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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kuzmina Aleksandra Petrovna, Kuregyan Amalia Levikovna, Pertsevaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Methodological base relevance of socio-pedagogical activity of a secondary school teacher is presented in the aticle. The structural components and main features of socio-pedagogical activity of a secondary school teacher are also analyzed. The article outlines the theory of socio-pedagogical activity in the organic unity discourse of object and subject. A brief analysis of this theory, obtained through the review and study of socio-pedagogical, philosophical and psychological aspects of activities disclosed in the article, is given. Types of activities in the context of socio-pedagogical system are defined. The authors identifiy the structural components of teacher's activity in secondary schools and present its definition obtained by methodological substantiation of this topic and the study of the highlighted structural components. The conclusion reveals the main objectives and integrative result of such activity and shows its structure.

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14. Неверкович, С.Д. Методика проведения и структура организационно-обучающих игр / С.Д. Неверкович // Теория и практика физической культуры. - 1988. - № 3.

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UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Assistant professor, associate professor Kuzmina Aleksandra Petrovna Samara State Transport University (Samara); candidate of philological Sciences, Assistant professor, associate professor Kuregyan Amalia Levikovna Samara State Technical University (Samara); candidate of philological Sciences, Assistant professor, associate professor Pertsevaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Samara State Economic University (Samara)



Annotation. Methodological base relevance of socio-pedagogical activity of a secondary school teacher is presented in the aticle. The structural components and main features of socio-pedagogical activity of a secondary school teacher are also analyzed. The article outlines the theory of socio-pedagogical activity in the organic unity discourse of object and subject. A brief analysis of this theory, obtained through the review and study of socio-pedagogical, philosophical and psychological aspects of activities disclosed in the article, is given. Types of activities in the context of socio-pedagogical system are defined. The authors identifiy the structural components of teacher's activity in secondary schools and present its definition obtained by methodological substantiation of this topic and the study of the highlighted structural components. The conclusion reveals the main objectives and integrative result of such activity and shows its structure.

Key words: methodological framework, professional activity, knowledge of the world, personal education, socio-pedagogical activity of the teacher.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается теория социально-педагогической деятельности в дискурсе органического единства объективного и субъективного. Приводится краткий анализ основных идей данной теории, полученный с помощью обзора и изучения социально-педагогического, философского и психологического аспектов деятельности, раскрытых в статье. Определяются виды деятельности в контексте социально-педагогической системы. Авторы выделяют структурные компоненты деятельности учителя в общеобразовательной школе и представляют ее определение, полученное путем методологического обоснования данной темы и изучения выделенных структурных компонентов. В заключении обозначаются главные цели и интегративный результат такой деятельности, раскрывается ее структура.

Ключевые слова: методологическое обоснование, профессиональная деятельность, познание мира, воспитание личности, социально-педагогическая деятельность учителя.

Introduction. Modernization in the sphere of education, which is associated with the formation of a new generation, imposes special requirements on pedagogical activity and teachers are mostly involved in the process of formation of the younger generation. Methodological aspects are the most significant for the study of any problem. It has a direct impact on the personality formation, its development and self-development. So, it is necessary to consistently identify and observe the methodological basis of its functioning. Studying the problem of effective implementation of socio-pedagogical activity of a teacher, it is relevant to highlight its methodological basis in a multivalued sense.

A significant contribution to the study of methodological problems of pedagogy was made by domestic scientists V. Kraevsky, G. Shchedrovitsky, Y. Babansky [1, 2, 5] who justified different approaches to interconnection of pedagogy with other sciences, its right to its own conceptual apparatus, the leading role of science in teaching and educational practice, etc.

The aim of the article is to prove the essential characteristics of socio-pedagogical activity in the methodological aspect.

Main part. According to G. Shchedrovitsky, science should perform its functions in relation to methodology and practice within the methodology. The system of scientific fundamentals of modern methodology includes five basic disciplines: 1) general ontology of system-structural analysis; 2) theory of activity; 3) theory of thinking; 4) theory of science; 5) semiotics. Together, they set the system of means necessary for designing any science, pedagogy in particular [5]. It is no coincidence that the activity theory was paid special attention to by the scientists.

