Organizational Psychology, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 4, P. 57-66. DOI: 10.17323/2312-5942-2023-13-4-57-66
The relationship between managerial leadership and employee happiness: Evidence from private universities in Punjab
Rajwinder KAUR
ORCID: 0000-0003-3494-8054
Chandigarh University, Gharuan (Mohali), Punjab, India
Abstract. Purpose. The principal aim of the study is to explore the association and impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness in private universities. The study has two objectives. First, to check the association between managerial leadership and employee happiness. Second, to inspect the impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness. Method. The study has used social exchange and human relation theories as a basis of research. Through a structured questionnaire, data for the study is collected from academicians working in private universities in Punjab. The Punjab region is chosen because it is rapidly expanding as an education hub. The study's relevant sample is calculated using the G*Power software. This software-generated a sample size of 159 respondents. Collected data is analyzed using SPSS-23 software and results are drawn. Findings. The findings of the study exhibit that managerial leadership and employee happiness both are co-related. There is a significant impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness. Managerial leadership is considered as a predictor of employee happiness in the formation of a regression analysis. The computed regression results between managerial leadership and employee happiness. Managerial leadership is considered an independent factor in this study, whereas employee happiness is considered a dependent factor. The study further concludes that positive managerial leadership helps to bring happiness among academicians and vice versa. Value of results. The literature on managerial leadership and employee happiness is very limited therefore, the present study makes a unique contribution in this area and adds value to the extant literature.
Keywords: academicians, education industry, employee happiness, higher education, leadership, managerial leadership, private universities, workplace happiness.
In today's competitive era, the needs of organizations are changing very frequently (Josephraj, Udayasuryian, 2015). The stay of effective human capital in the organization for the long term is possible only when each factor encourages it to perform well. Managerial leadership and employee happiness are among those factors that have a great influence on human resources. Managerial leadership roles are significant in today's quickly evolving world for leading and influencing management structure (O'Connor, 2020). "Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals" (Robbins, 2001, p. 365). Effective managerial leadership contributes to several other areas such as
Address: Gharuan (Mohali), Punjab, India. E-mail:
improved performance, output, better organizational relations, and employee happiness etc. Leaders are thought to be an essential element of every organization's success (Naeem, Khurram, 2020). Effective leaders foster a positive work environment by connecting with their staff in a flexible. Consequently, a leader's actions have an impact on followers (Kleinman, 2010). Leaders are seen to play a significant role in fostering an organization's survival.
Therefore, happiness is an intangible resource in overall organizational structures that is essential for long-term growth and competitive benefit (Ravina-Ripoll et al., 2021). According to C.D. Fisher «Happiness at work refers to pleasantjudgments (positive attitudes) or pleasant experiences (positive feelings, moods, emotions, flow states) at work» (Fisher, 2010, p. 385). In fact, happiness is a psychological or emotional stage of health characterised by pleasant or positive feelings that might vary from contentment to intense pleasure (Thiruvenkadam, Jayasingh, 2018). Happiness has ordinarily been viewed as a wide concept that includes a comprehensive evaluation of one's life.
The education structure is the backbone of a country's development (Khalid, Irshad, Mahmood, 2012). Considering the numerous worldwide changes that have caused societies throughout the world to become more open to one another, higher education institutions are a significant emphasis in addressing the demands of society and fulfilling the demands of sustainable growth (Otaiba, 2022). Thus, satisfaction and happiness of academicians are vital in raising society's standard of education and promoting general interest (Singh, 2015). Therefore, the study has taken academicians from private universities in Punjab.
This extensive study adds to the body of information in the area of academicians' welfare in private universities. It contributes to the body of knowledge on managerial leadership and employee happiness. The relationship between managerial leadership and employee happiness among academic staff at private universities in Punjab has not been studied. The scholar has chosen to focus on private universities in Punjab due to the growing significance of private educational institutions. The research's practical application is to emphasise the importance of leadership to comprehend how it affects academicians' happiness in private universities.
Literature review
Theoretical background
The study has used "Leader-member Exchange Theory" (LMX) and "Social Exchange Theory" (SET) as a basis of the present study. According to the "leader-member exchange theory", leaders and followers form distinct connections depending on their interpersonal interactions and the strength of these interactions inside an organization ultimately affect employee results (Liden, Sparrowe, Wayne, 1997). Similarly SET describes "social exchange comprises actions contingent on the rewarding reactions of others, which over time provide for mutually and rewarding transactions and relationships" (Cropanzano, Mitchell, 2005, p. 890).
