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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Chen Jianwei

An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. A green economy is an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, and that aims for sustainable development without degrading the environment. An air quality index (AQI) is used by government agencies to communicate to the public how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become. Fine particles are also called fine particles, fine particles, PM2.5. Fine particulate matter refers to the particulate matter in the ambient air with an aerodynamic equivalent diameter of less than or equal to 2.5 microns. It can be suspended in the air for a long time, and the higher its concentration in the air, the more serious the air pollution is.

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Исследование городской экологии и устойчивого развития в рамках концепции зеленой

экономики- на приере города Пекина

The research of urban ecology and sustainable development within the concept of green

economy - the example of Beijing

Чэнь Цзяньвэй


Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет,

Россия, Санкт-Петербург. st098606@student. spbu. ru


Master degree, saint petersburg state university, Russia, Saint petersburg. st098606@student.spbu. ru


Экосистема - это географическая область, где растения, животные и другие организмы, а также погода и ландшафт работают вместе, образуя пузырь жизни. развитие, отвечающее потребностям настоящего, не ставя под угрозу способность будущих поколений удовлетворять свои собственные потребности. Зеленая экономика -это экономика, которая направлена на снижение экологических рисков и экологического дефицита, а также на устойчивое развитие без ухудшения состояния окружающей среды. Индекс качества воздуха (AQI) используется государственными учреждениями для информирования общественности о том, насколько загрязнен воздух в настоящее время или насколько загрязненным он, по прогнозам, станет. Мелкие частицы также называются мелкими частицами, мелкими частицами, PM2.5. Мелкодисперсные твердые частицы относятся к твердым частицам в окружающем воздухе с аэродинамическим эквивалентным диаметром менее или равным 2,5 микронам. Он может находиться во взвешенном состоянии в воздухе в течение длительного времени, и чем выше его концентрация в воздухе, тем серьезнее загрязнение воздуха.


An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. A green economy is an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, and that aims for sustainable development without degrading the environment. An air quality index (AQI) is used by government agencies to communicate to the public how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become. Fine particles are also called fine particles, fine particles, PM2.5. Fine particulate matter refers to the particulate matter in the ambient air with an aerodynamic equivalent diameter of less than or equal to 2.5 microns. It can be suspended in the air for a long time, and the higher its concentration in the air, the more serious the air pollution is.

Ключевые слова: Зеленая экономика, устойчивое развитие, городская экология, город Пекин.

Key words: Green economy sustainable development urban ecology Beijing city.

I Introduction

1. 1 Research background

The city is an important symbol of modern civilization. The massive concentration of human beings in cities has expanded along with the process of global industrialization and urbanization. These changes have brought opportunities for the industrialization, urbanization and modernization of our country and have contributed to the development of our economy and society. However, this does not mean that our urban development has been flawless. In the process of urban development, we have not managed to the relationship between development and the environment, thus leaving a series of problems that need to be addressed. Some of our cities have still not escaped the old path of pollution. If city's system has been destroyed, the sustainable development of city would be halted (Dou, X. 2013.).

Only by successfully solving these problems can we provide a better living environment for the existence and development of human beings, in order to avoid the interference of other factors in the development of the city. so how to find the measurements to maintain city ecological environment? What's the relationship between green economy and sustainable development? The article would give answers in the following parts.

1.2 Research purpose

Cities are the crystallization of human civilization, representing both the advanced and developmental achievements of human civilization and also bringing together the negative and destructive faults in the process of human development because of the bad city ecological system. Air pollution is a major issue and it leads to a huge economic loss (Krafft etal.,2018). So we should get some methods to promote air quality. In order to realize the strategy of sustainable development and build a harmonious society, we should pay more attention to the sustainable development of cities and not sacrifice the future. The essay would research the relationship between green economy and sustainable development, then explore countermeasures to keep fresh ecological environment. Other cities around the world could refer to the countermeasures and get experience from Beijing city.

1. 3 Literature review research from domestic and overseas.

1.3.1 Status of research abroad

All kinds of industries are responsible for their economic actions, for example, new energy industry should run according to ecological rules and policy and develop clean energy products (Song, Y. 2011). Personally speaking, I suppose the idea is correct. Some factories or companies should observe the policy or rules from local policymakers when they made products or accessories. The "Europe 2020" strategy definitely affirms the requirement to create synergies between economic and environmental goals, and claims the transition to a "green economy"(Urbaniec, 2015). European countries think highly of green economy development. At the same time, sustainable economic development is required to ample natural resources, because nature could support the growing economic production (Kostas P. 2006).

