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The role of a text in modern professional diplomatic communication Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Kapitonova Marina A.

The article deals with the problem of the enhanced role of information element in international professional diplomatic activity. The author claims the process of interference of diplomacy and public communication as being one of the most actual in the context of other global processes such as globalization and building of information society. On the basis of existent phenomenon a state image which is correctly formed with the intention of state representation on the global stage plays an important role in international communication. The author suggests that current technologies of image creation are built on information and recognizes text as one of universal means of image formation. Claiming that diplomatic public speeches texts are binding on translation the author also defines a number of challenges that translators can be set.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role of a text in modern professional diplomatic communication»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 9 (2015 8) 1926-1935

УДК 003.074

The Role of a Text in Modern Professional Diplomatic Communication

Marina A. Kapitonova*

St. Petersburg State University of Economics 30/32 Nab. kanala Griboedova, St. Petersburg, 191023, Russia

Received 30.07.2015, received in revised form 07.08.2015, accepted 29.08.2015

The article deals with the problem of the enhanced role of information element in international professional diplomatic activity. The author claims the process of interference of diplomacy and public communication as being one of the most actual in the context of other global processes such as globalization and building of information society. On the basis of existent phenomenon a state image which is correctly formed with the intention of state representation on the global stage plays an important role in international communication. The author suggests that current technologies of image creation are built on information and recognizes text as one of universal means of image formation. Claiming that diplomatic public speeches texts are binding on translation the author also defines a number of challenges that translators can be set.

Keywords: public diplomacy, state image, information, meaning core, translation. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-2015-8-9-1926-1935. Research area: philology.


Rapid development of the state foreign activity in the context of the current global processes - globalization and information society building - is the reason for a profound interest in scientific analysis of international diplomatic activity. As a rule, scientists try to consider current problems in an integrated manner, i.e. through the spectacle of different scientific fields. Thus, for example, it has already become actual to discuss the sphere of modern diplomacy and, in particular, one of the most important means -a text - within linguistics, theory of translation, sociology and imageology.

This work reflects an attempt to analyze what tendencies and processes exist now in professional diplomacy within the context of international communication. Particularly, we are interested in the role of information support during public diplomatic negotiations and speeches as a practical area where a desired state image is created. That is why, diplomatic public speeches texts, being one of the most universal information carriers binding on translation, get into the field of our viewing. Further in this article we will try to define what language elements form the importance of these texts and how to they can help translators within their work.

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

* Corresponding author E-mail address: marina.kapitonova@bk.ru

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Contemporary public diplomacy as a new drive of state image formation: means and characteristics

Traditionallydiplomaticdiscourseisanalyzed as the sphere of non-verbal communication with its ethics, rituals and traditions (Beliakov, 2010: 19). Being an autonomous institutional field, diplomatic discourse has strict, conventional type of communication characterized by a clear differentiation of communicative roles.

In the beginning of the 21 century we had an opportunity to observe the development of a tendency towards the use of public communication technologies in international professional diplomacy. At this moment we can see the result of this process - a complex synergetic sphere of public diplomacy. Due to such a complexity of this phenomenon, both professional diplomats and scientists find it quite hard to give any adequate definition. Still, one of traditional definitions was given by a former diplomat Edmund A. Gullion: "By public diplomacy we understand the means by which governments, private groups and individuals influence the attitudes and opinions of other people and governments in such a way as to exercise influence on their foreign policy decisions" (The Edward R. Murrow Center of Public Diplomacy: Definitions). Considering the phenomenon of public diplomacy at the professional international level we mean that the dominant factor in its definition is not a propaganda of ideas or marketing strategies but technologies of building and conducting a dialog between a state and its target audience (opinion leaders). Thus, taking into account this point of view, an Israeli expert, Eytan Gillboa claims, "new public diplomacy [...] is official actions conducted by governments and private actors [...] based on the conception of "soft power" of information management, state branding, strategic public diplomacy [...]" (Gillboa, 2009).

