Shukurov Jamshid Sultonovich, Candidate of Science (PhD) in Technics E-mail: [email protected] Askarova Mamura Komilovna, Candidate of Science PhD., in Chemistry Tukhtaev Saiydiaxral, Doctor of Science, academician, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Abstract: The study of a mutual influence of components in two aqueous systems consisting diurea of chlorate of sodium, monoethanolamine acetate, ethanol and cypermethrin found that in these studied systems, there is no formation of new compounds. That is the system components retain their individuality with the co-presence. The results of the studied systems show the possibility of obtaining a liquid defoliant with insecticidal activity.
Keywords: mutual system, diagram of solubility, the crystallization temperature, chart solubility polythermal system, defoliant, diurea of chlorate of sodium, acetic acid, monoethanolamine acetate.
Introduction It is viscous yellowish liquid with a faint odor. The
For the pre-harvest removal of cotton leaves, seed technical product contains ~ 90% of the main sub-
crops oflegumes, potatoes, sunflowers and rice, special stance. Precautions should be used - as with medium-
substances are used - defoliants, causing the leaves to toxic pesticides. It is used in the fight against pests of
fall off [1-2]. Timely application of defoliants ensures cotton against sucking pests at rates of15-25 g/ha. high-quality harvesting of raw cotton, accelerates the The destruction of sucking pests also contributes
opening of boxes, raises the grade ofproducts. to holding the defoliation of cotton. After defolia-
For the period of cotton ripening, a period of tion of cotton is significantly reduced the number of
development of a number of sucking pests occurs: sucking pests, but it is impossible to achieve 100%
aphids, whiteflies, and clusters [3], often causing kill insects. For qualitative defoliation of cotton and
broadening of the fiber of the opened bolls. This ad- to achieve 100% destruction sucking pests, such
versely affects the grade and technological properties defoliants must be used which exhibits both physi-
of cotton fiber [4-5]. To protect plants from sucking ological and insecticidal activity. pests and prevent "broadening" of cotton fiber, the The foregoing makes it necessary to create a
following insecticides are most widely used: mospilan low-toxic, effective defoliants, having physiological
(acetamiprid), acephate and cypermethrin [6]. and insecticidal activity. When using this prepara-
Cypermethrin (C22H19Cl2NO3) is an active sub- tion excluded two-fold cotton processing and re-
stance a-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-cis, trans - 2,2-di- duced rate of pesticide consumption. methyl-3-2,2 (dichlorovinyl) cyclopropane car- To study the physico-chemical process of obtain-
boxylate. The empirical formula is C22H19Cl2NO3. ing a new class defoliants having both physiological
and insecticidal activity was studied solubility in the systems; NaClO^2CO (NH2)2 - [95,0% C2H5OH + + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] - H2O; [99,65% NaClO3 • • 2CO (NH2)2 + 0,35% NH2C2H4OH-CH3COOH] -- [95,0% C2H5OH+5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] - H2O visually polythermal method in a wide temperature range.
The solubility of the components in the complex system NaClO3-2CO (NH2)2 - [95,0% C2H5OH + + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] - H2O (Fig.1) was studied in a wide temperature range to determine the mutual influence of the components at their joint presence in obtaining new types of defoliants.
Figure 1. The polythermic solubility diagram of the system NaClO3-• 2CO (NH2)2 - [95,0% C2H5OH + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] - H2O
The mutual influence of the components in the system NaClO3-2CO (NH2)2 - [95,0% C2H5OH + + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] - H2O studied using twelve internal incisions. Based the polythermal solubility of binary systems and the system of internal incisions NaClO3-2CO (NH2)2 - [95,0% C2H5OH + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] - H2O constructed polytermic solubility diagram of the eutectic freezing point -24,0 ° C to 40 0 °C, which is characterized by the presence of regions of crystallization of ice, urea, diurea of chlorate of sodium, cypermethrin and ethanol.
The indicated crystallization fields converge at three points of nonvariant ternary systems for which set the equilibrium compositions of the solutions and the corresponding crystallization temperature (Table. 1).