Definitely, human beings ought to exploit natural resources rationally, then the nature could stand the cities consumption. Other scholars suppose that citizens should improve the awareness of protecting environment and participate in some ecological community activities (Barak, 2020). Awareness of environmental protection should be cultivated from an early age, so as not to litter, not to spit, to love the environment and to protect the earth our only human home. Protecting the environment is a virtue and consciousness that every citizen should have.

The awareness of actively participating in public welfare activities. Taking an active part in environmental protection activities helps to raise the awareness of young citizens to participate in public welfare activities. For example, actively participating in activities to recycle used batteries, it could help them understand the significance of public welfare activities. Lamberton argues that "There is also recognition that implementation of sustainable development policy is required at multiple levels" (Lamberton G.,2020, P. 584). The method could minimize the negative effect on environment.

"Sustainable development suggests a framework for the development of economic systems that respect the limits set by the natural environment. Furthermore, sustainable development proposes the essential treatment of the existing crucial environmental problems, which stem from the pattern of economic growth that is prevalent worldwide" (Bithas etal.,2006, P. 12).

Therefore, human should improve the ecological environment under green economy and care for the sustainable development because natural resource is limited.

1.3.2 Status of domestic research

The study of urban ecology and the environment in China lagged behind that of other Western countries, as urbanization in China was later than in other Western countries, and research on environmental science had only just begun in the 1960s. Since the 1970s, a new phase of research on ecology and the environment began in China. The 1980s

was a period of vigorous development of urban ecology theory in China. With the accelerated urbanization process, the research on ecological environment in the domestic academia has developed by leaps and bounds, and the theoretical and methodological approaches have been greatly innovated. "In 2007, the Chinese President Hu Jintao clearly stated in his report to the 17th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party1 that China should build an economy based on the eco-civilization, form an industrial structure, development mode, and consumption pattern that feature energy conservation and ecological environment protection" (Wang, 2010, PP. 225-226). It's the first time for Chinese government introduce ecological and sustainable issues under green economy concept. Furthermore, Domestic scholars consider that "Improving energy and pollutant emissions performance is critical for reducing energy consumption and pollutant emissions; it is therefore the central issue of green productivity growth" (Li, 2016, P.2). Thereby, it's urgent for government to introduce green economy for reserving natural resources and achieve sustainable development.

Some other domestic scholars considers that Chinese policymakers have launched people-oriented development plans for shaping sustainable and green cities (Li, F etal.,2009). It's an initial plan for dealing with environment pollution in China. "At the same time, the Chinese government also puts forward a proposal that everyone should firmly establish and implement the green economy development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, open, shared during the thirteenth five-year period" (Shi etal. 2016. P. 2). Government issues the five-year plan to improve ecological environment in the future. At the same time, there are other researches on landscape ecology. For instance, "From our current understanding, we define landscapes ecology as a scientific discipline that studies land-use planning, construction, and management toward sustainable development, based on ecological principles and the analysis framework of natural elements, physical senses, psychological perceptions, socio-economic perspectives, process-risk, and associated aspects"(Zhao, J etal., 2015, P.2). It means that citizens could prepare and implement their land-use plans according to their own life requirements.

1.4 Research significance

The progress and development of human civilization is directly reflected in the improvement of human living environment. However, although modern technology is becoming more and more advanced and material conditions are becoming more and more abundant, the ecological environment is not only becoming more and more fragile due to the excessive use of resources in the process of development. The ecological environment has deteriorated due to the excessive use of resources, especially in the cities.

The thesis would explore some solutions for solving environment problems and make cities or communities more sustainable for the growing green economy. The solutions to these problems are not only necessary to provide a better and more comfortable living environment for people, but also to contribute to the sustainable development of mankind. What's more, other cities could also refer to the experience from Beijing, it plays an important role in boosting global ecological environment and sustainable development under growing green economy.

1.5 Methodology.

The literature approach: The research on sustainable urban development will be reviewed and summarized in order to lay the foundation for recommendations on the promotion of sustainable urban development under green economy.

Case Study Approach: To analyse cases of sustainable urban development in China in recent years, in order to explore the experiences and improvement measures of these specific practices.

