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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kulikova Tatyana I.

The study deals with the issue of the contradiction between the requirement for the emotional stability of the teacher in the process of working with children, colleagues and parents, and the lack of time management competence, which often creates stressful situations and constant tension. The study involved 67 female teachers of secondary schools in the city of Tula. The average work experience of teachers was 15.64±8.7 years, and the median work experience was 17 years. The criterion for dividing teachers into two equal groups was the median work experience: group 1 with work experience <= 17 years and group 2 with work experience of 18 or more years. As a diagnostic material several methods were used: the method of Diagnosing the State of Stress (by A. O. Prokhorov); the Test of Self-assessment of Stress Resistance by S. Cohen and G. Willianson; Self-Organization Activity Test Questionnaire (by E. Yu. Mandrikova). Statistical data processing was carried out in the SPSS Statistics 27 program (IBM). The author used the Pearson correlation coefficient to establish the tightness of the relationship between the studied parameters. The work uses the principal component analysis to reduce the dimension of the original feature space and identify the main factors. The correlation analysis revealed the presence of a positive relationship between the following indicators: time management competence and planning (r = 0.74; p <0.01); self-organization (r = 0.48; p <0.01); stress resistance (r = 0.61; p <0.01); work experience and purposefulness (r = 0.47; p <0.01). The study confirmed the assumption about the relationship of stress resistance with the work experience of a teacher. The level of the stress state and the level of stress resistance in the group of teachers with work experience of 18+ years exceeds the values of the same indicators in the group of teachers with work experience of less than 17 years. The research materials can be used in the work of a psychological service of an educational organization. They can contribute to the optimization of teachers' working hours, increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activities, as well as serve as a basis for the development of additional education programs and advanced training in the basics of time management.

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Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-04/ Дата публикации: 30.08.2021 УДК 159.99

Т. И. Куликова

Взаимосвязь временной компетентности и стрессоустойчивости учителей с разным стажем работы

Проблему исследования составляет противоречие между требованием к эмоциональной устойчивости учителя в процессе работы с детьми, коллегами и родителями, и отсутствием временно й компетентности, что зачастую создает стрессовые ситуации и постоянное напряжение.

В исследовании приняли участие 67 женщин-учителей общеобразовательных школы города Тулы. Средний стаж работы учителей составил 15,64±8,7 лет, а медианный стаж 17 лет. Критерием деления учителей на две равные части было медианное значение стажа: 1-я группа со стажем работы <= 17 лет и 2-я группа со стажем работы 18 и более лет. В качестве диагностического материала были применены методика диагностика состояния стресса (А.О. Прохоров); тест самооценки стрессоустойчивости С. Коухена и Г. Виллиансона; методика «Персональная компетентность во времени»; тест-опросник самоорганизации деятельности (Е.Ю. Мандрикова). Статистическая обработка данных проводилась в программе SPSS Statistics 27 (IBM). Для установления тесноты связи между исследуемыми параметрами применялся коэффициент корреляции Пирсона. Для снижения размерности исходного пространства признаков и выявления главных факторов применялся метод главных компонент.

Корреляционный анализ выявил наличие положительной связи между исследуемыми следующими показателями: компетентности во времени и планомерности (r=0,74; p<0,01); самоорганизации (r=0,48; p<0,01); стрессоустойчивости (r=0,61; p<0,01); стажем работы и целеустремленности (r=0,47; p<0,01). В исследовании нашло подтверждение предположение о связи стрессоустойчивости со стажем работы учителя. Уровень состояния стресса и уровень стрессоустойчивости в группе учителей со стажем 18+ лет превышает значения этих же показателей в группе учителей со стажем <17 лет.

Материалы исследования могут быть использованы в работе психологической службы образовательной организации и способствовать оптимизации рабочего времени учителей, повышению эффективности педагогической деятельности, а также служить основой для разработки программ дополнительного образования и повышения квалификации по основам тайм-менеджмента.

Ключевые слова: педагогическая деятельность, современный учитель, стрессоустойчивость, временна я компетентность, корреляционный анализ

Ссылка для цитирования:

Куликова Т. И. Взаимосвязь временной компетентности и стрессоустойчивости учителей с разным стажем работы // Перспективы науки и образования. 2021. № 4 (52). С. 381-391. doi: 10.32744^.2021.4.25

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-04/ Accepted: 27 April 2021 Published: 30 August 2021

T. I. Kulikova

The relationship between time management competence and stress resistance of teachers with different amount of work experience

The study deals with the issue of the contradiction between the requirement for the emotional stability of the teacher in the process of working with children, colleagues and parents, and the lack of time management competence, which often creates stressful situations and constant tension.

