Научная статья на тему 'The problem of finding the appropriate definition while translating English vocabulary dealing with professions'

The problem of finding the appropriate definition while translating English vocabulary dealing with professions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kuzmin Artem Aleksandrovich

In the original article the search problem of the proper equivalents regarding english vocabulary with the meaning “profession” is examined. Authors have scrutinized semantic differences between “profession”, “occupation”, “job”, “position”. The idea about necessity of using the more appropriate Russian equivalent is grounded. This view would be useful for professionals in translating and teaching spheres.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The problem of finding the appropriate definition while translating English vocabulary dealing with professions»


swimming then?”

(8) “Yes, but cycling and swimming are things you never forget... ” (9) “The truth is that well... ”

(10) “Tell me.”

(11) “I have never learnt this particular thing like I can say I’ve learnt to cycle or to swim. ” (12) “A aah, you never forget these... ”

(13) “I know how to cycle and swim, the other thing I never learnt... ” (14) “Yes. ”

(15) “I’m using stabilizers and arm-bands... ” [3, p. 132].

Replica (9) speaking interlocutor introduces the evaluation metaphor that actually sums up what the second participant of the conversation has said before. Biking and swimming (CYCLING and SMIWINNING) are the types of activity that people do not forget. And the feeling of desire are similarly evaluated. However, this metaphor is not exactly the situation spoken of the participants of communication. In this regard, it gets joint discussion in the further course of the dialogue (lines 8-13).

In the dialogue we observe clarification of the metaphor's meaning. Its original meaning was limited to the designation of what not to forget. Replica (7) the value of metaphor is detailed as follows: what you need to learn to commit. Slot INEXPERIENCE of entering SEX is projected in the integrated space where it is combined with elements, which, in turn, are projected from the input space CYCLING and SMIWINNING (that is, stabilizersand arm-bands. The appearing images (lover with stabilizers or with arm-bands) produce a comic effect.

The Analysis of dialogical speech produced within this article, has shown that the evaluation metaphor acquires comic effect, generates laughter of the participants of communication, when their attention is focused on two concepts involved in modeling metaphors.

Speaking person - intentionally or unintentionally - separates the domains that are relevant to this metaphor, emphasizing the diversity of these domains. This creates a voltage between the two input spaces are denoted by their borders, which, in turn, leads to comic effect. In dialogical form of communication we can also observe processes of de-automatization metaphors: the interlocutors, appealing in the subsequent course of the dialogue to one of the input spaces, "destroy" conceptual integration, in which is formed a metaphor. In other words, in the communication there is the reverse process of conceptual integration.

In example (1) metaphorical expressions that generate comic effect, belong only to the input spaces. Reference to the introductory spaces leads to repeated conceptual integration. A similar phenomenon is observed in the process of realization of humor: the addressee is not aware of the ambiguity comic remarks up until in his mind not actualized expression belonging to only one script (the one that was previously implicitly expressed), and not the script, which was explicitly presented. We can say that the comic effect produced by the evaluation metaphor, and other ways of generating this effect combines the phenomenon of sudden realization of duality. In the first case, the generated statement with a metaphorical expression, which is based on two introductory space. In the second case, the text can be interpreted through two dissimilar script.

Our analysis showed that the fusion of input spaces also creates a comic effect in dialogical communication. In example (1) spawned two conceptual integration, in which mixed domains in order to create comical images. In this case also reveals two main components comic effect - duality and tension between the boundaries of the input spaces. Both the process of conceptual integration differ in dialogical communication sufficient originality, and therefore, fusion of elements projected from input space, creates unique to this communication metaphor. This phenomenon implies the fact that the introductory space is different by activity, necessary for the subsequent tension between these spaces, and hence the subsequent comic effect.


1. Проскурина А.А. Прецедентные тексты в англоязычном юмористическом дискурсе: автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. Самара, 2004.

2. Coulson S. What's so Funny?: Conceptual Integration in Humorous Examples


3. Holt D. Just Say Yes. NY: Red Rose Publishing, 2009

Кузьмин Артем Александрович

Аспирант, Воронежский Г осударственный Педагогический Университет ПОНЯТИЕ "PROFESSION" В АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНОЙ КУЛЬТУРЕ


В данной статье рассматривается проблема поиска подходящих эквивалентов английской лексики в сфере наименований видов занятости. Автором проведен анализ семантических различий дефиниций “profession”, “occupation”, “job”, “position”. Аргументируется мысль о том, что при переводе с английского языка на русский следует учитывать специфику значения словаи выбирать русское соответствие, наиболее точно отражающее английскую реалию. Такая точка зрения будет интересна специалистам в области переводоведения и в преподавания английского языка.