1.6 Innovations and contributions of this paper

1.6.1 Innovations of this paper

Firstly, the analysis of domestic cases of promoting sustainable development of urban ecology and environment, combined with relevant theories, can better summarize characteristics of sustainable development of urban ecological environment.

Secondly, case study on sustainable development of urban ecology and environment could combine with theory and conception to analyze data.

Thirdly, the essay would explore the relationship between green economy and sustainable development.

1.6.2 Contributions of this paper

In order to achieve sustainable development strategies and build a harmonious society, we should pay more attention to the sustainable development of our cities and not sacrifice the future for the sake of today's prosperity. It is true that, as some scholars have said, "Unless action is taken to improve these conditions, we risk destroying the planet on which we live - and not simply for the current generation; future generations, and even nature itself, are also in the danger zone" (Holden, 2004, P. 92). Therefore, people should take the responsibility to protect environment and fight for the sustainable development. This paper analyzed Beijing city ecological historical data and provided countermeasures for maintaining ecological environment and sustainable development under the concept of green economy.

H Theoretical analysis of urban ecology and sustainable development

2.1 Definition of ecology and sustainable development

Etymologically speaking, the word ecology originates from ancient Greece, when it meant mainly home and our environment. One scholar thinks that the ecology is the "research of the relations of organisms within family and society in society" (Sharma, 2012, P.1). As for the sustainable development, people should use resources from nature rationale and also protect environment, what's more, government ought to keep balance between economic growth and environment (Emas, R. 2015). However, the concept of sustainable development proposed by IUCN. The goal of sustainable development could compose a balance between human activities and natural environment by exploiting resources carefully and transform them to future generations (Yigitcanlar, 2015). It could meet the needs of current citizens without jeopardizing the capacity of future generations to meet their needs.

According to other scholar, "Sustainable development is a continuous improvement of life quality that protects and balances the ecological, social and economic environments" (Dizdaroglu etal. 2009. p.3). So the aims of sustainable development could achieve economic development while preserving the natural resources and environment, such as the atmosphere, fresh water, oceans, land and forests.

2.2 Ecosystem theory

The term ecosystem can be defined as "A biological system composed of all the organisms found in a particular physical environment, interacting with it and each other. Also in extended use: a complex system resembling this" (Tsujimoto, J., 2018, P. 2). The British botanist Tansley was the first in the world to coin the term ecosystem, in 1935 He introduced the term 'system' from physics to ecosystems, based on previous research and his own work on forest dynamics. He introduced the term 'system' from physics to ecology, based on previous research and his own studies of forest dynamics. He introduced the concept of ecology. He argued that the whole system, not only encompasses the biological complex, but It also encompasses a complex of natural factors that people call the environment. We cannot separate organisms from their specific natural environment; organisms and their environment form a natural system. It is this system that forms the basic unit on the surface of the earth. It is this system that forms the basic unit on the surface of the earth, which comes in different sizes and varieties - the ecosystem. The introduction of the concept of ecosystems has had a huge impact on the development of ecology.

The concept of an ecosystem is both concrete and abstract. According to this concept, any natural system consisting of a community of organisms and their environment can be called an ecosystem.

2.3 Green economy

2.3.1 The concept of environment

"The green economy (GE) has been anticipated as the catalyzer to renew national policy growth and international support, which fundamentally supports SD as the strategic economy policy agenda. It is defined by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as the economy that could enhance human well-being and social equity, while expressively mitigating environmental issues and ecological shortages" (Khoshvava, 2019, P.2).

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 20 to 22 June 2012. The conference document firstly talks about how the green economy applied in a tool to achieve sustainable development.

"Green economy seems to have the potential to become the new leading strategy in political discourse, like sustainable development in Rio 1992" (Brand, 2012. P.28). Therefore, the green economy is associated with sustainable development, both of them could bring beneficial to economy and ecological environment. The green economy is a new form of economy that is market-oriented, based on the traditional industrial economy, and developed with the aim of harmony between the economy and the environment. Green economy is an economy that can be developed sustainably by following the five criteria of "exploiting demand, reducing costs, increasing incentives, coordination and macro-control". The term "green economy" refers to both a specific micro-unit economy and the national economy of a country, or even the global economy. The green economy development is the best way to minimize ecological and environmental impact (Chen etal. 2011). Green economy is the low carbon economy, it's resource efficient. It could reduce resource consumption, waste generation and emissions during the recycle of production process within factories. Thus, economists and policymakers highlight green economy to develop and improve ecological environment both current years and future.