Managerial leadership
Most of the literature on management and leadership identify leadership style as the element that most profoundly influences employee behavior. They indicate that the principles and aspirations that govern employee behavior are reflected in a leader's leadership style (Nwibere, 2013). The term "managerial leadership" was first introduced in the 1970s as part of a larger body of research that sought to comprehend how a manager would be a leader even while they did not necessarily hold a typical leadership role within an organizational framework (Sementelli, 2016). Managerial leadership is "A Leadership that sets organizational goals, does needs analysis, sets achievable priorities including, planning, budgeting, implementing and evaluating organizational performance" (Tandoh,
Ebe-Arthur, 2018, p. 266). Management and leadership skills are combined in managerial leadership. The phrase "managerial leadership" itself implies the significance of combining the leadership and managerial responsibilities to improve task achievement, organizational effectiveness, and employee happiness. Therefore, the managerial leader is typically assessed on the premise of both formal task completion and an informal framework of individual and group objective fulfilment.
Employee happiness
One of the crucial components that play a crucial role in the performance of any business organization is employee happiness. In the modern incarnation, employee happiness has become increasingly important. Organizations are starting to understand the importance of employee happiness. A company's personnel are one of its most significant assets, thus keeping them content with their duties at work will eventually benefit not only the employees, but also the organization across the board. "Happiness at work refers to pleasant judgments (positive attitudes) or pleasant experiences (positive feelings, moods, emotions, flow states) at work" (Fisher, 2010, p. 385). Employee happiness is a healthy mental state in which an employee experiences content and happy on the inside. It refers to the worker's general wellbeing (Benuyenah, Pandya, 2020). Thus, improving output efficiency depends greatly on staff happiness. A happier workforce is frequently a result of employees having positive opinions towards the corporation.
Managerial leadership and employee happiness
Managerial leadership is essential for happiness and well-being. Policy, processes, and practises aimed at preventing violence can make employees happier (Kerns, 2018). Supervisory, organizational and team performance are all important aspects of managerial leadership. Previous research has found that leadership is the most vital factor in employee happiness (Pangarso et al., 2016). Leadership affects the behaviours of members inside the organization both directly and indirectly. Individuals who embrace leadership, report greater degrees of job satisfaction, confidence, innovation, happiness and autonomy (Alahbabi, Anidah, Al-shami, 2021). Another study found that employee happiness is influenced by leadership views. Perceptions influence commitment both direct and indirectly through the mediation effect of work happiness (Semedo, Coelho, Ribeiro, 2019). Aside from implementing excellent leadership strategies, leaders who have the ability to understand and consider their employees' professional paths have been shown to have a significant impact on the employees' happiness at workplace (Isa et al., 2019).
The literature on managerial leadership and employee happiness is very limited. But literature is available on certain other types of leadership. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to explore more on managerial leadership and employee happiness.
Statement of problem
Managerial leadership and employee happiness have become one of the most popular research areas among researchers. The association between management leadership and employee happiness has yet to be investigated. As a result, the following research seeks to investigate the relationship and impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness.
Need of the study
In the education industry, there have been very limited studies on managerial leadership and employee happiness. Therefore, this study investigates the association between managerial leadership and employee happiness in private institutions in Punjab. This research would enable the education industry in developing adequate positive managerial leadership strategies that would eventually result in employee happiness.
Study objectives
The study has two objectives. First, to check the association between managerial leadership and employee happiness. Second, to inspect the impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness.
Study hypotheses
H1: There is a significant relationship between managerial leadership and employee happiness.
H2: There is a significant impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness.
Sample selection
The investigation is carried out using a descriptive research design. Data is gathered from academicians working at private universities in Punjab via convenience sampling. The Punjab region is chosen because it is rapidly expanding as an education hub. The study's relevant sample is calculated using the G*Power software. This software-generated a sample size of 159 respondents. Although over 300 respondents were sent the questionnaires, only 250 replies were genuine and sufficient acceptable for the analysis.
Study period
The study period is seven months from December 2021 to June 2022.
Sources of data
The primary data is acquired by questionnaires from participants and the secondary data is based on journals and articles studies.
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)-23 is employed in this study to analyze data and evaluate hypotheses.
