Научная статья на тему 'The review of methods of identification of a personality on the basis of a man’s iris'

The review of methods of identification of a personality on the basis of a man’s iris Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Rakhmanov Hoshim Erdanovich, Boynazarov Ilhom Maxmudovich, Fattaeva Dilafruz Abdumanonovna

The work presents the review of methods of identification of a personality on the basis of a man’s iris. Basic specific moments as well as problems related to the processing of iris are considered. The method of contour analysis proposed in the article allows reducing the equipment expenses significantly and ensuring an acceptable level of correct identification of a personality based on iris.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The review of methods of identification of a personality on the basis of a man’s iris»

Let's present the assessments of importance W in the form of matrix 1xm.

W =


V g1 S 2 S 3 g4 g 5 g6 J

The, the composition D = W o G will be as it is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Fuzzy decision in the form of trapezoid numbers

We obtained n=5 of fuzzy trapezoid numbers. The ranks of each of analyzed systems can apparently be set with a vector (Fig. 4 on the left):

'0,68 1,00 0,84 0,74 0,95^

In this case, the set of ratings can be differentiated into three clusters (Fig. 4 on the right), the first of which includes the second and fifth objects, the second - the third object and the third - the first and the fourth objects.

u4 * *u3

Fig. 4. Ranking of the systems and division into three cluster


The proposed method of multi-criteria analysis of complex systems, synthesis of composite indicator and rating (rank and cluster) for the managerial decision-making support systems is unified and presupposes the use of representation of knowledge about assessments of alternatives and their weights in the format of triangle or trapezoid fuzzy numbers. The scheme of processing of information is simple and does not require special knowledge from experts giving assessments with the help of expressions in natural language. The algorithm allows generalization in in case of multi-variable original information.


1. Dubois D. and Prade H., Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Applications, Academic Press, New York, 1980.

2. Kaufman A. and Gupta M. M., Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic: Theory and Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, USA, 1991.

3. Vijayalakshmi V. and Sattanathan R., ST Decomposition Method for Solving Fully Fuzzy Linear Systems Using Gauss Jordan for Trapezoidal Fuzzy Matrices, International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 6, 2011, no. 45, 2245-2254.

4. Osipov G. S., Sazonov A. E. Fuzzy expert system of shipping companies safety assessment//European research. 2016. № 3 (14), p. 10-11. DOI: 10.20861/2410-2873-2016-14-002.

Rakhmanov Hoshim Erdanovich, Boynazarov Ilhom Maxmudovich, Fattaeva Dilafruz Abdumanonovna Samarkand Branch of the Tashkent University, of Information Technology, Assistant E-mail: hoshimbek@mail.ru

The review of methods of identification of a personality on the basis of a man's iris

Abstract: The work presents the review of methods of identification of a personality on the basis of a man's iris. Basic specific moments as well as problems related to the processing of iris are considered. The method of contour

The review of methods of identification of a personality on the basis of a man's iris

analysis proposed in the article allows reducing the equipment expenses significantly and ensuring an acceptable level of correct identification of a personality based on iris.

Keywords: identification ofpersonality, eye's iris, contour analysis, binary codes, normalization, parameterization.

Biometric technologies take one of the important places among the ways of identification of personality. The problem of personality identification is becoming more current in the modern world. It is primarily related to the fact that with the development of information technologies, a big number of systems requiring the procedures of identification and authentication has come up. They may include access to a personal computer, online payments and transfers, access to a mobile device and application. Also, identification and authentication are widely used in the access control systems and criminal-istics. Presently, identification of personality based on eye's iris is 10% in the world market.

As it is known, the iris of an eye is a membrane located in the frontal part of an eye-ball, some properties of which allow using it as a unique identifier of personality.

First of all, the iris is a more stable parameter of individual biological peculiarities of a man. It stabilizes at the age from six months to two years and does not change throughout life. The iris is potentially one of the most diverse biometrics. Also, the theoretical possibility that two different people have same pattern of the iris is approximately equal to 10-78, whereas the entire population of the Earth is less than 10 10- The presence of glasses or contact lenses does not prevent from authentication.

Biometric technology based on the usage of the iris of the eye is one of the low-cost and steady technologies during personality identification.