M Research on Sustainable Ecological Development in Beijing

3.1 The State of the Ecological Environment in Beijing

3.1.1 Current Atmospheric Environment in Beijing

The part would provide tables and graphs to illustrate current atmospheric environment in Beijing under several indicators, then the part will also describe the data on tables and figures.


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Figure1 Average annual PM2.5 air pollution levels in Beijing, China between 2011 and 2021(in micrograms per cubic

meter of air)

Note(s): China; 2011 to 2021 Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 8. Source(s): US Department of State; Website (www.airnow.gov); ID 690823 From 2011 to 2014, the PM2.5 values are similar high, then the values trend towards a declined trend since 2015. Therefore, Beijing atmospheric environment improved well than before.

Now we check Beijing city AQI indicator and analyse the figures.

Table1. Beijing Air Quality Daily

Serial number city AQI level AQI index Primary pollutant date

1 Beijing Good 95 Ozone 8h 2021.7.06

2 Beijing Light pollution 110 Ozone 8h 2021.7.07

3 Beijing Good 100 Ozone 8h 2021.7.02

4 Beijing Good 68 Ozone 8h 2021.7.04

5 Beijing Good 80 Ozone 8h 2021.7.05

6 Beijing Good 86 Ozone 8h 2021.7.08

7 Beijing Good 81 Ozone 8h 2021.7.03

8 Beijing Good 82 Ozone 8h 2021.7.01

Source: Ministry of Ecology and Environment http://bmfw.www.gov.cn/qgcskqzlrb/index.html

We choose the 7 days data from Ministry of Ecology and Environment. The result shows that AQI in Beijing city is excellent recent globally.

3.1.2 Status of the water environment in Beijing

The article would provide tables for showing the current status of water environment in Beijing city. Then the essay will describe the data and analyse the water situation.

Table2. Water quality status of key lakes in December 2021

Вопросы студенческой науки Выпуск №5 (69), май 2022

Lake District Current water quality category

Tuancheng Lake Haidian II

Kunming Lake Haidian II

Yuanmingyuan Lake Haidian II

Bayi Lake Haidian II

Yuyuantan Lake Haidian II

Zizhuyuan Lake Haidian II

six seas west city II

The back lake of the exhibition hall west city II

Tongzi River East and West II

Taoranting Lake west city Ш

Longtan Lake Dongcheng Ш

youth lake Dongcheng Ш

Chaoyang Park Lake Chaoyang II

red scarf lake Chaoyang II

lotus pond Fengtai W

olympic lake Chaoyang II

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Willow Park Lake Dongcheng W

Source: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment http://sthii.beiiing.gov.cn/bihrb/index/xxgk69/sthilvzwg/1718880/1718884/1718886/21202255/index.html

Table3. Classification of Surface Water Quality Types and Functions

Water quality category Scope of application

Class I Mainly suitable for source water, national nature reserves

Class II Mainly suitable for centralized drinking water surface water source first-class protection area, etc.

Class III Mainly suitable for centralized drinking water surface water source secondary protection areas, fishery waters and swimming areas

Class IV Mainly suitable for general industrial water areas and recreational water areas that are not in direct contact with the human body

Class V Mainly suitable for agricultural water areas and waters with general landscape requirements

Inferior Class V Does not meet the above water quality requirements, loss of use function

Source: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment http://sthii.beiiing.gov.cn/bihrb/index/xxgk69/sthilvzwg/1718880/1718884/1718886/21202255/index.html

As shown in the tables, there are two districts water belongs to the Class IV, thus, Beijing city water ecology environment need to be improved further.

3.1.3 Status of solid waste in Beijing

Government, usually have responsibilities for waste management in the cities (Guerrero, 2013). The concept of municipal solid waste (MSW) is generally understood by us to mean: people living mainly in cities, urban commerce, catering, as well as, urban transport cultural and educational institutions, administrative buildings. The solid waste would be removed by government, industrial and mining enterprises, etc. Typical municipal solid waste includes kitchen waste, food waste, steel waste, paper waste and plastic waste. Because Economic development and population leads to the increasement of solid wastes (Hao Wang et al.,2013). Generally, the solid waste would be coped with in four ways, now the essay will show them in figure.

■ Reused ■ Storage ■ Treated ■ Dumped Figure2 Share of urban* industrial solid waste in China from 2018 to 2019, by handling way

Note(s): China; 2018 to 2019 Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 8.