"Managerial leadership" (MI) scale is adapted from C. H. Lee and J. Moon. The scale includes six items, for example these «Supervisors act as role models / mentors", "Supervisors communicate clearly / effectively", "Supervisors are tolerant of honest mistakes", "Supervisors are concerned with welfare" (Lee, Moon, 2010).
"Employee happiness" (EH) scale is adapted from C. Ramirez-Garcia, J. G. A. D. Perea and J. G. D. Junco. The scale incudes elf statements, for example these "At work, I get fair rewards", "The company's organizational climate is good", "Bosses manage well", "I enjoy my work" (Ramirez-Garcia, Perea, Junco, 2019).
A 7-point Likert scale is used to rate each item in both scales.
Data analysis and findings
Demographic analysis
Table 1 demonstrates the demographic data of respondents. In the whole survey 46.8 percent respondents are females (117) and 53.2 percent respondents are male (133). Many people belong to the age category 31-40 i.e., 45.6 percent. Further 88 percent respondents are married, and 11.2 percent respondents are unmarried. When it comes to the designation, 65.6 percent respondents are assistant professor, 23.6 percent are associate professors and 10.8 percent are professors.
Table 1. Demographic information of respondents
Gender Frequency Percent Age Frequency Percent
Female 117 46.8 21-30 Years 80 32
Male 133 53.2 31-40 Years 114 45.6
41-50 Years 45 18
< 50 Years 11 4.4
Designation Frequency Percent Marital Status Frequency Percent
Assistant Professor 164 65.6 Unmarried 28 11.2
Associate Professor 59 23.6 Married 220 88
Professor 27 10.8 Divorced / Separated 2 .8
Source: Data analysis by author.
Correlation analysis
To calculate the association between managerial leadership (ML) and employee happiness (EH), Pearson's correlation is used. Table 2 shows that r = .646 correlation between ML and EH, indicating that the two variables have a positive relationship. As a result, the correlation between the analysed variables (.646) is moderate in the current results. Hence, the relationship is favourable therefore, positive managerial leadership leads to employee happiness and vice versa.
Table 2. Correlation
ML Pearson Correlation 1 .646**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 250 250
** — Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Source: Data analysis by author
Managerial leadership is considered as a predictor of employee happiness in the formation of a regression analysis. The computed regression results between managerial leadership and employee happiness are shown in table 3. Managerial leadership is considered an independent factor in this study, whereas employee happiness is considered a dependent factor.
Table 3. Model summary
Model summary
Model R R2 Adjusted R2 Std. error of the estimate
1 .646a .418 .415 9.166
a. Predictors: (Constant), ML Source: Data analysis by author.
Regression Model
^(Managerial Leadership, ML) + bl(Employee Happiness, EH)
Table 3 implies that managerial leadership is responsible for approximately 41.8 percent of the variance in employee happiness. As a result, a single unit change in managerial leadership causes .41 unit change in employee happiness.
Table 4 displays the validity and relevance of the given concept using the t-value and p-value (> 1.96) (0.000). As a result, managerial leadership is proved to determinant of employee happiness.
Table 4. Coefficients
Model Unstandardized coefficients B Std. Error Standardized coefficients P t Sig.
1 (Constant) 14.810 3.204 4.623 .000
ML 1.283 .096 .646 13.334 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Happiness
Source: Data analysis by author
Table 5. Hypotheses
Hypotheses Correlation / regression weights Hypotheses supported or not
H1 H2 ML and EH ML - EH H1 is supported as there is a significant relationship between managerial leadership and employee happiness Yes (There is a significant impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness)
Source: Data analysis by author
Table 5 depicts that H1 and H2 is also supported as managerial leadership is a significant predictor of employee happiness.
The research presents a significant input to the field by exhibiting that managerial leadership has a significant association with employee happiness. Over the past few years, leadership has attracted a lot of attention. The moment has come to reform the way leaders influence their followers' attitudes (Salas-Vallina et al., 2020). Based on the above-applied theories, the study shows a significant association between the studied variables therefore, the researcher fails to reject H1. Past literature also signifies that there is a connection among these variables (Mathias, Fargher and Beynon, 2019; Alahbabi, Anidah, Al-shami, 2021).
As per the present study results, managerial leadership has a significant positive impact on employee happiness hence, the researcher fails to reject H2. The findings of the study are quite similar to extant literature (Isa et al., 2019; Salas-Vallina, 2020). The outcomes of this paper would have an impact on human resource performance in the education industry, notably in terms of enhancing academicians' happiness. The results of this research are intended to benefit private universities by better understanding the function of managerial leadership and academicians' happiness. It further helps to hire skilled leaders more effectively to improve academicians' happiness and performance in the education industry.