As a result of the activity study in interdisciplinary context (philosophical-cultural, psychological, pedagogical, sociological) we define the structure of activity, which includes the following components: 1) human needs; 2) subject of activity; 3) means of activity; 4) actions with the subject; 5) result of activity.

In the process of mastering the social environment, the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical actions is achieved through intermediate activity, which structurally consists of several elements:

- a set of initial conditions for its implementation;

- conceptual, i.e. systemic basis, which is considered to be its organisational core;

- technology of social object modelling;

- a variant field of project implementation possible ways;

- criterial basis for assessing the transformation quality of theory into practice [4].

Therefore, to design a complete model of social work system (in our case - socio-pedagogical activity) specialists must be ready to reproduce it in the form of a set of processes, due to which the generic life of a person is supported. Therefore, in the process of cognition it is only practice that determines the truth or falsity of theoretical knowledge.

The methodology of philosophical and pedagogical anthropology is valuable in the research of the problem outlined:

1. Ambivalence awareness of the teacher, of his or her activity. Taking into account that any act of consciousness is intentional, i.e. directed at objects, these objects can be both "practical", presenting human corporeality, and "ideal", presenting the semantic component of human existence. The possibilities of activity and cognition of the educator are limited by structural formations of experience of values (however, the more complete and moral a personality is, the more valuable other people and the whole surrounding world are to him or her). A personality should constantly strive for self-improvement in moral and professional fields to remain at a high level of humanity.

2. The study of real socio-pedagogical phenomena taking place in the educational process should be preceded by an attempt at generalisation.

3. It is important for the study to consider that a person is free of vital dependence and "open to the world", while at the same time every personality has its own unique inner world. The teacher should help the learner to overcome social difficulties, to create his/her own personality in close communication with the participants of the learning and educational process.

Taking into account systemic cognition studies of the world at the philosophical level, A. Averyanov defines the structure of practice as horizontal (in the sense of its forms and directions diversity) and vertical (in the sense of its stages temporal sequence). Accordingly, the horizontal structure of practice provides a "spatial" interconnection of various types of human activity having a coordinating (mutually predetermining) and subordinating character. However, an interesting pattern is observed for the vertical structure of practice, which allows to study theoretical cognition and the practice of matter transformation as defining poles of human activity [1]. Each action, being an integral part of human activity, is interpreted as a process of world cognition; in the course of social relations development there is an enrichment of socio-cultural experience and differentiation of activity into theoretical and practical.

The leading place in the socio-pedagogical activity methodology base belongs to the research carried out by V. Kraevsky who continued the conceptual provisions on the unity of pedagogical science and practice laid down in the philosophy of idealism of the German Enlightenment (I. Fichte, H. Hegel). According to the scientist, this phenomenon should be considered at the following methodological levels: general philosophical, general scientific, practical and specific scientific.

On the basis of the methodological principle of reality cognition it has been proved that social and practical activities of an individual are aimed at realising the social function of educating the individual. The world cognition should be carried out by analyzing "unity in difference and difference in unity" [4]. The components of socio-pedagogical activity in its philosophical understanding are defined through objects and results, on the basis of which we carry out scientific and practical content.

The systemic approach allows cognition of any subject or phenomenon of microsociety in close relationship and interaction with the socio-pedagogical processes of society. The priority of the micro-environment as a socio-pedagogical system is manifested in allowing the implementation of socio-pedagogical activities and the implementation of educational social relationships to support a growing personality.

The systemic approach contributes to the stability of the microenvironment as a socio-pedagogical system, which implies an equilibrium relationship between its structure and the socio-pedagogical processes that take place inside and outside, while remaining unchanged. A microsociety can only maintain a certain degree of stability for some time, because in a pedagogically organised microsociety the dynamics of intra-systemic processes often pull it out of balance and provoke structural changes. Therefore, stability and dynamism are relative concepts of a socio-pedagogical system, under certain conditions, the content of these components leading to a significant change in the system nature.