The eutectic point system corresponds to 47,6% NaClO3 • 2CO (NH2) 2, 1,72% [95,0% C2H5OH + + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] and 52,97% H2O at - 24,0 °C.
The mutual influence of components in the system [99,65% NaClO3-2CO (NH2)2 + + 0,35% NH2C2H4OH-CH3COOH] - [95,0% C2H5OH + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] - H2O studied us with eleven internal cuts (Figure 2).
Table 1. - Triple and double points of the system NaClO3 • 2CO (NH2)2 _ - [95,0% C2H5OH + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] _ H2O
Composition of liquid phase,% T o c cr Solid phase
NaClO3 2CO (NHJ, [95,0%C2H5OH + + 5,0%C22H19Cl2NO3l H2O
70,0 30,0 9,0 CO (NH2)2+ NaClO, • 2CO (NH2)2
68,0 1,3 30,7 1,6 CO (NH2)2+ NaClO3 • 2CO (NH2)2 + + Q2H19CINO3
48,0 — 52,0 —20,8 Ice + CO (NH2)2
47,6 1,72 50,68 —24,0 Ice + CO (NH,), + C^dNO,
2,8 4,56 92,64 — 11,6 Ice + C2H5OH + C22H19Cl2NO3
- 4,6 95,4 —2,0 Ice + C2HrOH
Figure 2. The polythermic solubility diagram of the system [99,65% NaClO3- 2CO (NH2)2 + + 0,35% NH2C2H4OH-CH3COOH] _ [95,0% C2H5OH +5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] _ H2O
Based the polythermal solubility of binary sys- an eutectic freezing point (- 24.8 ° C) to 50 °C,
tems and internal sections constructed solubility which is characterized by the presence of regions
of the system [99,65% NaClO3-2CO (NH2)2 + of crystallization of ice, urea, diurea of chlorate of
+ 0,35% NH2C2H4OH-CH3COOH] - [95,0% sodium, cypermethrin and ethanol. C2H5OH + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3] - H2O from
The indicated crystallization fields converge at and the corresponding crystallization temperature three triple points nonvariant ternary systems for (Table 2). which set the equilibrium solution compositions
Table 2. - Triple and double points of the system [99,65% NaClO3-2CO (NH2)2 + + 0,35% NH2C2H4OH-CH3COOH] - [95,0% C2H5OH + 5,0% C22H19Cl2NO3]
2'2 H2O
Composition of a liquid phase,% T . cr oc Solid phase
[99,65% NaClO3-• 2CO (NH2)2 + 0,335% NH2C2H4OHCH3COOH] [95,0%C2H5OH • • 5,0%C22H!9Cl" 2NO3] H2O
70,0 30,0 8,0 NaClO3 • 2CO (NH2)2+ + CO (NH,),
68,1 1,4 1,2 NaClO3 • 2CO (NH2)2+ + CO (NH.X + C^H^Cl^
49,4 1,56 -24,8 Ice+ CO (NH2)2+ + C„H,9Cl2NO3
51,0 - -21,8 -//-
2,8 4,56 -12,2 Ice+ C„H19Cl2NO3 +C2H5OH
- 4,6 -2,0 Ice+ C9H5OH
Thus, the results showed that in the studied systems do not form any solid solution or new chemical compounds on the basis of the starting components, that is, the components retain their individuality, and consequently, their physiological activity. The studied system is a simple eutonic type.
From the results of the studied system [99.65% NaClO, • 2CO (NH2)2 + 0.35% NHCHOH •
2 4
+ 5.0%
• CH3COOH] - [95.0% CHClNOj - H2O implies the possibility of pro
ducing a liquid defoliant with physiological and insecticida! activity by dissolving 5.0% alcohol solution of cypermethrin in aqueous solution diurea of chlorate of sodium and monoethanolamine acetate composition [99.65% NaClO3 • 2CO (NH2) 2 + + 0.35% nh2c2h4oh • CH3COOH].
According to the results of the studied system is obtained defoliant formulation based on diurea of chlorate of sodium, monoethanolamine acetate, ethanol and cypermethrin.
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