It is thought that the technology of authentication based on the iris developed from another known technology called the eye's retina authentication. The scientists conducted a range of researches that showed that the man's retina can change with time whereas the iris remains unchanged. The most important thing is that it is impossible to find two identical patterns of the iris even in twins. Glasses and contact lenses, even colorful ones, do not affect the process of obtaining an image. It should also be noted that the eye surgeries, cataract extraction or plantation of cornea implants, do not change the characteristics of the iris — it can't be changed or modified. A blind person can also be identified with the help of the iris. Until the eye has the iris, its owner can be identified.

The general scheme of solving the task of identification of a person based on the eye's iris looks as follows:

1. Image capture;

2. Image processing;

3. Iris distinguishing;

4. Iris normalization;

5. Parameterization of the iris data by different methods;

6. Composition of binary codes of the image;

7. Comparison of the image with the images in the data base.

In 1994, the iris identification system based on Daug-man's research was patented.

There are algorithms that use special equipment to capture the image, which allows making a high quality image of the eye, obtaining good contrast, brightness and aligning the iris. Apart from all this, the camera system should not require a person to be in a certain position at a certain distance from the camera; there is also no need for special light.

In some events, apart from one image, another image is made with the use of infra-red camera.

To distinguish the eye's iris from the rest of the image, one can express the edges by way of analyzing one derivative and performing their approximation by simple geometric objects. For instance, external frontier of the eye's iris and pupil can be found using the Hough Transforms. Also, the frontier of the iris and eyelids can be determined by two parabolas or by cutting off pieces of the image that do not relate to the iris.

In the event when special devices to capture the image were not used, one will probably need to conduct a preliminary processing to subside undesired effects, such as noise or glares.

The iris normalization:

When the preliminary processing is done, the image of the iris is ready to be used to extract more formal data from it.

Space and frequency convolution of the image by Gabor filters is a classic method of a code composition. All bits ofthe code depend on the mark of the result of the application of Gabor filters on a small area of the iris pattern. For instance, let's take Hamming distance for comparison.

Code composition using the Gabor filter is based on the absolute deviation of the filtered image from the original. Euclidean distance between vectors will be a comparative function.

One can apply the filtering by Gaussian filter to remove high frequency noise [2; 3] or median filtering [4].

To increase the reliability of a weak image, histogram equalization takes place [2; 3; 5, 16].

Apart from this, the filtering of insignificant parts of the image is done; it may include upper and lower lines (several pixels) of the image after the conversion into Cartesian coordinates [2; 6] or removal of glaring areas that noise the pattern of the iris [7].

Wildes takes the decomposition of the image using the Laplacian of Gaussian filters. Then, the resulting image is a multiscale pyramid of images processed with the Gaussian filter. Such image should give spatial characteristics of the iris; in this case, normalized correlation of the processed image and the image from the data base is used for comparison. Normalized correlation is the correlation of two image points or image areas relative to each other. The system uses Hough Transforms to localize the iris; the Laplacian pyramid ofGaussian filters is used to compose a code; normalized correlation is used as a criterion. Special equipment is used to capture the image [1].

Tisse deals with multi-dimensional Hilbert transform. The algorithm of code composition and the algorithm of comparison are similar to the classic method.

Contour analysis of the iris allows distinguishing typical feature structures on the image, which will be used for further detection. First, one should accentuate the area of interest, i. e. the iris from the internal to external edge. Then, the contours are formed, normalized and put into the data base [8].

The entire process of formation of the iris contours consists of several parts. The first step is the application of Sobel operator that allows expressing the frontiers. The result of application of the given operator in every point of image is either the vector of brightness gradient or its norm. The Sobel operator is based on the convolution of the image by small separable integral filters in vertical and horizontal directions.

At the second step, the image is sent to Canny detector, which allows obtaining an optimal detection of the edges of the areas of interest.

The Canny method has two important features: low level of errors and good localization of edge points, which allows preserving a maximal number of the features of the eye's iris.

The task of detection narrows down to the definition of two sets ofcontours belonging to different objects maximally similar to each other. The method is invariable to the angle of turn of the iris as well as the size of the pupil, which eliminates some problems related to detection.


The work presents the review of methods of identification of a personality on the basis of a man's iris. Basic specific moments as well as problems related to the processing of iris are considered.

The main obstacle of practical realization lies in the difficulty of obtaining of such images, which leads to high requirements on the conditions of registration.