The study involved 67 female teachers of secondary schools in the city of Tula. The average work experience of teachers was 15.64±8.7 years, and the median work experience was 17 years. The criterion for dividing teachers into two equal groups was the median work experience: group 1 with work experience <= 17 years and group 2 with work experience of 18 or more years. As a diagnostic material several methods were used: the method of Diagnosing the State of Stress (by A. O. Prokhorov); the Test of Self-assessment of Stress Resistance by S. Cohen and G. Willianson; Self-Organization Activity Test Questionnaire (by E. Yu. Mandrikova). Statistical data processing was carried out in the SPSS Statistics 27 program (IBM). The author used the Pearson correlation coefficient to establish the tightness of the relationship between the studied parameters. The work uses the principal component analysis to reduce the dimension of the original feature space and identify the main factors.

The correlation analysis revealed the presence of a positive relationship between the following indicators: time management competence and planning (r = 0.74; p <0.01); self-organization (r = 0.48; p <0.01); stress resistance (r = 0.61; p <0.01); work experience and purposefulness (r = 0.47; p <0.01). The study confirmed the assumption about the relationship of stress resistance with the work experience of a teacher. The level of the stress state and the level of stress resistance in the group of teachers with work experience of 18+ years exceeds the values of the same indicators in the group of teachers with work experience of less than 17 years.

The research materials can be used in the work of a psychological service of an educational organization. They can contribute to the optimization of teachers' working hours, increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activities, as well as serve as a basis for the development of additional education programs and advanced training in the basics of time management.

Keywords: pedagogical activity, modern teacher, stress tolerance, time management competence, correlation analysis

For Reference:

Kulikova, T. I. (2021). The relationship between time management competence and stress resistance of teachers with different amount of work experience. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 52 (4), 381-391. doi: 10.32744/pse.2021.4.25


Jn the modern world, the correct distribution of one's time and its management allows one to form such a valuable quality of personality as timeliness. Timeliness means that a person has the ability to deal with the tasks at the appropriate time and to complete them all on time. Skills and techniques of rational time allocation allow a person to optimize the orientation process and determine the placement of time priorities in situations of uncertainty and multitasking, which is a necessary requirement for personal and professional self-realization [14].

At the same time, the systematic failure to meet the deadlines for completing tasks entails, as a rule, a mismatch of working and personal time, which can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of human life as a whole. Frequent failure to fulfill planned tasks or the lack of possibility to complete them, which results in regular postponement for a certain period of time, negatively affect the psychological comfort of an individual. In this case, a person feels a number of negative emotions that can significantly reduce personal self-esteem, lead to obsessive experiences, neuropsychiatric disorders and even depression [20].

We can't influence the flow of time, of course, but we can fill it with any content. This is what many thinkers meant when they said that a person was able to control the time of one's life. Each of us has only 24 hours in a day, and every person fills this time with their own content and lives it in their own way. Today, many people agree that if you correctly set your priorities, plan your affairs, and set goals, you can do a lot during the working hours. According to I. S. Halan, time management is, first of all, self-organization [21]. It is interesting that the skills one needs to manage others are the same as those required for self-organization: the ability to plan, assign, organize, direct, and control. According to P. Bird, due to the ability to manage time, a person improves their productivity by controlling the things they do and the time when they do it. In addition, a person has more time to rest, which is very important for recharging the "battery" of life and supporting the ability to cope with everything that life throws every minute [7].

Teaching profession nowadays is associated with an abundance of various kinds of strains and stresses. In the modern Russian reality, school teachers are obliged to make a lot of reports on a variety of issues. Often, these issues are not settled in any way, and the paperwork can be very time-consuming. That's when the teacher begins to panic and doubt their abilities [17].

According to the assessment of mental activity, working and sanitary conditions, as well as on the criterion of interaction with other people pedagogical activity should be defined as "strenuous work" [2]. Currently, teachers do a lot of multitasking while working.