As other famous specialist, Emeritus Professor of International Relationships at Loughborough University, Brian Hocking, claims "public diplomacy in its state-based "strategic" guise is a more sophisticated variant of a well-established idea - namely that "publics" matter to governments as tools of national foreign policy. In this sense, public diplomacy is hardly a new paradigm of international politics but a strategy located within a hierarchical image of how those politics are configured and the information flows underpinning them. [...] This is redrawing the environment in which much contemporary diplomacy is now conducted, bringing the diplomat's traditional skills to the management of complex policy works" (Hocking, 2005: 41). There also is a question of differentiation between two ideas of public diplomacy: the first one reflects a direct cooperation between diplomatic institutions, NGAs and the society with the practice of "soft" technologies; the second one focuses on the description of a direct dialog between professional diplomats (especially of a high rank) mediated by the mass media and the Internet as a mean of communication. Thus, we consider public professional diplomacy as an official international activity oriented to a reliable information management by means of the mass media; proactive efforts on international cooperation establishment together with building and maintenance of a positive state image on the global stage. Since so, in this definition a special attention to current technologies of a correct international state image formation as a "common point" of PR and diplomatic discourses is given.

It is already a common knowledge that in different periods of the history international policy and diplomatic activity are carried out with the help of the most effective and relevant for those time means, i.e. weapons, family alliances, economic dependence or cooperation,

etc. In the 21 century the same mean is called beneficial use and control over information - a technology which is more "delicate", important and essential for the state in case if we analyze an overpowering tendency to the global information society creation in the context of globalization (Galumov, Kashlev, 2003: 83). By choosing a text as one of leading means of operation, modern international professional diplomacy can rightfully be considered as a specific subject matter from the views of linguistics. Any text gives us an opportunity for an insight and further analysis of probable "clashes" at the level of language, cognition and culture. Thus, it can be interesting to consider text aspects of modern diplomatic discourse as the mean of information management. If so, in this context text appears as the language mechanism of objective public image of the state on the global stage.

The public image of the state turns out to be essential in case of a complete absence or neutralization of so called "unique politic proposition" (UPP) (Olshanskii, 2005: 296). Despite the fact that this term has been suggested within the concept of domestic election (preelection political advertising), it can also be used within the terminological field of international policy. In this sense we consider UPP as a strictly organized strategy based on the principle of a desired state image creation, its programme, types and means of influence, feedback methods and further monitoring of results. If there is no UPP correctly formed and long-present image of the state helps to build a necessary attitude and behaviour of the target audience. Generally this function involves maintaining of loyalty, tolerance and diversification of parties concerned in the current foreign policy of the state. Besides, successfully created state image also helps to smooth political conflicts, potential failures or incompetence during diplomatic negotiations or speeches.

An information support in professional diplomacy is a formula for a positive image of the state successful building. There also is another important fact that the main criteria in information management is represented by objectivity and reliability both during its selection and public appearance. Without a clear determination of views on any given problem it is almost impossible to reach an agreement and make any general regulatory document. Obviously, state image formed on information fundaments is now considered to be one of priority branches in international PR-activity. Correctly built information basis for the image gives an opportunity to the state not to "fall out" of the process of the global information society creation and quickly and effectively response to changes caused by other current international processes.

Since information creation of the state image is a "soft" and flexible process where one can see almost a shift away from a traditional conventionality and strictness in communication, the mean of that process implementation, i.e. a text, should be "soft" as well. Such a specific diplomatic texts should be aimed at actual and objective provision of information for the target audience; creation of a desired state image; and an attitude formation. As we see it, a good example of such texts should be a public diplomatic speech. Basically, this type of performance is considered to be one of public speech genres combined with the requirements for the international diplomatic activity to be carried out successfully. From the one side, texts for diplomatic speeches are written for the purpose to inform recipients and form their attitude and behaviour through the language. From the other side, despite the fact that a traditional public speech is characterized as a monologue that does not require a verbal response (in comparison with modern diplomatic communication, when the role of efficient reaction

dominates), its means, i.e. strategies of persuasion and influence of the foreign policy course, are also peculiar to diplomatic speeches.

Building a text-based state image in public diplomacy: challenges and opportunities

Texts for diplomatic public performance are widely regarded as one of types of traditional diplomatic document. Structurally any diplomatic document consists of the following elements (Kovaliov, 1984: 73):

1) protocol formulas;

2) meaning cores;

3) argument cores;

4) statement of facts.

This structural model appears to be quite helpful when we speak about its use in order to carry out a linguistic analysis of public diplomatic performance. Thanks to that structure we can mark so called points of "information accumulation" -meaning cores which are responsible for the information focus in diplomatic texts and represent a "base" for the state image creation. Since diplomatic speeches texts cover the widest range of topical international problems ever possible and ways of their solution, the number of these cores can be counted in dozens. Structural elements named under points (3) and (4) are used as a useful means in supporting of the given meaning core: "it is essential to implement all arguments and reasons - political, economical, historical, juridical, ethical, psychological...all these arguments should be equally goal oriented, converge, and as the result support meaning core of the diplomatic document" (Kovaliov, 1984: 115).

