THE ROLE AND PLACE OF ECOTOURISM IN THE REGIONAL ECONOMY OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Boyto'Rayev Olimjon, Yoqubjonova Xulkarbonu

This article describes the development of ecotourism in the regions of the country with transition issues specific features of the use of foreign experience is important.

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1. http://outsourcing-perm.ru/

2. http://www. grandars.ru/college/biznes/autsorsing.html

3.https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outsourcing#.D0.92.D0.B8.D0.B4.D1.8B_.D0.B0. D1.83.D1.82.D1.81.D0.BE.D1.80.D1.81.D0.B8.D0.BD.D0.B3.D0.B0

Boyto'rayev Olimjon Teacher of the Department of « Management» Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Yoqubjonova Xulkarbonu Teacher of the Department of «Social Disciplines» Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Бойтураев О. преподаватель «Менеджмент» Ёкубжонова Х. преподаватель «Социальные дисциплины» Наманганский инженерно педагогический институт

Узбекистан, г. Наманган THE ROLE AND PLACE OF ECOTOURISM IN THE REGIONAL ECONOMY OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Annotation: This article describes the development of ecotourism in the regions of the country with transition issues specific features of the use of foreign experience is important.

Key words: experiences and best practices in tourism, eco-tourism, investment, tourism, medical tourism, international marketing, services, ecotourism

Аннотация: В данной статье описывается развитие экологического туризма в регионах страны с переходной экономикой вопросами, особенности использования зарубежного опыта важны.

Ключевые слова. Опыт, передовой опыт в области туризма, экотуризма, инвестиций, туризма, медицинского туризма, международного маркетинга, услуг, экотуризма

Tourism is one of the dynamically developing areas of the world economy, the development of the country. The country's tourism potential, improvement of

"Экономика и социум" №4(35) 2017



services, rich cultural, historical and natural resources conservation and the preservation of the reforms on the product. Foster the country's tourism industry towards trade turnover increases, will be able to create new investment, as well as increased attention to preserving the cultural heritage and values. The share of the share of industry in the national economy is to determine the level of growth in the first place,

-constantly to compare indicators of the leading countries in this sector to be accurate and reliable sources;

Second of all,

-prespectives the development of this industry in the future to ensure the correct management policy evaluation and continuous training as a way to increase.

Opens the door to new challenges and investment opportunities for the development of tourism. Tourism around the world towards the development of tourism services are becoming increasingly affordable. This self-between their production and service capacity for the planning and development of a coordinated approach to the challenge. Tourism industry is growing, countries are using their potential in the coming years, a new and promising types of create. Turizm to make decisions for the future sustainable development of the sector plays an important role. In addition, the stop, the specific characteristics of the regions, and international experience and practices, taking into account the further development of promising areas of ecological tourism, it would be optimal mechanism for the purpose.

The concept of ecotourism - a unique and pure nature, unusual objects. Eco-tourism, nature and environmental learning and improve the natural state of their own. First of all, that small amount of natural areas to meet the spiritual interests of the people and the protection of natural resources, in order to use the correct actions. The N.Tuxliev and T.Abdullaeva (2006), as researchers work more ecotourism marketing, management, training and education, which are dedicated to the natural ecotourism in the middle of a border adjustment. Yet even ecological tourism and its natural geographic and economic aspects fully understood.

A.Pardaev, A.Norchaevs bolster the description he had been an integral part of the natural ecotourism infrastructure, it is not only the ideas, but the overall impact of specific types of tourism, the environment may be different (negative, neutral and positive). [1].

In addition to the above, in our opinion, not only eco-environmental awareness, but also their health, recreation and motivating travelers to find additional income.

In addition, the development of ecotourism in the regions of the target - the next generation, environmentally safe, pure, unique nature territories as additional income in order to dictate the use of tourist direction. The development of ecological tourism in the regions of the country being cleared atmosphere, surroundings and prosperity will be a positive impact on people's health, prolongs

life. In addition, the region's natural resources plays an important role in boosting the economic potential of the area.