Lack of time is a serious stress factor for a modern teacher, so it is important to learn how to manage time. By analyzing teacher activity and stressful situations, it is possible to identify a number of parameters that lead to stress, as well as demonstrate a correlation with lack of time. According to I. A. Davydova and Ya. Ya. Kozmina, the considerable amount of time spent on performing a particular task causes teachers not only feel stressed, but also reach a point of professional burnout. The lack of time to track events and new publications in their professional field is one of the most frequently mentioned sources of stress [9].

Sometimes the motivating force for work is a tight timeframe and a fixed timetable. However, very few people need it all the time. Most people need regular breaks in work or

at least some decrease in its intensity. Teaching as a profession often does not allow one to have a spare minute to stop, look around, objectively analyze the results of the work and the way it is performed.

Allen Elkin [23], a well-known American psychologist, identifies several signs that can be used to talk about a person's experience of stress due to inefficient use of time. Among these signs, Elkin names a feeling of constant haste; the lack of time for hobbies and communication with one's family; regular lateness; the lack of a clear time plan; the inability to delegate authority to other people; the inability to say "no" to other people; a recurring feeling of wasting time. According to Elkin, the presence of even half of these signs indicates that a constant lack of time can lead to serious stress.

Peter Drucker, one of the most influential management theorists, says that the main reasons for a person's concern about lack of time are: the inability to analyze the time at one's disposal; the lack of time planning habit; the time irrationally spent on things that do not provide any real contribution, do not matter much; and finally, the inability to consolidate the "useful time", i.e., to enlarge blocks of time and set priorities [10].

Usually, the teacher does not always understand the reasons for irritability, poor sleep and excessive fatigue, which can lead to Burnout Syndrome [6]. Among the factors influencing the formation of the professional Burnout Syndrome N. E. Vodopyanova and E. S. Starchenkova name: age, work experience and satisfaction with professional growth. Some studies have found a predisposition to burnout in people not only of older age, but also the younger ones. There is a complex interconnection between burnout and career aspirations [8; 11].

The issue of stress and its determinants in pedagogical activity is considered in the works of A. A. Baranova, S. V. Subbotina, B. I. Hasan et al. [4]. Scientists note that the teaching profession is included in the group of professions with a large number of stressful factors, which leads to increased attention to the study of the issue of teacher's stress resistance. The phenomenon of stress is considered mainly as a characteristic that affects the effectiveness of activity [5; 25]. In this work, stress is considered as a combination of stressors and a response to stress. Stress does not exist without these two components. Most teachers work under constant external and internal control, strictly monitor themselves and their actions in order to avoid mistakes [13; 25; 26].

Thus, the essence of the issue lies in the contradiction that, on the one hand, the teaching profession requires emotional stability in the process of working with children, colleagues and parents, and on the other hand, the teacher does not know how to manage the working and personal time. It often creates stressful situations. Living under daily school stress with a large amount of information complicates the professional activities of teachers, who are forced to work in the situation of constant stress and lack of time [1; 27].

Materials and methods

The study involved 67 female teachers of secondary schools. The work experience of teachers ranges from 1 to 30 years. The teachers participating in the study were divided into two experimental groups based on their work experience. The average work experience of teachers was 15.64±8.7 years, and the median work experience was 17 years. The criterion for dividing teachers into two equal parts was the median work experience: group 1 with

work experience <= 17 years and group 2 with work experience of 18 or more years. This division made it possible to analyze the differences between the selections of teachers with different work experience.

The purpose of the work was to study the relationship between time management competence and stress tolerance of teachers with different amount of work experience. A psychodiagnostic program was formed based on the purpose of the work and the results of the theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature. The program included the following methods:

1. Diagnosing the State of Stress (by A. O. Prokhorov) The aim was to determine the indicators of self-control and emotional lability in stress situations [15].

2. The Test of Self-assessment of Stress Resistance by S. Cohen and G. Willianson were used. The aim was to assess the level of stress resistance, its compliance or discrepancy with age indicators [15].

3. The method Personal Time Management Competence. The aim was to establish the degree of formation of time management competence and to identify the main skills of time management [12].

4. Self-Organization Activity Test Questionnaire (by E. Yu. Mandrikova). The aim was to establish the degree of formation of tactical planning and strategic goal-setting skills, as well as to determine the features of structuring self-organization of activities [16].