When characterising activities in the context of a socio-pedagogical system, we have to define their types,educational, educational-cognitive and cognitive activities are being the most important. We consider cognitive activity as a type of transformative activity, because its result is relevant knowledge, creation of new content of a personality. In socio-pedagogical discourse "cognitive activity stimulates the development of social experience: cognitive activity ^ personality ^ social experience". Cognitive activity is a comprehensive concept, as cognition is conducted not only for the purpose of learning, but also for the discovery of new scientific theories, facts, laws. The learning activity, therefore, is a more encompassing notion than learning and cognitive activity, since the learning process involves not only cognitive but also training activities related to the formation of skills and abilities. Therefore, the terms "action", "operation", "method", "skills" are used in describing learning activity. Thus, an activity is carried out with the help of a set of appropriate actions, which are processes guided by conscious goals. The scientist called the ways of performing actions as operations. Accordingly, a set of operations is considered to be a method of activity. Skills are onscious mastering of a certain method of activity. if these skills are automized they are called abilities. The notions "skills" and "abilities" reflect the level of formation of the corresponding actions.

It is also important to outline a space of joint actions in the development of dialogue between pedagogy and psychology. There should be a separation from direct transfer of the activity theory to educational practice, where students activity is seen only as reactive activity, carried out in response to certain requirements imposed by the teacher. Pedagogical action in the process of formation and self-development of a child is a value-sensitive interaction aimed at solving existential problems of a pupil. At the same time, teachers themselves undergo transformations in their perceptions and pedagogical methods. However, subject-subject interaction predetermines general transformations of a teacher and a student in a unified field of values and meanings, the space of dialogue interaction. Pedagogical action as a structural component of activity is considered to be the process of solving a contradiction between the participants of pedagogical interaction. Accordingly, the process of implementation of pedagogical activity constitutes a system as a consequence of integrating individual pedagogical actions. The conceptual model of professional educational activity includes substructures:

- personal competence (assumes personal qualities contributing to the development and improvement of natural and value spheres of students' personality: professional-pedagogical orientation, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical competence);

- professional competence activity as a qualitative characteristic of an activity subject, determined by the mastering degree of the content and means of solving professional tasks, as well as the operational aspect of a teacher's activity with different students categories;

- self-improvement competences, providing dynamism of the whole system of professional-educational activity due to active self-education and self-improvement.

Thus, socio-pedagogical activity synthesizes a variety of actions subordinated to the specific objectives of personal formation and development of a child, socialization and education.

Organizational and pedagogical activity is analized in the discourse of ensuring effective implementation of socio-pedagogical actions set by coordinating educational impacts of educational process subjects in pedagogical environment, aimed at the development of student's personality.

Modern socio-pedagogical science recognizes the leading integrative function, which involves knowledge integration about person education as social being, the formation and development of spiritual values in the process of interaction in the social environment; there is a tendency to focus on the student as a person, individuality, an active subject of any activity. This requires an appropriate strategy of teacher's activity, which acquires the nature of cooperation, co-creativity of a teacher and students in the socio-cultural environment of the educational institution.

Discussing sociocultural environment we mean specially created conditions which have a direct or indirect influence on consciousness and behaviour of a person to form values, beliefs, cognitive needs, social culture.

To ensure the effectiveness of educational activities we propose a value-based approach to their implementation, based on the teacher's deep understanding of the meaning of his/her activity by creating appropriate situations through professional reflection. Often a subjective approach to activity is used in the process of transforming the world and a person in this world according to one's own projects taking into account social and natural laws of the universe, because only in the process of creative self-activity a personality as a subject of his life is formed and develops. Subjectivity reflects the subjective-objective nature of pedagogical interaction, which is invariant, i.e. subject-object, subject-subject, and subject-collective object in each specific situation. Moreover, we characterise pedagogical activity as a meta-activity because it aims at shaping the other person.