A factor contributing to employees' unhappiness is a lack of appreciation and interaction (Singh, Satpathy, 2017). Staff morale is boosted and their level of happiness and job satisfaction rises when leaders recognise good work. According to the study 's outcomes, supervisors or leaders preferred a work-oriented leadership strategy as opposed to a relationship-oriented strategy. As per J. M. Ng'ethe with colleagues which found that staff is quite likely to stick with a workplace if they feel their leaders care about them, understand what is asked from them, are given roles that suit their skills, and get consistent praise and appreciation. This research has shown that there are several factors that are directly associated to leadership, including happiness and satisfaction as well as staff retention (Ng'ethe, Namusonge, Iravo, 2012).
Implications of the study
Based on the results of the study it is discovered that positive managerial leadership is a major contributor to employee happiness. Subsequently, the findings may inspire human resource managers to develop programmes that enhance academicians' social connections and keep them happy. Subsequently, the findings may inspire human resource managers to develop programmes that enhance academicians' social connections and keep them happy. The outcomes are positive relationships and effective communication between leaders and academicians, all of which contribute to employee happiness in the workplace. As a matter of fact, universities should promote happiness and fairness to academicians at all levels. Leaders of the departments must foster a congenial working environment by motivating academicians to support one another and boosting cooperation.
To increase academician happiness and boost productivity, leaders should let academicians take part in crucial decisions and inspire them to speak and use their thoughts. They must also give their academicians recognition for their valuable contributions and set up a reward scheme to motivate the academicians to work at the top of their ability. Universities should encourage leaders to lead in a fair manner and provide them with the necessary training to improve their administration and leadership abilities. To improve the individuals' interpersonal and professional abilities, they ought to put in place a competence growth programme (Alkhasawneh, 2019). To assist their management and academicians in understanding their objectives and how they may assist to the achievement of the university, they must communicate a clear purpose and vision.
A leader's involvement in ensuring employee happiness is critical in every organization. A leader must not only ensure that the organizational culture has an impact on employee happiness, but also build leadership attributes that assist in employee happiness at the workplace. Appreciation for academicians and care for their well-being should be emphasized so that academicians experience that they are a major component of the organization. As a result, academicians would be more comfortable and happier at work. Due to such initiatives, not only academicians will be able to advance in their careers, but the universities will also be more successful.
Limitations and recommendations
Even though the study generated useful insights, the current study has some shortcomings. The current study's shortcomings will pave the way for future research work. The following are some of the study's limitations.
Because the data is acquired solely from private universities in Punjab, there is a chance of biases in the responses. Besides, the overall sample size of the study is relatively limited; results from a larger set of data may differ. Further, responses may vary depending on the institution's environment, procedures, and norms, limiting the universal applicability of the findings. Because convenience sampling is employed in the research, the shortcomings of this sampling technique can occur here.
There was no external funding support for this study.
Participants are gratefully acknowledged by the authors.
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Received 02.09.2022
Взаимосвязь между управленческим лидерством и счастьем сотрудников частных университетов Пенджаба
КАУР Раджвиндер
ОЯСГО: 0000-0003-3494-8054
Чандигархский университет, Гаруан (Мохали), Пенджаб, Индия
Аннотация. Цель. Основная цель исследования — изучить связь между управленческим лидерством и счастьем сотрудников частных университетах. Метод. В качестве основы исследования были использованы теории социального обмена и человеческих отношений. Данные для исследования собираются с помощью структурированной анкеты от академиков, работающих в частных университетах Пенджаба. Собранные данные проанализированы с помощью программного обеспечения SPSS-23 и подводятся результаты. Выводы. Результаты исследования показывают, что управленческое лидерство и счастье сотрудников взаимосвязаны. Управленческое лидерство вносит значительный вклад в счастье сотрудников. В исследовании также делается вывод, что позитивное управленческое лидерство помогает сделать университетских сотрудников счастливыми, и наоборот. Ценность результатов. Литература по управленческому лидерству и счастью сотрудников очень ограничена, поэтому настоящее исследование вносит уникальный вклад в эту область и повышает ценность существующей литературы.
Ключевые слова: индустрия образования, счастье сотрудников, высшее образование, лидерство, управленческое лидерство, частные университеты, счастье на рабочем месте.