When choosing the methods, their compliance with the reliability and validity indicators was taken into account. It made it possible to assess their adequacy and suitability for the studied phenomena, as well as the possibility of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained.

Statistical data processing was carried out using the software package SPSS Statistics 27 (IBM) [22]. The methods of descriptive statistics were used, the data were presented in the form of mean and standard deviation (Mean±SD), quartiles of the distribution (Me [Q1; Q3]). The skewness coefficient (As) and kurtosis (Ek) were also calculated to assess the normality of the distribution. To control data errors the minimum and maximum values (min; max) were analyzed. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used to establish the tightness of the relationship between the studied parameters. The Student's parametric t-test for independent samples, as well as the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, were used as a method for comparing quantitative indicators.

The results

To obtain generalized information about the distribution and homogeneity of the data, the presence of errors and outliers, as well as the possibility of using parametric analysis methods, a primary descriptive analysis of the results of the entire sample (n=67) was performed without taking into account the division into groups obtained during the study (Table 1).

The analysis of the mean and standard deviation makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the stability of the values of the studied indicators. The values of the mean and median are close, which is a sign of a symmetric distribution. The values of the skewness and kurtosis indicators are in the range from -1 to +1 for almost all indicators, therefore, the distribution of values corresponds to the normal law or does not deviate much from it.

Table 1

Primary descriptive analysis of the results of the sample (n=67) without division into groups

Name of the scale Mean±SD Me [Q1; Q3] As Ek min; max

Work experience (years) 15,6±8,7 17 [8; 23] -0.1 0.3 1; 30

Stress state 6,7±1,9 7 [5; 8] -0.6 0.1 2; 9

Stress resistance 9,6±3,6 7,1 [6,2; 13] 0.3 0.1 5,4; 16,3

Time management competence 27,8±9,5 28 [18; 36] 0.1 -0.1 12; 47

Planning 14,4±1,5 14,3 [13,1; 15,2] -0.1 0.2 10,7; 17,5

Purposefulness 26,1±1,7 25,3 [25; 27,6] 0.2 1.3 23,4; 28,7

Self-organization 47,5±2,7 47,1 [45,6; 49,1] 1.3 0.3 6,5; 8,5

To determine the state of stress and assess stress resistance, the method Diagnostics of the Stress State (by A. O. Prokhorov) and the Test of self-assessment of stress resistance by S. Cohen and G. Willianson were used. The analysis of the results by groups in accordance with the work experience (Table 2) was carried out in two ways: using a parametric (Student's t-test) and a non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney's U-test).

Table 2

Descriptive statistics of indicators of the state of stress and stress resistance of the subjects, depending on their work experience

Name scales Group (experience) Mean±SD Me [Q1; Q3] p-value of the t-criterion p-value of the U-criterion

Stress state 1 (<= 17) 6,2±2,0 6 [5; 8] 0.008 0.007

2 (18+) 7,4±1,7 8 [6; 9]

Stress-resistance 1 (<= 17) 8,9±3,4 7,0 [6,5; 12,6] 0.082 0.402

2 (18+) 10,5±3,7 12,7 [5,8; 13,1]

The median and average values of both scales analyzed in the group of teachers with experience of 18+ are higher than in the group of subjects with experience <= 17, from which makes it possible to conclude that both the level of stress and the level of stress resistance in the second group exceeds the values of the same indicators in the first group.

Table 2 shows that the respondents in the group with experience <= 17 have a lower state of stress than in the group of subjects with experience 18+. The values from the group (18+) have a smaller range than in the group (<= 17).

The study of the level of stress resistance of teachers from groups with different amount of work experience revealed that the average stress resistance index in the group (<= 17) was 8.9 points with a relative error of 3.4 points, and in the group (18+) it was 10.5 with a relative error of 3.7 points. The medians of the indicators are close to the average value and make up 7.0 and 12.7 points, respectively, which corresponds to the indicator "satisfactory" and "good". They do not differ by the test, since the interquartile range of the groups is almost the same, but the median is still higher in the group (18+).

Correlation analysis of the level of stress resistance with the amount of work experience revealed a positive weak significant relationship (r=0.24, p=0.048). Teachers with more work experience are able to regulate their emotions in situations of stress and tension.