The representation of socio-pedagogical activity is appropriate on the levels of subjectivity defined in psychology (monosubject, polysubject and metasubject). According to this concept, the monosubject's activity is aimed directly at its subject; the polysubject carries out normative actions regulation in the process of sociocultural interaction; the metasubject is aware of the higher essences of being and is ready for creative professional self-realization in space. However, in a teacher's socio-pedagogical activity these three positions are synthesized on the basis of awareness of meaning-making motives, basic and pedagogical values, spiritual objects, etc.

Let us turn to the analysis of the content "social activity" from the standpoint of pedagogy. It is an activity of human creation and reproduction; it coincides in a certain way with the term "social work". Domestic researchers note that the difference between these terms is seen only in the fact that "social work" is a professional activity of social direction, which is formally assigned to an executor and is aimed at an individual, a group, a work collective [4]. Therefore, pedagogical activity is considered as a special type of social activity aimed at transmitting socio-cultural experience of humanity, assets of material and spiritual culture to the next generations, preparing a person to perform certain social roles in society.

We define socio-pedagogical activity as a kind of professional activity of a teacher based on general philosophical-psychological and pedagogical interpretations of its essence and structure, which simultaneously embodies the social aspect (social problems of students, their psychological, medical and pedagogical study, socio-cultural features of the school environment).

Socio-pedagogical activity is considered as an open system, actively interacting with other social systems, as a specialist uses knowledge in a number of theoretical disciplines, solving professional problems of various branches of social practice; It is similar to the professional activity, which is aimed at creating favorable conditions for socialization, comprehensive development of an individual, satisfaction of his socio-cultural needs or restoration of social.

So, socio-pedagogical activity is thought to be a professional work of a social pedagogue (social worker). In our context, the emphasis is shifted to the specific features of teachers professional activity in close cooperation with a social pedagogue, psychologist, teaching staff of the school, students parents and other people.

Thus, socio-pedagogical activity of a teacher is a type of his professional activity, which aims to create the proper conditions for successful socialization of students in the socio-educational environment at school, their mastering of socio-cultural experience for being ready to self-actualize in society, helping children and their families in case of social factors negative influence.

Conclusions. Social-pedagogical activity is understood not only as a practical social activity, but also as spiritual activity, which serves as a means of teacher realization as a person and an individual. The goal and integrative result of this activity is sociality, as a complex characteristic of its subject, which is formed and developed in the family, educational institutions, ethnic, labour or professional community.

The structure of socio-pedagogical activity (like any other activity) includes goals, content, principles, methods, results. The main goal of its implementation is the organization of society as a pedagogically oriented environment for individual and group social education of students. Accordingly, the result of such an activity is students social qualities, self-awareness, as the main components of life activity in the society recognized in the social and educational environment of any educational institution.

In the discourse of the environmental approach socio-pedagogical activity is considered in the organic unity of objective and subjective. Its objective characteristic is characterizes by the fact that it involves continuous interaction of subjects with the surrounding world. The subjectivity of the phenomenon involved lies in the active transformative activity of the subject with his/her cognitive interests, needs, meaning-making motives, etc.


1. Averyanov, A.N. Systems Understanding of the World: Methodological Issues / A.N. Averyanov. - Moscow: Politizdat, 1995. - 263 p.

2. Babansky, Y.K. Rational organization of learning activities / Y.K. Babansky. - Moscow: Znanie, 1981. - 96 p.

3. Kraevsky, V.V. Methodology of Pedagogy: New Stage / V.V. Kraevsky, E.V. Berezhnova. - M.: Academia Publishing Center, 2006. - 400 p.

4. Social Work and Civil Society. Collective monograph / edited by I.A. Grigorieva, A.A. Kozlov, V.A. Samoylova. - SPb.: Scythia-Print, 2006. - 311 p.

5. Shchedrovitsky, G.P. System of Pedagogical Research / G.P. Shchedrovitsky // Pedagogy and Logic. - M.: Kistal, 1993. -P. 3-200

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