Source(s): Ministry of Ecology and Environment (China); ID 1182704

As illustrated in the graph, reused way dominates the majority proportion in the ways. What's more, the proportion increased to 14% generally in 2019. The dumped way adopted by citizens seldom.

3.2 Discussion

Green economy is a tool in achieving sustainable development (Geyer, F. 2012). Therefore, the policymakers should go for the sustainable development by implementing green economy. For example, fresh air quality or minimize the negative influence from factory or solid waste on cities or communities. From the previous time in Beijing city, the result and prospect with respect to sustainable development and ecological environment is promising and ideal.

However, Beijing city policymakers should strength sustainable and ecological environment management from the following ways.

Firstly, we could talk about how to promote air quality in Beijing city. Raising the environmental awareness of the citizens and increasing investment in ecological protection. The quality of urban ecological environment directly affects the quality of human life and is directly related to whether we can achieve sustainable development in our future life. The deteriorating ecological environment and high economic growth have become the hallmarks of our time, and we must learn from the lesson of "pollute first, treat later" and make a basic national policy. The implementation of the sustainable development strategies must rely on science and technology and environmental education. For instance, citizens could usually use public transportation or electric vehicles to go to work office. Thus, traffic congestion and carbon emissions could be reduced and minimized effectively in this way. Firms develop new energy vehicles to create green transport tools, then people would prefer to use them.

Secondly, Industrial water supply resources is the key to sustainable development of cities (Khodorovskaia etal. 2021). Factories could develop advanced equipment to detect and refine factory water for ensuring the water purity, then factories could drain water to outside. Agriculture accounts for 70% water resources, it' s essential to plant climate-friendly crops. Additionally, farmers could apply efficient irrigation methods when they drain water to crops, chemicals can not be entered water. So government need to advocate green agriculture.

Thus, administrator should design a detailed plan to manage water and protect water environment.

Thirdly, Controlling the solid waste of urban pollution and strengthening the management of pollution sources. We need to strengthen the management of pollution sources and control the pollution of solid waste in Beijing city in order to achieve sustainable development of the urban ecological environment. Government should awake the public's awareness of environmental protection and provide recycling services in communities, since the reused method takes up a major proportion in graph 1 between 2018 and 2019.


With the rapid development of urbanization, it leads to ecological urban problems. It's urgent for government to design an ecological environment and sustainable development path (Sun etal. 2021).

For this reason, the concept of sustainable development has emerged in cities for handling ecological environment problems under green economy.

Beijing's unique geographical environment makes it difficult for handling. As the city is the economic and political center, many industries located in the city. But the government got achievements in dealing with conflicts between environment and economic growth in recent decades. So Beijing city obtained experience from the lesson in recent years. The main measurements proposed in the following.

Firstly, "designing a water environment monitoring system based on wireless sensor network" (Jiang etal. 2009, P. 6413). Therefore, people could know some details whether water environment is damaged. Expanding the level of environmental education and raising the awareness of the whole society and strengthening the education on environmental protection.

Secondly, Kan Zheng supposes that government could an air quality monitoring system to detect atmospheric environment (Zheng etal, 2016). Therefore, the air quality could be supervised easily and effectively. Plants include flowers and trees are helpful for city to promote and refresh air, thus, communities could arrange green service for city.

Thirdly, controlling the pollution of solid waste in the city and strengthening the treatment of pollution sources. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of recycle teams and increase environmental law enforcement. Recycling products and materials is an option for avoiding environmental pollution with regarding to solid waste (Sakai, 1996).

In order to realize the economic path of green economy development under sustainable development, the government needs to formulate a comprehensive strategic plan for green development and establish a sound relevant system. The government should also increase investment in green technology and innovation work, strengthen cooperation with foreign organizations to communicate how to improve environment quality and mitigate carbon emissions.

For the prospects and challenges in the future. With efforts of Beijing government and citizens, the city's green economy and sustainable development will become better and better.

But the challenges faced by Beijing city will increase due to the rapid growth in economic level and increasing population density.


Firstly, I would like to express my deepest thanks to professor Igor Olegovich Nesterov, he provided several advice to me when I wrote abstract and introduction, what's more, he guided me how to edit references in APA style.

Secondly, I also owe a special debt of gratitude to my friends, they offered some ideas on the paper topic.

Eventually, I should like to thank my family for their support all the way from the beginning of my stu

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