Their attitude to work is deeper, more stable and positive [3]. Younger teachers, both in terms of age and work experience, are not always able to correctly and adequately respond to stressful situations, usually they are able to maintain self-control, but sometimes they can "lose their temper".

Time management competence is an important regulatory ability and a professionally significant quality for a teacher [14]. In pedagogical activity, there are concepts of time, speed, and the need to perform work by a given deadline which often leads to tension, constant feeling of time shortage and, ultimately, to stress. The teacher's activity is also associated with information overload, as it requires rapid comprehension and processing of a large amount of complex information, resulting in information stress [5; 8]. At the stage of the entrance survey, the majority of respondents said that the inability to prioritize leads to postponement or non-fulfillment of mandatory professional duties, lack of time for rest and recovery of their physical and emotional state.

As a result of the analysis of the indicators using the Personal Time Competence method (Table 3) in the group of teachers with more work experience <= 17, it was revealed that the ratio of the standard deviation to the average value exceeds the normal distribution, i.e. the selection is highly variable.

Table 3

Descriptive statistics of indicators based on the Personal Time Competence method

Name scales Group (experience) Mean±SD Me [Q1; Q3] p-value t-criterion p-value U-criterion

Time management competence 1 (<= 17) 25,6±10,3 24,5 [17; 33,5] 0.013 0.015

2 (18+) 31,0±7,3 32 [27; 36]

The values of the variable in the group (<= 17) are distributed from the minimum level (12 points) to the maximum level (47 points), of which 50% are located between the values of 17 and 33 points. In the group (18+), the values are more symmetrical: the minimum level is determined by the border of 7 points, the maximum level is 46 points. In the second group, the data is grouped more tightly.

As a result of the data analysis on groups distributed by work experience, it was found that the percentage of teachers with 18+ years of work experience with a high and medium level of competence in time management is higher than that of teachers with <= 17 years of work experience. This fact indicates that life and professional experience contribute to the formation and development of the teachers' ability to organize their time more efficiently. Teachers with less work experience have not yet developed the skills of time accounting and allocation and have some troubles while dealing with planning. In the context of personal time management competence, the most significant criteria should be identified: awareness and order of personal goals and their consistency with professional goals and objectives; rational planning of major and minor tasks; systematic performance of pedagogical work with a certain time limit.

In this study, time management competence correlates with self-organization of activity (r=0.48, p<0.001), the strength of connection is moderate. Self-organization is manifested in purposefulness, the ability to manage time and work, quickly make decisions and implement them, and spend energy and money economically. At the same time, a good self-organization of the teacher can be the result of their professional experience. A teacher

in the course of their professional activity independently learns the techniques of rational organization of both professional and personal affairs, even without using scientific methods of time management. But even in this case, one can talk about personal time management competence.

E. Yu. Mandrikova, the author of the methodology Self-Organization Activity Test Questionnaire, which was used in the study, defines a strategy for dealing with the time of one's life, both in the current situation and in the scale of life, an important component of human life activity [16]. Based on the fundamental processes that allow you to effectively manage your time resources, the three most significant scales in the Self-Organization Activity Test Questionnaire were identified: planning, purposefulness and self-organization [12].

Analysis of the test questionnaire data (Table 4), makes it possible to state that the differences between the two experimental groups on the studied scales are significant. The average score on the scales planning, purposefulness, self-organization in both the first and second groups is in the range of the average value, the medians of the indicators are also close to the average value in both groups.

Table 4

Descriptive statistics of indicators for the Self-Organization Activity Test Questionnaire

Name scales Group (experience) Mean±SD Me [Q1; Q3] p-value t-criterion p-value U-criterion

Planning 1 (<= 17) 13,9±1,5 14 [13; 14,7] 0.001 0.001

2 (18+) 15,1±1,2 15 [14; 15,8]

Purposefulness 1 (<= 17) 26,7±1,5 26 [25; 27,6] <0,001 <0,001

2 (18+) 25,3±1,4 25 [24,7; 25]

Self-organization 1 (<= 17) 47,4±2,8 47 [45; 49,6] 0.003 0.004

2 (18+) 47,7±2,5 47 [46; 48]

The most pronounced indicator in the sample is the level of planning. This indicator reflects the degree of involvement of the teacher in the daily planning. Thus, its high degree is natural, since the teacher from the first day of their professional activity is engaged in planning education process and extracurricular activities. However, in the group of teachers with more work experience, both the indicator itself and the number of subjects exceeds the results of the group of young teachers.

