36 48 40 43 33,4

--C— cotton ••• ■••• autumn wheat clover —±—clover —X—gardens and vineyard Fig. 1. Average monthly dynamics of the number of Common myna A. tristis in agrocenosis

An average annual number of Acridotheres tristis in anthropogenic elements of the natural landscape is 5.2 (3-9) per 10 hectares (Table 1). The highest indicator is in March-May (7-9), the lowest indicator fall s in July—October (3-4) months. At the beg inning of spring and early summer, the high number of abnormalitiesandabnormalities are explained by the increase in competition and the availability of adequate nutritional resources, while the number of other seasons can be explained by the availability of fruits thatareeasily accessible to agrocenosis. Climate-related seasonal shifts can result in small migrations.

Fig. 2. Average monthly dynamics of the number of population in settlements

2. Agrocenoses. In the Kyzylkum region, agrocenoses occupy a large area. Considering their biodiversity conservation and the growing demand for ecologically clean crops, it is one of the pressing issues to study the faunistic composition of this biocenosis and to consider it as an experimental area.

In 2000-2010, 4 night colonies of Common myna A. tristis were registered in local orchards in Bukhara Region, and these colonies were not registered in the newly built intensive orchards. The number of fencing was also lower in the intensive gardens than in the gardens.

In the study, the average annual number of A. tristis, in cotton, winter wheat, berries, fruit gardens and vineyards, was determined (Fig. t). In spring and summer, the number of Common myna A. tristis grown in these agrocenoses is higher than the other seasons of the year. The average annual yield was higher for bedbugs (19.8 per cent), and the lowest in winter wheat (9.9). The average monthly high indicator also showed the death tolls (37 mph) and the low figure to the cotton field (February 2).

3. Population points. Due to the relative convenience of habitats for high competitive, environmentally friendly and ecologically vulnerable Common myna A. tristis, there is a large number of households, especially for household waste its number increases. Here, along with the seasonal fluctuation of seasonal variations, there is daily change in winter in cities. Such dynamic vibrations depend on environmental factors, quantities of nutritional resources, location, and life cycles of Common myna A. tristis. In the

winter and early spring, resource depletion of A. tristis in the agrocenosis leads to an increase in the number of nutrition due to the fact that it is concentrated in settlements, industrial facilities and waste collection. During this time, they make "local migration" to comfortable living conditions. The total number of A. tristis in the waste dump has the highest average monthly indication (1308, January) and an annual number (712) possesses high indicator (Fig. 2).

To sum up, the distribution and number of A. tristis in various habitats determine the seasonal changes in quality and quantity of nutrient resources, availability of sleeping and sleeping places, seasonality of man's economic activity. The seasonal fluctuation of food resources will cause seasonal and daily "local migrations" of Common myna. Local migrations can be seen as an important stage in the life cycle of the Common myna. This migration plays an important role in the biotopic redistribution and distribution of Common myna A. tristis.


Vlanyshevskii D. V. Ptitsy v antropogennom landshafte [Birds in Anthropogenic Landscape]. Novosibirsk, 1975. 199 p.

Zhabborov A. R. Nekotorye voprosy priklannoi ornitologii v Uzbekistane. Voprosy okhrany ptits Uzbekistana [Some Issues of Applied Ornithology in Uzbekistan]. Voprosy okhrany ptits Uzbekistana — Problems of Bird Protection in Uzbekistan. Proc. Rep. Conf. of the Uzbekistan Society for Bird Protection. Tashkent, 2017. Pp. 120-121.

Kholboev U. R. Fauna, naselenie i ekologiya ptits gorodov Kyzylkumskogo regiona [Fauna, Population and Ecology of Birds in Towns of the Kyzylkum Region]. Dr. Biol. Sci. Diss. Tashkent, 2018. P. 149.

Shernazarov E. Semeistvo Skvortsovye — Stummae [Family Starlings (Stumidae)]. Ptitsy Uzbekistana — Birds of Uzbekistan. Tashkent: Uan, 1995. V. 3. Pp. 117-122.


Аваз Р. Раймов

Ассистент, Бухарский государственный университет, Узбекистан, 200114, г. Бухара, ул. М. Икбола, 11 E-mail: buxdu-kimyo@mail.ru

Рашид Р. Рахмонов

Ассистент, Бухарский государственный университет, Узбекистан, 200114, г. Бухара, ул. М. Икбола, 11 E-mail: buxdu-kimyo@mail.ru

Обследованы местообитания обыкновенной майны A. tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) в антропогенных ландшафтах, окружающих их природных ландшафтах, агроценозах и населенных пунктах. Распространение майны A. tristis в Кызылкуме ограничено антропогенными элементами. Выявлена средняя численность и экологические факторы, оказывающие влияние на нее. Основным фактором, обеспечивающим появление майны в

таких местах, является наличие сети помещений и источников питания. Распределение и количество майны А. tristis в различных местообитаниях определяют сезонные изменения качества и количества питательных ресурсов, наличие спальных мест, сезонность хозяйственной деятельности человека. Сезонные колебания пищевых ресурсов вызывают сезонные и суточные миграции майны А. tristis. Местные миграции можно рассматривать как важный этап в жизненном цикле майны А. Эта миграция играет важную роль

в биотопическом перераспределении и распространении майны А. tristis. Ключевые слова: агроценоз; антропогенный элемент; локальная миграция; бытовые отходы.

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