Operating in the world space and being an instrument of cross-cultural communication, these texts are defined as objects binding on translation. Considering the specific of analyzed genre of diplomatic texts, we further will

attempt to define some tendencies in tasking for translators.

At this moment it is almost impossible to isolate all potentially existent meaning cores, classify them and present their particular typology. From the one side, the number of criteria (linguistic and non-linguistic) according to which these cores can be isolated is unlimited. From the other side, the meaning and the meaning core represented in text can be analyzed as variable elements. This means, any text together with initially included meanings is able to gain new meanings (a mechanism similar to one of the main features of information - any information existed is able to form new information). In this sense, the role of addressee is important since their understanding and interpretation of a text is the basis for other meanings formation.

Nevertheless, in order to limit somehow such a "wide" problem of meaning cores isolation, further in this work extralinguistic criteria such as current missions and aim of international professional diplomatic activity are used. On the basis of stated conception of modern diplomacy which is focused on "state security programme (in all spheres possible), participation in all current global processes and cooperation establishment in ways specified by state priorities", in official texts of public diplomatic speeches we mark following meaning cores: cooperation, prevention and expression of opinion (Kontseptsiia vneshnei politiki Rossiyskoi Federatsii, 2013). It is important to say that linguistic actualization for each of these cores is different in each particular case, so they can be analyzed both in an integrated and single manner.

Thus, for example, in the meaning core cooperation a lexico-semantic elements such as status (friend or colleague), bilaterality and ties prevail:

(1) «...Мы провели переговоры с моим [...] коллегой, которые прошли в конструктивном

ключе. [...] - наш давний надежный партнер. Сейчас, конечно, двустороннее сотрудничество переживает непростой период на фоне кризиса в отношениях между Евросоюзом и Россией в контексте событий в [...] и позиции, которую в этой связи заняли в Брюсселе...» (Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy SMI Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V. Lavrova v hode sovmestnoi press-konferencii po itogam peregovorov s Ministrom inostrannyh del i sotrudnichestva Ispanii J.M. Garsiei-Margallo. Moscow, March 10, 2015).

(2) "...The talks with my [...] colleague were held in a constructive atmosphere. [...] is an old and reliable partner of Russia. Of course, our bilateral relations have been complicated by the crisis in Russia-EU relations related to developments in [...] and [...] position on this issue..." (Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Statement and Answers to Questions at a Joint News Conference Following Talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain José Manuel Garcia-Margallo. Moscow, March 10, 2015).

Or in other example:

(3) «...Вместе с нашими греческими друзьями мы традиционно свято храним память о героях и жертвах Второй мировой войны. На юбилейных торжествах в Москве по случаю дня Победы традиционно присутствуют греческие руководители...» (Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy SMI Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V. Lavrova v hode sovmestnoi press-konferencii po itogam peregovorov s Ministrom inostrannyh del Grecheskoi respubliki N. Kodziasom. Moscow, February 11, 2015).

(4) "...Together with our Greek friends, we keep the sacred memory of the heroes and the victims of World War II. The commemorative events in Moscow on Victory Day have been traditionally attended by Greek leaders.."

(Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Remarks and Answers to Media Questions at a Joint News Conference Following Talks With Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic Nikos Kotzias. Moscow, February 11, 2015).

The meaning core prevention can be expressed within the scheme "argumentation -means - prevention", where "means" are different stylistic language elements representing the strategy of persuasion which basically differs from the strategy of pressure. Thus, this core is often represented with the help of means of almost all types of the language artistic expressions with the exception of irony and sarcasm:

(5) «И затем до конца июня с.г., как мы и условились в ноябре, эксперты будут дорабатывать технические детали, что потребует достаточно серьезных усилий, потому что, как вы знаете, «дьявол в деталях»...» - allusion (Kommentarii Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V. Lavrova dlia SMI o peregovorah «shesterki» mezhdunarodnyh posrednikov s Iranom. Lausanne, March 31, 2015).

(6) "As we agreed last November, the experts will be working on the technical details until the end of June, which will take a lot of effort because the devil is in the details, as you know..." (Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Comment for the Media on Talks between the P5+1 International Mediators and Iran. Lausanne, March 31, 2015).

Or in other examples:

(7) «...Наши предложения о том, как сделать принцип неделимости безопасности, многократно провозглашенный в ОБСЕ и СРН, юридически обязывающим, работающим на практике, остаются «на столе» переговоров...» - metaphor (Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V.Lavrova v hode diskussii na 51-i Miunhenskoi konferencii po voprosam politiki bezopasnosti. Munich, February 7, 2015).