Ключевые слова: лексика со значением «профессия», соответствие, корреляция, перевод, асимметрия.

Kuzmin Artem Aleksandrovich Post-graduate student, Voronezh State Pedagogical University THE PROBLEM OF FINDING THE APPROPRIATE DEFINITION WHILE TRANSLATING ENGLISH



In the original article the search problem of the proper equivalents regarding english vocabulary with the meaning “profession” is examined. Authors have scrutinized semantic differences between “profession”, “occupation”, “job”, “position”. The idea about necessity of using the more appropriate Russian equivalent is grounded. This view would be useful for professionals in translating and teaching spheres.



Keywords: vocabulary with the meaning “profession”, equivalence, correlation, translation.

There is an important problem in teaching English at school - teaching to translate words with different notions and different nomination. It isn’t a goal at school to translate only, but nevertheless, teaching foreign language without teaching to translate correctly is impossible. While doing this, a teacher not only checks students’ text understanding, not only teaches adequate literal translation, but also meets students foreign cultural values.

Definite semantic and cultural-historic discrepancies often cause incorrect usage of these lexemes by Russian students. For example, this is a typical dialogue at English lesson: -“What is your father’s profession?-His profession is a driver. -Where does your mother work?- She is a cook by profession. I think profession of a cook is boring”.

As we see, the majority of students don’t associate the definition “profession” with having special or higher education. Also while making up personal questionnaire students prefer to use “profession” rather than “occupation”. They also use “occupation” in the meaning of “capturing the territory” quite often. Students don’t think much about the right search of correlation in other language, they often make a mistake by using words with similar pronunciation. We call these words “false translator’s friends”. There are also mistakes in understanding the words “position” and “trade”: “His position is an English teacher”, “He is a lawyer by trade''.

Leibniz writes: while using a language we should pay special attention to the fact that words aren’t just signs of thoughts, they are signs of things

So a translator has to know both historical background and the definitions of all the subjects in this background. If there aren’t any equivalents for the things in a translation language, a translator should think about the words with similar meanings.

One of the most responsible features of a real translator is that he should not only understand a foreign text, but also to transform it into another cultural-historic space. That’s why incorrect understanding of a text by an ordinary reader is a fault of a reader, and professional translator doesn’t do such mistakes. He has to create idea-cultural adaptation.

We face many language and stylistic difficulties when we translate. The Russian translation of the word “profession” has its own peculiarities. Firstly, this word has many almost similar synonyms: occupation, job, position, vocation, employment, field, calling, post, pursuit, business, craft. Secondly, the meaning of the word “profession” in Russian language and in English differs because of mentality and cultural variances. All these facts create special feature and difficulties at the same time. We tried to reveal common and different sides in the words, that have Russian equivalent “professia”. We have used plenty of dictionaries for this. We have made a table, that contains names of dictionaries and their definitions of the words “profession”, “occupation”, “job”, “position”.

Table 1- Definitions of lexemes with the meaning “professional activity”

Dictionary Profession Occupation Job Position

Visual Thesaurus 3.0 Desktop Edition An occupation requiring special education (esp. in liberal arts or science) The principal activity in your life that you do to earn money A specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee A performance of a piece of work A job in organization

Merriam-Webster Dictionary a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation; a principal calling, vocation, or employment an activity in which one engages; the principal business of one's life a piece of work an employment for which one has been hired; social or official rank or status

Cambridge Dictionary any type of work which needs special training or a particular skill, often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education a person's job the regular work which a person does to earn money the place where something or someone is, often in relation to other things

Collins English Dictionary an occupation requiring special training in the liberal arts or sciences, esp one of the three learned professions, law, theology, or medicine a person's regular work or profession; job or principal activity an occupation; post of employment a post of employment; job

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English a job that needs a high level a job or profession the regular paid work that you do for an employer formal a job; somebody's position as something

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language An occupation or career; an occupation, such as law, medicine, or engineering, that requires considerable training and specialized study An activity that serves as one's regular source of livelihood; a vocation A regular activity performed in exchange for payment, especially as one's trade, occupation, or profession. A position in which one is employed Social standing or status. A post of employment; a job



As we see, each word has its own specific area of meaning and usage. Making a conclusion, we can assume following statements:

1. We should pay attention to the context while translating the Russian word “professia”. We should understand if it is a profession, a job or a post.