The method of contour analysis proposed in the article allows reducing the equipment expenses significantly and ensuring an acceptable level of correct identification of a personality based on the iris.

On the basis of the given problem, the practical tasks for the masters of the discipline «solution and analysis of the problem» in the algorithmic language MathCad is performed.

The work was performed with the financial support of the grant of the Republic of Uzbekistan № A5-037, «development of electronic system of distant education for professional colleges with ICT specialization».

The work was performed with the financial support of the grant of the Republic of Uzbekistan № EA-5-006, «development of biometric system of identification of personality based on the iris».


1. Richard P. Wildes. Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometric Technology, Proceedings of The IEEE, vol. 85, no. 9, 1997. P. 1347.

2. Li Ma, Yunhong Wang, Tieniu Tan. Iris Recognition Using Circular Symmetric Filters, Proceedings of the 16 th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02), P. 20414-20418.

3. Li Ma, Yunhong Wang, Tieniu Tan. Iris Recognition Based on Multichannel Gabor Filtering. ACCV2002: The 5th Asian Conference on Computer Vision. Melbourne, Australia, 2002. - P. 23.

4. Jafar M. H. Ali, Aboul Ella Hassanien. An Iris Recognition System to Enhance E-security Environment Based on Wavelet Theory. AMO - Advanced Modeling and Optimization, Volume 5, Number 2, 2003, - P. 93.

5. Yong Zhu, Tieniu Tan and Yunhong Wang. Biometric Personal Identification Based on Iris Patterns. Proc. of IAPR, Inter. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'2000), vol. II. P. 805-808, 2000.

6. Christel-loic Tisse, Lionel Martin, Lionel Torres, Michel Robert. Person identification technique using human iris recognition. Proc. of Vision Interface, 2002. - P. 294.

Physical and chemical characteristics of the insoluble rests in water and their influence on process deslurrying...

7. Kyong Woo Nam, Kyong Lok Yoon, Jun Sung Bark, Woo S. Yang. A Feature Extraction Method for Binary Iris Code Construction. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology for Application (ICITA 2004).

8. Furman Ya. A., Krevetsky A. Y, Peredreev A. K., Rozhentsov A. A., Khafizov R. G., Egoshina I. L., Leukhin A. N. Introduction to contour analysis; applications for the processing of images and signals. - Moscow: FIZMATLIT, 2003. - P. 588.

9. Rakhmanov H. E. The solution of the problem of detection of the number plates of vehicles by way of the contour analysis/Rakhmanov H. E.//Herald of PGTU, "Radio-technical and info-communication systems", № 3, 2014. - P. 66.

10. Rakhmanov H. E. Evaluation of the types of the above ground covering for the detection of landscape objects on space images/A. N. Leukhin, N. V. Parsaev, A. S. Shuvalov, H. E. Rakhmanov, A. V. Kharitonov, E. N. Potekh-in//Herald of MarGTU, "Radio-technical and info-communication systems", № 3, 2010. - P. 40.

11. Rakhmanov H. E. Development and realization of algorithms of the processing and analysis of the data of distance sounding of forest covering/H. E. Rakhmanov, E. N. Potekhin, A. V. Kharitonov, A. N. Leukhin//Presentations of the 66th All-Russia conference with international participation Radio-technical and info-communication systems «Scientific session dedicated to the Day of radio - RDC-2011», Moscow, 2011. - P. 180.

12. Rakhmanov H. E. Development and realization of algorithms of the analysis of the underlying surface according to the multi-spectrum satellite images of medium resolution/E. N. Potekhin, A. V. Kharitonov, H. E. Rakhmanov, A. N. Leukhin//Mathematical methods of image detection, MMPO-15: Presentations of the 15th All-Russia Conference, M.: Maks Press, 2011. - P. 564.

Samadiy Murodjon Abdusalimzoda, Tashkent institute of chemical technology, Researcher, chemical technology of inorganic substances faculty

E-mail: samadiy@inbox.ru Lutfullaev Sa'dulla Shukurovich, Karshi engineering economical institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences, dosent, technology faculty Mirzakulov Kholtura Chorievich, Tashkent institute of chemical technology, Professor, Doctor of Technical Science, chemical technology of inorganic substances faculty

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