(8) "...Our proposals about how to make a principle of security indivisibility, repeatedly declared in OSCE and NRC, legally binding, working in practice, are still on the "bargaining table..." (Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Delivers a Speech and Answers Questions during Debates at the 51st Munich Security Conference. Munich, February 7, 2015).

(9) «...Когда к «ядерному мечу» добавляется «ракетно-ядерный щит», то искушение воспользоваться этими наступательно-оборонительными возможностями становится достаточно высоким в зависимости от того, кто может прийти к власти в государстве, обладающем такими возможностями...» -allegory (Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V.Lavrova v hode diskussii na 50-i Miunhenskoi konferencii po voprosam politiki bezopasnosti. Munich, 1 February 2014).

(10) "...When we add a "nuclear-missile shield" to the "nuclear sword", the temptation to use these attack and defence opportunities becomes rather high, depending on which leaders may come to power in the country having such opportunities... "(Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Delivers a Speech and Answers Questions during Debates at the 50th Munich Security Conference. Munich, 1 February 2014).

The meaning core expression of opinion in its turn may be shown trough the linguistic strategy of direct argumentation. This strategy includes a set of tactics and methods among which we differentiate methods of an obvious concession/obvious denying or, for example, rhetorical questions. Being used quite frequently in diplomatic public speeches, the first mentioned method implies a kind of an excuse for negative actions of "this" state together with doubts about correctness of activity of any opponent state:

(11) «...Отметили, что действия по внесению в «черные списки» российских деятелей культуры, политологов не способствуют нашим добрым отношениям. Мы вынуждены были реагировать адекватно на основе принципа взаимности. Считаю, что при всех этих раздражителях наши переговоры сегодня прошли в доверительном и конструктивном ключе» (Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy SMI Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V.Lavrova v hode sovmestnoi press-konferencii po itogam peregovorov s Ministrom inostrannyh del Latvii Ed. Rinkevichem. Moscow, 12 January 2015).

(12) "...We warned that the blacklisting of Russian cultural activists and political analysts, to which we offered an adequate response, cast a shadow on our neighbourly relations. I believe that our talks today were constructive despite a number of negative factors..." (Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Addresses the Media during a Joint News Conference with His Latvian Counterpart Edgars Rinkevics Summarising Their Talks. Moscow, 12 January 2015).

A rhetorical question is originally focused not on receiving a particular request but usually on implicit expression of opinion, change in opponent's behaviour or attitude towards a discussed problem:

(13) «...Позволяет ли поддержка выступлений за смену режимов оправдывать террористические методы? Можно ли в одной конфликтной ситуации воевать с теми, кого поддерживаешь в другой? Кто из правителей является легитимным, а кто -нет? [...]Какими критериями и стандартами все это определяется?» (Vystuplenie Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V.Lavrova na 49-i Miunhenskoi konferencii po voprosam politiki bezopasnosti. Munich, 2 February 2013).

(14) "...Does the support of speeches for the change of regimes allow justifying terrorists

methods? Are you able to make war in one conflict situation against those whom you support in another conflict situation? Who among the rulers is legitimate, and who is not? [..] What are the criteria and standards determining all this? " (Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Speech at 49th Munich Security Conference. Munich, 2 February 2013).

It bears repeating that meaning cores are the most important component of the text for professional diplomatic speeches. Considering this element in the context of the theory of translation, we suggest that one of the main tasks for translators is the pursuance of a correct identification of meaning cores and then the use of all translation strategies and techniques possible to maximally successful translation into the target language. The main challenge in this sense is lied in the fact that from the one side, any diplomatic document contains one as well as several meaning cores; the other problems is that these cores can be expressed both explicitly and implicitly. Implicitly in its turn requires a more detailed translation analysis of the original text at all levels of the language.

Another translation challenge requires aiming for transferring of the main function lied in diplomatic texts. Texts of diplomatic public speeches, as a rule, are focused on the information delivery and pursuance. Therefore, in such texts informative and expressive functions are recognized as the most important ones. Within the process of translation from the Russian into English language there is a tendency to a shift towards the highest possible transferring of informative function and, as the result, loss of the expressive one. Thus, for example, rhetorical questions are usually transformed into sentences with indicative mood; idioms or phraseological units are described lexically in the target language and etc. The problem of expressivity in the English language can be decided by establishing

trust relations with the recipient. In most cases of communication a direct emotional pressure on the addressee is excluded, i.e. the addresser delivers information but its emotional evaluation is a business of the recipient. The main point in this term is to follow the rule of pursuance not the pressure or influence. In this way, we would like to define this translation task more precisely: translator should provide correct interlingual transferring of the function "balance" in the target text.