2. We should pay attention to the specific area of a word’s meaning and choose the equivalent, that describes the English term more precisely while translating from English into Russian.

The results that we have obtained can be perfect additional material both for translator courses and methodic courses.


1. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language. Electronic resource. Access mode : http://ahdictionary.com/

2. Cambridge Dictionary. Electronic resource. Access mode: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/

3. Collins English Dictionary. Electronic resource. Access mode: http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english

4. Leibniz G.V. 4-volumes compilation.Vol.3, Moscow,1984,”Moskva”,p.22.

5. Longman dictionary of American English: Longman, 2008. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: Longman, 1992

6. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Electronic resource. Access mode: http://www.merriam-webster.com/

7. Visual Thesaurus 3.0 Desktop Edition. Electronic resource. Access mode: http://www.visualthesaurus.com/

8. Webster’s new collegiate dictionary : Meram Company,1990

Шевченко Елена Михайловна

Кандидат филологических наук, Белгородский государственный научно-исследовательский университет

Машкова Елена Викторовна

Кандидат филологических наук, Белгородский государственный научно-исследовательский университет ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ЕДИНИЦЫ С ЛЕКСЕМОЙ "ОГОНЬ" В ДИАХРОНИЧЕСКОМ АСПЕКТЕ


В данной статье рассматриваются фразеологические единицы с лексемой "огонь" на материале современного английского языка в диахроническом аспекте, что позволяет выявить информацию о многогранной культуре, истории, традициях отдельно взятого этноса.

Ключевые слова: фразеологическая единица, этимология, диахронический анализ.

Shevchenko Elena Mikhailovna PhD in Philology, Belgorod National Research University Mashkova Elena Viktorovna PhD in Philology, Belgorod National Research University PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH LEXEME "FIRE" IN DIACHRONICAL ASPECT


The article spotlights on the phraseological units of English with lexeme "fire " in diachronic aspect, which helps to reveal the information about multi-sided culture, history and traditions of a certain nation.

Keywords: phraseological unit, etymology, diachronic aspect

Phraseological units (Ph.U.) are popular and widely spread in different languages as they are very expressive. The analysis of their inner structure in diachronic aspect helps us to spotlight on the history, culture and traditions of different nations.

In this article we are going to describe the Ph.U. with “fire”- component in English as this nature element is vitally important for all human beings because on the one hand it gives warmth and life, on the other hand, it can be ruinous and disastrous and it can take this life away. The etymological analysis of this lexeme shows that it goes back to the Old English “fyr” which is in its turn related to Old Saxon “fiur” , Old Norse “furr”, Old High German “fuir” , Greek pur Derived words: “fireable ; fireless ; firer”[1]. Apparently there might be two roots for the lexeme “fire”: *paewr-and *egni-(source of Latin ignis). The first one was "inanimate," referring to fire as a substance, and the second was "animate," referring to it as a living force such as water [2].

There are the following definitions of the lexeme “fire“ in Collins Cobuild dictionary: 1) the state of combustion in which inflammable material burns, producing heat, flames, and often smoke

2) a) a mass of burning coal, wood, etc., used esp in a hearth to heat a room b) (in combination) firewood firelighter

3) a destructive conflagration, as of a forest, building, etc

4) a device for heating a room, etc

5) something resembling a fire in light or brilliance a diamond's fire

6) a flash or spark of or as if of fire

7) a) the act of discharging weapons, artillery, etc b) the shells, etc., fired

8) a burst or rapid volley a fire of questions

9) intense passion; ardour

10) liveliness, as of imagination, thought, etc

11) a burning sensation sometimes produced by drinking strong alcoholic liquor

12) fever and inflammation

13) a severe trial or torment (esp in the phrase go through fire and water)

Basing on the definition analysis, we may distinguish predominantly the following shades of meaning in the lexeme “fire“: 1. nature element; 2. house heating device; 3. home comfort; 4. passion; 5. zest for life; 6. fever; 7. destroying force.

Generally speaking, it should be mentioned that in many cases the shades of the semantic meaning of this lexeme coincide in English and Russian. It can be proved at the functional level even in Ph.U. We can illustrate it in the following examples.


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