In order to establish the relationship between the teacher's ability to manage their time, stress resistance and work experience, the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for the studied indicators: time management competence; planning; purposefulness; self-organization; stress resistance; involvement; control; risk-taking; resilience. Based on the results of the correlation analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) there is a direct significant relationship between the indicators of time management competence, planning and self-organization (r=0.74; r=0.48); there is also a significant relationship between the indicators of planning and self-organization (r=0.61). The presence of relationship emphasizes the importance of these components in the ability to manage time. There is also a direct significant relationship between the teacher's work experience and the indicators of time management competence (r=0.47); planning (r=0.41), and self-organization (r=0.42), i.e., the longer the teacher works in the profession, the more

effectively they plan and organize their activities. At the same time, an inverse relationship was found between work experience and the indicator of purposefulness (r= -0.38), which may indicate a decrease in interest in achieving professional success, prospects, and a possible loss of strength and confidence in the future;

2) there is a direct significant relationship between the indicators of stress resistance and time management competence (r=0.40) and the indicator of planning (r=0.40). The high levels of these indicators also have a direct significant relationship with work experience (r=0.24).

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The theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic studies confirms the relevance of the problem of stress and stress resistance of teachers. We agree with the authors [3; 11; 25; 27] that stress resistance is an important psychological resource for teachers' professional activities, it contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the teacher's mental and psychological health. In our study it was found that a decrease in the resistance to stress of a modern teacher is associated not only with work experience at school, but also with the factor of the ability to plan their work and personal time, i.e. time management competence. We have determined that time management competence correlates with the self-organization of activity. Good self-organization of a teacher can be the result of their professional experience, involvement of the teacher in daily planning, which is confirmed by the results of the study: in the group of teachers with more experience, the level of the indicator of planning exceeds the results in the group of young teachers. The study confirmed the assumption about the relationship of stress resistance with the work experience of a teacher: a positive weak significant relationship between work experience and stress resistance was established. The level of the stress state and the level of stress resistance in the group of teachers with work experience of 18+ years exceeds the values of the same indicators in the group of teachers with work experience of less than 17 years.

In the course of the study, the specific nature of the relationship between stress resistance and time management competence was established; it was revealed that resistance to stress depends on the work experience of teachers. The data obtained significantly complement the sections of the study of psychoemotional states of teachers and opens up prospects for further research of this issue in pedagogical and organizational psychology.


Teaching profession is considered one of the most stressful types of social activity and is included in one of the most stressful professional groups, which, in turn, imposes increased requirements on the general characteristics of stress resistance [18].

If a teacher uses the time rationally and knows how to manage it, their stress resistance also increases. Time management competence is revealed through a person's attitude to time, awareness of the social significance of the effective organization of time, personal responsibility for the implementation of their time as a resource. Mastering the basics and skills of time management will form the stress resistance of a modern teacher [19].

The ability to manage time is the path to professional and personal growth of a teacher. Moreover, teachers are role models for students and their parents, because a successful and

organized teacher succeeds in everything. The ability to use time efficiently and effectively is not inborn.

Time management is closely related to personal self-development and is carried out directly by a person who strives to achieve success in activities. A person actively influences the profession, but professional activity does not always have a constructive effect on the person's state and identity.

The results of the study and their analysis can be used in the study of the issue of motional Burnout Syndrome in pedagogical activity, management of professional stress and the formation of stress resistance. The research materials can be used in the work of a psychological service of an educational organization. They can contribute to the optimization of teachers' working hours, increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activities, as well as serve as a basis for the development of additional education programs and advanced training in the basics of time management.


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Информация об авторах Куликова Татьяна Ивановна

(Россия, Тула) Доцент, кандидат психологических наук, доцент кафедры психологии и педагогики Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н. Толстого

E-mail: tativkul@gmail.com ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8655-1599 Scopus Author ID: 55570121100 ResearcherlD: AAI-5902-2020

Information about the authors Tatyana I. Kulikova

(Russia, Tula) Associate Professor, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University E-mail: tativkul@gmail.com ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8655-1599 Scopus Author ID: 55570121100 ResearcherlD: AAI-5902-2020

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