There are definitely many other tasks for translators of diplomatic speeches. That type of translation is considered to be a challenge: working with that material is based on the principle of a widely general cover of each lingual level and translation of meaning cores included in the original text. Being at the periphery of two spheres (diplomacy and public communication), texts for diplomatic public speeches should be analyzed as a specific subject for linguistic and translation study.


The current global processes such as building of information society, globalization, geopolitical reorganization, global social changes, etc. form a way for the professional diplomacy as a mean of international cooperation towards the sphere of public communication. In this respect professional diplomats face with the main goal: it is important now to observe contemporary tendencies and as an ideal variant, try to foresee further stages of these processes. A significant role in this "competition" is played by a correctly formed information image of the state on the global stage. This statement gives us an opportunity for more detailed analysis of diplomacy and its one of the most actual instruments - text - both from the side of theoretical and practical language sciences and from the point of view of PR and imageology.


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14. Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Addresses the Media during a Joint News Conference with His Latvian Counterpart Edgars Rinkevics Summarising Their Talks. Moscow, 12 January 2015. Available at: http://archive.mid.ru//brp_4.nsf/0/13C55620FCD24D7943257DCD0022 A730

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18. Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V.Lavrova v hode diskussii na 50-i Miunhenskoi konferencii po voprosam politiki bezopasnosti (Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Delivers a Speech and Answers Questions during Debates at the 50th Munich Security Conference). Munich, February 1, 2014. Available at: http://archive.mid.ru//brp_4.nsf/0/ BD142C4CC167050044257C72004E6957

19. Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy SMI Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S. V. Lavrova v hode sovmestnoi press-konferencii po itogam peregovorov s Ministrom inostrannyh del i sotrudnichestva Ispanii J.M. Garsiei-Margallo (Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Statement and Answers to Questions at a Joint News Conference Following Talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain José Manuel Garcia-Margallo). Moscow, March 10, 2015. Available at: http://archive.mid.ru//brp_4.ns f/0/854A19CCC92B54AC43257E040038EFA1

20. Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy SMI Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V. Lavrova v hode sovmestnoi press-konferencii po itogam peregovorov s Ministrom inostrannyh del Grecheskoi respubliki N. Kodziasom (Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Remarks and Answers to Media Questions at a Joint News Conference Following Talks With Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic Nikos Kotzias). Moscow, February 11, 2015. Available at: http://archive.mid.ru//brp_4.nsf/0/33B103E6A90B F77443257DE90045B17D

21. Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy SMI Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V.Lavrova v hode sovmestnoi press-konferencii po itogam peregovorov s Ministrom inostrannyh del Latvii Ed. Rinkevichem (Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Addresses the Media during a Joint News Conference with His Latvian Counterpart Edgars Rinkevics Summarising Their Talks). Moscow, 12 January 2015. Available at: http://archive.mid.ru//brp_4.nsf/0/ E47437042173F9B643257DCB004C2386

22. Vystuplenie Ministra inostrannyh del Rossii S.V.Lavrova na 49-i Miunhenskoi konferencii po voprosam politiki bezopasnosti (Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Speech at 49th Munich Security Conference). Munich, 2 February 2013. Available at: http://archive.mid.ru//brp_4.nsf/0/608C 6FACACB72ED144257B06003EE852

Роль текста в современной профессиональной дипломатической коммуникации

М.А. Капитонова

Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет Россия, 191023, Санкт-Петербург Набережная канала Грибоедова, 30/32

В статье анализируется вопрос о возросшей роли информационной составляющей международной профессиональной дипломатической деятельности. Автор называет процесс перехода дипломатии в сферу публичной коммуникации одним из наиболее актуальных в контексте мировых процессов глобализации и создания информационного общества. На основе сложившейся тенденции немаловажную роль в международной коммуникации играет имидж государства, корректно сформированный с целью представления государства на международной арене. Автор отмечает, что в основе технологий формирования имиджа государства лежит информация и признает текст одним из универсальных инструментов создания имиджа. Называя тексты дипломатических публичных выступлений, функционирующие в международном пространстве, обязательным объектом для перевода, автор формулирует несколько задач для переводчика этого типа текстов.

Ключевые слова: публичная дипломатия, имидж государства, информация, смысловое ядро, перевод.

Научная специальность: 10.00.00 - филологические науки.

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