THE RATIO OF TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS IN MARTIAL ARTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Nazarov Z.A.

The article presents the results of studying some aspects of the relationship between traditions and innovations in wrestling and martial arts on the basis of methods of theoretical collection and analysis of information. The data testifying that knowledge of traditions and innovations in wrestling and different single combats allows to understand more deeply tendencies in development of sport, features of its functioning, and also to make assumptions about prospects of its further development are received.

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UDK 37.02

Nazarov Z.A. senior teacher Department of "Professional psychology, physical education and sports" Tashkent Institute of Finance Uzbekistan, Tashkent



Annotation: The article presents the results of studying some aspects of the relationship between traditions and innovations in wrestling and martial arts on the basis of methods of theoretical collection and analysis of information. The data testifying that knowledge of traditions and innovations in wrestling and different single combats allows to understand more deeply tendencies in development of sport, features of its functioning, and also to make assumptions about prospects of its further development are received.

Key words: traditions, innovations, sport, martial arts, interaction.

A number of reforms being implemented in our country today are aimed at improving the living standards of people, creating a spiritually and physically healthy environment in all segments of the population and strengthening their health. Therefore, now attention to physical education and sports has become the most important socio-political task of national importance. It is gratifying that in connection with the execution of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "on the strategy of actions in five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021", large-scale work is being carried out in the country aimed at creating conditions that meet modern requirements for systematic physical culture and sports for all segments of the population, especially the young generation, strengthening the youth's confidence in their abilities and capabilities through sports competitions, education of courage, patriotism and devotion to the Motherland, as well as improving the system of selection of talented athletes, further development of physical culture and sports in General.

Urgency. Traditions and innovations, as we know, are categories of cultural approach. They are an objectively existing reality, which still rarely comes to the attention of specialists in the field of sports, in particular, in wrestling and martial arts. At the same time, the study of sports through the prism of the ratio of traditions and innovations can help to identify certain trends, mechanisms of development of sports and plan the prospects for their further approval in the sports world. The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that such studies concerning the ratio of traditions and innovations in different sports martial arts in Russia and in the former Soviet countries have not actually been conducted yet.

Methods and organization of research. The study used the analysis and generalization of data from special literature, cultural-acmeological approach, induction, deduction, comparison.

Discussion of the results of the study. As the research has shown, the ratio of traditions and innovations is a phenomenon that is objectively present in all the diversity of modern life. When we say the word "new", then at the same time we naturally oppose it to something old, old, and therefore "traditional". The expressions "innovations", "new technologies", "innovations", "traditions" and similar concepts are very widely used in various types of human activity. Since physical culture is a "kind of culture of society" [1, 2], it is fully closely related to the concepts of "tradition" and "innovation" both in theory and in practice of physical culture and sports activities. In this article only three aspects of a ratio of traditions and innovations in types of wrestling are touched.

The first aspect is the origin of the type of wrestling, martial arts. In practice, there are several main ways of the emergence of wrestling in each individual country. The first method is the origin of the struggle on the basis of their own national ideas, origins, historical background, features of the development of life, cultural customs, etc. Such types of struggle are called "national" or "national". They exist in many countries as their own national tradition (for example, in Kazakhstan - wrestling "kazakhsha kures", in Moldova -"trynta", in Kyrgyzstan - "kuresh", in Tatarstan "Koresh", in Yakutia- "hapsagai", in Georgia "chidaoba", in Latvia - "Hey Dar", in Uzbekistan - "Kurash" and so on). These types of fighting or martial arts, being born as a phenomenon of folk in the future become and become the most popular combat sports. For example, the Kazakh wrestling "kazakhsha-kures" already holds Championships in Asia, Europe and the world. Thus, we can observe how a specific cultural and historical phenomenon-national wrestling (the tradition of the people) is gradually becoming a sport (innovation).

Another way is to borrow a struggle born in one country (tradition) from another country (innovation). In Russia and in other countries of the former USSR, such types of wrestling (single combats) should include, first of all, the cultural traditions of Japan (judo, karate, Aikido), China (Wu-Shu, wing-Chun), Korea (Taekwondo). In this case, the adaptation of other people's traditions naturally occurs, which as a result can lead to the "rebirth" of the former tradition in the form of a struggle with new national characteristics. For example, there is a narrow circle of specialists expression "Russian karate". There are also such situations when a new type of fight appears as a result of compilation of the most different types of single combats. The classic case is the creation of Sambo wrestling (an innovation based on the borrowing of many national traditions of other peoples). This trend actually appeared for a long time and now it continues to actively develop (a striking example - mixed martial arts, built on shock and throwing techniques). The next aspect concerns the problem related to the formation and functioning of federations of sports wrestling and various martial arts. The problem is quite acute and painful. It so happens that there is a new type

of wrestling, martial arts, which is becoming very popular. In the process of its development, several competing federations are created simultaneously or at different times. They are fighting among themselves for undisputed primacy and recognition with varying success. In order to reduce sports competition, or completely remove it for a while, in one form of wrestling (martial arts) often created many different versions, styles.

In other cases, on the contrary, they try to unite their forces into a single Federation or Association.

The third aspect relates to the rules of the competition, where traditions and innovations also interact. As the history of development of types of wrestling (single combats) shows, innovations here appear for the purpose of elimination of disputable moments at conducting a duel and definition of winners, increase of dynamism of fights, increase of their entertainment.

Conclusion. The conducted research shows that the types of wrestling and various martial arts in fact always in the course of historical development were and are an interesting cultural phenomenon of dialectical interaction of traditions and innovations. Thus in each type of fight (single combat) it is possible to distinguish both specific relations of traditions and innovations, and the General typical laws. It is revealed that the most common innovations are not absolute type, but relative. The appearance of innovations necessarily has certain reasons, practical reasons. Research in this direction makes it possible to better understand the existing trends in the development of wrestling and martial arts, their dynamics and allows you to successfully search for ways, approaches to effective management of this process in the present and build certain forecasts, plans for the future.

Sources used:

1. Федоров В.Л. К вопросу о физиологическом обосновании двигательного навыка в борьбе // На борцовском ковре - М.: ФиС. - 1986.

2. Новиков А.А. Основы спортивного мастерства. - М.: ВНИИФК. - 2003. - 196 с.

"Экономика и социум" №12(67) 2019



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