The 1-President of the noted, "... the role of women in our society, the elderly and the young, and to create more favorable conditions and opportunities associated with litigation; and the area of each region in the near and medium-term plans, the priority projects ... "[2] to work out in practice is one of the most pressing issues before us.

One of the front of the ecotourism development in the country through the preservation of Mother Nature means to save the future generation. Ecology and Development. The link between these two concepts, the combination of operating in the field of environmental protection is one of the main goals of each person. Environmental problems do not mean, environmental protection, land, air, flora and fauna, water resources, environmental issues to understand. The prevention of environmental problems on earth, generations inherit a rich environment carefully polished to leave the international community with a wide range of work carried out in the country. The purpose of carrying out the development of eco-tourism efforts, and increasing the environmental awareness of young people to avoid injuring the mother nature. Ecotourism development in the regions of Uzbekistan to improve the methodological basis of research on the topic, we benefit from the economic potential of the country through the elimination of some of the environmental problems in the society as a methodological and practical help. As well as maintaining the stability of the environmental situation in the land, a process important to the development of eco-tourism in the regions of Uzbekistan. Traditional regions of Uzbekistan, from May to October, due to favorable natural conditions, lack of food and sweet taste, with a vitamins grown.

"... to improve the living conditions of the population, will be pleased with life, living today, an important figure in the development of the modern state ..." [2] states that construction works have been carried out in all regions of the republic. The basis of all creativity and yaratuvchanliklarning created all over the world - peace and freedom. The tourist tourists to travel to the object of the most peaceful countries.

Within a relatively short period of our power kudrati, mashakkatli creative labor for the country's sustainable development impossible today, growing its position in the tourism industry today.

Recently, the National Geographic magazine visited by tourists, was awarded sixth place in the top ten in the country. [3]. National Geographic magazine is now published in more than 30 countries around the world in different languages. Lucky 10 countries, including Albania, Georgia, Iran, Nepal, the next place.

Thus, the unique nature of the country, environmental friendliness, peace and tranquility that attracts more and more tourists from around the world. Located in the center of the Great Silk Road and Central Asia, the country's unique and ancient history of the country. Once again, it should be noted that 6 of the ancient observatory in the world, has 1000 years of history are 2 of our institution.

"Экономика и социум" №4(35) 2017



Today, all over the world for the international tourism industry, the country's well-being and the creation of new jobs a significant impact on the sector of the economy. A significant role in the country's socio-economic development of tourism.

Spain is a leading country in the field of tourism in the state examination of the impact on the economy, the tourism industry for 25 years in 2015, 1, 184 tourists visited the country in the world. (Compared to 2000) compared to the case of Spain, we have witnessed an increase of 38%.

Analysis of the results of the 2016 global tourism industry, we attracted the most tourists to Spain, the country has won a record 75 million. tourists visited. According to the 2015 results, the flow of tourists grew by 9.9%. Tourism organizations through the state budget 77 billion. Enter the amount. Each of tourists for 1000 euros. 3 mln.450 sums. In 2015, 68 million. visited. [4] .Ispaniyaning we look at the practice of tourism, the country's Tourism Institute. The laws, regulations and policies directly related to tourism, they have developed in practice. More attention to the health tourism in the country berilmoqdaki, a significant portion of the proceeds from the budget in the same direction. Spain's economy, 11% of the organization of tourism significance. [5].

Used sources:

1. A.Pardaev A. Norchaev, Eco Tourism, manuals, // T; 2011, page 9

2. I.A.Karimov, the homeland of the way of the future and lots of great service to the highest happiness, // T; 2015.

3. The State Committee for Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, information-analytical and scientific applications // // Ecology "in the eyes of National Geographic" in 2016 № 8 (184)

4. "Time" TV News Agency

5. The final data from the consulate of Spain, 2016.

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